oh, and is there a code to have magics be at teh level they are for the wisdom finisher?
Dead Heart, that cod you gave me worked...could i trouble you to make to return to normal sora model? so i can switch back adn forth at any moment? thanks
wo so much help! hers teh code for antisora Code: 21CB96F4 5F303031 21CB96F8 58455F50 i was using this because i ham using an AR MAX, so i used the alternate code at the bottom of the list i will try the new one you gave me in a little while, and i will try the weapon mod cods too thanks everyone!
21CB96F4 5F303031 21CB96F8 58455F50
awesome thank you also, i mentioned this before, but i cant unequip or equip a new weapon for my final or valor forms. anyone have some ideas on how to fix this? ive tried to do it without codes on as well, but it wont work there either EDIT: when i try this, all i get is BSOD. i tried to joker it, but the smae thing happened when i activated the joker
so just a model code will work? will sora be standing up, or on all fours like when in anti form?
is it possible to have the skin of anti form, but still act like normal sora? i was thinking a combination of the model modifier, and the moveset modifier, but im not sure
the speherioth code problem resolved itself, still dont know what he problem was... im gonna try to change the final form weapon without codes in a little while... ill let you know what happens so diabling codes doesnt help me... im still not able to change th e final form weapon, and now i just found out that i cant switch my valor form weapon as well
im using these all at once: Code: (M) Code B7B6-R8XK-V6ECA HXR7-JAB9-9XJXH R1 to Play as DW Roxas TCD4-WWAM-31PZ9 PX5Z-EMWA-RNMJ2 U6EY-BNQQ-9NF0N oathkeeper is mickys key GJ59-5M2P-Y42WC MC7V-GUPP-9999E R1+square for normal sora GY60-F1N5-DHMP1 6U3G-RB0T-Q5QPU 5V1G-5ZYW-MPXUY Drive without party members 1M4Q-753A-37CQA 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 Infinite Hp 86U4-4FTG-D308M 4GYJ-TEH5-F6TA2 PDMN-GVZT-HYWH8 RNM4-KJ16-EH6AG VJX3-FQDB-17UAD Infinite MP all ECH8-GUC6-5D1RY U9HM-47P7-XJUWT infinite Drive 21U2-AYQ6-NYH34 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 to Axle Battle R2 T0C2-GDA1-1KJ9D H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY 7PFF-VXX9-1WNW9 G1K5-FHT0-D58HH to 1000 heartless event L1 N6C3-EUWN-D2R9B 52R4-HZTC-Q197R UTU3-Y5NM-WYQX7 E96V-6MMR-D94D6 to Seph Battle L2 7XK3-WB3M-4FV4R KEDB-FA9R-58JDM WY62-ZVAD-CD2Z4 R63V-7NJU-DWAPM R1+L1 to Demyx Battle 0KFH-7E7B-YWCJ9 HAH4-C8X2-13YGW 11H0-D8E4-6DPW4 G1K5-FHT0-D58HH on a side note, i cant switch the weapon i have equiped for final form... any suggestions?
(M) Code B7B6-R8XK-V6ECA HXR7-JAB9-9XJXH R1 to Play as DW Roxas TCD4-WWAM-31PZ9 PX5Z-EMWA-RNMJ2 U6EY-BNQQ-9NF0N oathkeeper is mickys key GJ59-5M2P-Y42WC MC7V-GUPP-9999E R1+square for normal sora GY60-F1N5-DHMP1 6U3G-RB0T-Q5QPU 5V1G-5ZYW-MPXUY Drive without party members 1M4Q-753A-37CQA 0DWG-Y0XZ-3VNP9 Infinite Hp 86U4-4FTG-D308M 4GYJ-TEH5-F6TA2 PDMN-GVZT-HYWH8 RNM4-KJ16-EH6AG VJX3-FQDB-17UAD Infinite MP all ECH8-GUC6-5D1RY U9HM-47P7-XJUWT infinite Drive 21U2-AYQ6-NYH34 2ACT-FB4R-1JJB9 to Axle Battle R2 T0C2-GDA1-1KJ9D H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY 7PFF-VXX9-1WNW9 G1K5-FHT0-D58HH to 1000 heartless event L1 N6C3-EUWN-D2R9B 52R4-HZTC-Q197R UTU3-Y5NM-WYQX7 E96V-6MMR-D94D6 to Seph Battle L2 7XK3-WB3M-4FV4R KEDB-FA9R-58JDM WY62-ZVAD-CD2Z4 R63V-7NJU-DWAPM R1+L1 to Demyx Battle 0KFH-7E7B-YWCJ9 HAH4-C8X2-13YGW 11H0-D8E4-6DPW4 G1K5-FHT0-D58HH
is it okay to revert out of a form when fighting seph? because i reverted and the game froze. i just didnt now if it was something else or just me reverting
er...i didnt know i would have to find eh digits myself... sorry
quick question about he weapon mod code.. does it actully replace the weapon, or just the skin?
i would be happy to test once digits are put out but im no good at porting
no, i meant like , if i wanted the KtR room card, i would hold square, or something, and i wold get that card when i went to a different room now that im thinking about, i guess a room mod would be just a good
this isnt an important request so if anyolne goes for it take your time... could someone try to make a map card modifier, like you can change one card into another? like, i could change a sleeping darkness card into a Key to reward card? or like a code where you hold a button to get certain map cards
for teh gain EXP per block, is the XXX just a hexidecimal value, like, if i wanted 100 exo i could just put in 064?
im guessing on one has figured out the game ID yet, huh
just a quick question... would these codes work on a NTSC action replay max, even if i set the region to japan?
since mine keep failing... can someone please make a change in DW roxas while playing as sora,and set it to a joker? any combination is fine
i have to go somewhere, can someone test this for me? it should replace sora with DW roxas, and donald with axle. gooffy should be gone. press R1 and L1 to activate, and R2 and L2 to deactivate. Code: E002F3FF 0035B55C 11C95618 00000323 11CFA3FE 000004DC 11CFA400 00000023 E002FCFF 0035B55C 11CFA3FC 00000054 11CFA3FE 0000005C 11CFA400 0000005D or if teh AR max code is better: Code: H27F-561N-TWR4P HAH4-C8X2-13YGW U6EY-BNQQ-9NF0N 4EC9-QRBP-VJ2MG CRNR-GU2U-TCT43 VDTT-3ET0-DEZ8T 5V1G-5ZYW-MPXUY Z5JC-M2QP-T29HT 0QHM-4MK3-3DDZ1
E002F3FF 0035B55C 11C95618 00000323 11CFA3FE 000004DC 11CFA400 00000023 E002FCFF 0035B55C 11CFA3FC 00000054 11CFA3FE 0000005C 11CFA400 0000005D
i have a few questions... 1. can i stick some codes together and they will still work? like if i combine the donald replaced by axle and play as roxas codes, will they both still work? 2. can you make it so one party member is missing?