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  1. JackS27
    Xemnas smiled.

    "You see Xigbar? There are people here who care about you, and want to help you. Two of them are looking at you."

    Xemnas put his hand on Xigbars shoulder and continued, "And you're not the only one who's been going a little crazy lately. If you can remember anything, anything at all, it would help everyone a great deal."

    Xemnas tried his best to look serious but nonthreatening.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. JackS27

    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Check this out!

    Valentine Vid
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. JackS27
    Xemnas let Luxord down gently and said quietly "It would be best if you stayed here too, at least until we've got this sorted out."

    He then rushed to Xigbar. Putting his hands on Xigbar's shoulders, he tried to comfort the young one.

    "Xigbar, it's okay, everything's okay. We're not mad, and we're not going to hurt you. Now, Xigbar, this is really important. What just happened with you?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JackS27
    Alrighty. Just so you know, I'm going to make a list of my upcoming projects. You might not see a lot of these for months, but here's what I'm planning:

    1. For Valentine's Day 2007, I'm going to try and make an AMV of Lemon Demon's "White Bread Boyfriend" starring the Twilight Town gang. I'll be working on that tonight.

    2. I'm going to put "The Trial," "Sugar Daddy," and probably one of the other straight music videos together and speed them up to somewhere between Hamster and Chipmonk. Why? Because it's funny.

    3. I wanted to make a video of Ozzy Osbourne's "Bark at the Moon" starring Saix, but since someone else made a video for the same song starring the whole Organzation I'm not sure whether or not I'll make the straight Saix one. I might if I really want to make a video but have no other inspiration.

    4. Once the Re:COM cutscenes become available on the site, I'm going to make another Axel as Hedwig video, probably one for "Origin of Love."

    5. Expect a fourth Radio Hour, again, once Re:COM is released.

    6. I'll probably make some Marluxia-centered video with the new footage, but then again so is everyone else, I'm sure.

    I may or may not get more ideas later, but those are the ones I will almost certainly be making within the next half-a-year. Stay tuned!

    P.S. If anyone wants any of the lyrics to the songs or transcripts of the Radio Hours, just let me know.


    This was supposed to be a seperate post, but NOOOOOOOO! It had to automerge a "Doublepost" when it never did to me before.

    Well, anyway...Here it is! Happy V-Day!
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. JackS27
    Xemnas listened to the young Luxord and amazingly found that he could understand the child despite the speed at which he was speaking. He looked from one to the other.

    "I have an idea. Luxord, could you slap Xigbar in the face? It might snap him out of it. I'd do it myself, but my hands are full."

    Xemnas moved Luxord closer to Xigbar, and unfortunately had to do some creative arm movements to keep Luxord from getting hit.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JackS27
    "All right, that's it! This has gone on for long enough!"

    Xemnas strolled over quickly and picked Xigbar and Luxord up by the hoods of their cloaks.

    "What the hell do you think you're doing, Xigbar? Luxord, what did you say to him? How the hell did this start!"


    A small fist connected with Xemnas' face, and he held Xigbar at arms length.

    "What's gotten into you?" he said to the flailing child that was Number II.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JackS27
    Xemnas surveyed the scene: Xigbar acting like a wild animal, and Luxord cowering in fear.

    Oh god, what now? he thought, Do I even let them know I'm here?

    Xemnas decided to wait in the shadows gathering intelligence. He wouldn't reveal himself until one of them either tried to leave or seemed to be in serious danger.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JackS27
    Radio Hour 3!!!!

    Here it is: Kingdom Hearts Radio Hour Vol. 3! Enjoy!

    Featuring the cast of Final Fantasy VII recreating the finalie of Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. JackS27
    Xemnas sighed.

    "Well, this has been the best evening I've had in a while," he said, "but I have responsibilities I have to get back to."

    "The pleasure was all mine," said Naminé. "It's not everyday you meet your favorite author, and have him teach you how to kick butt."

    They smiled at each other.

    "I'll miss you..." Naminé said.

    "You'll see me tomorrow," said Xemnas, though he knew he'd miss her too.

    Xemnas turned to leave when he heard Naminé's voice behind him sing softly.

    "Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?..."

    Xemnas joined "Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny day..."

    They sang together softly

    "Vera! Vera! What has become of you?
    Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?

    They regarded each other sadly. Xemnas smiled. Then he turned and walked away.

    Turning down a deserted bathroom, Xemnas sighed and opened a portal to Vexen's Laboratory.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JackS27
    "You're mental!"

    Xemnas and Naminé were sitting in a booth near the back of the Outback stakehouse, picking lazily on a couple of cheeseburgers.

    "There is absolutely no way!" Naminé continued.

    "Well why do you say that?" asked Xemnas. "What have you got against the idea?"

    "Xemmy, I'm a girl, okay? I know it's possible to have a deep bond of friendship that is in no way sexual."

    "And I'm telling you that I live in a castle full of best friends who are constantly shacking up together."

    "Do you shack up with any of them?"

    "Of course not!"

    "Yet you care for them, right?"

    "More than my life, somtimes," replied Xemnas honestly. "And a lot more than they're worth."

    "So why haven't you partaken in the love that dare not speak it's name?"

    "Because I don't like males," said Xemnas.

    "Right," smirked Naminé, "You are not gay, or so you claim. So why assume that Frodo and Sam are?"

    "Like I said, I don't know about Frodo so much, but Sam definitely is."

    "Sam married Rosie Cotton!"

    "And no gay man has ever entered a loveless marriage with a woman in a misguided effort to fit in, right?"

    "Point taken. However..."

    Xemnas took a bite of his burger and continued, "Look, all I know is that halfway up that mountain, I expected Sam to liplock Frodo. And you saw how jealous he was of Frodo's attention towards Gollum."

    "Woah, woah, woah, jealous? Of Gollum? Nobody could be jealous of Gollum."

    Xemnas sipped his Sprite. "At least he died happy."

    "God, you're morose," said Naminé. "In any case, I know for a fact that Frodo and Sam are not lovers."

    "Oh? You've spoken to them recently?"

    "Professor Tolkien was in the army during the first World War. In the British army at that time, officers had these assistants, I forget what they're called, but they were loyal to a fault to the officers they served. Now, Frodo treats Sam a lot better than the British Officers treated their men, but that's what the relationship was supposed to be."

    "And how do you know," said Xemnas, "That these army men were not themselves gay?"

    "You're too cynical, Xemmy."

    "Why? Because I accept the exsistance of other cultures?"

    "God, that's why this world sucks," said Naminé, "Everything is about sex when you don't want it to be, and then when you do want it to be you get a hassle."

    "Know this from personal experience, do you?"

    "Shut up! When's the last time you got laid?"

    Xemnas almost spit his drink out. "Will you keep your voice down?"


    "It was before I appeared on Ansem's doorstep," said Xemnas quickly, "If it ever happened at all."

    "Ho-lee crap! Dr. Mansex is still carrying the big V!"

    "We...don't know that for sure," said Xemnas weakly.

    "It's okay," said Naminé, giggling and patting Xemnas on the shoulder, "I feel your pain."

    "Yeah, yeah. What I don't know is why I'm even telling you this."

    "Because I asked," Naminé said, smiling sweetly.

    "Uh-huh. Want any dessert?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. JackS27
    "I think," said Naminé, "I would like that very much."

    "Excellent!" said Xemnas, "You training will start tomorrow. Where do you live?"

    "I usually just sleep in Bed Bath & Beyond. Nobody really notices me."

    "Wow," said Xemnas, stunned, "I wish I had a place for you back in the castle. Well...there is that old storage room on the 13th floor I've been meaning to clear out...hmmm, but I wouldn't want you to run into the other Organization members until you've had some combat training...they've all been acting odder than usual lately...and combat training for you is way into the future..."

    Naminé giggled. "Don't feel bad, Xemnas. I've lasted this long. What's another year or so, eh?"

    Xemnas regarded Naminé. "I have to warn you, the training will be rigorous."

    Naminé put on a look of mock determination. "I won't fail you, Yoda. I am not afraid."

    "You will be," Xemnas rasped, "You will be..."

    They locked eyes for a moment with stern looks b efore both bursting into laughter.

    "I should probably get going..." Xemnas said

    "Wait," said Naminé, grasping his hand, "Would you like to get something to eat first?"

    Xemnas stood there for a second. Hmm...dinner with a pretty young girl, or a castle full of possessed people?

    "You choose the place. My treat."
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. JackS27
    What about me? I want to play Zexion myself. But I've been watching some non-Potter-related things with Radcliffe and I think he could pull it off if no one will hire me.

    He was hilarious on Ricky Gervais' "Extras." He made fun of himself by playing himself as hitting on every female with a pulse.

    "I've done it, you know. Intercoursewise."


    *looks up* Oy...I've been hanging out with Foxxie too long.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. JackS27
    Not at all, unless the character is comedic.

    But lsiten! Jim Carrey could play an excellent Saix! When you reign him in, he's an excellent dramatic actor! Ever see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"?
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. JackS27
    Yeah...but I don't see him blonde like that....

    Ooh! Play Carrey against type as Saix! I like....for now...
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. JackS27
    ((OOC: If anyone would know, wouldn't it be you?

    Oh, and a little birdy told me it was your birthday....I forget if it was today or tomorrow, but either way have a Happy!))

    "You said that my not remembering was odd," said Naminé after a while. "Why is it odd?"

    "Well," said Xemnas, "Because most other Nobodys who keep human form also keep the memory of who they were. There's only one other Nobody I know who lost their memory, and in that case their original being reconstituted, and very quickly, albiet without the Nobody in question. My guess with you is what I mentioned before. Your heart is still out there, somewhere, which means that your original self probably reconstituted without you."

    "Can you find out who it is?"

    "It's possible, but it would take a lot of time and resources. But I will help you."

    Xemnas leaned in and continued. "Now, tell me about this power you have?"

    "Well," Naminé started, "I can look into people's hearts. You said the brain is for storing memory, and this is true, but all the important memories we keep have emotion attatched to it. Those memories link in people's hearts like a chain, and I can read them. I even think I touched them once."

    Xemnas stared, "Touched them?"

    " time I was drawing this woman, and I looked into her heart and saw a really bad memory...I'll admit I was mind sort of, well, twanged it and she starts pouring her soul out to me."

    Xemnas looked into her eyes. "If you can summon memory," he said slowly, "would it be possible for you to erase it?"

    "I don't know..." said Naminé, "I guess it would all depend on wether or not I could create new links to put in their place."

    "Can you?"

    "I don't know."

    Xemnas stood up and knelt down right in front of Naminé. Taking her hand in his, he said "I think you do have the power, and I would like to teach you how to use it. I want to teach you how to live as a Nobody. It won't be easy, but living as a Nobody is dangerous without help. What do you say?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. JackS27
    Umm...excuse me? I didn't understand a word of that.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. JackS27
    Like I said, make your own lists if you want. :D
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. JackS27
    Colin Farrel? Hmm...could be a good idea, but I'd like to hear others before making a decision for my own list...
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. JackS27
    Hmm...Depp has too young-looking a face for Xigbar...however, I think he could pull off the emotionless Saix perfectly! I'll go add that. I can't believe I didn't think of that before...

    On second thought, scratch that, Depp has to be Marluxia. Marly needs a pretty face.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. JackS27
    Okay, I wasn't sure whether to put this in "KH2 General" or "Movies," so I put it here in "Spam." Mods are welcome to move this.

    Okay...say you've just got the rights to make a live-action movie based on Organization XIII. The catch is, you can't cast any of their original voice actors for the roles, since they look different (you are, however, allowed to cast actors who lent their voices to other characters in the game, if they fit.)

    What would your dream cast be? It can be anyone who is alive today, as long as they aren't the character's original voice actors. Remember, this is Live-Action, so think about looks as well.

    Here's my own partial list. I'll add more if someone else gives me a good idea:

    Xemnas - BILLY ZANE
    Xigbar - WILLEM DAFOE
    Vexen - TIM CURRY
    Lexaeus - MICKEY ROURKE
    Saix - JIM CARREY
    Axel - JAMES RODAY
    Demyx - JASON LEE
    Luxord -
    Marluxia - JOHNNY DEPP
    Larxene -

    Any thoughts? Make your own lists. You can agree or disagree with anyone I have up there, and give me ideas for those I don't.
    Thread by: JackS27, Feb 10, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone