We can't go see the L movie It's rated R D: Or at least, I can't see it. 'Cos someone would have to go with us or something.
Hey, hey, hey, get on Gaia, willya? The KH-FFVII thread's boring without you. xD
I'm good, thanks! Bit of a cold, but nothing that could get me out of swimming class. Glad to hear you're better now! :]
As you can see, my plan to get on more isn't going very well. ^_^; I'm usually playing video games instead of on the computer. -_-
Good! I came back and am trying to post more. ^_^; How are you?
Hello, Heart of Light! I'm Ekzunakka, but I'm called Ekzu for short. I like your name and the comic in your siggy~! ^__^ Please make sure you read the rules (and follow them xD) and, like everyone says, only spam in the Spam Zone. If you have any questions about a thread, don't be afraid to ask the mod for that section! We're all friendly here (well, most of us are, anyway). So follow the rules and have fun! See you around! ^_^
I actually collect fortune cookie fortunes (new world record anyone?), and all of the ones I have are different. But maybe I'm just lucky.
Diet soda People who walk REALLY SLOWLY When O R A N G E tries to wrestle the computer mouse from my grasp at 1:38 a.m. People who hate things just because of their appearance When my parents call things "inappropriate"
My dream/goal in life is to go to an art college, become a manga writer/novel writer/animator and live in Japan. 8D It also wouldn't hurt to marry a great guy. ;)
Hi, Cat! If I went by a nickname of my middle name, I would be called Cat. I like cats. =^.^= Anywaiz, I'm Ekzu. Nice to meet you! Basically, post lots, have fun, and obey the rules! Tip: It's easy to post in the Spam Zone because the topics are fun. But your posts don't count there. So some easy places to post where your posts DO count are Introduce Yourself! and Anything Else. But have fun in the Spam Zone too. =D
Hey, Avity/Raven! I'm Ekzu. ^_^ Basically, just post lots, have fun, and obey all rules or the admins will eat you! Just kidding, they're really nice. XD I like apples too. 8D
Welcome! I can understand you just fine, so don't worry about that. ^_^ Hope you find KH-Vids a great place. Most admin/mods are super nice and the regular members are nice too. =]
Welcome. =D Obey all the rules (of course) or the admins will eat you. Just kidding. ^_^ They're super nice. Tip: One of the best places to post where your posts count is Anything Else. There're fun topics in there! Just make sure to try to use good spelling and grammar, 'kay? ^_^
LOLZ The Cloud Song. XD Hi, I'm Ekzu. ^_^ I like a lot of the shows you listed, too. Obey the rules, have fun posting, post spam only in the spam zone, and don't break rules or the admins will eat you! Just kidding on that last one. ^_^
Welcome! I'm pretty new, too. ^_^; Have fun posting, don't forget to read the rules, and don't break them or the admins will eat you! XD Just kidding. ^_^
Apparently. Send me the link, please?
Oooo, sweet (literally XD)! I'll have to try this sometime. ^_^
Wow, I found this topic too late. D: I guess whoever's the first person to ask me can be my valentine. Not like anyone will, 'cause I'm not really well known here... XD
Ruby - Kaiser Cheifs
Mine's September 7. Add me to the list! >8D