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  1. Ekzunakka
    Yeah... They are all really cute.
    Can you just imagine the story, though?
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ekzunakka
    Also cute!! O_O

    I still think I'm gonna have to make a story about all these cupcakes.
    It would be epic.
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ekzunakka


    Thank you. I try. xD

    I noticed that you like Zelda games, or at least you like Link.

    Kinda hard not to notice. xD

    I like playing Zelda games too. ^_^ Especially Windwaker. 'Cause that's the only one I've beaten so far. *feels stupid* ^_^;​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ekzunakka
    Whoo hoo, GIR!! :D
    Perfect quote for this topic. xD​

    The cuteness will control your mind. O_O

    You should make one of the cookies, too. :D​

    Yes it is! I swear to god, all these cupcakes make me want to draw a manga starring cupcakes. O_O​

    That's what I did too. It's because there's a space in the link.

    Eeee so cute!! Looks like a cupcake at a tea party! ^_^

    Yes, very. I'm glad I found the site. ^_^
    Your cupcake looks like peach frosting with chocolate suffs. Nummay. :D​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Ekzunakka
    Well, I'm still new here, so I probably don't have a valid opinion yet... xD

    I think everyone I've met so far is very nice. They're very helpful and sweet. ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. Ekzunakka
    I'm pretty sure it was Christmas of 2005. I got Kingdom Hearts for Christmas. I was hooked immediately and went on to make KH themed hangman games with my friend Cody.

    Just recently, this Christmas, I got KHII. Still playing it. ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Ekzunakka
    Actually, I have a lot of friends that like Kingdom Hearts.

    It's because I myself am a geek. :D​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ekzunakka
    Yup. I do.

    That would be O R A N G E. ^_^

    Yeah, you and your friend can still talk. Maybe he can join the forums, even.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Ekzunakka
    Sorry for butting in on the conversation... ^_^;

    ...But I totally agree with you. All the awesome shows were discontinued, but they decided to make lamer ones? I don't get it. George of the Jungle looks like a really stupid show.

    I found the Samurai Jack 1st season on DVD at my library, and got it right away. Total stroke of luck. ^_^

    One of the new shows I like. And that is Chowder. I happen to think it's very funny.

    I was VERY sad to hear that they were ending KND. I made a character for that show. I even fancied myself being in the KND. I watched the last episode (the hour long one), and after it was over, I almost cried. T_T At least there'll be DVDs, right?

    MadiYasha, I miss Invader Zim too. They do have reruns on Nicktoons Network sometimes, though.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Ekzunakka
    Nice idea. I like it. ^_^​

    I had to right-click on it and go to properties to get the web address to see it, but Rose (your cupcake) is very cute. ^_^​

    Also cute! *dies from all the cuteness*​

    It's still cute. =P​

    Gah! Purple cuteness! =D

    It has a nose. xD​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ekzunakka
    Now, how did I know that was going to happen? xD

    It's so cute I couldn't eat it! :3​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Ekzunakka
    Here's mine. ^_^ Isn't it cute?!


    Dress a cupcake!

    Then post. ^_^​
    Thread by: Ekzunakka, Jan 26, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ekzunakka
    No waiz.

    I just ate an apple and I see this thread. xD

    Once I brought an apple to school, and my friends all called me Kira...

    We got a funny quote out of it, though. ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ekzunakka
    I got special welcoming cookies of welcomingness! :D

    You should give those to all newbs. :D

    Those 3-M&M cookies you buy at stores are nummay.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Ekzunakka


    Well, that might make it hard to talk about you. Just might. xD​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Ekzunakka

    Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 - I still have one more character to unlock.

    Pokemon Diamond - I can't believe I haven't beaten it yet. -_-

    and.... >.> <.<

    Kingdom Hearts II - Yup. I just got it for Christmas. So... yeah.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  17. Ekzunakka


    I liked it, mostly because I'm a bookworm... It was thick, it quoted other books, and the story was good. ^_^

    I really want to see the movie.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Literature
  18. Ekzunakka
    Oh my gawd, I'm laughing so hard over here...


    So is this what people miss when they don't sign up for forums? Absolute randomness? =]
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Ekzunakka
    Welcoming cookies of welcomingness from the Kookie Kween?! I feel so priveliged. *0*​

    Really, though, I might accidentally break a rule if I'm not careful. I can get absent minded. D:

    Ooh, flaming bad. Me no likey the flaming. xD

    I'll try not to spam~ ^_^

    Yeah, see you around! X3 Thought going through my head: Wow! I actually have friends on my first day!​

    Thank yous! :3

    So I see O R A N G E, you, me, and most of her friends have about the same sense of humor?

    That's good. :D

    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Ekzunakka


    Thanks. ^_^;

    I made an intro! =D​

    Hi Wacko. You can call me Ekzu. ^_^

    You haven't seen anything yet. I don't know exactly how O R A N G E acts in the forums, but if it's like in real life, I think I'm kind of like her. ^_^

    Anyway, O R A N G E didn't tell me much about you, but hopfully we'll get to know each other better as time passes.​

    Hi. ^_^ Nice to meet you too! I don't remember her saying anything bad about you. xD

    Once we actually got Marmite to make chilli, and whenever I looked at the jar I started to crack up and say, "...but Pa might not!" xD

    Best quiz ever. XD​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone