32355... You do, eh?
32353... Ok, rachel... nice to meet you too...
32351... Hi... Somebody-I-Don't-Know lol
32349... Ah, I live in Australia... Time now is 10:52 PM...
32345... Morning? It's night here lol
Uhh... What Form? He didn't use one...
I've never tried, but I don't see how you could...
That would be B- Kairi
It can't be... that world was destroyed at the end of KH1...
Either Days or BBS... it IS possible we'll meet one or two of VII-XII's Somebodies in that...
I don't lol... but where's your number? 32342...
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on Death Note... I haven't seen any of the anime, but I LOVE the manga... (partially because of the similarities between L/Raito and Holmes/Moriarty lol)
32338... A hell of a lot lol
32334... Damn... that reminds me of the fact I'm gonna have to get 2 PS3s...
Meh... 32332...
Yeah it is lol... 32329
Lol, I COULD say the sky... but I won't... Instead, I'll say 'playing khs'... 32327
Hi, EB... 32118...
Lol, ok... I'm not really sure about the 'making-up' though... however, it does seem that they don't sling as many insults at each other after the Chuunin Exam lol
Nah, that's Rox'... 32011...