Against all desires, another storm approaches. Casting sadness and memories away from the next generation. The past stays predominant every new morn, But the world must keep spinning. Yesterday was then. Tomorrow is now. Spurts of laughter and singing ring through their souls, Their existence understood through a year of work. Until it all escalates downwards to an unwanted finale. When the past respectively recognizes their predecessors, Jealous of what awaits the new kids on the block. With the unwavering strength, you always look ahead, Each year holding new successes and defeats. New flames kindle in anticipatory faces, Awaiting the day Madrigals will change them forever. You’ve opened that door for us. You are the one who returns after each summer, The one who losses the most; but you can smile, Because you’ve shown us all what music can do. And how we pass it on to our future A poem for my dear friend Steve Smith
I'm wondering what would happen if sora were able to combine and fuse two keyblades together, what would happen and which two would you combine? What would you call it.
After seeing Disney decide to renovate California Adventure, and tear down Country Bear Jamboree for Winnie the Pooh...I began to wonder: If Disney decides to add a new ride to either Disneyland or California Adventure, what would get the boot? I'm interested in hearing any opinions.
Clouded darkness before the fall of light, The Gray Pilgrim holding a sword pulled from the stone The froth of the tide from pictures long ago Aged to perfection by dust. The rubble of a destroyed city full of Memories Defeat Triumph But for us the end has come through clouded darkness As the Gray Havens call us home. Haha LoTR's was on all day, what can ya do? Hope you enjoy.
Winds come on, daunting A lone past among shadows. I've returned, The Scurge of Spira. A life i knew, extinct for a decade This is my story. A suicidal choice; I accepted. A man to guard, a friend I earned. Battles begot battles, prayers around pyres, the decisive war we chose. We succeed, We pass. The golden coast swirling playfully, it beckons. Blinking memories of the past promise back into focus, Not yet. He must earn his story. Hope you all enjoy!!!
I suppose this thread could fall under both Movie and Book, but i posse to you this question: The movie SAHARA was widely received across the country while RAISE THE TITANIC did not a few years ago. Both movies are based off of books by Clive Cussler. I'm not sure how many of you have read any of his other books or even these two, but would you be interested in seeing more Dirk Pitt movies?
Il mio amico, a voi. Miglia non può separare i miei sentimenti per te Ma I nostri amici non possono capirli. Posso prestare soltanto una spalla benchè desideri che potrei fare più. Sono spiacente che dovete soffrire, a voi. io piango, incapace essere là per voi. Sono spiacente. Desidero che potremmo ottenere via da vita. Per ottenere un senso dalla sofferenza, da ottenere persa in nostro proprio mondo. Prendere la mia mano, Farci volare a Neverland, Voi e me Insieme Italian translation: My friend, to you. Miles can not seperate my feelings for you But our friends may not understand. I can only lend a shoulder although wish I could do more. I am sorry that you have to suffer; To you. I weep, unable to be there for you. I am sorry. I wish we could get away from life. To get a sense of the suffering, to get lost in our own world. Take my hand, Let us fly to Neverland. You and Me. Together. Yes i speak italian, what now haha, enjoy.
I meander back to my domain, rain lightly falling, a subtle irony as the sands of time retract. My subconscious awakens, steadily glaring up after the first dance ends with a broken heart, which I can not mend. A year later, the same scene plays out in almost the same effect, but ends more joyously, a twinkle up in the cosmos. I sit, shivering in the snow as I watch him return home late, realizing he’s never going to learn from his dreams… I grow irritated, the chill melted away from the grass, as a tux exits a Lexus, the water begins to steam, he is ignoring me. The same day comes for the third time as I laugh at his stupidity, yet stare dumbfounded as she escapes without word or warning. Compassionately, I being to understand him after the snow of last, As I beam at his current date, knowing he chose the bestest. And yet, the sands of time return to the end of our journey, As I accompany his last date home, it’s been a great 3 years. The wheels turning love to sadness, humor to jubilance. As I park once more, Reminiscing. Found this one hidden away on my hard drive, Hope you all like!!
Two pawns stand on the empty street Each locked in warfare, Yet neither has made a move. A bail of tumbleweed floats Across the desert chessboard, the sun stands directly above; Unbiased over the dueling men. The clock tower strikes, Noon. Two bullets rocket forwards, Both gracing casings as the targets are hit. Both men collapse. The Spaniard, dead. The respected Texan lay, Dying. He blinks, his clean white Stetson Smeared with sweat and dust falls to the ground, His iconic badge layered in droplets of blood. The bystanders remain in audience, shocked and saddened But a young child marches toward him She kneels down and lifts his head. He blinks into the burning sun, The face of an angel gazing down at him with a single tear in her eye. He passes with a smile on his face, You are safe now.
Welcome, to Season's Greetings, a murder noir set during Christmas. There will be swearing, nothing too graphic, and minimal suggested themes. Ho Ho Ho. It's cold. Damn cold. Damn the Hudson. I gotta get warm. I see a coffee shop diner blinking between snow drifts. I guess this'll do. The traffic was light but what would you expect at 2 on Christmas Morning? I now know how that jolly old fat man can survive the great white north: extra padding. As i move toward the diner, i can make out a police siren scream far away, probably all ready at the Park. I'm almost to the door, when i get nailed by a snowball, hitting me below the neck. YOU BLOODY ******* i scream. No ones there. I tighten the coat closer, damn kids. I take a seat in the first booth. Nat King Cole is softly singing Christmas carols. I order an Irish Coffee, gotta stay warm in this damn cold. I look at my rusty wrist watch: 2:07am. Am i waiting for a sign, forgiveness, or Karma? The neon light out front says they've got the best coffee in the tri-state area I look at the menu to see for myself. blood. Blood is dripping down my overcoat, onto the sweat smeered menu and cracking leather booth. I lift my hand to my back, no snow, just more blood. Damn he wasn't dead. Last thing I see is the diner menu...
The streak continues Donaut haha Abandoned for ages, yet know by the world. If I’m so recognizable, why can’t I be help? My foundation is anchored in place, Accompanying my right hand, a beacon. Rain, wind, heat. Every know element grates upon me as I stay strong, A castaway lighting the way to freedom. Masses flood from overseas, seeking my light, Groveling upon my shores I can do nothing but stare on. How can I save millions when I can’t save myself? Turmoil ravages both worlds, but I radiate conditional strength. Peace flows like air around my tiny sanctuary. The every busy world rising higher and wider, Till two partners in share for the top of the world. My age shows in my joints as morning rises again, I awaken, looking north I witness the horror As both comrades in iconship crumble and die, A silence covers this world, my light faulters. The funeral’s finale end, the rustic tears brushed away. Millions in sorrow turn to my candle, A vision to behold as my humble landmark, has marveled the world over. My true calling has been answered and I accept. I am peace. I am life and liberty. I am the American Dream. God Bless.
Silence mystifies the darkened eve Crystallized tears cascade from humble guardian angels Blanketing my freshly shoveled driveway.
Suspended, clinging to every moment, A messenger between the worlds holds. Expression is what feels my soul, Tranquility enraptures the strings of my heart. Emotion bleeds out from my auras, Angels from above heed and take not upon the message. I’ve never seen the outside world, Yet my window to it lies through my ensemble. At the end of each year, my life takes shelter. The olden days immortalized forever amongst my mahogany, Tomorrow, the next wave of youth will learn my message, So they can sing amongst clouds one day. A tribute to my dear friend, Steve Smith
A relaxing peace sets about the sand swept room, Every storm bringing new hardships. He enters, casting shadow about, Sorrowful guilt drowns in his aged face. A friend lost has he. He sits across from my enclave, A weight prevalent amongst his body and mind. A friend’s death. An enemy’s birth. The forcecannot for see tomorrow’s world, As a baby’s cry breaks the silence. Obi-wan’s eyes rise to meet my mahogany, I will protect one if you will protect another. My velvet hands take a hold of the silver shaft. He smiles, closing the lid, This burden is mine. He reenters my sanctuary, a small life in his haggard hands, Our lives have been changed. By these gifts. By these curse. I close my carved eyes, he leaves, a swell of sand blows in. My vault shall hide this curse, For another Skywalker shall bear this burden some day. Hahaha, a creative writing project i found from years ago based on an any object in Star Wars = the box that held Anakin Skywalkers lightsaber haha. Anyway comments are always appreciated and as always, Peace.
Sunlight glistens down through the mosaics of Grace, Coloring the wood and pews technicolored dreams. Distraught, laden with the weight of guilt I sit, My mind, a ticking time bomb. Song takes me to flight, Moving past the alter, images of the past accompany me. The hallway is dark, lonely, persecuted. My souls pace along the path of peace. I sit down, nerves inflamed, My burden is starting to collapse away. Calm words reach my conflicted heart, My mind erupts with emotion. Memorizes bound away like wind, The problems turn to the solver. My struggle strengthened with his care, A calming comfort seeps over me. Peace accompanies my being as I move away. I may be from another denomination, But if expressing my mind to God brings serenity, Then he and I are one. I wrote this poem for a friend, comment if you like, and as always Peace
A poem that i wrote a few months ago, hope you like and comments are always welcome Trauma and turmoil ravage my world, Yet, my pasture lays hidden away, Ushering me to return someday. Water dances around my tiny kayak, Leading me on , guiding me forward. The oars rhythmically dance along with salmon and otters, Both need not fear the world. For their home, Formed by tears of Heaven protect these lives, Secluded forests promenade my journey Down the road to my pasture. The gates unfold, bringing me before the frozen giants. Breath’s held, casting a calming silence, Disbelief that this world remains untouched, As countries battle for supremacy. Frozen memories float about me, Falling like crystal tears from the giants eyes. White lightning juts around these marvels As more jewels enter the world. Stepping onto the misty coast, my mind clears. Eagles soar high above, wildlife sings aloud, I’ve entered my pasture. Above me stars burn like rubies, Glistening amongst the mysterious dance of the Aurora Borealis. The land of the midnight sun lies far away, I shan’t be gone long, and next time, you shall come too. Peace
To all who come to this happy place, welcome. The plaque reads from the castle steps. One step forward, Leafs rustle innocently along Main Street A train yawns awake far off. Ragtime music sweeps through the airy courtyard, Raising a wind deep inside. One jump ahead, And through the castle gates I soar, Returning to the land Where age stands like a frozen hourglass. Down cobblestone drives and English manors Over mountains and around the river bend Past temples and amongst comets I meander. Every step a memory, Every blink a moment longing for a glimpse Into the imagination of the creator. Faces fly all around, off to Neverland Youth clutching the unmoving sands of time, This land cannot be tarnished. Upon my head, Two golden spheres divulge and absorb laughter excitement peace. Slowly, a path beckons like a poisonous apple, Down the rabbit hole I tumble And awaken, the hourglass loosening the particles, Back to reality. Traffic, War, Anger, Hate, Destruction…. Evil. That’s what lies before my unwavering eyes As the world swirls past my porthole in life. But a smiles rises by night. For up to the heavens jewels I glance, wishing. My eyes unearth the second star to the right, The hourglass flies from my hands, shatters The grains falling like a meteor shower. I can go the distance. For one man’s imagination has become a sanctuary Strangers like me flow toward it each moment, Escaping the reality to enter a whole new world. It’s a tale as old as time: Wishing I could be set free Wishing upon a star To defy growing up, To be a lost boy. But only one thing remains, one last wish. I’ll navigate my magic carpet in jungles unknown, Climb the snow-covered mountain for all mankind, Discover ocean mysteries with me hardies yo ho Only to wish for to share this small world With you If you shall come too...
It began raining shortly after the silence enveloped the nation. Few would be out of the loop by now. Trudging alone the moist grass, I pull the backpack even tighter, My only reassuring solace I have. It could have been here, not a world away, right here… It’s sad, how little we appreciate the small things. A radio tune, a passing smile, a sunset, a memory Until it’s out of reach Forcefully, resilient, stone cold. Two unknown students lower the mast, A passing teacher stutters ‘I love you’ on a phone, Groups walk silently, even their backpacks mute, A young child passes by, holding his mothers hand, smiling. I walk on through the storm, raindrops forms behind my clouded sunglasses. In memory of Virginia Tech
I found this Point of View story i wrote from awhile back, figure some others out there may enjoy it I didn’t fully understand what happened, but I feel for him… He walked in here all upbeat without a care in the world, I’d seen him in here a couple times before but he always had a girl with him. Probably his wife. He sat in his normal booth. I took his order: small stack with maple, medium coke. He kept smiling. I never got his name. It’s odd what your brain remembers. He kept looking at the wall clock. 8:50 am. 8:51 am. His phone rang, it was an annoying ring…whatever it was. “Hey Babe.†Must be the girl. I busied myself with the other customers. “Yea I’m here. When are you…a meeting with the execs? No it’s fine, I just…†I came back around and cleared the counter of the cop’s dishes. “Yea I have it right here, thanks babe I love you. Let’s celebrate at dinner my trea….babe…Babe?†He lowered the phone, I could hear the static. I inadvertently read the envelope: Happy Birthday! The last line I couldn’t make out. He looked confused, eyes wandering from the beeping phone around the small diner. He looked up. He saw the bulletin on the beater TV. I followed his eyes, I wish I hadn’t. ********************************** He rarely comes in here anymore. I only see him once a year. Same time. Same booth. Same unopened envelope yellowed and crinkled. Happy Birthday! Don’t open until then, 8:52 am, 9/11!Your loving Fiancee He leaves, always pays cash. I look at our skyline, remembering. I’ve still got the candle in the window. I didn’t fully understand what happened, but I feel for him…
Kingdom Hearts: Illusions of Memory (Working Title) I actually came up with this idea in my dream last night and will see how in plays out: The blue green surf past slowly over the sun bleached pebbles that made up Destiny Islands beach. With each new wave, part of the island vanished into nothingness. A lone seagull wandered the skies in search of a meal gazed down upon the island. A glint of metal caused the bird to spiral down towards the source. The bird landed next to a discolored and rust covered picture frame of three children playing on a dilapidated palm tree, their faces lost to the times. The gull waddled around the beach, seeing rubble from broken walls and decaying huts. It ventured into a small cave hoping for a defenseless crab but instead was forced to take flight as a rock glided from the depths. A dark shadow lumbered deeper into the tunnel, becoming one with the expansive weight of silence. The figure sat in the center of the chamber, staring upwards at the multiple cave drawings, allowing the faded images to burn into the figures mind. Sora, Riku Kairi. Friends, enemies, allies, lovers...How can such a universe exist with individuals so complex? The cloak fluttered as the figure reached inside for a small diamond hourglass pendant. Soon, she thought, nothing will be the as it seems... She began to laugh as she stared at the faded chalk drawing of Sora and Kairi... and that's it for now, let me know if you like it and what you think might happen, because nothing is as it seems