Square was planning to make this but they canceled it. they need to start working on this and stop the FFVII compilation.
i like the old rap but not the newer ones.
they already did a sequel to Chrono Trigger. it was Chrono Cross.
are they really going to make a FF9 sequel? full article
i dont want any teeny stuff to be in kh. they should add Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End or the Chronicles of Narnia. that will be so awesome.
yea, they ruined Hello Goodbye from The Beatles.
oh well never mind that.
i hope not. why did SE added HSM in this game.
wouldn't it be awesome to play as Braska, young Auron and Jecht?
and Golbeza same for Golbez.
err. enough with Cloud vs Sephiroth hacks. this just too entertaining to watch. im sure some of you had seen this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7SwGGCb83U (C) video made by PerfectGenius23 (not me)
Chrono Cross AKA incredibly the Best Game Ever! http://www.gamestats.com/objects/012/012503/
um whats this? http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Laguna#Trivia
in KH1, Squall was resemble as Laguna Loire. the long hair and the jacket. Cloud wears Vincents glove and his cape.
my psp joystick wont let me move forward. im sick turning it off and on and in a minute it wont let me move forward anymore.
does anybody want a New Game + for this game? i just hate seeing the end screen and cant do nothing after beating the game.
http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Hayner#Trivia so does he act like Zell?
of course everybody predict Vincent. how bout some Chrono Trigger characters. Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Magus. FF6 is far more better than any other FF IMO so, rename Terra Branford as Tina, Celes, Locke, Edgar, Kefka as optional Boss (he owns Sephy).
Crisis Core, Daxter, Dissidia (if you understand japanese), Star Ocean
how can you like fred when his voice so dam squeaky? smosh is way more better.