That's... kinda a strange reason to be looking forward to one game over another... particularly seeing as Ven's about the same height as Roxas...
Hmm, there's so many lol... "Hey... Rucksack, how about you... throw the game for me?" *imagines Setzer playing a game against... a bag??* "How DARE you have a happy ending! How DARE you!!" "If I had a Heart, this is where I'd die of laughter..." "Different name, same fate..." And if battle quotes count: "Beware the face of despair!" "Let's see how you dance!" "Don't squander your time!" "Is that the best a User can do?"
That's why I have Elixirs as backup...
Game: 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep, Coded, KH3 I'm a KH junkie, so what? Lol
Hmm, I'm probably most like Squall... with a helping of Seifer lol
I said IF there was a story reason...
I don't know why people think Heartless Angel kills... it CAN'T! I have NEVER fought him with Second Chance in KHII...
In KHII he does...
Why would he? He's good enough to take down every boss in FMII at Level 1... without getting damaged...
No... he's just a top-rate player lol
Hmm, Aladdin, Aladdin And The King Of Thieves, Lion King 1-2 (3 was disapointing), The Nightmare Before Christmas, Toy Story 1-2, The Incredibles, and PotC lol
I've seen a vid of a guy fighting Demyx in FMII... got Anti... OWNED the Forms...
Aladdin... or Fantasia... I don't remember which lol
That's where my habit of constantly updating my attack cards comes in handy... and unless you're up against a sleight-using boss, you don't NEED to boost it higher than 10...
Yeah, against Organization members it's not a good thing, but otherwise, I love it...
I doubt that would be in Birth By Sleep, unless it's in a flashback...
Wrong... If you use it right, Anti can be as devastating as Final...
Me too... 32418...
Well, if I get 0 Friend cards for Sora, I use them in sleights...
Lol 32416...