this is probobly going to look like a stupid question for most of you so... will these codes work on a NTSC action replay? and is gameshark region rescricted? last but not least... what setting on MAX convert would i use for a gameshark 2 Version 1.1?
is there like an anti-code for the drive into dw roxas code? like one that makes you turn back into sora and valor turn back into valor?
this is probaly a silly question, but these wont work on my NTSC ar max right?
ill try these out, but is there lie, an anti code that put everything back to the way it was before i activate the drive to dw code?
ive gotten the drive into duel roxas to work, but is there a code that i can joker to become normal sora again? could i take that first line of thedrive to duel wield code off so im not always single keyblade roxas and i can use valor normally?
im gonna try that code later... but that code i posted should make me able to use a drive to turn into duel wield?
i can use the drive into duel wield...its probably easier heres a code i found: RAW 11CFA3FC 0000005A 11CFA404 00000323 21CC3874 000A0001 10340b2c 00000061 1033FEC0 0000002B 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 Ar 3W0F-AJD8-ZG9JB V0GZ-6WGP-X653K PTBQ-Q6TF-Z4NYE 6J1V-8G5H-89P80 CAZU-CHVF-3HCTT R5H5-PY1N-XBMHV 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 FBCV-81U8-6AB03 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9
would i have anything to do with where i start...?
i just tried your code without the joker, and it still didnt work... oh and we are trying to make a duel wielding roxas code with a joker that works
ill try it again hold on im gonna try it without the joker first and see if that the problem
that one you gave me made the game crash too...hmmmm oh well, ill keep looking around. thanks for the help though!
ah, well i wanted to be able to change to roxas at will
at first i didnt know that once you activate the joker, it stays on... i guess i really just need a code to change back to sora with a joker, it possible
nah, that one blacked out and kept the music playing too... i had one that worked before, but after i put the joker on it, it stoped working. you think the joker is making it crash?
yeah the one i found didnt work...screen blacked out and music kept on playing... ill try the one you offered now
This was athe one i was using: 40340C9C 00130001 10101004 00000000 i think i found another one though, im gonna try it now and ill let you know. this is a weird question, but does anyone know the code to turn back into normal sora by using a joker? like when instead of turning into roxas, you turn back into sora?
from my knowledge, valor sora is the counterpart of duel roxas. i used the right code, im sure of that. do i have to like, be valor before i try to activate the code? oh, and the first one i was using was for duel roxas with party members, but now im just using duel roxas alone when i get valor sora
yeah im holding the button when i enter a new area, and nothing happens EDIT: i also tried changing the joker button, and now it just gives me valor sora that i cant revert out of
ive been trying to joker the duel wielding roxas alone code, but it will not work. the code gets excepted, but i don't turn into roxas when i go into a new area. if someone has done this one already, could you either post your code or tell me what im doing wrong? thanks