XXD really.? sorray.
i'm goodz. XXD
XD XD XD *gasps* O.O i TOTALL FORGOT! Me gotz munny!! 8D XD LOL. *runs off...again* O.O XD
what's up? XD
um..i'll upload now...hold on...i'll send it to you tomorrow! i'm abit busy. X3
hell.o! XD what's goin on? toshiro DVD is comin out?! O.O *runs off*
awesome. XD u GURGLED it?
awesome sig. dude.
anywayz. did u see gi joe, yet? XD i did! and district 9! 8D oh man. it was totally awesome!!
yup. ^^ i emailed her. XD so. i see u changed ur avatar. sakura would freak out and explode. whispers: cuz she's got a HUGE crush on cloud. hehe. XD
ello. sakura sent me an email saying that she couldn't log in.? saying her suername doesnt exist.?
XD neither have i. lol.
...ok...? XD
yeah. XD kawaii. but how exactly r we going to bring this group alive...? O.O
that's all...*sigh* gtg...*yawn* byez.
she sent me an email saying 'i miss him soo much!! T^T'
hello! i'm tired..-_- how r u? sakura said she misses u alot...
ellozzzzz. X3
D8 no more, sakura...T.T