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  1. Blayz Mods
    I made this video a while back but never posed it so without further ado here my video.^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 29, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Blayz Mods
    Hey guy's I need help trying to find the last three inklets in my kh re: coded game I have every inklet except the inklet for the white rabbets memory, the ace of spades memory and alices memory on the keyhole, can anybody tell me where to find the following inklets I discribed?
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 27, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Blayz Mods
    Hey guys I would like to make a suggestion to raise the file size for gif imgs to like 90 some kb so that the the required file size is big enough for imgs over 19.5 kb like say e.g 80 some kb bigger then the exceeded file size, because RvR just made me a gif for my avatar but the file size still exceeds the required file size, so that's why I'm requesting that the file size be raised to like 90 some kb so the it's bigger then 80 some kb but smaller then 100 some kb because my gif is still too big it's 80 some odd kb and 19.5 kb is WAY too small if I made my gif size 19.5 kb it would be way too tiny so if anyone agrees with this then leave your comment.^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 22, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Blayz Mods
    k so I want to record videos of my kh bbs game once I have uploaded CWcheat and everything but I don't know how to do it.T_T can anyone tell me how to do this?

    thanks for any help on this!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 21, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Blayz Mods
    well the title pretty much says it, so does anyone know of any freeware software of this type?
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 20, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  6. Blayz Mods
    hey guys, I wanted to request a gif for my avatar, I tried to make one myself but I couldn't get it down to the right file size without making the img really tiny so that's why I'm requesting one.


    time frame: 5:18-5:21

    anything else: yes, if possible I would like it to have text that says "Suzuka" plz.

    thank you for any help with this request!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 19, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  7. Blayz Mods
    Well the title pretty much says it, so does anyone know of a site where I can download some scenes?^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 17, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Technology
  8. Blayz Mods
    hey well the title pretty much says it, but I want to lower the byte size of the img without lowering the actual size of the img so any help would really be appreciated. thanks!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 14, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Help
  9. Blayz Mods
    I need some help with finding a freeware software that can convert my avi file to a gif img, but the only good software I could find is avi to gif converter, but it's shareware and I'm using the unrated version, and what I hate about the unrated version (not the real version) is that when I make a gif from my avi using the unrated version it puts a lable on my img that can only be removed if I have the actual version of it, it's so freaken annoying, so if someone can give me a link to an avi to gif converting software then I'd appreciate it alot, because that would mean I could finally finish my gif img.^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 14, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Help
  10. Blayz Mods
    Kk so I have fraps allready downloaded obviously but when ever I try to hit the hot key which at this point is F2 nothing happens, and when ever I try to record videos using hypercam 2...I go to view the playback of my video and it moves so fast, and not only that but the quality is terrible, so I don't use hypercam any more, and I want to be able to record videos and stuff, so if anyone can help me fix this problem with fraps so I can start recording I'd appreciate it alot.

    thanks in advance!
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 7, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  11. Blayz Mods
    well the title pretty much say's it all, so can I do this?^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 4, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Blayz Mods
    Kk so I downloaded CWcheat onto my psp1000 that I got yesterday at gamestop and I don't know how to use it, do I need to install it once I've downloaded it? If so how do I install it? And also where do I find it on my psp after I've downloaded it?^ ^

    thanks for any help!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Jan 3, 2011, 73 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Blayz Mods
    ok so I'm looking for a freeware software that reduces the filesize of a gif img to a certain kb file size so that I can use it as my avatar.^ ^ but first I want to know if I'm allowed to have a gif as my avatar and in my sig or is that against the rules because I don't want to break the rules?
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 28, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Technology
  14. Blayz Mods
    ok so I keep having this problem while trying to open firefox, when I open and close firefox a certain num. of times and then try to re-open firefox again it tells me that firefox is not responding. is this a common issue and does anyone else experience this same issue? I would like to know if this is fixable and if it is could someone tell me how to fix it.

    thanks for any help!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 27, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Technology
  15. Blayz Mods
    well the title pretty much says it. so does anyone know of such a software? if so can that person give me a link plz? thank you!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 22, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. Blayz Mods
    well the title pretty much says it so how do I do it? reason is I wanna create my own gif images. but I need to be able to download videos from youtube to do it.^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 22, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  17. Blayz Mods
    hey guy's this isn't about downloading of ISO's or anything like that so don't get the wrong idea, anyway everytime I open up pcsx2 to play my ISO of kh2fm my *** **** ******* curser disappears and I can't figure out how to get the ******* thing to appear, so please someone help me, it's really making me frustraited that I can't play my ISO's unless I get my damn curser to appear.

    thanks for any help with this!^ ^
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 21, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. Blayz Mods
    for those of you who like (really like) the anime episodes of Suzuka, how many of you want there to be a season 2?

    post comments here, and anything else you think of about a season 2 of suzuka!
    Thread by: Blayz Mods, Dec 21, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga