My boredom has been quelled... for the moment. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni friggin' rocks. It's not as disturbing as I thought. It's coo'. On to Ep. 14!
Just as the title says. What do you think is the most disturbing scene in an anime you've seen. Since we have no spoiler tags, put them in the white color code. Me? Fullmetal Alchemist: When Ed and Al found Tucker and the talking chimera. Ed realizes that the chimera is Tucker's daughter and dog. That was messed up.
Need... new... anime... I'm bored to friggin' death and I need a fresh new anime to pass the time. Preferably sci-fi and/or ecchi.
I am currently translating the first Haruhi Suzumiya novel into English (I know, Baka-Tsuki already did it, but, no offense to them, I'm dissatisfied). I finished chapter 1 today. Let me tell ya', speaking Japanese>>>>>>>>>>>>>reading Japanese. It's good practice though. ^^ EDIT: Yes, I'm bored to death most of all the time.
In Suzumiya Haruhi-no Yuuutsu, there is a particular order for the three supernatural beings (Nagato Yuki, Asahin Mikuru and Koizumi Itsuki) to do something. Here's the order: alien-time traveler-esper Order of Haruhi's intro: aliens, time travelers, sliders (never seen... yet), and espers Order of character intros: Nagato Yuki (alien), Asahina Mikuru (time traveler)*, Koizumi Itsuki (esper)* Order of revealing identities: Nagato Yuki (alien), Asahina Mikuru (time traveler), Koizumi Itsuki (esper) Order of proving identities: Nagato Yuki (alien), Asahina Mikuru (time traveler), Koizumi Itsuki (esper) *In the novel, Nagato reveals her true identity after Koizumi comes in. In the anime, she does it before. Coincidence?
Linkage What are these guys? Personally, I think they're just people who get a kick out of people saying "WTF?"
... see the irony in the siggy, "98% of the internet population has a myspace account. If you are part of the 2% that can resist stupid fads, copy and paste this into your signature."? Think about it... Well, to tell the truth, some may have realized it and put it into their sig just for the heck of it.
Okay, so panic attacks? Not fun. At all. I am a major sufferer from them, sometimes having 5-7 very small ones a night. But, last night, was different. I went to the bathroom at around 1:00. After 30 seconds of sitting down, I noticed my foot becoming numb. No big deal. That always happens. The seat's too darn high! So, I went to bed, still with the numbness in my foot. After about 5 minutes, I noticed something odd: my left leg, let arm, and left side of my face felt deadened. Not by much, but it was noticeable. So, I went to my grandma in the next room, who also suffers from panic attacks. She said that it was just a panic attack, so just let it pass. I was scared, as I've never felt like that before. But, I took her advice, and tried to go to sleep. It did not pass. I fell asleep at around 6:30. When I awoke an hour later, the deadening was gone. So, I went to brush my teeth. Something was wrong. I can't explain how it feels, but I knew how to describe it in medical terms: impairment of proprioception. It is the weirdest feeling ever. I still have it, and that was 6 hours ago. My grandma said that it was very bad panic attack, as she's experienced the same thing. It doesn't hurt, I can move (though, slightly sloppier, as I can't tell the movements of my hands without seeing them), and I can walk perfectly. It shouldn't impair anything, it's just... weird... Yeah, anyone got any suggestions for this?
Normally, stuff like this would go into the Current Events section. However, the reason why I'm posting this is because... My name is Nathaniel Williams: Feast your eyes... on this!
Linkage The world will miss him. The world loses a great comedian. RIP
俺って奴は詰まんねぇから、俺を持て成してやれよ。 しないと、ぶっ殺しやがるってんだよ。分かんのかよ、おめぇら? いや、実はさ、俺が詰まらないのだ。君達を殺さないから、恐れてよいことではない。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm friggin' bored, so entertain me. If you don't, I'll beat the crap out'a'ya! Got it? Nah, The truth is, I'm bored. I won't you kill you guys, so don't be afraid.
俺は詰らない。 誰が・・・誰が俺の言葉を分かっているのか? 日本語に・・・コミュニケートしないと・・・死ぬぞ。 誰が・・・誰が俺を助けるのかよ? そして、面白そうなアニメがあるのかい? 見たアニメはこれよ(これが全てではない): 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 天元突破グレンラガン ブリーチ ナルト ゼロの使い魔 ラブひな お願いティーチャー お願いツインズ 鋼の錬金術師 コードギアス そのアニメはエッチとコメディはずだ。でも、エロアニメ(英語の「ヘンタイ」)はだめだ。 I'm bored. Who... who can understand my words? If I don't... communicate in Japanese... I'll die. Who... who can save me? Also, are there any interesting anime? Anime I've seen (this isn't all of them): The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan Bleach Naruto The Familiar of Zero Love Hina Please Teacher Please Twins Fullmetal Alchemist Code Geass The anime must be an ecchi and comedy. But, no hentai.
Have you ever looked closely at the hilt of Tensa Zangetsu? Es ist ein Swastika! NEEEIIIIN!!!
This is just a short preview of a story that I just thought up. I will not probably never do anything with it (curse you, infinitesimally tiny attention span!), but I just want some opinions. Also, this story was inspired by a six word post in the topic, "I think I saw a ghost...", by Timeless that said "There are errors in the program." Thank you, Timeless; you may have sparked something. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever wondered what created this universe? No, in all seriousness, have you? Was it God? Gods? I, personally, didn't know. I figured it out just a few days ago, though. It blew me away, to say the least. Of course, this thing that created everything in this Shell wasn't perfect, hence the Errors that have popped up over the last few months. As you would expect, it's hard to explain completely. Also, I'd like anyone reading this, provided someone finds it and can translate it, to know what has happened in depth. Therefore, I am sitting at this table, about twenty-five million light-years away from home, typing all this down, so that, if our plan succeeded, we'd have a full record of everything. After I am done, I will send this file to every inhabited planet in this Shell. Afterwards, if we see that our plan succeeded, I will send another, telling of the good news. If not, well... there would be no need to send any data into this Shell, as it would not exist. However, let me start with the beginning, in our usual place, The Shack, were we hung out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So? What d'yall think? Should I continue? Curious, interested? Astounded? Disgusted? Amazed? Disheartened? Constipated?
I know his real name was taken, but I chose to use his nickname in Japanese. YAY I'm in a fad!
Sunburns are evil. I couldn't sleep well last night. And tomorrow's going to be hectic at school. >.< MAKE IT STOP!!!
Okay, I'm doing it again. Translation of a Haruhi novel. Last time, flunked. This time... German is hard. Syntax, or word order-wise. I have just a small part: I want to know how horribly misfigured my word order is, so anyone who speaks German, helfen Sie mir, bitte! I'm not sure if I can post the original (err, English translated) version here, so here's the link to it.
Has gotten popular, I see. ^^ Is kewl!
Next up: Gundam! I apologize if someone's posted this.
お前を信じる俺を信じろ! (Who the hell do you think I am?! Believe in me, who believes in you.) Cookie to the one who knows where this is from!