What's your eye color? Me? Green. For I 'ave the luck o' the Irish, mi laddie.
Here, give info on your username! Meaning: Pronunciation: Inspiration: Other: For me, Meaning: Future, Japanese Pronunciation: Mee - reye Inspiration: ... I dunno. I canna' 'member! Other: ... It's Japanese ^^
Clicky I'm sure that everyone agrees that this is a very, very, VERY bad idea.
日本語で話したいんだ!俺しか出来ないのか?なら、お前たち全員バカだぞ! 一体、誰が解ってるのか!?
Okay, I saw this on YouTube, and it interested me. I'd like to see other people's opinions and responses to these questions. Question Numero Uno: Say you die. As you go up to judged, you notice something... you were wrong. Your God is false, and another God is true. I'll use God/Allah as an example to make things easier. God/Allah says to you, "Well, you lived a good life. Helped out a lot of people. Oh! But you rejected My existence! How did you do that? You saw the Bible/Quran at the bookstore and the library. You had people tell you that you were going to Hell if you didn't believe in Me. So, why did you reject Me? Oh, it doesn't matter! Guilty on charges of rejection! Sentence: eternity in Hell, no bail or parole. NEXT" You: "Wait a sec- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!" Now, do you see that as fair? Does a God deserve worship if he condemns others merely for rejection of him? Question Numero Dos: If you were God, would you do the same things that He supposedly did? Y'know, Adan & Eve, Noah, Moses, Jesus/Mohamed, Sodom & Gamorrah and all that? What about the Sin system? DISCLAIMER: Mods, if you feel that this disclaimer is mini-modding, do with it what you will. I do not support flaming in any way. However, flaming is not disagreeing. Flaming is insulting. Disagreeing is what is part of a debate. If you don't want people to disagree and attack your viewpoints, DON'T POST HERE. Ready. Set. DEBATE!
<no:>, <r\ili:>, <hu: bIsaIdz mi k{n ju:z eks s{mp_h@>? No, really, who besides me can use X-SAMPA? <eks s{mp_h@ Iz a fonetIk {lf@bet ju:zd baI liNgwists wen t_haIpiN> X-SAMPA is a phonetic alphabet used by linguists when typing.
From now on, when I post something in this section, I will also write it in my constructed language, Atlantean. Why am I doing this? Because... I am the nerdiest person here. --------------------------------------------------- Ker imes, at o chertan post ocher genosis jikis, o le vil kak at olis tungis handimedis, Atla'nten, to. O ocher sul de nanis? Vor de... o ninjen e yor otak at ocher tokor e'n.
Look at the truth... LOL. Just plain, friggin', LO friggin' L.
... to not make the critique of your parents stupid habits without sounding like a smart ass. Me: Uhh, Grandma, I don't mean to nitpick, but why do you not put the trash in the trashcan when your done cooking. Grandma: *stares me down* Me: *walks off* (in my mind: What did I do?) There's an invisibly fine line between helpful advice and sounding mouthy. Please share your advice blunders!
Does anyone have any near idea when the new Haruhi anime project and novel are coming? I just can't wait to see both of them. They need to come NAO!
So, here's the thing. I'm translating a novel from English to French. Well, a novel translated from Japanese to English. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm not even done with chapter 1, but I want to see how my grammar is. The English version can be found here. Here's the parts that I've done so far:
My cat is dying. Of what? Extremely old age. She's 22. That's old for cats. 俺の猫は死ぬところだ。何のおかげで?大変古過ぎるんだ。彼女は22歳だ。猫にとって、それは古い。
Okay then. Attempted to view a video. Didn't have the right stuff. Downloaded "right stuff." Right stuff turns out to be ad-ware. ... I feel REALLY stupid right now. Any suggestions? ... I mean, besides, reformatting my laptop.
"I'm a... pervert?" I friggin' laughed out loud.
Linkage Why can't these guys figure out that Creation is part of RELIGION, not SCIENCE!? If the evangelicals get to talk about how God made the Earth in 6 days, then the Scientologists should get to talk about Prince Xenu rides around the galaxy in a space ship. Religion should be discussed in history and religion classes, not biology. Ready... Set... DEBATE!
I is typin' this on my PSP. ... It sucks. :(
I'm not posting this in the Creative Corner right now because, more than likely, I'll get bored with it and never work on it again. If a mod or admin disagrees, then please, suki-ni shi-te-kudasai (do as you please) For fun, I like writing stories. Unfortunately, due to my incredibly minuscule attention span, I can never finish one past at most chapter 2. This time may be different, so, before I put this in the Creative Corner, I need opinions, to see if this perks anyone's interest. Please tell me your opinion of my writing skills. The name of the story is "The Al Chronicles: Total Existence Failure." Originally, it was meant to be a series of short stories, but I decided to give it one story. Maybe two, if it goes well. To tell the truth, many of the concepts and stuff are based on the Ed Stories. So, here's Chapter 1 of the most-likely-never-to-be-finished-novel:
I forgot what day I'm in, but I'm in the "Get to Towareko" mission. In order to get to the next area, I need to have five 500 YEN Badges to show the Shinigami. However, this is my problem: I can't get any! I've tried increasing the Drop Rate by decreasing my Level, fighting more and bigger Noise, and using Chain Battles. But, the only YEN Badges I've been getting are 1's, 100's, and 1,000's. For some reason, I'm not getting any 500's. Hmmm... Perhaps I need to change the difficulty to Normal? Thanks in advance. EDIT: I accidentally called the thread "It's a Wonderful LIFE." My bad. EDIT #2: Don't you just hate it when you figure something out yourself AFTER you asked? Changed the difficulty, got a 500. Mods, if needed, please lock.
... for asking a question. This is the post that was derepped. Okay, maybe I could've chosen a better title, but the post itself was a simple question that harmed no-one. The derepper gave this message: "boooo!!! u" ... I'm doing this cuz I'm bored, not cuz I care (well, I do care a little, not about the derep itself, but the fact that it's a stupid thing to derep.)
I put the following on my life that I am telling the truth. Okay. So, my neighborhood has had the tendency to freak the hell out of me for most of my life. About 5 creepy things have happened to me in my 17 years of living. I can SWEAR that I heard something that could be described as a werewolf. I can SWEAR that I've seen mny things that can be described as UFO's. I can SWEAR that a bright light appeared above the horizon with a loud sound. Not to mention the many things that my friends have seen (they couldn't keep a secret for this long and sound so serious). However, tonight, something happened again. Y'see, there is a house about less than half a football field (American) away from ours in the back. It is CREEPY. I wouldn't dare go into it. However, my brother and my friends did. I don't know when they did, but I'll go back to that when it becomes more important. At the time we were playing a game similar to hide-and-go-seek, except you just stayed where you were until the other team found you, and there's no base, and no running. It was my and Corey's turn to find Brandon and Matthew (my brother). We looked in the backyard for them, and Corey said that he saw someone in the old house. I didn't see nothing, so we continued. Found Brandon on the roof of my house (I can SWEAR he's part monkey XD), and found Matthew in a tree. He said, "Dude, look into that house and tell me what you see." There was a faint light in the house. He said he was scared stiff because there was someone in there. I think I saw a shadow in there as well. So we stayed there to see if something else happened. The door opened, so we ran to the side of the house. This is where Brandon and Corey told me that they went in there once and saw someone hanging on a noose. They didn't tell me beforehand because they think I'm still a tattletale. I'm not. They also said that there's blood on the floor. WET blood. Trust me, these guys SUCK at keeping secrets and acting. So, this is a peek into the strange happenings in my neighborhood. I just felt that I'd tell someone.