did anyone save Aurangzebs video on how to hack inf hp codes? If someone did and still has it can that person post it in this thread please? ty!^ ^
hey guy's made another sig, cnc please.^ ^ hope you guy's like it.^ ^
Here are some logo's I made for my vb site that I'd like to share with you guys and get your take on em. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler cnc!^ ^
hey guy's I made another sig cnc please and ty.^ ^
Spoiler: new sig of mine hope you guy's like this one.^ ^
you guy's can download it and listen to it and lemme know if you like it.^ ^ http://www.mediafire.com/?ae20z006859idrk
so can someone do it please thank you. here's the img!^ ^
hey guy's I've been having a problem with my fat ps2, I've been tryin to play my kh2 ntsc game but everytime I tried to play it after I've started it with codes it gets past the beginning intro cutscene then past the scene where roxas wakes up from his dream about sora then at a certain point in the scene where they show roxas and his friends in the usual spot it crashes and if I try to skip the intro and the scene with roxas...right before the scene where their at the usual spot I get a BSOD, and I've tried everything I could think of to figure out what the problem is, like (for instence) putting less codes in, switch off certain codes in cb, I tried a new fat ps2 yes I can afford it, tried a dif kh2 game, nothing seems to work, any ideas?
hey guy's sorry if this has been suggested before but I would like to suggest that code tags be allowed in vm messages because when I hack a code for someone I don't normally like to put the codes in spoiler tags unless it's something no ones seen before so I put the in code tags and I'd like to be able to do this in vm's as well so can this be done? if so I would appreciate it a lot and will give rep to the member who does it.^ ^
hope fully this one is cleaner than my previous ones.=/ cnc is appreciated!^ ^
how many of you play yugioh and whould buy this card for this price? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Orica-Paral...179?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c8808c83 I bought one and love it!^o^ edit: of course mine is in english
hey guys so my mom's supposed to get her pc back tomorrow along with another pc from my neighbors but the internet cord I bought doesn't fit in the 2nd internet adapter plug of out cable motum so we were wondering....would it be possible to connect the internet cord into both pc's and have them feed on of the internet using the same motum between both pc's? Thanks you very much for any replies on this!^ ^
the gif that I had in my sig is gone wtf is up with that?will someone tell me wtf happened.)=<
there are only two prems online right now me and rat and one staff mixt and the rest are registered users which is pretty pathetic, I say.:/
k guys Ima not gonna be talking about illegel content here so please don't do it either but when ever I start my cbv10.elf with my pcsx2 I get an error in red that say ee: unrecognized op 1 and it won't go away, so ima un able to use my cbv10.elf with my emu, and a friend on msn said I can't use a code like inf hp with emuhaste and that I need to use a codebreaker elf so now Ima stuck between not bein able to use inf hp with emuhaste to not being able to start my emu with codes, oh yeah this error only accures when I start my game with my codes use cbv10.elf, can someone please help me? thank you!^ ^
hey guy's whats the cover on the front end of the CD tray called for the fat ps2? the part of the tray with the ps2 logo on it? because I need to get a replacement peace of that for my ps2, reason being that part broke off the tray and I need to get a new one.:/
hey guy's I'm leaving and I don't know if I'll be coming back reason is this forum is too damn strick I'm gonna see if I can't find a forum that's not so strict or finish mine because I'm sick and tired of getting in trouble for every damn thing and to my friends and my new friend masterj360 I'm sorry to walk out so suddenly but I hate how strict this forum is, masterj360 if you wish to request anymore custom forms here's my msn tourettesman2010@hotmail.com
hey guy's is it possible to use the slide tool with codebreaker instead of swap magic coder?
khbbsfm code 1 Spoiler Code: _S ULJM-05775 _G KHBBS FM _C0 Empirical value _L 0x2172b8c0 0x00FF425D _C0 Money MAX _L 0x2172b8c4 0x000F423F _C0 Users_L _L 0x2172b8c8 0x000F423F _C0 Infinite HP _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800 _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392 _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390 _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008 _L 0x20002008 0x00043140 _C0 keyblades (only Terra) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000101 0x00000001 _C0 keyblades (only Ventus) _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001 _L 0x10000001 0x00000001 _C0 keyblades (only Aqua) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000201 0x00000001 _C0 MONEY MAX _L 0x201A5298 0x00000000 _C0 MEDAL MAX _L 0x201A5304 0x00000000 _C0 DLINK GAUGE MAX _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 EXP MAX _L 0x2172B8C0 0x00FF425D _C0 inf HP _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800 _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392 _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390 _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008 _L 0x20002008 0x00043140 _C0 HP all over after injury _L 0xC0153154 0x53E00004 _C0 Must code _L 0x201F7878 0x0A200404 _L 0x20001010 0x00942023 _L 0x20001014 0x8E45002C _L 0x20001018 0x24010002 _L 0x2000101C 0x50250002 _L 0x20001028 0x0A27DE1F _C0 Unlimited companion HP _L 0xC0001020 0x864401CA _C0 Death blow enemy _L 0xC0001024 0x00002021 _C0 FP Fast Recovery _L 0xC0117E24 0x3C0F42C8 _L 0xC0117E28 0x448F6000 _C0 Command slots Full Max _L 0xC0142C20 0xE6160100 _C0 Focus slot usually fille _L 0xC0119FD4 0xE62C0044 _L 0xC011E494 0xE60E0044 _L 0xC0126418 0x00000000 _C0 Unlimited D-Link slot _L 0xC011E664 0xE616003C _C0 After the unabated use of props _L 0xC025D8F4 0x24070032 _L 0xC025FBD4 0x24160032 _L 0xC025FC98 0x24060032 _L 0xC0260B58 0x24050032 _C0 experience get x2 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129040 _C0 experience get x4 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129080 _C0 experience get x8 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x001290C0 _C0 experience get x16 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129100 _C0 experience get x32 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129140 _C0 experience get x64 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129180 _C0 experience get x128 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x001291C0 _C0 experience get x256 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129200 _C0 experience get x512 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129240 _C0 Express Upgrade Skills _L 0xC00E21C0 0x24062710 _C0 Store all items _L 0x8172A9FB 0x024C0001 _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000 _C0 All weapons (only Terra) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000101 0x00000001 _C0 All weapons (only Ventus) _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001 _L 0x10000001 0x00000001 _C0 All weapons (only Aqua) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000201 0x00000001 _C0 All synthetic material _L 0x817291B2 0x00080002 _L 0x10003200 0x00000002 _L 0x817291B4 0x002F0002 _L 0x10000063 0x00000000 _L 0x117291D2 0x0000320F _L 0x817291D6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004600 0x00000001 _L 0x817291E6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004605 0x00000001 _L 0x817291F6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004609 0x00000001 _L 0x81729206 0x00060002 _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001 _L 0x8172921E 0x00070002 _L 0x10004614 0x00000001 _L 0x1172923A 0x0000461C _L 0x1172923E 0x0000461D _L 0x81729242 0x000B0002 _L 0x10004620 0x00000001 _C0 MATERIAL AND FLAVOR 99 _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002 _L 0x10003200 0x00000002 _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002 _L 0x10004600 0x00000001 _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002 _L 0x10004605 0x00000001 _L 0x81729202 0x00040002 _L 0x10004609 0x00000001 _L 0x81729212 0x00060002 _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001 _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002 _L 0x10004614 0x00000001 _L 0x81729246 0x00020002 _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001 _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002 _L 0x10004620 0x00000001 _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002 _L 0x10000063 0x00000000 _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F _C0 All capacity _L 0x1172AC54 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x1172AC58 0x0000FEC5 _L 0x1172AC5C 0x0000FEC5 _L 0x1172AC60 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x8172AC64 0x00070002 _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000 _L 0x1172AC80 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x1172AC84 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x8172AC88 0x00110002 _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 1) _L 0x81729C66 0x005F000A _L 0x0000005B 0x00000001 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 2) _L 0x81729C68 0x0062000A _L 0x00000001 0x00000000 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 3) _L 0x81729C6A 0x005F000A _L 0x00000001 0x00000000 _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000116 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000117 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000118 0x00000002 _C0 The maximum level playing field _L 0xC025D644 0x3404001E _L 0xC025D64C 0xA2040037 Code: _C0 Boss Warp _L 0x20347AC0 0x0000XXYY _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000ZZ _C0 Start Final Round Keepers of t _L 0x211546A8 0x09080909 _C0 Start Final Round Villain's Ve _L 0x211546A8 0x08070808 _C0 Start Round 4 A Time to Chill _L 0x2114BCE8 0x08040404 _C0 Replace Zack (Ventus only) _L 0x20626000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Ventus only) _L 0x20626010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Zack (Terra/Aqua only) _L 0x20625000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Terra/Aqua only _L 0x20625010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Low Gravity _L 0x21074284 0x7247656C _L 0x21074288 0x74697661 _L 0x0107428C 0x00000079 _C0 Attack Modifier _L 0x01719B12 0x000000xx _C0 Magic Modifier _L 0x01719B13 0x000000xx _C0 Defense Modifier _L 0x01719B14 0x000000xx _C0 Max Mirage Arena Level _L 0x01719B17 0x0000001E _C0 Easy Command Board _L 0x21730E48 0x0001869F _L 0x21730E6C 0x00000000 _L 0x21730E90 0x00000000 _C0 Ice Cream Minigame Score 9999 _L 0x11166AA4 0x0000270F _C0 Easy 300 Unverse Minigame _L 0x1118190E 0x0000012C _C0 Easy Fruit Minigame _L 0x0117E61C 0x00000063 _L 0x0117E620 0x00000000 _C0 999 Hits On Do-the-Magic Minig _L 0x11144A64 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD54 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD56 0x000003E7 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Country Ch _L 0x0115B1AC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Disney Dri _L 0x011843DC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Grand Spre _L 0x0118B4EC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Castle Cir _L 0x0117641C 0x00000000 _C0 Infinite D-Link Gauge _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x340200xx _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 1 _L 0x11719B28 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 2 _L 0x11719B30 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 3 _L 0x11719B38 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 4 _L 0x11719B40 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 5 _L 0x11719B48 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 6 _L 0x11719B50 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 7 _L 0x11719B58 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 8 _L 0x11719B60 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Finisher _L 0x11719B68 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Shotlock _L 0x11719B70 0x000000xx _C0 Japanese language mode (= no voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001 _C0 Boss Warp _L 0x10347AC0 0x00000xxx _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000xx khbbsfm codes 2 Spoiler Code: digits here(some of them arent the same anymore) : [URL="http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?103056-Kingdom-Hearts-Birth-By-Sleep-Boss-Warp-Codes"]http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.ph...oss-Warp-Codes[/URL] _C0 Perfect Ven _L 0x201873C0 0x34020001 _L 0x01719B15 0x00000001 _L 0x11719B78 0x000000FA _L 0x11719B80 0x00000103 _L 0x11719B88 0x00000100 _L 0x11719B90 0x000000FB _L 0x11719B98 0x00000117 _L 0x11719BA0 0x00000105 _L 0x11719BA8 0x00000101 _L 0x11719BB0 0x00000115 _L 0x11719BB8 0x00000109 _L 0x11719BC0 0x00000113 _L 0x11719BC8 0x00000117 _L 0x11719B68 0x00000011 _L 0x11719B70 0x0000012D _L 0x11719B72 0x00000000 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x3402000x _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Language swapper (Voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001 _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Infinite Hp _L 0x20153154 0x53E00004 _C0 Disable Infinite HP _L 0x20153154 0x50800004 _C0 Character Level Mod _L 0x01719B11 0x000000xx boss hp mod (Vanitas) Spoiler Code: Vanitas Remnant HP Mod (Can't go over it's max hp, 200 =/ stays as 1 bar) 0x0113C6D8 0x00000XXX character slots 1 Spoiler Code: Slot 1 (Ventus only) 0x20626000 0x65YYYY62 0x20626004 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Ventus only) 0x20626010 0x65YYYY62 0x20626014 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Terra and Aqua) 0x20625000 0x65YYYY62 0x20625004 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Terra and Aqua) 0x20625010 0x65YYYY62 0x20625014 0x00XX3078 Character slots 2 Spoiler Code: C0 Start at round 6 in Combined Threat _L 0x2114DB98 0x06050606 _C0 Slot 1 (Ventus) L 0x206251F0 0x???????? _L 0x206251F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Ventus) _L 0x20625200 0x???????? _L 0x20625204 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Ventus) _L 0x20625210 0x???????? _L 0x20625214 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Ventus) _L 0x20625220 0x???????? _L 0x20625224 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Ventus) _L 0x20625230 0x???????? _L 0x20625234 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Ventus) _L 0x20625240 0x???????? _L 0x20625244 0x???????? _C0 Slot 1 (Terra) _L 0x206241F0 0x???????? _L 0x206241F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Terra) _L 0x20624200 0x???????? _L 0x20624204 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Terra) _L 0x20624210 0x???????? _L 0x20624214 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Terra) _L 0x20624220 0x???????? _L 0x20624224 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Terra) _L 0x20624230 0x???????? _L 0x20624234 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Terra) _L 0x20624240 0x???????? _L 0x20624244 0x???????? _C0 Slot 1 (Aqua) _L 0x206249F0 0x???????? _L 0x206249F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A00 0x???????? _L 0x20624A04 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A10 0x???????? _L 0x20624A14 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A20 0x???????? _L 0x20624A24 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A30 0x???????? _L 0x20624A34 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A40 0x???????? _L 0x20624A44 0x???????? character slot UCM digits Spoiler Code: YY Digits 3130 - Mysterious Figure (Freeze) 3031 - Vanitas (normal) [31 -> Low AI version] [32 -> Keyblade storm version] (Freeze) 3131 - Vanitas (Unmasked) [Extremely high RAM] (Freeze) 3231 - Vanitas Lingering Spirit (Freeze) 3336 - Ventus=Vanitas (Freeze) 3032 - Eraqus 3034 - Master Xehanort (Freeze) 3035 - Terra=Xehanort 1 (Freeze) 3135- Terra=Xehanort 2 (Freeze) 3235 - Terra=Xehanort 3 + Guardian [Extremely high RAM] (Untested) 3033 - Scarred Braig 3233 - Normal Braig (Doesn't appear) 3036 - Ven (Boss) 3236 - Armor Ven (Boss) 3936 - Ven (Ally) 3037 - Terra (Boss) 3237 - Armor Terra (Boss) 3937 - Terra (Ally) 3038 - Aqua (Boss) 3238 - Armor Aqua (Boss) 3938 - Aqua (Ally) These ones need to replace both of the 2nd part of the code, not just the 4 characters. Monstro 0x68333862 0x00303073 Metamorphosis 0x6C313062 0x00303073 ]Zack (With Helmet) 0x68303362 0x00303065 Zack (Without Helmet) 0x68303462 0x00303065 Hercules (Ally role? Does nothing, just interesting...) 0x68303262 0x00303065 Ice Titan 0x68303162 0x00303065 Mimic Master 0x76313062 0x00303073 Armor of the master (Is invisible at 1st however will eventually become visible) 0x76313862 0x00303073 No Heart(He appears as MX keyblade at first, it seems like something trigger him. He appears if you use Unison Rush command) 0x76353862 0x00303073 XX Digits 30 - If the boss doesn't have an alternate form 31 - Alternate 1 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) 32 - Alternate 2 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) Command Board Modifier Spoiler Code: Command Board turn modifier (Activate after you've loaded your save otherwise the save will be seen as corrupt) 0x01735609 0x000000xx Command Board turn modifier (Mirage Arena) 0x01003E40 0x000000xx Battle LV Mods -- these codes edit the battle level for worlds, the digits are hex digits to whatever you want. it affects the stats of enemies, don't set it too high or else you have invincible enemies. the codes Spoiler Battle LV Mods _C0 Land of Departure _L 0x01728705 0x00000000 _C0 Dwarf Woodlands _L 0x01728706 0x00000000 _C0 Castle of Dreams _L 0x01728707 0x00000000 _C0 Enchanted Dominion _L 0x01728708 0x00000000 _C0 The Mysterious Tower _L 0x01728709 0x00000000 _C0 Radiant Garden _L 0x0172870A 0x00000000 _C0 Olympus Coliseum _L 0x0172870C 0x00000000 _C0 Deep Space _L 0x0172870D 0x00000000 _C0 Neverland _L 0x0172870F 0x00000000 _C0 Disney Town _L 0x01728710 0x00000000 _C0 Keyblade Graveyard _L 0x01728711 0x00000000 _C0 (most likely Mirage Arena) _L 0x0172870B 0x00000000 _C0 Destiny Islands (useless since no enemies there) _L 0x0172870E 0x00000000 _C0 Battle LVL Final Episode (makes the battle level like it is in the Final Episode) _L 0x21728704 0x08080D00 _L 0x21728708 0x000A0808 _L 0x2172870C 0x09000908 _L 0x21728710 0x00000A07 the below three codes are used to reverse the battle levels to the proper digits (assuming you're at the end of the game and beaten Vanitas Remnant) _C0 Battle LVL End Game (Aqua) _L 0x21728704 0x04050D00 _L 0x21728708 0x00060506 _L 0x2172870C 0x08000706 _L 0x21728710 0x00000906 _C0 Battle LVL End Game (Ventus) _L 0x21728704 0x05040D00 _L 0x21728708 0x00060706 _L 0x2172870C 0x08000706 _L 0x21728710 0x00000906 _C0 Battle LVL End Game (Terra) _L 0x21728704 0x05060D00 _L 0x21728708 0x00060404 _L 0x2172870C 0x08000706 _L 0x21728710 0x00000906 No BGM Spoiler _C0 Full No BGM _L 0x403BF6DC 0x005A0004 _L 0x00000000 0x00000000 KHBBS FM Boss Warps Spoiler Aqua World of Departure 0x20347ADC 0601FFFF 0x20347AE4 00380038 This code will crash the game after the battle is over. Terra: 0x20347ADC 0601FFFF 0x20347AE4 00390039 This code will crash the game after the battle is over. Aqua: 0x20347ADC 0601FFFF 0x20347AE4 00370037 This code will crash the game after the battle is over. Orbs of Light: 0x20347ADC 0201FFFF 0x20347AE4 004B004B Castle of Dreams Guide Jaq to the Mouse hole: 0x20347ADC 0303FFFF 0x20347AE4 003C003C Cursed Carriage: 0x20347ADC 0603FFFF 0x20347AE4 003B003B Dwarf Woodlands Magic Mirror: 0x20347ADC 0902FFFF 0x20347AE4 003B003B Change the top line of the code to another world/map or you'll be stuck inside the mirror after the battle is over. Enchanted Dominion Maleficent's Goons: 0x20347ADC 1104FFFF 0x20347AE4 00350035 Team up with Prince Philip: 0x20347ADC 0204FFFF 0x20347AE4 00380038 Awfully bugged, do not use the reaction with Philip or the game will crash. Dragon Maleficent: 0x20347ADC 0A04FFFF 0x20347AE4 00390039 Much like the magic mirror, you MUST change the top line of the code to another world/map or the game will lock you outside the thorn castle. Radiant Garden Defeat the Unversed with Mickey: 0x20347ADC 0A06FFFF 0x20347AE4 00440044 Trinity Armour: 0x20347ADC 0606FFFF 0x20347AE4 00450045 Vanitas, First Fight: 0x20347ADC 0606FFFF 0x20347AE4 00460046 Olympus Coliseum Defeat the Unversed with Hercules: 0x20347ADC 0108FFFF 0x20347AE4 00360036 Olympus Coliseum Tournament: 0x20347ADC 0408FFFF 0x20347AE4 00380038 Zack: 0x20347ADC 0408FFFF 0x20347AE4 00390039 Ice Titan & Hades: 0x20347ADC 0608FFFF 0x20347AE4 00440044 Deep Space Defeat all of the Unversed: 0x20347ADC 0309FFFF 0x20347AE4 00370037 Defeat all of the Unversed alongside Stitch: 0x20347ADC 0109FFFF 0x20347AE4 003A003A Defeat all of the Unversed Space Riders: 0x20347ADC 0A09FFFF 0x20347AE4 00410041 Captain Gantu: 0x20347ADC 0909FFFF 0x20347AE4 00390039 Disney Town Fruit Splatter: 0x20347ADC 0E0CFFFF 0x20347AE4 00590059 Neverland Vanitas, Second Fight: 0x20347ADC 080BFFFF 0x20347AE4 00380038 Keyblade Graveyard Braig: 0x20347ADC 0C0DFFFF 0x20347AE4 003C003C Vanitas, Final Fight: 0x20347ADC 0C0DFFFF 0x20347AE4 003D003D Vanitas Sentiment: 0x20347ADC 380DFFFF 0x20347AE4 00580058 Dark Radiant Garden Terranort: 0x20347ADC 0D06FFFF 0x20347AE4 00470047 Terranort & Darkness: 0x20347ADC 0E06FFFF 0x20347AE4 00480048 Realm of Darkness Pureblood Heartless: 0x20347ADC 1707FFFF 0x20347AE4 004E004E I decided I'd add boss warps to the list of codes here since the others were in the attatchments. Force 60 FPS Mode Spoiler Code: _C0 Force 60 FPS Mode _L 0x21725EC8 0x00000000 Enemy Replacement Modifier (Terra's Story) - Credits~ to Sonicshadowsilver2 Spoiler Code: _C0 Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finisher Tutorial) -> ???? _L 0x206361C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206361C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Enemy; Shotlock Tutorial) -> ???? _L 0x20636290 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636294 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636364 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636430 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636434 0x00??30YY _C0 Terra (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636504 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206351D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206351D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206351E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206351E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Orbs of Light (Possessed) -> ???? _L 0x20634D80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20634D84 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Floods (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C6E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C6E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Scrappers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C6F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C6F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Bruisers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C700 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C704 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Red Hot Chilis (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight)-> ???? _L 0x2063C710 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C714 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheel Master (Enchanted Dominion) -> ???? _L 0x2063B560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B564 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Floods (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C180 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C184 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Scrappers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C190 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C194 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Bruisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Red Hot Chilis( Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Hareraisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Floods (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC24 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Scrappers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC34 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC44 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC54 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC64 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C564 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C570 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C574 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C580 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C584 0x00??30YY _C0 Symphony Master -> ???? _L 0x2063C360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C364 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Floods (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A44 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Scrappers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A54 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Bruisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A64 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Red Hot Chilis (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A74 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Hareraisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Spirit of the Magic Mirror -> ???? _L 0x20658C20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20658C24 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Floods (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD14 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Red Hot Chilis (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD24 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Tank Topplers (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD34 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Blue Sea Salts (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD44 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Chrono Twisters (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD54 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BBF0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BBF4 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BC00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BC04 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B870 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B874 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B880 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B884 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B890 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B894 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Braig -> ???? _L 0x2063B830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B834 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Floods (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Vile Phials (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Yellow Mustards (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Buckle Bruisers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Axe Flappers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206437D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206437D4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20643940 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643944 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20643950 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643954 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20643A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643A74 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 4) Buckle Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20643BE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643BE4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 5) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x20643CB0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643CB4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20643EC0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EC4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20643ED0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643ED4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Yellow Mustards -> ???? _L 0x20643EE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EE4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Axe Flappers -> ???? _L 0x20643EF0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EF4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 7) Buckle Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206441A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206441A4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x20644310 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644314 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Chrono Twisters -> ???? _L 0x20644320 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644324 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Mandrakes -> ???? _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 10) Jellyshade (Swarm; Olympus Coliseum) -> ???? _L 0x20644750 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644754 0x00??30YY _C0 Zack I (With Helmet) -> ???? _L 0x20644820 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644824 0x00??30YY _C0 Zack II (Without Helmet) -> ???? _L 0x206448F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206448F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Lanes Between) -> ???? _L 0x2063E440 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063E444 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Floods (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641270 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641274 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Tank Topplers (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641280 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641284 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Vile Phials (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641290 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641294 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Sonic Blasters (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206412A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206412A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Yellow Mustards (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206412B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206412B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Experiment 221 -> ???? _L 0x2063F270 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063F274 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Floods (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20649990 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649994 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Archravens (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Vile Phials (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Triple Wreckers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Wild Bruisers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Peter Pan -> ???? _L 0x20649CE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649CE4 0x00??30YY _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Skull Rock: Cavern) -> ???? _L 0x20649E80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649E84 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Eraqus -> ???? _L 0x20634FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20634FA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Vanitas -> ???? _L 0x20627C70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C74 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Xehanort (With Vanitas) -> ???? _L 0x20627C80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C84 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Xehanort (Without Vanitas) -> ???? _L 0x20627DA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627DA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Terra-Xehanort -> ???? _L 0x20627C20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C24 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206225C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206225D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206225E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206225F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20622E00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E04 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622E10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E14 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20622E20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E24 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20622E30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E34 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20623600 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623604 0x00??30YY _C0 Iron Imprisoner I (Day of Reckoning) -> ???? _L 0x2062E9C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2062E9C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x20622020 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622024 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20622030 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622034 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20622040 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622044 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20622050 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622054 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A74 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20622A90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A94 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Axe Flappers -> ???? _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Cursed Coach (Wheels of Misfortune) -> ???? _L 0x20623260 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623264 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206218D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206218E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x206218F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621E00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E04 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20621E10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E14 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20621E20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E24 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Chrono Twisters -> ???? _L 0x20621E30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E34 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622550 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622554 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Prize Pods -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20621F80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621F84 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621F90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621F94 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20621FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621FA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20621FB0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621FB4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206227C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206227D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x206227E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x206227F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheel Master (Mirage Arena; Weaver Fever) -> ???? _L 0x20623050 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623054 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20623E40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E44 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20623E50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E54 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20623E60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E64 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20623E70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E74 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206248E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206248E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206248F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206248F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20624910 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20624914 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20625330 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625334 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20625340 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625344 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20625350 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625354 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20625360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625364 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20625B70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B74 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20625B80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B84 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20625B90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B94 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20625BA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625BA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Iron Imprisoner II (Sinister Sentinel) -> ???? _L 0x2062EA90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2062EA94 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20621890 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621894 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206218A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206218B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x206218C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20622210 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622214 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20622220 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622224 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20622230 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622234 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x20622240 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622244 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20622B20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B24 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20622B30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B34 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20622B40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B44 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x20622B50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B54 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206235C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Mimic Master (Dead Ringer) -> ???? _L 0x20623FC0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623FC4 0x00??30YY Enemy Replacement digits Incomeplete - Credits~ to Sonicshadowsilver2 Spoiler Code: List of Digits are incomplete YY Digits Main - 65 78 Land of Departure - 64 70 Dwarf Woodlands - 73 77 Castle of Dreams - 63 64 Enchanted Dominion - 73 62 Mysterious Tower - 79 74 Radiant Garden - 72 67 Disney Town - 64 63 Olympus Coliseum - 68 65 Deep Space - 6C 73 Neverland - 70 70 Keyblade Graveyard - 6B 67 Mirage Arena - 76 73 Realm of Darkness - 6A 62 ZZ Digits Characters/Bosses - 62 Objects - 67 Enemies - 6D NPCs - 6E Main Characters/Bosses 0x65xxxx62 0x00??3078 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Unknown (Mysterious Figure) 3230 - Dark Hide 3031 - Vanitas 30 -Vanitas I (Badlands/Radiant Garden) 31 - Vanitas II (Neverland/Keyblade Graveyard with Master Xehanort) 32 - Vanitas II (Keyblade Graveyard without Master Xehanort) 3131 - Final Vanitas (Extremely High Ram) 3231 - Vanitas Remnant 3032 - Master Eraqus 3033 - Braig (Aqua's Story) 3133 - Braig's Bullet? 3233 - Braig (Terra's Story) 3034 - Master Xehanort 3035 - Terranort 3135 - Final Terranort I 3235 - Final Terranort II 3335 - Master Xehanort's Keyblade 3435 - Something Invisible? 3535 - Ends of the Earth (During Ultima Cannon) 3635 - Terranort's Guardian 3036 - Ventus (Enemy) 3136 - Wayward Wind 3336 - Venitas 3436 - Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finish/Shotlock Tutorial) 3836 - Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3936 - Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3037 - Terra (Enemy) 3137 - Earthshaker 3337 - Terra (Enemy; High HP with no sound) 3837 - Terra (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3937 - Terra (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3038 - Aqua (Enemy) 3138 - Rainfell 3338 - Aqua (Enemy; High HP with no sound) 3838 - Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3938 - Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3039 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3139 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3239 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3339 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3439 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3539 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3639 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3739 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3839 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3939 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? Main Objects 0x65xxxx67 0x00303078 3130 - Save Point 3330 - Sticker 3530 - Special Unversed's Crest 3031 - Moogle Shop Normal Enemies 0x65xxxx6D 0x003?3078 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3230 - Scrapper 3330 - Bruiser 3430 - Red Hot Chili 3530 - Monotrucker 3630 - Thornbite 3730 - Shoegazer 3830 - Spiderchest 3930 - Archraven 3031 - Hareraiser 3131 - Jellyshade (Solo) 3231 - Tank Toppler 3331 - Vile Phial 3431 - Sonic Blaster 3531 - Triple Wrecker 3631 - Wild Bruiser 3731 - Blue Sea Salt 3831 - Yellow Mustard 3931 - Mandrake 3032 - Buckle Bruiser 3132 - Chrono Twister 3232 - Axe Flapper 3332 - Prize Pod 3432 - Glidewinder 30 - Orange 31 - Blue 32 - Yellow 3532 - Blobmob 3632 - Orb of Light (Possesed) 3732 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield 3832 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield 3233 - Jellyshade 30 - Red 31 - Green 32 - Pink 33 - Blue 34 - Jellyshade Swarm? 3034 - Shadow 3134 - Neoshadow 3234 - Darkball 3035 - Vitality Vial 3135 - Flame Box 3235 - Lone Runner 3335 - Belly Balloon 3435 - Floating Flora 3535 - Something in FM? 3635 - Gluttonous Goo 3735 - Element Cluster 3835 - Ringer (Single) 3935 - Ringer (Trio) Main NPCs 0x65xxxx6E 0x00303078 xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3031 - Moogle (Transparent) 3131 - Moogle (Solid) 3231 - Moogle (Solid) 3331 - Moogle (Solid) Land of Departure (Objects) 0x64xxxx67 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Training Gear (Single) 3231 - Training Gear (Trio) Dwarf Woodlands 0x73xxxx62 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Mad Treant 3230 - Purple Apple (From Mad Treant) 3330 - Firework (From Mad Treant) 3031 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror 3131 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror (Fake; From Circle/Hallway Attack) Dwarf Woodlands (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3231 - Unstable Box 3331 - Cart (Non-Solid) 3431 - Green/Blue/Red Jar 3531 - Blank Jar 3631 - Fire Machine 3731 - Fire Machine (Non-Solid) 3831 - Stable Box 3931 - Something Invisible 3032 - Black Gate 3232 - Something Invisible 3532 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights 3632 - Tree Dwarf Woodlands (Enemies) 0x73xxxx6D 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Tree (From Snow White Escort) 3230 - Doc 3330 - Grumpy 3430 - Sleepy 3530 - Bashful 3630 - Sneezy 3730 - Happy Dwarf Woodlands (NPCs) 0x73xxxx6E 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Snow White 3230 - The Prince 3330 - The Queen 3430 - Doc 3530 - Grumpy 3630 - Happy 3730 - Sleepy 3830 - Bashful 3930 - Sneezy 3031 - Dopey Castle of Dreams 0x63xxxx62 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3130 - Symphony Master 3230 - Symphony Master's Trumpet 3330 - Symphony Master's Violin 3430 - Symphony Master's Drums 3031 - Cursed Coach 3032 - Lucifer Castle of Dreams (Objects) 0x63xxxx67 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Fork 3131 - Ball of Yarn 3231 - Matches Box 3331 - Cheese 3431 - Cheese 3531 - White Sash 3631 - White Button 3731 - Pink Fabric 3831 - White Lace 3931 - Pink Thread Castle of Dreams (NPCs) 0x63xxxx6E 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3230 - Cinderella (T-Stance) 3430 - Prince Charming 3530 - Fairy Godmother 3930 - Jaq 3131 - The Grand Duke 3331 - Jaq (Escort) Enchanted Dominion 0x73xxxx62 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Maleficent 3330 - Dragon Maleficent 3031 - Wheel Master Enchanted Dominion (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Rising Wall 3231 - Wheel and Black Gate from Castle Escape 3331 - Something Invisible with Black Gate (Non-Solid) 3431 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights 3531 - Teleporter 3631 - White Diamond (Aurora's Heart?) 3032 - Rising Wall 3132 - Rising Wall Enchanted Dominion (Enemies) 0x73xxxx6D 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Maleficent's Goon (Spear) 3230 - Maleficent's Goon (Archer) 3330 - Boulder 3031 - Maleficent's Goons (Horde) Enchanted Dominion (NPCs) 0x73xxxx6E 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3330 - Prince Phillip 3530 - Flora 3630 - Fauna 3730 - Merryweather 3830 - Maleficent's Raven Mysterious Tower (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) Mysterious Tower (NPCs) 0x79xxxx6E 0x00303074 xxxx digits 3130 - Yen Sid 3230 - Donald Duck 3330 - Goofy 3430 - King Mickey (Ally?; T-Stance) Radiant Garden 0x72xxxx62 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) 3230 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Formed; T-Stance) 3330 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed; T-Stance) 3430 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) 3530 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) 3630 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) 3730 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) 3830 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) Radiant Garden (Objects) 0x72xxxx67 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Winnie the Pooh Book Radiant Garden (NPCs) 0x72xxxx6E 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3131 - Merlin Disney Town (Objects) 0x64xxxx67 0x00303063 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3733 - Ice Cream Machine 3134 - Mailbox 3234 - Fire Hydrant 3334 - Popcorn Cart 3434 - Lightpost 3734 - Small Tree 3834 - Bench Disney Town (NPCs) 0x64xxxx6E 0x00??3063 (? = Changes Version) xxxx digits 3430 - Queen Minnie 3530 - Daisy 3630 - Chip 3730 - Donald's Nephews 30 - Huey 31 - Dewey 32 - Louie 3830 - Horace Horsecollar 3032 - Captain Justice 3033 - Huey Olympus Coliseum 0x68xxxx62 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Hades (Aqua's Story) 3031 - Ice Colossus (Aqua's Story) 3032 - Hercules (Ally?; T-Stance) 3132 - Hercules (Has HP Bars; T-Stance) 3033 - Zack (Terra's Story) 3034 - Zack (Aqua's Story) Olympus Coliseum (Objects) 0x68xxxx67 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Small Urn 3131 - Big Urn 3231 - Barrel 3331 - Exploding Barrel 3631 - Small Urn Olympus Coliseum (NPCs) 0x68xxxx6E 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Hercules 3230 - Philoctetes 3330 - Philoctetes Deep Space 0x6Cxxxx62 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Metamorphosis II 3230 - Metamorphosis I 3031 - Gantu 3032 - Experiment 221 3232 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3332 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) Deep Space (Objects) 0x6Cxxxx67 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Gas Tank 3231 - Oxygen Tank 3431 - Teleporter? 3531 - Lift (From Turo Prison Block) 3631 - Door (From Ship Corridor Forced Fight) 3831 - Purple Box 3931 - Red Box 3132 - Rotator Machine (From Outside) 3232 - Purple Box (From Gantu Fight) 3332 - Red Boxes (From Gantu Fight) 3432 - Window (From Turo Prison Block) 3135 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3235 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3535 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3536 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) Deep Space (Enemies) 0x6Cxxxx6D 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Gun Deep Space (NPCs) 0x6Cxxxx6E 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Experiment 626 (Stitch) 3230 - Dr. Jumba Jookiba 3530 - The Grand Councilwoman Neverland 0x70xxxx62 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Captain Hook 3230 - The Crocodile 3032 - Peter Pan Neverland (Objects) 0x70xxxx67 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Breakable Rock 3131 - Breakable Rocks 3231 - Breakable Rocks 3331 - Yellow Circle? (Pixie Dust Orb?) 3431 - Tall Tiki Statue 3531 - Drum 3631 - 2D Hook's Ship + Cannonballs 3731 - Cannonball (Non-Solid) 3931 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights Neverland (NPCs) 0x70xxxx6E 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Peter Pan 3230 - Tinker Bell 3330 - Slightly 3430 - Cubby Keyblade Graveyard (Objects) 0x6Bxxxx67 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Tornado 3131 - Top of Tornado 3231 - Red Triangle (Vanitas Remnant's Crest?) Mirage Arena 0x76xxxx62 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Mimic Master 3230 - Mimic Master's Card (Normal) 3330 - Mimic Master's Card (Terra) 3031 - Iron Imprisoner I 3131 - Iron Imprisoner II 3231 - Iron Imprisoner III 3331 - Iron Imprisoner IV 3431 - Iron Imprisoner's Cage 3034 - Cursed Coach (Mirage Arena) 3035 - Wheel Master (Mirage Arena) 3036 - Zack (Mirage Arena) (Invisible until he uses Hero's Pride. Hit him to make him fight.) 3137 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) 3437 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) 3537 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) 3637 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) 3737 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) 3837 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) 3038 - Hades (Mirage Arena) 3138 - Armor of the Master 3238 - No Heart (Sitting) 3338 - Monstro 3438 - No Heart (Part of Keyblade from 1st Phase) 3538 - No Heart 3638 - No Heart (Something from 1st Phase) 3738 - No Heart's Keyblade 3039 - Ice Colossus (Mirage Arena) Mirage Arena (Objects) 0x76xxxx67 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Red Triangle Mirage Arena (Enemies) 0x76xxxx6D 0x00??3073 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3230 - Scrapper 3330 - Bruiser 3430 - Red Hot Chili 3530 - Monotrucker 3630 - Thornbite 3730 - Shoegazer 3830 - Spiderchest 3930 - Archraven 3031 - Hareraiser 3231 - Tank Toppler 3331 - Vile Phial 3431 - Sonic Blaster 3531 - Triple Wrecker 3631 - Wild Bruiser 3731 - Blue Sea Salt 3831 - Yellow Mustard 3931 - Mandrake 3032 - Buckle Bruiser 3132 - Chrono Twister 3232 - Axe Flapper 3332 - Prize Pod 3532 - Blobmob 3233 - Jellyshade 30 - Dark Blue 31 - Orange 32 - Light Blue 33 - Pink 34 - Jellyshade Ambush Realm of Darkness (Objects) 0x6Axxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Dark Portal 3131 - Dark Orb 3231 - Tall Platform A (Transparent) 3331 - Tall Platform B (Transparent) 3431 - Tall Platform C (Transparent) 3731 - Tall Platform A (Solid) 3831 - Tall Platform B (Solid) 3931 - Tall Platform C (Solid) 3032 - Big White Object? 3132 - Big White Object? 3232 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fight 3332 - Dark Floor
_S ULJM-05775 _G KHBBS FM _C0 Empirical value _L 0x2172b8c0 0x00FF425D _C0 Money MAX _L 0x2172b8c4 0x000F423F _C0 Users_L _L 0x2172b8c8 0x000F423F _C0 Infinite HP _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800 _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392 _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390 _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008 _L 0x20002008 0x00043140 _C0 keyblades (only Terra) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000101 0x00000001 _C0 keyblades (only Ventus) _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001 _L 0x10000001 0x00000001 _C0 keyblades (only Aqua) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000201 0x00000001 _C0 MONEY MAX _L 0x201A5298 0x00000000 _C0 MEDAL MAX _L 0x201A5304 0x00000000 _C0 DLINK GAUGE MAX _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 EXP MAX _L 0x2172B8C0 0x00FF425D _C0 inf HP _L 0xC013386C 0x0E200800 _L 0xC0133870 0x86040392 _L 0x20002000 0xA6040390 _L 0x20002004 0x03E00008 _L 0x20002008 0x00043140 _C0 HP all over after injury _L 0xC0153154 0x53E00004 _C0 Must code _L 0x201F7878 0x0A200404 _L 0x20001010 0x00942023 _L 0x20001014 0x8E45002C _L 0x20001018 0x24010002 _L 0x2000101C 0x50250002 _L 0x20001028 0x0A27DE1F _C0 Unlimited companion HP _L 0xC0001020 0x864401CA _C0 Death blow enemy _L 0xC0001024 0x00002021 _C0 FP Fast Recovery _L 0xC0117E24 0x3C0F42C8 _L 0xC0117E28 0x448F6000 _C0 Command slots Full Max _L 0xC0142C20 0xE6160100 _C0 Focus slot usually fille _L 0xC0119FD4 0xE62C0044 _L 0xC011E494 0xE60E0044 _L 0xC0126418 0x00000000 _C0 Unlimited D-Link slot _L 0xC011E664 0xE616003C _C0 After the unabated use of props _L 0xC025D8F4 0x24070032 _L 0xC025FBD4 0x24160032 _L 0xC025FC98 0x24060032 _L 0xC0260B58 0x24050032 _C0 experience get x2 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129040 _C0 experience get x4 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129080 _C0 experience get x8 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x001290C0 _C0 experience get x16 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129100 _C0 experience get x32 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129140 _C0 experience get x64 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129180 _C0 experience get x128 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x001291C0 _C0 experience get x256 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129200 _C0 experience get x512 times _L 0xC01A57B8 0x00129240 _C0 Express Upgrade Skills _L 0xC00E21C0 0x24062710 _C0 Store all items _L 0x8172A9FB 0x024C0001 _L 0x000000FF 0x00000000 _C0 All weapons (only Terra) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000101 0x00000001 _C0 All weapons (only Ventus) _L 0x8172918E 0x000E0001 _L 0x10000001 0x00000001 _C0 All weapons (only Aqua) _L 0x81729192 0x000C0001 _L 0x10000201 0x00000001 _C0 All synthetic material _L 0x817291B2 0x00080002 _L 0x10003200 0x00000002 _L 0x817291B4 0x002F0002 _L 0x10000063 0x00000000 _L 0x117291D2 0x0000320F _L 0x817291D6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004600 0x00000001 _L 0x817291E6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004605 0x00000001 _L 0x817291F6 0x00040002 _L 0x10004609 0x00000001 _L 0x81729206 0x00060002 _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001 _L 0x8172921E 0x00070002 _L 0x10004614 0x00000001 _L 0x1172923A 0x0000461C _L 0x1172923E 0x0000461D _L 0x81729242 0x000B0002 _L 0x10004620 0x00000001 _C0 MATERIAL AND FLAVOR 99 _L 0x817291BE 0x00080002 _L 0x10003200 0x00000002 _L 0x817291E2 0x00040002 _L 0x10004600 0x00000001 _L 0x817291F2 0x00040002 _L 0x10004605 0x00000001 _L 0x81729202 0x00040002 _L 0x10004609 0x00000001 _L 0x81729212 0x00060002 _L 0x1000460D 0x00000001 _L 0x8172922A 0x00070002 _L 0x10004614 0x00000001 _L 0x81729246 0x00020002 _L 0x1000461C 0x00000001 _L 0x8172924E 0x000B0002 _L 0x10004620 0x00000001 _L 0x817291C0 0x002F0002 _L 0x10000063 0x00000000 _L 0x117291DE 0x0000320F _C0 All capacity _L 0x1172AC54 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x1172AC58 0x0000FEC5 _L 0x1172AC5C 0x0000FEC5 _L 0x1172AC60 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x8172AC64 0x00070002 _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000 _L 0x1172AC80 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x1172AC84 0x0000FFC5 _L 0x8172AC88 0x00110002 _L 0x1000FEC5 0x00000000 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 1) _L 0x81729C66 0x005F000A _L 0x0000005B 0x00000001 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 2) _L 0x81729C68 0x0062000A _L 0x00000001 0x00000000 _C0 All skills (magic and attack skills 3) _L 0x81729C6A 0x005F000A _L 0x00000001 0x00000000 _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000116 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000117 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000118 0x00000002 _C0 The maximum level playing field _L 0xC025D644 0x3404001E _L 0xC025D64C 0xA2040037
_C0 Boss Warp _L 0x20347AC0 0x0000XXYY _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000ZZ _C0 Start Final Round Keepers of t _L 0x211546A8 0x09080909 _C0 Start Final Round Villain's Ve _L 0x211546A8 0x08070808 _C0 Start Round 4 A Time to Chill _L 0x2114BCE8 0x08040404 _C0 Replace Zack (Ventus only) _L 0x20626000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Ventus only) _L 0x20626010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Zack (Terra/Aqua only) _L 0x20625000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Terra/Aqua only _L 0x20625010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Low Gravity _L 0x21074284 0x7247656C _L 0x21074288 0x74697661 _L 0x0107428C 0x00000079 _C0 Attack Modifier _L 0x01719B12 0x000000xx _C0 Magic Modifier _L 0x01719B13 0x000000xx _C0 Defense Modifier _L 0x01719B14 0x000000xx _C0 Max Mirage Arena Level _L 0x01719B17 0x0000001E _C0 Easy Command Board _L 0x21730E48 0x0001869F _L 0x21730E6C 0x00000000 _L 0x21730E90 0x00000000 _C0 Ice Cream Minigame Score 9999 _L 0x11166AA4 0x0000270F _C0 Easy 300 Unverse Minigame _L 0x1118190E 0x0000012C _C0 Easy Fruit Minigame _L 0x0117E61C 0x00000063 _L 0x0117E620 0x00000000 _C0 999 Hits On Do-the-Magic Minig _L 0x11144A64 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD54 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD56 0x000003E7 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Country Ch _L 0x0115B1AC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Disney Dri _L 0x011843DC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Grand Spre _L 0x0118B4EC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Castle Cir _L 0x0117641C 0x00000000 _C0 Infinite D-Link Gauge _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x340200xx _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 1 _L 0x11719B28 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 2 _L 0x11719B30 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 3 _L 0x11719B38 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 4 _L 0x11719B40 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 5 _L 0x11719B48 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 6 _L 0x11719B50 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 7 _L 0x11719B58 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 8 _L 0x11719B60 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Finisher _L 0x11719B68 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Shotlock _L 0x11719B70 0x000000xx _C0 Japanese language mode (= no voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001 _C0 Boss Warp _L 0x10347AC0 0x00000xxx _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000xx
digits here(some of them arent the same anymore) : [URL="http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?103056-Kingdom-Hearts-Birth-By-Sleep-Boss-Warp-Codes"]http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.ph...oss-Warp-Codes[/URL] _C0 Perfect Ven _L 0x201873C0 0x34020001 _L 0x01719B15 0x00000001 _L 0x11719B78 0x000000FA _L 0x11719B80 0x00000103 _L 0x11719B88 0x00000100 _L 0x11719B90 0x000000FB _L 0x11719B98 0x00000117 _L 0x11719BA0 0x00000105 _L 0x11719BA8 0x00000101 _L 0x11719BB0 0x00000115 _L 0x11719BB8 0x00000109 _L 0x11719BC0 0x00000113 _L 0x11719BC8 0x00000117 _L 0x11719B68 0x00000011 _L 0x11719B70 0x0000012D _L 0x11719B72 0x00000000 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x3402000x _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Language swapper (Voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001 _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Infinite Hp _L 0x20153154 0x53E00004 _C0 Disable Infinite HP _L 0x20153154 0x50800004 _C0 Character Level Mod _L 0x01719B11 0x000000xx
Vanitas Remnant HP Mod (Can't go over it's max hp, 200 =/ stays as 1 bar) 0x0113C6D8 0x00000XXX
Slot 1 (Ventus only) 0x20626000 0x65YYYY62 0x20626004 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Ventus only) 0x20626010 0x65YYYY62 0x20626014 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Terra and Aqua) 0x20625000 0x65YYYY62 0x20625004 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Terra and Aqua) 0x20625010 0x65YYYY62 0x20625014 0x00XX3078
C0 Start at round 6 in Combined Threat _L 0x2114DB98 0x06050606 _C0 Slot 1 (Ventus) L 0x206251F0 0x???????? _L 0x206251F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Ventus) _L 0x20625200 0x???????? _L 0x20625204 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Ventus) _L 0x20625210 0x???????? _L 0x20625214 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Ventus) _L 0x20625220 0x???????? _L 0x20625224 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Ventus) _L 0x20625230 0x???????? _L 0x20625234 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Ventus) _L 0x20625240 0x???????? _L 0x20625244 0x???????? _C0 Slot 1 (Terra) _L 0x206241F0 0x???????? _L 0x206241F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Terra) _L 0x20624200 0x???????? _L 0x20624204 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Terra) _L 0x20624210 0x???????? _L 0x20624214 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Terra) _L 0x20624220 0x???????? _L 0x20624224 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Terra) _L 0x20624230 0x???????? _L 0x20624234 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Terra) _L 0x20624240 0x???????? _L 0x20624244 0x???????? _C0 Slot 1 (Aqua) _L 0x206249F0 0x???????? _L 0x206249F4 0x???????? _C0 Slot 2 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A00 0x???????? _L 0x20624A04 0x???????? _C0 Slot 3 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A10 0x???????? _L 0x20624A14 0x???????? _C0 Slot 4 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A20 0x???????? _L 0x20624A24 0x???????? _C0 Slot 5 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A30 0x???????? _L 0x20624A34 0x???????? _C0 Slot 6 (Aqua) _L 0x20624A40 0x???????? _L 0x20624A44 0x????????
YY Digits 3130 - Mysterious Figure (Freeze) 3031 - Vanitas (normal) [31 -> Low AI version] [32 -> Keyblade storm version] (Freeze) 3131 - Vanitas (Unmasked) [Extremely high RAM] (Freeze) 3231 - Vanitas Lingering Spirit (Freeze) 3336 - Ventus=Vanitas (Freeze) 3032 - Eraqus 3034 - Master Xehanort (Freeze) 3035 - Terra=Xehanort 1 (Freeze) 3135- Terra=Xehanort 2 (Freeze) 3235 - Terra=Xehanort 3 + Guardian [Extremely high RAM] (Untested) 3033 - Scarred Braig 3233 - Normal Braig (Doesn't appear) 3036 - Ven (Boss) 3236 - Armor Ven (Boss) 3936 - Ven (Ally) 3037 - Terra (Boss) 3237 - Armor Terra (Boss) 3937 - Terra (Ally) 3038 - Aqua (Boss) 3238 - Armor Aqua (Boss) 3938 - Aqua (Ally) These ones need to replace both of the 2nd part of the code, not just the 4 characters. Monstro 0x68333862 0x00303073 Metamorphosis 0x6C313062 0x00303073 ]Zack (With Helmet) 0x68303362 0x00303065 Zack (Without Helmet) 0x68303462 0x00303065 Hercules (Ally role? Does nothing, just interesting...) 0x68303262 0x00303065 Ice Titan 0x68303162 0x00303065 Mimic Master 0x76313062 0x00303073 Armor of the master (Is invisible at 1st however will eventually become visible) 0x76313862 0x00303073 No Heart(He appears as MX keyblade at first, it seems like something trigger him. He appears if you use Unison Rush command) 0x76353862 0x00303073 XX Digits 30 - If the boss doesn't have an alternate form 31 - Alternate 1 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) 32 - Alternate 2 (Only if you use normal Vanitas)
Command Board turn modifier (Activate after you've loaded your save otherwise the save will be seen as corrupt) 0x01735609 0x000000xx Command Board turn modifier (Mirage Arena) 0x01003E40 0x000000xx
_C0 Force 60 FPS Mode _L 0x21725EC8 0x00000000
_C0 Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finisher Tutorial) -> ???? _L 0x206361C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206361C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Enemy; Shotlock Tutorial) -> ???? _L 0x20636290 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636294 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636364 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636430 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636434 0x00??30YY _C0 Terra (Enemy) -> ???? _L 0x20636500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20636504 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206351D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206351D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206351E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206351E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Orbs of Light (Possessed) -> ???? _L 0x20634D80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20634D84 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Floods (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C6E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C6E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Scrappers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C6F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C6F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Bruisers (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C700 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C704 0x00??30YY _C0 Waterside Red Hot Chilis (Enchanted Dominion; Forced Fight)-> ???? _L 0x2063C710 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C714 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheel Master (Enchanted Dominion) -> ???? _L 0x2063B560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B564 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Floods (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C180 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C184 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Scrappers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C190 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C194 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Bruisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Red Hot Chilis( Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Forest Hareraisers (Castle of Dreams; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063C1C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C1C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Floods (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC24 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Scrappers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC34 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC44 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC54 0x00??30YY _C0 Corridor Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063CC60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063CC64 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Bruisers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C564 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Red Hot Chilis (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C570 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C574 0x00??30YY _C0 Foyer Shoegazers (Cinderella Escort) -> ???? _L 0x2063C580 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C584 0x00??30YY _C0 Symphony Master -> ???? _L 0x2063C360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063C364 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Floods (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A44 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Scrappers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A54 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Bruisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A64 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Red Hot Chilis (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A74 0x00??30YY _C0 Flower Glade Hareraisers (Dwarf Woodlands; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20659A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20659A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Spirit of the Magic Mirror -> ???? _L 0x20658C20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20658C24 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Floods (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD14 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Red Hot Chilis (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD24 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Tank Topplers (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD34 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Blue Sea Salts (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD44 0x00??30YY _C0 Central Square Chrono Twisters (Radiant Garden; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BD50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BD54 0x00??30YY _C0 Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BBF0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BBF4 0x00??30YY _C0 Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor Fight) -> ???? _L 0x2063BC00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063BC04 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B870 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B874 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B880 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B884 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B890 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B894 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) (Radiant Garden) -> ???? _L 0x2063B8C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B8C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Braig -> ???? _L 0x2063B830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063B834 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Floods (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Vile Phials (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Yellow Mustards (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Buckle Bruisers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 Town Near Thebes Axe Flappers (Olympus Coliseum; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20644500 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644504 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206437D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206437D4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20643940 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643944 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 2) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20643950 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643954 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20643A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643A74 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 4) Buckle Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20643BE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643BE4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 5) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x20643CB0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643CB4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20643EC0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EC4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20643ED0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643ED4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Yellow Mustards -> ???? _L 0x20643EE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EE4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 6) Axe Flappers -> ???? _L 0x20643EF0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20643EF4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 7) Buckle Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206441A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206441A4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x20644310 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644314 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 8) Chrono Twisters -> ???? _L 0x20644320 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644324 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206444E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444E4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 9) Mandrakes -> ???? _L 0x206444F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206444F4 0x00??30YY _C0 10 Rounds (Round 10) Jellyshade (Swarm; Olympus Coliseum) -> ???? _L 0x20644750 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644754 0x00??30YY _C0 Zack I (With Helmet) -> ???? _L 0x20644820 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20644824 0x00??30YY _C0 Zack II (Without Helmet) -> ???? _L 0x206448F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206448F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Lanes Between) -> ???? _L 0x2063E440 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063E444 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Floods (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641270 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641274 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Tank Topplers (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641280 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641284 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Vile Phials (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20641290 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20641294 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Sonic Blasters (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206412A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206412A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Turo Prison Block Yellow Mustards (Deep Space; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206412B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206412B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Experiment 221 -> ???? _L 0x2063F270 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2063F274 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Floods (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x20649990 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649994 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Archravens (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Vile Phials (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Triple Wreckers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Rainbow Falls: Crest Wild Bruisers (Neverland; Forced Fight) -> ???? _L 0x206499D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206499D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Peter Pan -> ???? _L 0x20649CE0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649CE4 0x00??30YY _C0 Jellyshade (Swarm; Skull Rock: Cavern) -> ???? _L 0x20649E80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20649E84 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Eraqus -> ???? _L 0x20634FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20634FA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Vanitas -> ???? _L 0x20627C70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C74 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Xehanort (With Vanitas) -> ???? _L 0x20627C80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C84 0x00??30YY _C0 Master Xehanort (Without Vanitas) -> ???? _L 0x20627DA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627DA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Terra-Xehanort -> ???? _L 0x20627C20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20627C24 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206225C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206225D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206225E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206225F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206225F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20622E00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E04 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622E10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E14 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20622E20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E24 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20622E30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622E34 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Day of Reckoning (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20623600 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623604 0x00??30YY _C0 Iron Imprisoner I (Day of Reckoning) -> ???? _L 0x2062E9C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2062E9C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 1) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x20622020 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622024 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20622030 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622034 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20622040 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622044 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20622050 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622054 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622A70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A74 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20622A90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A94 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheels of Misfortune (Round 3) Axe Flappers -> ???? _L 0x20622A80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622A84 0x00??30YY _C0 Cursed Coach (Wheels of Misfortune) -> ???? _L 0x20623260 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623264 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206218D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206218E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 1) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x206218F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621E00 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E04 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20621E10 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E14 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20621E20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E24 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 2) Chrono Twisters -> ???? _L 0x20621E30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621E34 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20622550 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622554 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Spiderchests -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Risky Riches (Round 3) Prize Pods -> ???? _L 0x20622560 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622564 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20621830 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621834 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621840 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621844 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20621850 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621854 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 1) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20621860 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621864 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20621F80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621F84 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20621F90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621F94 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20621FA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621FA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 2) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20621FB0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621FB4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206227C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206227D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x206227E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Weaver Fever (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x206227F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206227F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Wheel Master (Mirage Arena; Weaver Fever) -> ???? _L 0x20623050 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623054 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20623E40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E44 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20623E50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E54 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20623E60 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E64 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20623E70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623E74 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Floods -> ???? _L 0x206248E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206248E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206248F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206248F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x20624900 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20624904 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 2) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20624910 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20624914 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x20625330 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625334 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20625340 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625344 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20625350 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625354 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 3) Blue Sea Salts -> ???? _L 0x20625360 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625364 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x20625B70 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B74 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Archravens -> ???? _L 0x20625B80 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B84 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20625B90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625B94 0x00??30YY _C0 Sinister Sentinel (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20625BA0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20625BA4 0x00??30YY _C0 Iron Imprisoner II (Sinister Sentinel) -> ???? _L 0x2062EA90 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x2062EA94 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20621890 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20621894 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Bruisers -> ???? _L 0x206218A0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218A4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Red Hot Chilis -> ???? _L 0x206218B0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218B4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 1) Shoegazers -> ???? _L 0x206218C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206218C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20622210 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622214 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Thornbites -> ???? _L 0x20622220 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622224 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x20622230 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622234 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 2) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x20622240 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622244 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Floods -> ???? _L 0x20622B20 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B24 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Hareraisers -> ???? _L 0x20622B30 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B34 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Vile Phials -> ???? _L 0x20622B40 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B44 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 3) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x20622B50 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20622B54 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Scrappers -> ???? _L 0x206235C0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235C4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Monotruckers -> ???? _L 0x206235D0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235D4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Tank Topplers -> ???? _L 0x206235E0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235E4 0x00??30YY _C0 Dead Ringer (Round 4) Sonic Blasters -> ???? _L 0x206235F0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x206235F4 0x00??30YY _C0 Mimic Master (Dead Ringer) -> ???? _L 0x20623FC0 0xYYXXXXZZ _L 0x20623FC4 0x00??30YY
List of Digits are incomplete YY Digits Main - 65 78 Land of Departure - 64 70 Dwarf Woodlands - 73 77 Castle of Dreams - 63 64 Enchanted Dominion - 73 62 Mysterious Tower - 79 74 Radiant Garden - 72 67 Disney Town - 64 63 Olympus Coliseum - 68 65 Deep Space - 6C 73 Neverland - 70 70 Keyblade Graveyard - 6B 67 Mirage Arena - 76 73 Realm of Darkness - 6A 62 ZZ Digits Characters/Bosses - 62 Objects - 67 Enemies - 6D NPCs - 6E Main Characters/Bosses 0x65xxxx62 0x00??3078 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Unknown (Mysterious Figure) 3230 - Dark Hide 3031 - Vanitas 30 -Vanitas I (Badlands/Radiant Garden) 31 - Vanitas II (Neverland/Keyblade Graveyard with Master Xehanort) 32 - Vanitas II (Keyblade Graveyard without Master Xehanort) 3131 - Final Vanitas (Extremely High Ram) 3231 - Vanitas Remnant 3032 - Master Eraqus 3033 - Braig (Aqua's Story) 3133 - Braig's Bullet? 3233 - Braig (Terra's Story) 3034 - Master Xehanort 3035 - Terranort 3135 - Final Terranort I 3235 - Final Terranort II 3335 - Master Xehanort's Keyblade 3435 - Something Invisible? 3535 - Ends of the Earth (During Ultima Cannon) 3635 - Terranort's Guardian 3036 - Ventus (Enemy) 3136 - Wayward Wind 3336 - Venitas 3436 - Ventus (Enemy; Block/Finish/Shotlock Tutorial) 3836 - Ventus (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3936 - Ventus (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3037 - Terra (Enemy) 3137 - Earthshaker 3337 - Terra (Enemy; High HP with no sound) 3837 - Terra (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3937 - Terra (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3038 - Aqua (Enemy) 3138 - Rainfell 3338 - Aqua (Enemy; High HP with no sound) 3838 - Aqua (Ally from Orbs Fight) 3938 - Aqua (Ally from Trinity Armor) 3039 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3139 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3239 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3339 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3439 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3539 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3639 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3739 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3839 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? 3939 - Weird-Looking Keyblade? Main Objects 0x65xxxx67 0x00303078 3130 - Save Point 3330 - Sticker 3530 - Special Unversed's Crest 3031 - Moogle Shop Normal Enemies 0x65xxxx6D 0x003?3078 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3230 - Scrapper 3330 - Bruiser 3430 - Red Hot Chili 3530 - Monotrucker 3630 - Thornbite 3730 - Shoegazer 3830 - Spiderchest 3930 - Archraven 3031 - Hareraiser 3131 - Jellyshade (Solo) 3231 - Tank Toppler 3331 - Vile Phial 3431 - Sonic Blaster 3531 - Triple Wrecker 3631 - Wild Bruiser 3731 - Blue Sea Salt 3831 - Yellow Mustard 3931 - Mandrake 3032 - Buckle Bruiser 3132 - Chrono Twister 3232 - Axe Flapper 3332 - Prize Pod 3432 - Glidewinder 30 - Orange 31 - Blue 32 - Yellow 3532 - Blobmob 3632 - Orb of Light (Possesed) 3732 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield 3832 - Buckle Bruiser's Shield 3233 - Jellyshade 30 - Red 31 - Green 32 - Pink 33 - Blue 34 - Jellyshade Swarm? 3034 - Shadow 3134 - Neoshadow 3234 - Darkball 3035 - Vitality Vial 3135 - Flame Box 3235 - Lone Runner 3335 - Belly Balloon 3435 - Floating Flora 3535 - Something in FM? 3635 - Gluttonous Goo 3735 - Element Cluster 3835 - Ringer (Single) 3935 - Ringer (Trio) Main NPCs 0x65xxxx6E 0x00303078 xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3031 - Moogle (Transparent) 3131 - Moogle (Solid) 3231 - Moogle (Solid) 3331 - Moogle (Solid) Land of Departure (Objects) 0x64xxxx67 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Training Gear (Single) 3231 - Training Gear (Trio) Dwarf Woodlands 0x73xxxx62 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Mad Treant 3230 - Purple Apple (From Mad Treant) 3330 - Firework (From Mad Treant) 3031 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror 3131 - Spirit of the Magic Mirror (Fake; From Circle/Hallway Attack) Dwarf Woodlands (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3231 - Unstable Box 3331 - Cart (Non-Solid) 3431 - Green/Blue/Red Jar 3531 - Blank Jar 3631 - Fire Machine 3731 - Fire Machine (Non-Solid) 3831 - Stable Box 3931 - Something Invisible 3032 - Black Gate 3232 - Something Invisible 3532 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights 3632 - Tree Dwarf Woodlands (Enemies) 0x73xxxx6D 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Tree (From Snow White Escort) 3230 - Doc 3330 - Grumpy 3430 - Sleepy 3530 - Bashful 3630 - Sneezy 3730 - Happy Dwarf Woodlands (NPCs) 0x73xxxx6E 0x00303077 xxxx digits 3130 - Snow White 3230 - The Prince 3330 - The Queen 3430 - Doc 3530 - Grumpy 3630 - Happy 3730 - Sleepy 3830 - Bashful 3930 - Sneezy 3031 - Dopey Castle of Dreams 0x63xxxx62 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3130 - Symphony Master 3230 - Symphony Master's Trumpet 3330 - Symphony Master's Violin 3430 - Symphony Master's Drums 3031 - Cursed Coach 3032 - Lucifer Castle of Dreams (Objects) 0x63xxxx67 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Fork 3131 - Ball of Yarn 3231 - Matches Box 3331 - Cheese 3431 - Cheese 3531 - White Sash 3631 - White Button 3731 - Pink Fabric 3831 - White Lace 3931 - Pink Thread Castle of Dreams (NPCs) 0x63xxxx6E 0x00303064 xxxx digits 3230 - Cinderella (T-Stance) 3430 - Prince Charming 3530 - Fairy Godmother 3930 - Jaq 3131 - The Grand Duke 3331 - Jaq (Escort) Enchanted Dominion 0x73xxxx62 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Maleficent 3330 - Dragon Maleficent 3031 - Wheel Master Enchanted Dominion (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Rising Wall 3231 - Wheel and Black Gate from Castle Escape 3331 - Something Invisible with Black Gate (Non-Solid) 3431 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights 3531 - Teleporter 3631 - White Diamond (Aurora's Heart?) 3032 - Rising Wall 3132 - Rising Wall Enchanted Dominion (Enemies) 0x73xxxx6D 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Maleficent's Goon (Spear) 3230 - Maleficent's Goon (Archer) 3330 - Boulder 3031 - Maleficent's Goons (Horde) Enchanted Dominion (NPCs) 0x73xxxx6E 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3330 - Prince Phillip 3530 - Flora 3630 - Fauna 3730 - Merryweather 3830 - Maleficent's Raven Mysterious Tower (Objects) 0x73xxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) Mysterious Tower (NPCs) 0x79xxxx6E 0x00303074 xxxx digits 3130 - Yen Sid 3230 - Donald Duck 3330 - Goofy 3430 - King Mickey (Ally?; T-Stance) Radiant Garden 0x72xxxx62 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) 3230 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Formed; T-Stance) 3330 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed; T-Stance) 3430 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) 3530 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) 3630 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) 3730 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) 3830 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) Radiant Garden (Objects) 0x72xxxx67 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Winnie the Pooh Book Radiant Garden (NPCs) 0x72xxxx6E 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3131 - Merlin Disney Town (Objects) 0x64xxxx67 0x00303063 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3733 - Ice Cream Machine 3134 - Mailbox 3234 - Fire Hydrant 3334 - Popcorn Cart 3434 - Lightpost 3734 - Small Tree 3834 - Bench Disney Town (NPCs) 0x64xxxx6E 0x00??3063 (? = Changes Version) xxxx digits 3430 - Queen Minnie 3530 - Daisy 3630 - Chip 3730 - Donald's Nephews 30 - Huey 31 - Dewey 32 - Louie 3830 - Horace Horsecollar 3032 - Captain Justice 3033 - Huey Olympus Coliseum 0x68xxxx62 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Hades (Aqua's Story) 3031 - Ice Colossus (Aqua's Story) 3032 - Hercules (Ally?; T-Stance) 3132 - Hercules (Has HP Bars; T-Stance) 3033 - Zack (Terra's Story) 3034 - Zack (Aqua's Story) Olympus Coliseum (Objects) 0x68xxxx67 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Small Urn 3131 - Big Urn 3231 - Barrel 3331 - Exploding Barrel 3631 - Small Urn Olympus Coliseum (NPCs) 0x68xxxx6E 0x00303065 xxxx digits 3130 - Hercules 3230 - Philoctetes 3330 - Philoctetes Deep Space 0x6Cxxxx62 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Metamorphosis II 3230 - Metamorphosis I 3031 - Gantu 3032 - Experiment 221 3232 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3332 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) Deep Space (Objects) 0x6Cxxxx67 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3131 - Gas Tank 3231 - Oxygen Tank 3431 - Teleporter? 3531 - Lift (From Turo Prison Block) 3631 - Door (From Ship Corridor Forced Fight) 3831 - Purple Box 3931 - Red Box 3132 - Rotator Machine (From Outside) 3232 - Purple Box (From Gantu Fight) 3332 - Red Boxes (From Gantu Fight) 3432 - Window (From Turo Prison Block) 3135 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3235 - Wall (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3535 - Left Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) 3536 - Right Gun (From Experiment 221 Fight) Deep Space (Enemies) 0x6Cxxxx6D 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Gun Deep Space (NPCs) 0x6Cxxxx6E 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Experiment 626 (Stitch) 3230 - Dr. Jumba Jookiba 3530 - The Grand Councilwoman Neverland 0x70xxxx62 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Captain Hook 3230 - The Crocodile 3032 - Peter Pan Neverland (Objects) 0x70xxxx67 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Breakable Rock 3131 - Breakable Rocks 3231 - Breakable Rocks 3331 - Yellow Circle? (Pixie Dust Orb?) 3431 - Tall Tiki Statue 3531 - Drum 3631 - 2D Hook's Ship + Cannonballs 3731 - Cannonball (Non-Solid) 3931 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fights Neverland (NPCs) 0x70xxxx6E 0x00303070 xxxx digits 3130 - Peter Pan 3230 - Tinker Bell 3330 - Slightly 3430 - Cubby Keyblade Graveyard (Objects) 0x6Bxxxx67 0x00303067 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Tornado 3131 - Top of Tornado 3231 - Red Triangle (Vanitas Remnant's Crest?) Mirage Arena 0x76xxxx62 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Mimic Master 3230 - Mimic Master's Card (Normal) 3330 - Mimic Master's Card (Terra) 3031 - Iron Imprisoner I 3131 - Iron Imprisoner II 3231 - Iron Imprisoner III 3331 - Iron Imprisoner IV 3431 - Iron Imprisoner's Cage 3034 - Cursed Coach (Mirage Arena) 3035 - Wheel Master (Mirage Arena) 3036 - Zack (Mirage Arena) (Invisible until he uses Hero's Pride. Hit him to make him fight.) 3137 - Trinity Armor (Head; Separate) 3437 - Trinity Armor (Arms; Separate) 3537 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Separate) 3637 - Trinity Armor (Right Arm; Formed) 3737 - Trinity Armor (Left Arm; Formed) 3837 - Trinity Armor (Legs; Formed) 3038 - Hades (Mirage Arena) 3138 - Armor of the Master 3238 - No Heart (Sitting) 3338 - Monstro 3438 - No Heart (Part of Keyblade from 1st Phase) 3538 - No Heart 3638 - No Heart (Something from 1st Phase) 3738 - No Heart's Keyblade 3039 - Ice Colossus (Mirage Arena) Mirage Arena (Objects) 0x76xxxx67 0x00303073 xxxx digits 3130 - Red Triangle Mirage Arena (Enemies) 0x76xxxx6D 0x00??3073 (Changes Version) xxxx digits 3130 - Flood 3230 - Scrapper 3330 - Bruiser 3430 - Red Hot Chili 3530 - Monotrucker 3630 - Thornbite 3730 - Shoegazer 3830 - Spiderchest 3930 - Archraven 3031 - Hareraiser 3231 - Tank Toppler 3331 - Vile Phial 3431 - Sonic Blaster 3531 - Triple Wrecker 3631 - Wild Bruiser 3731 - Blue Sea Salt 3831 - Yellow Mustard 3931 - Mandrake 3032 - Buckle Bruiser 3132 - Chrono Twister 3232 - Axe Flapper 3332 - Prize Pod 3532 - Blobmob 3233 - Jellyshade 30 - Dark Blue 31 - Orange 32 - Light Blue 33 - Pink 34 - Jellyshade Ambush Realm of Darkness (Objects) 0x6Axxxx67 0x00303062 xxxx digits 3130 - Small Chest 3230 - Big Chest 3330 - Big Chest (Non-Solid) 3031 - Dark Portal 3131 - Dark Orb 3231 - Tall Platform A (Transparent) 3331 - Tall Platform B (Transparent) 3431 - Tall Platform C (Transparent) 3731 - Tall Platform A (Solid) 3831 - Tall Platform B (Solid) 3931 - Tall Platform C (Solid) 3032 - Big White Object? 3132 - Big White Object? 3232 - Invisible Barrier from Forced Fight 3332 - Dark Floor
hey guys I made a picture and I decided to take a picture of it with my phone and upload it to my laptop so I can show it to everyone in the graphics section, so without further ado here my picture.^ ^ Spoiler cnc is allowed!^ ^