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  1. JackS27
    Man, this sucks! I wish I could save Naminé. Aside from Riku, I don't want any of the current lineup to die. *sigh* Oh well, such is the game of life...

    Hurt: Riku
    Heal: DiZ


    King Mickey
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. JackS27
    Hurt: Riku
    Heal: Kairi


    King Mickey
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. JackS27
    "Only once," said Xemnas. "For a split second before I arrived in Twilight Town as a Nobody. Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion have all encountered my Heartless, though. It threw them all into the Door to Darkness, or so they told me once they appeared with me in Twilight. From what they say, it's even less agreeable than I am. And after seeing the ruins of Hollow Bastion at its hands, I'm likely to believe them."

    Xemnas met Marluxia's eyes with a worried look.

    "Why do you ask?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JackS27

    Uhh...RikuSoraKairiOwn, we're in the 3,000s. Not the 5,000s. Please stop trying to mess people up. *large polite grin*
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. JackS27
    Hurt: Riku
    Heal: DiZ


    King Mickey
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. JackS27
    1. Well, the +1/+1 for each island was supposed to represent the water clones. So, theoretically, if you or your opponant is using an island deck, Demyx would be unstoppable.

    2. I wanted to make all Org XIII that expensive with 4 anything, 2 black, and 1 whatever other element. I'm doing this to balence out the cards and make them believable, though there are much weaker cards out there that are slightly more expensive.

    3. As for using game shots, I may or may not for some of the members should I make them, but I want to use as many of the "official" poses as I can 'cause they're cool.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. JackS27
    Xemnas was thinking about everything that had happened today. Left with his thoughts, he started to mentally berate himself for not believing Xigbar at the outset. I was stupid, he thought, I should do something nice for him as an apology...maybe I'll get him something. It's not much, but it's the thought that counts...

    He was just about to order the others to go to the lab without him when Marluxia made his request. Xemnas looked at Marluxia, honest surprise on his face.

    "Of course, Marluxia," he replied. To Vexen, he said "Start heading down without us. Start creating antidotes when Marluxia joins you. I'll be coming down a bit later. If you happen to run into either of our small friends, don't let them out of your sight."

    He turned back to Marluxia. "What is it that you need?"
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JackS27
    The power and toughness are the little numbers in the bottom right-hand corner, and it tells you how this card will fare in battle with others. Example: 4/3 will beat a 2/1 but get killed by a 6/6.

    As for the image, either save an image on your computer and use that one, or else find a pic on the internet, right-click, select "properties," and copy/paste the image code.

    And what do you mean "forum job"? I hope it has something to do with these cards, because if it's off-topic and it gets this thread closed I will be extremely annoyed at both of you.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. JackS27
    Xemnas chose not to acknowledge the Assassin's "witty" comment. Going in anyway was, of course, the whole point in mentioning it. Let him think he outsmarted me, he thought to himself, it might make him lower his guard to whatever this new problem was.

    After they entered, Xemnas looked around the room. He could feel a few whisps of concentrated darkness.

    "No...they aren't here...but they were here..."

    Xemnas thought for a second.

    "Vexen, if it's quite alright with you I'd like to journey down to your laboratory. It might to well to manufacture a few more anitdotes in case our friends are less than receptive when we find them."
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JackS27
    Here's a Marluxia card! Hope this'll tide you over.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. JackS27
    ((OOC: As far as I know, he's been in his room since I appeared. If you like, I can PM you a story-so-far on the rest of the characters if you let me know what the last piece you read was.))
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. JackS27
    ((OOC: Well, it needs a period of at least ten minutes which will probably translate into at least about several days of posting, given the infrequency that the other characters have been posting lately))
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JackS27
    Here's the generator website. Fill in the values, find a picture, and watch the fun!

    I might make more when I have more time.
    Post by: JackS27, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. JackS27
    Used with a Magic the Gathering card-creator. I tried making them all, but the picture dimensions turned almost all of them into funhouse mirrors.
    Thread by: JackS27, Feb 6, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics