Yeah... They are all really cute. Can you just imagine the story, though? KH-V: THE CUPCAKE STORY. xD
Also cute!! O_O I still think I'm gonna have to make a story about all these cupcakes. It would be epic. EPICALLY CUTE!
Thank you. I try. xD I noticed that you like Zelda games, or at least you like Link. Kinda hard not to notice. xD I like playing Zelda games too. ^_^ Especially Windwaker. 'Cause that's the only one I've beaten so far. *feels stupid* ^_^;
Whoo hoo, GIR!! :D Perfect quote for this topic. xD The cuteness will control your mind. O_O You should make one of the cookies, too. :D Yes it is! I swear to god, all these cupcakes make me want to draw a manga starring cupcakes. O_O That's what I did too. It's because there's a space in the link. Eeee so cute!! Looks like a cupcake at a tea party! ^_^ Yes, very. I'm glad I found the site. ^_^ Your cupcake looks like peach frosting with chocolate suffs. Nummay. :D
Well, I'm still new here, so I probably don't have a valid opinion yet... xD I think everyone I've met so far is very nice. They're very helpful and sweet. ^_^
I'm pretty sure it was Christmas of 2005. I got Kingdom Hearts for Christmas. I was hooked immediately and went on to make KH themed hangman games with my friend Cody. Just recently, this Christmas, I got KHII. Still playing it. ^_^
Actually, I have a lot of friends that like Kingdom Hearts. It's because I myself am a geek. :D
Yup. I do. That would be O R A N G E. ^_^ Yeah, you and your friend can still talk. Maybe he can join the forums, even.
Sorry for butting in on the conversation... ^_^; ...But I totally agree with you. All the awesome shows were discontinued, but they decided to make lamer ones? I don't get it. George of the Jungle looks like a really stupid show. I found the Samurai Jack 1st season on DVD at my library, and got it right away. Total stroke of luck. ^_^ One of the new shows I like. And that is Chowder. I happen to think it's very funny. I was VERY sad to hear that they were ending KND. I made a character for that show. I even fancied myself being in the KND. I watched the last episode (the hour long one), and after it was over, I almost cried. T_T At least there'll be DVDs, right? MadiYasha, I miss Invader Zim too. They do have reruns on Nicktoons Network sometimes, though.
Nice idea. I like it. ^_^ I had to right-click on it and go to properties to get the web address to see it, but Rose (your cupcake) is very cute. ^_^ Also cute! *dies from all the cuteness* It's still cute. =P Gah! Purple cuteness! =D It has a nose. xD
Now, how did I know that was going to happen? xD It's so cute I couldn't eat it! :3
Here's mine. ^_^ Isn't it cute?! Dress a cupcake! Then post. ^_^
No waiz. I just ate an apple and I see this thread. xD Once I brought an apple to school, and my friends all called me Kira... We got a funny quote out of it, though. ^_^
I got special welcoming cookies of welcomingness! :D You should give those to all newbs. :D Those 3-M&M cookies you buy at stores are nummay.
Well, that might make it hard to talk about you. Just might. xD
Currently... Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 - I still have one more character to unlock. Pokemon Diamond - I can't believe I haven't beaten it yet. -_- and.... >.> <.< Kingdom Hearts II - Yup. I just got it for Christmas. So... yeah.
I liked it, mostly because I'm a bookworm... It was thick, it quoted other books, and the story was good. ^_^ I really want to see the movie.
Oh my gawd, I'm laughing so hard over here... xD So is this what people miss when they don't sign up for forums? Absolute randomness? =]
Welcoming cookies of welcomingness from the Kookie Kween?! I feel so priveliged. *0* Really, though, I might accidentally break a rule if I'm not careful. I can get absent minded. D: Ooh, flaming bad. Me no likey the flaming. xD I'll try not to spam~ ^_^ Yeah, see you around! X3 Thought going through my head: Wow! I actually have friends on my first day! Thank yous! :3 So I see O R A N G E, you, me, and most of her friends have about the same sense of humor? That's good. :D xD
Thanks. ^_^; I made an intro! =D Hi Wacko. You can call me Ekzu. ^_^ You haven't seen anything yet. I don't know exactly how O R A N G E acts in the forums, but if it's like in real life, I think I'm kind of like her. ^_^ Anyway, O R A N G E didn't tell me much about you, but hopfully we'll get to know each other better as time passes. Hi. ^_^ Nice to meet you too! I don't remember her saying anything bad about you. xD Once we actually got Marmite to make chilli, and whenever I looked at the jar I started to crack up and say, "...but Pa might not!" xD Best quiz ever. XD