Search Results

  1. Ekzunakka
    Because it's not shaped like a cow.

    Why do I have so many friends?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ekzunakka
    My friend Michelle's dad made a keyblade and Michelle dressed up as Sora for Halloween.

    It was made out of pipe and duct tape, but it really looked like the real thing...

    And who's to say it's NOT the real thing? o_0​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ekzunakka
    Why not?

    Why does my friend like oranges?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ekzunakka
    I agree with amberdslovick. I think that KH1 was harder than KH2.

    But that's probably because if you play them in chronological order, you'll have more experience when you play KH2 because you've already played KH1...​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Ekzunakka
    Yes, I do...


    I still need to beat it. >.<​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Ekzunakka
    Either Hollow Bastion, because of the awesome architecture and background music (XD), or maybe Halloween Town, because I like Jack... ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Ekzunakka
    Nope, this is my first KH forum site!

    In fact, this is my first forum site. O_O

    Which would explain why I was so nervous when I signed up...​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Ekzunakka
    Because living is worth dying for.

    Why do I like anime and manga so much?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Ekzunakka
    Because they're magically delicious.

    Why do I have a cat?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Ekzunakka
    Because it doesn't come in boxen.

    Why do I like Naruto so much?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ekzunakka
    I would take Nightcrawler's.

    Just because I love him so much. ^_^

    And I would give them back if he wanted them back.

    Teleportation would definetly be good for me, 'cause then I would be able to get chores done faster. ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. Ekzunakka
    I totally should!

    Gonna get started now. xD

    First I have to save everyone's cupcakes and their names into a word document so I don't forget them...

    Aggh. I can't. 'Cause the links were all refreshed 'cause it's a dress up site. That's why I saved mine to Photobucket... >.>​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ekzunakka
    You can eat whenever you want! ^_^

    They're all very cute and very yummy looking.

    I wish they were real. I'm hungry.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ekzunakka
    Mmm... Get ready for a long list.

    In my spare time, I...:

    Am a ninja, am a pirate, try to write a Battle Royale story about my friends, eat, sleep, get money, draw, write, read, play on my PS2, play on my Wii, hang with my friends, spam in the Spamzone, talk to my boyfriend (<3), watch Naruto, watch Death Note, read Itachi fanfics, read Kakashi fanfics, read Orochimaru fanfics, watch any other anime I could possibly want to watch, be the leader of my group at school, act random, scream at my friend that I'm not Kira, fangirl over Axel, fangirl over Itachi, fangirl over Ansem, fangirl over Orochimaru, fangirl over Kakashi, am cool, am in your bento box, watch Cartoon Network, surf the Internet, search my favorite Japanese merchandise website for bento boxes and other cool crap, pet my cat, and come up with awesome quotes with my friends for our list of quotes.

    I need a lot of free time.​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. Ekzunakka
    Because you can't get rid of them with lemon juice.

    Why do I want a bento box?​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Ekzunakka
    *le gaspeth*
    I'll be your friend! ^_^
    Let's party in these forums! :D
    But only in the spam section.... >.>
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. Ekzunakka
    Rosey is leaving? Nuuuu!

    I just get on and you leave... T_T

    I didn't know you well, but as far as I was concerned, you were really nice and funny...

    I'll miss you even if I didn't know you well! *squishy hugs*​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  18. Ekzunakka
    These are probably not weird, but...
    Drawing, eating, cooking, reading, talking (no joke), making up hilarious quotes with my friends, writing, watching anime, playing video games, acting like a lunatic...
    I guess you could call all that "normal" for someone like me. ^_^​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. Ekzunakka
    On school days, I wake up at 6 a.m. Yup. My school starts early. T_T
    On weekends or vacations, however, I've been known to wake up at 11 a.m... My brother had to wake me up once because I slept in too late. xD​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. Ekzunakka
    Random stuff I collect:
    Sea shells, McDonald's toys (though I don't eat there often, so I don't have a lot of them), bracelets, rocks, bouncy balls, and other random crap like that.
    I'm such a dork. -__-​
    Post by: Ekzunakka, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion