1 Xemnas hes just the best... and he got über cool hair ! 2 Axel Got it memorized ?... theres nothing more to say... 3 Zexion I dunno why i lik him... i just do !
MutantFod means MutantFoot Because i got huge feets ! so simple (and clean)
Aww... i doesn't have an ice cream maker :(
sound like fun to me ! i gotta try it !
Emuparadise.org... that all i got to say !
4220 Not so much activity hmm... im bored... Catch the rain... log on MSN when you can ! i miss you... :S and stuff
4204... New profile picture wern't we only supposed to post ONE time ! , Gee...
I'm nr 4200 ! Wee ! mess with the best... die like the rest...
4195 Lets all be freinds :D and Gmail is googles mail system... (Googlemail) Got it memorized ? add me on MSN ! MutantFod@Gmail.com ! pleeease :P
4191 MutantFod@gmail.com Want Gmail ? i can get you one :P
4186 dyg (AlBhed) why ain't we just writing over MSN, Huh ?
4183 AlBhed ain't that hard :D and just keep trying with danish... :D you ain't that bad :D Run ! Shoot ! Kill ! Murder ! MURDER MURDER !
4178 you said... mit navn er Kayleah! erm.. hygelig hen til gøre bekndtscab med jer? the right thing to say mit navn er Kayleah! erm.. hyggeligt at møde jer.. (nice to meet you) the things you said after you're name doesn't make sense but i know what you were trying to say (i think) :D GOD, i hope i were right :P on Al Bhed you said: hehehehe look i can speak this though! lol me and my friends learnt when we first got FFX *cough cough* Right ? HAHA !
anyways... my name is = mit navn er i am your Dansk - engelsk ordbog (danish - english translator)
do you remember MTV music awards '06 ? the one with justin timberlake ?
4166 see Post #4162
4162 i doubt that you understand that... :D Hmm... Are you happy = er du glad? i would wish you were happy = jeg ville ønske du var glad (negative) i hope you are happy = jeg håber du er glad Happy = Glad... Got it memorized ? <(;_;')> <-- that's is a better one Sora-Riku !
4159 maybe its just 3... i dunno... and 'nok' means 'enough' but the word 'nok' alone doesn't mean Anything... :S very confusing... og 'gid at du er heldig' betyder direkte 'wish that you are lucky' no one from DK would say that... we say 'jeg håber at du er heldig' (write) 'jeg håber du er heldig' (speak) :P
4154 ...not that we actually HAVE beings :P Det var rigtigt :P (that were right) exept 'de' isnt spelled: 'De' but 'du' and it means: hello, how are you... can't explain why... ^ ^ it's kind of like... in denmark we dont say 'please' (be' om) every time we want something... 'så kan det være nok' just means 'enough' Hahaahh... there are 4 times as many words in english as in danish Kind of cool, huh? where'd you learned that ? can you write more on danish ?
4150 Hmm... i've also edited my number :P thats what happens when you put you're whole being in an attack. (next post continues)