1. Yes, Sora is completely out of the picture aside from that being where Roxas came from. The reaosn is that once you add Sora, you have to add Donald and Goofy. And while the Disney crossover thing is absolutely perfect for the video game, for a movie it would just be kind of stupid. 2. If you have some disagreements, let me know so I can either defend my choices, or else listen to other possibilities. 3. Wigs, of course. Big funky wigs that look as much like real hair as whatever the punk or goth subcultures do to it sometimes.
Organization XIII The Movie (DO NOT STEAL!!!!) [EDITED!!!] Okay, so I know my calling. When I get som serious clout in Hollywood, I'm going to make an Organization XIII Live-Action Movie. And I'm letteing you all know now, so you can all say "I was there when he announced his plans! Yee!" There are only three things I have right now: An ideal cast list for the Organization, a VERY ROUGH outline of the film's story, and the final scripted scene. Please let me know what you think and if you have any questions I can answer. UPDATE: I'm going to script out the whole first draft. I've decided to take the final scene out, since I wanted it to be more of a surprise. In it's place, I put a scene from the middle of the film. It's still spoiler-riffic, but not as much. 1. IDEAL CAST LIST Xemnas: BILLY ZANE Xigbar: WILLEM DAFOE Xaldin: BENICIO DEL TORO Vexen: BILL NIGHY Lexaeus: TED LEVINE Zexion: CILLIAN MURPHY Saix: JIM CARREY Axel: JAMES RODAY Demyx: JASON MEWS Luxord: EWAN MaCGREGOR Marluxia: JOHNNY DEPP Larxene: PINK Roxas: HALEY JOEL OSMENT 2. ROUGH PLOT OUTLINE *SPOILER ALERT (OBVIOUSLY* We begin with a short prologue explaining about Ansem the Wise and his six apprentices, and the creation of the Heartless and the Nobodies. Then we fast forward into the future. A nice little city called Twilight Town. Suddenly, it is ovverrun by these creatures known as Heartless. But the Heartless invasion is quelled by these thirteen mysterious figures in black robes. They fight off the Heartless and introduce themselves as Organization XIII, a group that has been fighting the Heartless for some time across many worlds. Their leader, Xemnas, assures the townsfolk that they will not rest until the HEartless have been completely irradicated from Twilight Town. The Organization erects Castle Oblivion and makes it their Twilight Town HQ, and a place where they can travel back and forth to their true base of operations in an unknown location. The townsfolk take to them, except for three youngsters named Hayner, Pence, and Olette. When they try to befriend the Orghanization member Roxas, they get a cold shoulder and relaize something is wrong with these people. A mysterious figure named DiZ reaches out to the trio and reveals that Organization XIII actually controls the Heartless; that they travel from world to world, swarming it with Heartless and pretending to fight them off, while in reality waiting for Roxas' weapon, the keyblade, to release the hearts and transport them to a holding unit called Kingdom Hearts, for Organization XIII have none of their own and are looking to get it back. Meanwhile, all is not well within the Organization. On the one hand, Roxas discovers a captive called Naminé, and with her recalls his former life where he truly did defend his own world from these creatures, and therefore begins to question whether or not what the Organization is doing is really right. On the other hand, member MArluxia feels that Xemnas is working his plan out too slowly and plots with Larxene to overthrow him and speed up the main plan. Roxas is captured by DiZ and the three teens, and it is there he relizes he must resuce Naminé and destroy the Organization, ironically at the same time that Marluxia decides to put his own coup into action. Roxas eventually destroys most of the Organization members. When DiZ, who is Ansem the Wise, destroys Kingdom Hearts, Xemnas tries to escape. However, Marluxia appears in his own starship and as he tries to ballte Xemnas' cruiser, Roxas uses his keyblade to destroy them both. Roxas and Naminé start a new life together in Twilight Town, realizing that they are each others' heart all along. 3. SCRIPT: THE MIDDLE OF THE FILM *SPOILERS (obviously)* INT: CASTLE OBLIVION ABOVEGROUND HQ – NIGHT NAMINÉ and LARXENE are staring at each other. Naminé is terrified, and Larxene smiles and fiddles with her knives, menacingly. MARLUXIA is standing some ways away lost in thought. Suddenly, the Door to Darkness opens. Again, Marluxia and Larxene stand in formation to greet whoever appears. This time, it is SAIX and DEMYX. MARLUXIA: What are you doing here? DEMYX: That’s what I always ask! SAIX: (slightly annoyed) The girl. Xemnas wants her at the transport. Saix motions to Demyx, who slowly plods towards Naminé. MARLUXIA: The transport? Why? SAIX: Number Thirteen has betrayed us. He has destroyed Xaldin, and Axel is nowhere to be found. The Superior insisted that we leave here at once and accelerate the destruction of this world. LARXENE: But there are still so many hearts to gather here! SAIX: I should think you’d be happy. You two are always complaining that out strategy is too slow. Marluxia glances over at Demyx, who instead of seizing Naminé is entranced by her drawings and asking her about them. MARLUXIA: And Roxas? SAIX: You two are to stay here and destroy him before joining us on the transport. You’ll have the members below-ground for re-enforcements, and I’ll be leaving Demyx here. At this, Demyx turns around. DEMYX: What?! Me?! What am I going to do? I’m an artist! I don’t fight. So I squirt people with a little water. Big deal! The only person that might really hurt is lightning lady over here… At this, Larxene and Marluxia exchange a glance. Saix notices this and turns to Demyx. SAIX: (through gritted teeth, half-nervously, half-angrily) Be quiet, Demyx… DEMYX: Nu-uh! I’m sick of this! All the time, I ask myself, what am I doing here? I have no place in battle! I play the sitar, for the love of…And yet, he just keeps assigning me missions where I have to fight, and I don’t like it. If I wasn’t so afraid of him, I’d tell him that. Go right up and say that I am just not cut out for this… Suddenly, the tip of MARLUXIA’S SCYTHE bursts through Demyx’s chest. He gags a bit. Marluxia twists the scythe, then removes it. Demyx’s body begins evaporating into whisps of black smoke, cell-by-cell, from the wound. He falls to his knees. DEMYX: (gasping) No…way… He falls on his face as he completely disappears. SAIX: TRAITOR! He summons his CLAYMORE and runs towards Marluxia, but Larxene assaults him with a barrage of knives. Thinking quickly, he grabs Naminé and, scowling at Marluxia, runs through the Door to Darkness and shuts it behind him. Marluxia rushes to the door, but it won’t open for him. He tries the keypad and still nothing happens. MARLUXIA: Dammit! He’s locked it! We have to get him before the rest of them take off. LARXENE: What are we going to do? He said Roxas is on his way, and I know the old geezers in the basement will have heard what just happened. MARLUXIA: They shouldn’t be too much trouble for you. I just need time to figure out this lock. Larxene nods and turns towards the hallway, knives raised.
Xemnas followed Vexen's gaze. "Everyone," he announced, "this is a friend of mine named Naminé. If it weren't for her, we may very well all be dead right now. She is my guest here at the castle and should be treated as such, however, you are NOT to tell any of the others of her presence here. I fear they may see her as a threat and act without thinking. Is that understood?"
"Apparently," said Xemnas, "This Mad Hatter over here targeted me for some kind of sick game. But that's dealt with for the moment. He did say something about leading my heartless here, in fact he said it destroyed you. Vexen, do you know what happened to it?"
((OOC: Treah! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes! Welcome back!)) Taking ahold of Naminé, Xemnas portaled to the other side of the room, barely evading Saix. Then he spotted Vexen appear. "VEXEN!" he yelled, "REMOVE HIS HAT!"
Xemnas suddenly realized what was going on around him. He put his hand out towards Saix and attempted to shoot the hat off with a laser. Unfortunately, all it did was cut a hole in the middle of the hat, too far away from the circuitry in the brim. If I aim any lower, Xemnas thought, he's done for!
Xemnas didn't even notice the sounds of struggle coming from behind him. He looked at the Hatter, who was still breathing but not moving or giving any other indication of life, and then to Naminé, who was shaking. He slowly approached Naminé, softly saying "Naminé...did you...do this?" Naminé nodded her head slowly. "I think so..." she said shakily. "How?" said Xemnas, "and..What?" "I...I don't know..." Naminé stuttered, "I saw him about to put the hat on you and...and...and I just kind of....I don't know....it was like...I could see all the memories chained in his heart and....and I just....they just...exploded...." Xemnas and Naminé stared at each other, Naminé trying desperately to hold back tears.
Xemnas kepts slicing away, the Mad Hatter kept laughing as the lasers fell short of their mark. "Haha! This is too easy. Perhaps you weren't a worthy nemesis after all!" Xemnas looked the Hatter in the eye and then punched him in the face. To both their surprise, the first connected, sending the Hatter flying. Xemnas rushed over and picked up the Hatter by his lapels, and then placed a hand to the Hatter's chest. "Aha!" laughed the Hatter when Xemnas just stood there for a while, wondering what was going on. "Your body may be able to penetrate my cheild, but your weapon still won't work whithin it." Xemnas was still trying in vain to summon his lasers from within the Hatter's barrier, so focused that he didn't notice the Hatter pulling a baseball cap from his back pocket. "Perhaps you should turn those lasers on yourself," said the Hatter as he raised the cap over Xemnas' head. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a voice from behind screamed, and suddenly the Hatter's eyes went dead, his face frozen in his smirk. He dropped the cap and went limp in Xemnas' arms. Xemnas dropped the Hatter, who fell like a doll to the ground, and looked at Naminé, who was standing with her hands to her mouth, looking horrified at herself.
Xemnas rushed for the Hatter, who got to his feet, smiling. Xemnas took a swing... ...and the laser disingegrated when it got within a foot of the Hatter. "So sorry, old boy, but I believe your weapons cannot penetrate." Xemnas kept slashing at him, the laser tip disapopearing when it reached the 1-foot radius. "I dare the rest of you to try!" laughed the Hatter. "And Saix, if you would, be a dear and destroy them?"
"Luxord!" cried Xemnas, "Please! Help too!" The Mad Hatter was lying on the ground, lookign at the scene. And yet he was smiling. "That little bit about my nullifier being for one-time-use only?" he said very quietly, "I was lying..." He descreetly flipped a small switch in his glove.
The Mad Hatter walked over to Xigbar and slapped him across the face. "SHOES?! I'm a HATTER, not a cobbler! "Uh-uh, not so fast, Xemnas," he added, seeing Xemnas advancing with rage over the assault, "You wouldn't want me to tell your ladyfriend to tear the little boy asunder, would you?" "What do you hope to accomplish here, Hatter?!" yelled Xemnas. "To make you, my nemesis, miserable! Oh, I had been hoping to do it from the shadows. First, I stole all your specially-labeled ice cream so you would distrust your fellow Organization members, but that didn't quite work. Then, I left clues for your heartless to lead it here to destroy you, but it just vaporized Vexen and then up and vanished. You can't count on those confounded heartless. I even tried to get your new friend here into the mix, but the Heartless was gone by the time she opened the door." Xemnas stared at the Hatter. "Did you eat my ice cream?" he asked cooly, with the hint of a smile on his face. "Oh, heavens no, I can't stand the stuff. No, I kept it all in my pockets, you see - WAAAGH!" A small puddle of melted ice cream had formed around the Hatter's feet as he was talking, and when he moved he slipped and fell. Trying to grab onto anything, he inadvertantly removed the headband form Naminé's head as he fell. She woke up with a start and released Xigbar. "Oh my..what...?" she started to say, and then fell down dizzy. Xemnas ignited his hand-lasers. "Xigbar!" he cried, "Remove the hat from Saix's head and attack!"
"Ahh, Xemnas, you're just in time," said the little man, ginning widely. "I believe you know all these fine folks. They are now under my control and will fall dead to the ground if you attack me before I am finished speaking." "Do I know you?" said Xemnas, "Why are you doing this?!" He was panicking because not only was his Organization in danger, but this creep somehow found Naminé. He was trying his best not to show his fear and worry. "You don't know me personally, not yet," said the little man, "but I'm sure you know of me from your research of the worlds. And I certainly have read up on you, Xemnas." Xemnas looked strangely at the man, and suddenly got a spark fo memory. "Yes...yes I think I remember you now. You're that mad hatter who disappeared from Wonderland some years back..." "Ahhh, very good. That is correct," said the Hatter, "Tetch is the name, Hats are my game. At least they were. But I got bored, wanted to wreack true chaos. I wanted to be someone's nemesis." "Nemesis?" Xemnas stared blankly. "Yes! I needed a foe whom I could do battle with! They would regard me as their greatest enemy! I would be thwarted time and time again only to keep coming back like a cockroach to plague the intrepid hero! Oh, it would be so much fun. Except..." The Hatter sat down on a nearby bench and sighed sadly. "Except there was nobody in Wonderland who was interested in having a nemesis. It's why I left. After that I partered with a man calling himself 'Uncle Shelby'. He was a man who was tyring to get children to stop bothering him by writing a children's book that told them to do all sorts of nasty things. And I thought, I could be a nemesis to youth itself! Oh how wonderful! But it didn't last. Too passive-agressive for me. "So then I traveled to a world that was home to a fantastic hero! He was a man who dressed up like a giant bat and fought crime by night. Here, I thought I had found my nemesis! Oh, the battles we used to have! It was there I developed the mind control devices you see on your friends here. I used them to create armies of innocents in the theme of my homeworld. I held the city for ransom, tricked the wealthy into giving me millions, it was magical! But alas, as much fun as I was having, I knew that this Batman could never be my true nemesis. For I was but one of an extensive gallery of rogues he dealt with on a daily basis. And some psychotic clown got the title of Arch-Nemesis, and I was shunned. I was on my way back to Wonderland, resigned to the fact that I could never be someone's nemesis..." The Hatter then jumped up and ran to Xemnas. "Then I found out about you! You who have no real nemesis, not yet! But you would be a worthy opponant, yes you would! So I decided to act. And here I am!" Xemnas stared blankly at the Hatter, not quite knowing what to say.
The little man stared at Xigbar clutching his coattails, then looked to Saix. "Hmm...that's not supposed to happen...usually they just do what I say wordlessly. I suppose not having a heart makes a difference." He turned to the motionless Naminé. "At least you're slightly different. Hold him, will you?" Naminé, like a puppet, stared straight ahead and grabbed Xigbar's arms, holding him in place. "Young one," the little man said, "I wouldn't struggle if I were you. These little toys of mine triple my victim's strength. It's an odd side-effect, but nevertheless..." "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" The little man turned to see Xemnas standing at the foot of the stairs with an enraged look on his face. The little man just smiled.
The little man turned. "Oh, hello there. Almost forgot about you. I do happen to have a chapeau just your size, but...I'm think I'd like a more lively audience. Saix, by good man, do you think you could hold our unaccompanied minor for the time being?" "What is going on?" Naminé shouted finally, "Who are all you people?!" "Now now now," said the little man, and he quickly pulled out a headband and placed it on Naminé's head. She stood rigid and stared blankly ahead, unable to move, unavle to think. "There, that's better for now. Don't worry, I'll give you your lines when the time is right..."
((Certain events were O.K.'d by Foxxie)) Naminé was frozen in place like a deer in headlights. She couldn't move. She could only stare as the spinning weapon came towards her. "Not today, my good man!" said a voice, and suddenly the weapon disintegrated seconds before impact. Naminé turned and saw a funny little man in a large top hat, holding a strange device and smiling innocently. "Portable nullifier," said the little man, "Truly a work of art. Unfortunately, it's only good for one use. This, however," he added holding up a green Cat-in-the-Hat style cap, "has an amazing shelf-life. Would you like a demonstration?" He walked up to Saix and continued talking. "I know you, sir, would look a lot better in green. It should help you relax." Before anyone knew what was happening, the little man deftly placed the hat on Saix's head. The Luna Diviner went rigid and his eyes went blank. The little man's grin went wider. "There now. Since he is no longer a danger, what say we all have a little chat and wait for our guest of honor?" *** Xemnas opened his eyes, and found himself on the floor. What had happened? He looked behind him and saw a small puddle of...something...with a skid mark through it. Of course, he had been rushing and slipped in something. He looked at the puddle, sniffed it a bit, and his eyes went wide. My personal cache of French Vanilla Ice Cream, he thought, the ice cream that was missing yesterday morning! But who...
Vexen Can Mkae You A Man Continuing with my campaign to get Tim Curry to voice Vexen in the English Re:COM, I've put together this Rocky Horror homage: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C6IRlYFSsig ENJOY!!!
"Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" As soon as Naminé had said it, she regretted it. When the doorknocker had disintegrated in her hand, she had started to leave. However, the door opened by itself and she saw a blue-haired man going for a small child with a very large weapon that looked like a cross between a sword and a mace. It was then that her latent maternal instincts kicked in and alerted the crazed man to her presence. "Umm..." she added feebly, "notice that I also am shorter than you?"
Oooh...*sharp intake of breath* Sorry about that man...or woman...whatever you are (can't tell from the SN). Glad you liked it at least.
You should watch some old Monty Python stuff. If you like Dead parrot, you'll love their other stuff.
Special Project! Okay, here it is, months in the making (mostly because I started it then had to stop for a day and didn't get my butt back on it until today.) Kingdom Hearts II... In less than 10 minutes... As told by... THE BEATLES!: http://youtube.com/watch?v=mrVxnmia-LY Enjoy!!!