same here just surfin the net
ummm not alot how bout you
go to user control panel edit avatar and go to choose file and then it should work
um you can also try searching google like type in kingdom hearts sora avatar.
um hi i think i remember you
yea but roxas had his own party for awhile yet mickey is an actual playable charcter so maybe......
um i dont think thats even possible the closist to haveing more that to keyblades is the roxas fight in FM+
um is there a code to play as party member? i mean i know your moves would be limeted but still.....
ok then ask me anythink if you need help.
hello um im here
um witch one?
um i think you have to a an album first sorapower.
cool yea i may not have alot of posts but ive been on this sight for close to halve a year.
hi?! how are you?
sweet the ROXAS GROUP
yea ive been here close to halve a year and just introducing my self yea my username i actuailty made that screwed up it was supoose to be Sora is roxas 1 but yea i get bored easily tooo and one day i hope to become a staff member of some sort
If im correct yes you can reinstall vista with the disk as long as you have everthing requirded and the correct computer specs for your pc
um my birthday is september 27
joins in danicing as well
Hi people how ya doin?