... I'm looking for Volume 1 and 2 of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Light Novel in Japanese furigana (small hiragana characters by the kanji to help read). I've tried Amazon and Ebay already, and they're not there.
*ahem* I can't find all the pieces! I have 44 to go. All the Walkthroughs at GameFAQs are useless for finding them, and I haven't found anything on Google. What I'm asking is, is there any walkthrough that can give the locations of the Puzzle Pieces in the order they're given in Jiminy's Journal? Thank you very much, mucho gracias, merci beauquoup, sehr danke, doumo-arigatou-gozaimasu, and molto grazie in advance.
... is teh God of comedy.
We already know that when someone loses their heart, they make 2 beings: Heartles and Nobody. Could there be a Souless? Quite posibly. However, allow me to direct you to the words of Tetsuya Nomura: This basically means that no one has lost their heart in the game. Therefore, no Souless.
Well, anybody? Who, me? Why, I couldn't. But, if you insist. 1) I thought that rain was God's tears. 2) I thought sex was just sleeping with someone naked. 3) I thought babies came from the butt.
I personally think that Meleficent will be in this game. Why? In KHI, when Cid, Aerith, Leon and the gang are talking about her, Leon says that "She took over our world. That was NINE years ago." Add one year for KHII, and we have ten years ago, which is when BBS occurs. Any thoughts?
So, I'm fighting the Chameleon dude-thing and Clayton in Deep jungle. I get killed. When I continued... No music. No voice. The Keyblade didn't make sounds when you hit enemies. Just sound when you walk and Magic. Though it is funny to hear nothing but Clayton's "Oo! Ah! Oo! AGH!" with no music.
Y'see, I'm thinking of writing a short sci-fi novel. But, the thing is, I can't write a beginning to save my life. I also don't know what to call my main characer or his love interest. Any help? Here's the basic story: A teenage boy awakes from a nightmare. The nightmare was like a horible surgery. Afterwards, he starts to have psychic powers. Because he wants to know what's happening, he goes to a doctor to get checked out. When his blood results come in, they discover something very odd=he's not human by genetics. Because he now knows of this, the Earth is destroyed by a molevelent alien species. However, the boy is saved by the alien's enemies, the Psy-Cross. Together, they must stop the evil alien force, the Darx. So, I need an intro and a name.
... language! Yes, I know. "Nerdy." Code: Pronouns First Person Singular Plural Nom eyo vehi Gen mye' nosmye' Acc me nos Dat me'pwi nosmye'hi Second Person Nom chu yu' Gen chye' usom Acc te yos Dat te'pwi yusmye'hi Third Person Nom soM toN se'F tyoM te'N se'hiF Gen sihoMN eze'F tes Acc imM idN ihF insM ihiN ihensF Dat e'smohiMN e'sye'hiF ehimu Verbs Present Singular Plural 1st -o -omo 2nd -es -etye' 3rd -et -ont Past 1st -oro -omoro 2nd -ores -orete' 3rd -oret -oront Future 1st -erso -eromo 2nd -erses -ersete' 3rd -erset -eron Nouns Roots ending with vowels MF Singular MF Plural N Singular N Plural Nom -s -yes -m -hum Gen -yos -yosom -yos -yosom Acc -m -ns -m -hum Dat -yi -mus -yi -mus Roots ending with consonants Nom -us -ayes -um -ahum Gen -os -osom -os -osom Acc -um -ans -um -ahum Dat -ei -amus -ei -amus Irregular Verb "e's (to be)" Present 1st *e'syo *e'syomo 2nd e'ses *e'ste' 3rd *e'st e'sunt Past 1st *e'ro *e'moro 2nd *e'res *e'rete' 3rd *e'ret *e'ront Future 1st *e'rso *eromo 2nd *e'reses *e'rese'te' 3rd *e'reset e'seron It's based on Proto-Indoeuropean. *waits to be called a nerd*
Pronouns First Person Singular Plural Nom eyo vehi Gen mye' nosmye' Acc me nos Dat me'pwi nosmye'hi Second Person Nom chu yu' Gen chye' usom Acc te yos Dat te'pwi yusmye'hi Third Person Nom soM toN se'F tyoM te'N se'hiF Gen sihoMN eze'F tes Acc imM idN ihF insM ihiN ihensF Dat e'smohiMN e'sye'hiF ehimu Verbs Present Singular Plural 1st -o -omo 2nd -es -etye' 3rd -et -ont Past 1st -oro -omoro 2nd -ores -orete' 3rd -oret -oront Future 1st -erso -eromo 2nd -erses -ersete' 3rd -erset -eron Nouns Roots ending with vowels MF Singular MF Plural N Singular N Plural Nom -s -yes -m -hum Gen -yos -yosom -yos -yosom Acc -m -ns -m -hum Dat -yi -mus -yi -mus Roots ending with consonants Nom -us -ayes -um -ahum Gen -os -osom -os -osom Acc -um -ans -um -ahum Dat -ei -amus -ei -amus Irregular Verb "e's (to be)" Present 1st *e'syo *e'syomo 2nd e'ses *e'ste' 3rd *e'st e'sunt Past 1st *e'ro *e'moro 2nd *e'res *e'rete' 3rd *e'ret *e'ront Future 1st *e'rso *eromo 2nd *e'reses *e'rese'te' 3rd *e'reset e'seron
No, this isn't photoshoped. How in the blue blazes? He was even online! Did the ban system just fart, is it a troll, or was Roxas lying about his new leaf?
What kind of touch screen features would this game have? Hopefully, it won't go Rockman ZX and be useless. :P
Got a time paradox? Put it here! This'll take awhile for ya to get your head around this one. A man goes into a bar. The elderly baternder and him get into a conversation. The man tells the bartender, "I used to be a woman. I was raised in an orfanage, and my name when I was a woman was Joan. I had a one-night-stand and got pregnant. When I gave birth, they found that I had male parts, and I got a sexchange. I do not remember what happened to my baby. And I've always wanted to know you its father was." The bartender responds, "I have a time machine. You can use it if you want." So the man and bartender go back in time. The man falls in love with a woman and has a one-night-stand They go back to the future before they find his child's father. When the man leaves the bar, the bartender goes back in time, nine months after th time that they already went to and kidnaped a baby, and put it in an orphanage with a note that said "Joan." A few days later, the man returns to ask the bartender if he can become a bartender. Years later, the man now a seasone old bartender, goes back in time to talk to a man... a man that used a woman. Now, who is the man's child's father?
I'm typing this with my new laptop! Just got the Internet today. It's gonna take some time to get used to the keyboard and mouse, though.
In this thread, you tell how your voice is. Or, just make a file. My voice speaks for itself... My voice is girly.<.< I was trying to practice German. I said: My name is Mirai. I am a genius (well, I accidently said "the", but, wateva). Attachment.
Qui parle francais? Moi? Je parle francais tres bien!
There is a myth going around America that this country was founded by Christians and is a Christian nation. Well, I must tell that it's just that; a myth. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians. Quite a few were Freemasons who support a secular government where all can choose their own religion and practice it without any pressure. If the Constitution was based on the Ten Commandments, where is "Thou shalt not covet," "thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father," and ofcourse, why do we have freedom of religion? That's the first Commandment! Ready... Set... DEBATE!
The geologic time-scale is a table created by studying the Earth's crust. Every inch represents a certain amount of years. By studying the layers of the Earth's crust, we can easily find out things like the climate, life, and several other things that happened in the past. Now, according to the geologic time-scale, fossils appear in order from least comples to more complex, just as evolution predicts. If Noah's Ark and the literal 6-day creation were true, the time-scale would be in heaps. We'd have whales with raptors, monkeys with archeopteryx, and man with tyrranosaurus. However we don't. The K-T boundary, which formed 65 million years ago is the very last place that dinosaurs are ever found. No monkeys are found below the K-T boundary. Neither are any large mammals. This is exactly how evolution predicts it to be. If creation and Noah's flood were true, how do we explain these phenomena? Geologic time-scale. K-T boundary.
What'd he do?
Here you post (whacky) evidence against God. Y'know, like something too horific or ugly that an omnibenevolent God wouldn't allow (jokingly). This isn't a debate. We're here to have fun. You wanna know why God doesn't exist? Do ya? Well, here it is: *Disclaimer: If this offends anyone... buggers.*
*taken from a Myspace thread made by a member named ..::[Free Your Mind]::..* I really like this message, but apparently, the R&Pers at Myspace are too lazy to read. Discuss what you think about this. Personally, I think it's very true. Where demonized for having an opinion by some, yet they shrug off the crusades.