Linkage. Can people get any stupider? This is VERY sad. Not "boo-hoo," but George Bush sad.
Before anyone says "Jesus threw that rule out", Timothy is in the New Testament. Yeaaaahhh... Bible = sexist, much?
Apparently, my original thread got stuck in the old server. I shoulda thought of that. Mahatma Gandhi: Great man. Preached for equality and peace and achieved his goals through speech and preached against violence. He did not belong to one religion. Adolf Hitler: Killed 12 million people as a scapegoat for Germany's troubles. Christian, but didn't think fondly of the church. Who deserves Heaven, if it exists?
The bad news: Gliese 581c does not have life. The good news: Right star system, wrong planet. :D Make one comment about going there or UFO's and I'll beat you with a straw! Too far away. So, what y'all think?
What if Al Gore was president? We'd probably be better off... I just don't like the fact that he goes a little overboard with global warming...
I need help. Ansem's single card attacks aren't hard to dodge. However, his Stock Attacks (specifically Dark Rush) are tough to dodge. I'm also unsure if he has attacks besides singles, Dark Rush, and that slicer schooter. My stats are: Lv: 38 HP: 350 AP: 23 DP: 20
In the game, Tales of the Abyss, there is an alphabet called the Fonic alphabet. Does anyone know where to find this alphabet? Not the font. Just a chart or something.
What's your take on extraterrestrial life? Personally, I think aliens exist, and some are probably intelligent, but they don't come to Earth.
*cookie to the one who sees the irony in my subject* While browsing, I came accross a few lists that make me think "What kind of idiots are these people?!" Automobile Insurance claims Child support claims News stories Welfare Claims School absences Medical charts Sports commentators For some reason I can't copy and paste this one... So, what do you think? Are we going to live in a future of geniuses or what?!
To those of you who don't know who she is... Is Ann Coulter competent? Should she get away with her slurrs and hatred? I mean, I know there's the 1st Ammendent, but "Many readers find her shrill, bombastic and mean-spirited. And those are the words used by readers who identified themselves as conservatives." Share your opinions on this. Me? Well, being Democrat, I don't really think she's very good. Calling liberals "Godless (even though I AM atheist, but that's besides the point...)"
Well, since there's one in Spanish, I thought I'd do this for some fun! If you type in Kanji, make the same message in Romaji. If you want, you can make a translation into English. -------------------- 僕は始めるよ。はじめまして。ミライだ。君たちの1番だいすきなゲームは何だ?僕は?キングドムハーツII:FINAL MIX+だ。 Boku wa hajimeru yo. Hajimemashite. Mirai da. Kimi tachi no ichiban daisuki na geemu wa nan da? Boku wa? Kingudomu Haatsu II:FINAL MIX+ da. English: I'll start. Pleased to meet you. I'm Mirai. What is your favorite game? Me? It's Kingdom Hearts II:FINAL MIX+
I am going for the Ultima Weapon to fight Terra. However, I am missing 8 materials for the Synthesis. Here's a diagram of a section of the "そざい (raw materials)" page: English: [1st Collumn]..........[2nd Collumn] Mythril Gem..........Mythril Crystal ??????..........?????? ?????..........????? [kanji]ragi Shard..........??????? ??????..........?????? [skip a few] ????? Orichal Japanese ミスリルのかけら。。。。。ミスリルの結晶 ??????。。。。。?????? ?????。。。。。????? {漢字}らぎのかけら。。。。。??????? ??????。。。。。?????? [skip a few] ????? オリハル Also, I need to find a good place to level up (I'm currently Lv. 75) without killing myself.
I am going for the Ultima Weapon to fight Terra. However, I am missing 8 materials for the Synthesis. Here's a diagram of a section of the "そざい (raw materials)" page: English: [1st Collumn]..........[2nd Collumn] Mythril Gem..........Mythril Crystal ??????..........?????? ?????..........????? [kanji]ragi Shard..........??????? ??????..........?????? [skip a few] ????? Orichal Japanese ミスリルのかけら。。。。。ミスリルの結晶 ??????。。。。。?????? ?????。。。。。????? {漢字}らぎのかけら。。。。。??????? ??????。。。。。?????? [skip a few] ????? オリハル Also, I need to find a good place to level up (I'm currently Lv. 72) without killing myself. EDIT: Crap! I didn't think, and I posted this in the wrong forum! Sorry peoples!
Now, then. I think I'll kick off the first thread in the debate subforum. Personally, I do not think that the fundamentalist version of any God can exist, according to what the world is. First, let us define what the fundamentalist version of the Christian God is, since it's the only one I'm familiar with. 1) MUST be and do EXACLTY what the Bible says. All literal. 2) Omnipotent. 3) Omnibenevolent. 4) Omniscient 5) Infallible First, let us take out #2. Can an omnipotent being lift an unliftable rock? If he can, that rock is not unliftable. If he can't, that is something he can't do. Now, #3. and #1. According to the "Holy" Bible, all those who do not submit themselves to God will have eternal punishment in Hell. Let's take ME for example. I am atheist, yet I am a philosopher. I am a humanist. Is it right to put me, one who has done nothing wrong, in the same place as Hitler? I do not see that as kind, let alone omnibenevolent. #4. Sin happened because of Adam and Eve's Fall of Grace. God could have easily stopped this, and save the entire world's suffering. But he did not! Infact, he was SURPRISED! If he was omniscient, he would have KNOWN what would happen! Then WHY did he stop it? #5. I can't remember this story well, but I got the gist of it. God chose one of Noah's sons to be the ancestor of Jesus, correct? However, if I remember correctly, that son did a sin, and God chose another son. Therefore, he was wrong about the first son being the ancestor of Christ. This also goes under #4. Ready, set, DEBATE!
Okay, I just got KHIIFM+ today (YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!), I have the Swap Magic 3.8 and the sliding tool for the old PS2. Here is what I did to play my game: 1. Inserted Swap Magic 3.8 (COMPACT DISK) into the PS2. 2. Waited for the "BOOT DISK" screen. 3. Inserted the slide tool in the LEFT side of the PS2 disk drive and moved it to the RIGHT. 4. Gently removed the disk drive. 5. Took out Swap Magic 3.6 CD. 6. Inserted Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. 7. Gently pushed the CD drive back in. 8. Placed the slide tool in the RIGHT side of the PS2 disk drive and moved it to the LEFT. 9. Heard and felt the drive close. 10. Pressed "X" on "Normal" 11. Pressed "X" on NTCP 12. Waited for disk to load. 13. Saw red screen saying "Please insert a Playstation or Playstation 2 format disk" 14. Promptly screamed at the top of my lungs. 15. Repeated about 500 times. What did I do wrong? It may be that the front of the disk drive is broken off.
Are we sure that he died? He said himself that the did not know what the outcome would be. Was he transported to another world? Did he become a Heartless/Nobody? What exactly happened? If he's still alive, he'll definately be in Kingdom Hearts III.