I'm trying to install hyper-v on my new laptop that runs on windows 8 OS, but when I go into control panel to enable it its not there, im pretty familiar with win8 now but I need hyper-v to install win7 on a virtual hdd because I read that my psp drivers aren't supported by win8 so I'm trying to create a virtual win7 on my OS but I can't enable hyper v because it won't show up in my control panel.:( any help with this will be greatly appreciated.:)
heres a hacked battle video of a custom form of mine and mickey vs scar and ultimate larxene, larxene was kicking my ass in this video, watch to see for yourself
basically what I need is chrome plugin or extension is wut their referred as that blocks spam-like adds that redirects me by automatically opening a new tab in my browser, I have a couple extensions added to chrome but their not blocking the specified ads that I want blocked, if someone here knows a extension that blocks those redirecting ads I would really appreciate it if they could link me to the plugin/extension. thx guys for any help with this.^^
I'm using windows 8, when I type in 01a00000 and hit enter on my keyboard it doesn't do wut its supposed to do.... here's a screenshot of wut it looks like.... View attachment 38256 I want to do some animation mods and target mods but I can't do that until this problem is resolved, does anyone know wut the problem could be and maybe help me fix it? thanks in advanced.
a better video I hope watch in 1080p New hacked fight of mine, hope you guys enjoy it.=) I'm also taking requests so anyone who has one feel free to post them.
hey guys, I'm havng an issue with my kh2 model viewer, when I go to open it I run as admin and it shows it loading but it won't open, it just shows the loading courser but nothing happens. does anyone here know wut the problem is and how I can fix it?? thx guys!^^
hey guys, I'm having issues with my videos being black while playing them after I record them, I'm trying to record a hacked fight while showing off a code I've recently hacked..well...just yesterday actually, but after I've finished recording the video when I go to play it plays as a pitch black screen but with audio still streaming, does anyone know what the problem could be and how I could fix it? I'm playing on emulator btw not the ps2.=/ correction it doesn't play at all, can someone tell me what the issue is here and possibly how to fix it? thx guys!^^
hey guys, I just downloaded an update for vegas pro 11 just yesterday and I can't open the program I've already installed it but I'm unable to use it because it won't start up for me and I have a video and a intro I want to add using vegas but can't, does anyone know what the problem might be and why I can't start vegas and help me to try to fix it? thanks guys!^^[DOUBLEPOST=1383810876][/DOUBLEPOST]nvm guys I fixed it, this can be locked now.
I'm leaving because of the amount of disrespect and put downs I've been getting in the other sections other then the code vault therefore I feel isolated from other sections and hardly ever post throughout the rest of the forum and I don't want to feel this way on this damn site so you won't be seeing me much, although I will still visit the code vault from time to time but that's about it. also to misty, this is not a call out I merely just wanna say you can still give me a name change to the one I had requested because I will be visiting from time to time but not as much as I normally do.=)
Ok just so we're strait on this I'm not requesting any downloads to iso's or anything illegal or anything like that I'm just having issues with getting a iso to boot up on my psp, I have a psp 1001 with custom firmware 5.00 M33-6 BUT When I go to play the iso it takes me through the sony psp logo screen and it attempts to load the game but when the game gos to boot up it freezes on a black screen and the game doesn't load, now this is a second iso other then my kh bbs iso I have on my psp that I want to play so if anyone has had a similar problem or knows how to fix this type of issue I would really appreciate any help if you could.^ thx guys!^^
can some tell me how to extract the ps2 mc001 and mc002 files for use on pcsx2 or link me to a tutorial on it, I'm not asking for any links to any downloads or anything just some kind form of help on this, if you can't tell me how to do it then can you at least give me a link to a tutorial on it plz?^^ ty guys!!!^^ p.s. I'm going to do this myself so plz don't think I'm requesting links to files to help me do this cus I'm not xD I just need help learning how to do this sort of thing, so yeah.^ thanks again guys!^^[DOUBLEPOST=1371132699][/DOUBLEPOST] hey guys nvm about this thread I found out I could use memory cards from other pcsx2 versions, this can be locked now.=)
yup, I've been having this problem for a long time now and can't seem to find a solution, I've tried both youtube and google but to no avail, first of all I got the last problem I had solved, it was that the version of remote joy lite I had installed on my psp was causing the issue, now the issue I'm having is when ever I'm in the game and I select cheats with cwcheat and return to the game after a few minutes of gameplay the psp freezes then shuts off by itself I don't touch the power switch what so ever, and it does this with any game I play, even if I attempt to play without cheats the same thing always occurs, does anyone know how I can fix this, cus I can't find any solution that pertains to this exact problem I'm having. thx guys.??^^
Wuts New with you guys??
is there a way for a user (besides staff) to delete their own post if they need to?? cus frankly for some reason I'm not seeing one, though I haven't payed attention to it either but I just want to be sure is all if there's one or not.=)
can anyone tell me how to convert a mp3 mix to a video format so that I can upload it to youtube? thx guys!:)
ok I've been going crazy with the problems I've been having to deal with for the past few months, I've been tryin to start playing kh bbs again but I've ran into several problems along the way, the first problem was the game could not be started error and I got that fixed, the second was a broken battery... I got that fixed, the 3rd was my psp not displaying the picture on the screen while it was turned on (aka black screen) I know how to keep that from occurring but it not a permanent fix, and now when I go to play the iso it starts to load the iso and after the sony psp logo gos away and it attempts to launch the game it just freezes on a blk screen and I can't get the damn game to start, its driving me nuts that I got all the other problems out of the way but now the game won't start,>=[ can someone plz help me, I've run out of ideas to try to fix my damn psp so that I can play my bbs iso.:c ty guys!^^ can someone please help me... I dunno what else to try to fix my problem, I'm not getting impatient I'm just in dire need of assistance.=(
Hey guys if this is considered illegal then by all means go ahead and delete this thread without warning I'll totally understand, but I can't seem to find a link to emuhaste that doesn't contain trojans, if someone has a good clean link I'd be very happy if that person could post it, I'm not requesting links to emus or iso's just emuhaste.=) Edit: hey guys go ahead and delete this thread or lock it cus I thought of a alternative that doesn't require and links to emuhaste sry bout that guys.=)
can someone tell me how to locate and mod characters A.I.?? cus there's a couple characters I want to mod A.I. for.=)
Hey guys I'm in dire need for some help, I'm trying to add custom firmware to my psp 1001 dunno if its the fat or the slip, but anyhow I need some help with getting rid of the corrupted data error on my psp plus I need a decent firmware package with cfw 5.xx or 5.x doesn't matter which one it is as long as it 5.something. thx guys for any help on this.^^