o-o; -awkward-
Matsu sat on the floor and watched. "A dead version of Kazune, he's behind a big metal door, but I might let him out to play"
rawr is I love you in dinosaur.... -holds out jeebus croos- back ye demon!
you just 'I love you' in dinosaur.... -is weirded out-
-shoots edit box-
damn you......and you too evil edit box....
hehehe...dirty boy....XD
"Found her!" "Oh, I just gave Xyam a friend to play with"
yeah well you men would...
oh look up there
blasphemy! Blaspheyou!
because of the suspenders, thigh high stockings, over exposed cleavage and such...
"Coem on then" He walked in the direction Rika went. she stayed like that for a while, before opening her eyes again.
you evil thing, editting my post.....
you might want me to delete this after you see it [IMG]
"Shall we go watch Rika Onee-Chan practice?" Vivienne shut her eyes and concentrated.
Rhain! i finished the nurse mommy thing, i putted it in a album ^-^
yeah I agree, it's nice to have a serious conversation over something im passionate about without having to put sideways smiley faces on the end.
just scanned in the pic i was drawin' wanna see?
-hugs back- im good you?