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  1. Destined

    Hey ORANGE...

    Thought i'd share with you a picture i took down in Florida off of 192.

    Thread by: Destined, Mar 24, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Destined


    I can't believe that I am posting in this thread...I never saw myself as being one to just suddenly lose all desire to be here at this forum anymore, it's sad. School has gotten to the point where I can't juggle the occassional post, mountains of school work, and the immense number of hours that my work is asking me to put in with the staff cuts we've suffered since January.

    To my friends on this forum....there are only a handful of you that I am giving this title because you are the ones that have taken the time out of your life to sit down and talk to my on MSN.

    kitty: for all of those joyous conversations about the lds church and how you are more awesome than us stupid Americans.

    Destiny's Force: You are the writer to rule them all. I have greatly enjoyed reading all of your works and you have become the crowning prince of KHV with your narration crackling with incendiary wit. Never stop.

    Sorarulz, thekeycardmaster, Kingdomkey13, Wacko, Dmaster, Bamasebastian, and Darkest Blade: You are my posse and have made it worth my while to continue writing my story and continue it into what it is today with your lovable characters and your banter of pineapple, pickles and popcorn. I'll miss you guys.

    Catch the Rain: Kay, you have made me feel more at home here than I ever thought I could be, you broke me out of my shell and got me involved in the site and always put up with my humor and stupidity of liking Nascar over Formula One. I thank you for allowing me to judge the poetry contests and I really hope that you can continue to spark creativity into all those who flock into your arms.

    To the countless others who have commented with me, or enjoyed my story, know this:

    You have humbled me with your acceptance and your sincerity and have made this a fun ride.

    I'm not one for long goodbyes, so I will just add the following:

    You've been X-ed punk! I'm going to Disneyworld for Spring Break, be back in 2 weeks. Later peeps.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 11, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Destined

    Line of Fire

    This is a short story that I formulated a few months ago that I recently unearthed in the far reaches of my memory. It may be inappropriate for some people because I am basing parts of this off of real events, with names and contexts changed. I hope that you enjoy.

    Line of Fire

    The following testimony was transcribed on the 15th of April of 2010 by Defense Attorney Madeline Aurison and Detective Ken Crowsk at the Cottonwood Police Department holding cell.

    ‘Case number #742: Ken Crowsk, indicted for Police Brutality and Vehicular Homicide. Detective Crowsk, this meeting is a formality to inform you that the prosecution has issued an appeal, demanding the use of the death penalty.’

    ‘It was a mistake, a rookie error--’

    ‘--An error that cost the lives of an entire family. As your lawyer, I believe you, but a jury rarely believes anything is considered accidental anymore. The prosecution has been flooding the news channels with your face and the crime scene.’

    ‘…what can we do?’

    ‘Fight this. The city should support the men and women who risk their lives to protect them, even if mistakes were made.’

    ‘What are my chances?’

    ’20 years or more or the death penalty. The prosecution will take nothing less.'

    ‘…let them appeal. Let them put me in front of the firing squad. God knows my sin and only he can do the bidding of judge and judicator. I’m a dead man whichever outcome I receive.’

    It’s true, I am a dead man whichever outcome I receive. In prison, I’ll become an empty shell devoid of all emotions as I slowly rot to nothingness. Death penalty, I get to have drinks with Lucifer as he and I both burn for my mistake. Release? It’s not something I’m counting on, because the community, my own family, my fellow cops, they’ve all turned against me.

    ...Not sure that I blame them...

    I sit here in this holding cell beneath the Cottonwood City courthouse, and that conversation with me and the doc keep rewinding and playing again inside my head. The jury upstairs are all falling to the words of that stiff lawyer, unsympathetic to my side of the event. You are the only one who I can talk to, the only one who will hear me out. As long as you listen to my story, I know that one person will hear the truth, maybe that will be enough to ease my mind.

    It’s going to be better to start out from the beginning, almost two years ago: July 1st 2008, the week everything changed.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Destined
    Wow. No one here has added the classic comic Calvin and Hobbes, this saddens me. They were classic, especially whenever Calvin would imagine his school being consumed by aliens, or trying to cheat off of Susie, or the classic Snowman horror gallery. Anyone else share in the fanhood that is Calvin and Hobbes?
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 2, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Literature
  5. Destined
    I was briefly following this news story and in the past few days it has blown up on the news and cnn. Prince Harry has apparently joined the British Military and was deployed to Afghanistan, the public got wind of it, and now he is being sent home.

    This last part has me with mixed feelings. Yes he is royalty, but should he be treated any different that a soldier who has done two tours of duty, barely able to support his family and fighting for what he believes in? Back in the day, royalty rode at the for front of their troops as a symbol of moral and strength, so removing Prince Harry can go good and bad IMO.

    Good: Any risk of a terrorist targeting is eliminated.

    Bad: Possible lack of support from those who look up to Prince Harry and see him 'leaving' the troops because of who he is. Show British Military as weak in the eyes of the terrorists.

    What is your opinion on the matter?
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 1, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  6. Destined


    Thread by: Destined, Feb 27, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Destined
    With the Wii's virtual console adding more and more games each week, a number of classics are back and being enjoyed by another generation.

    For those with a Wii and those without, what games would you like to see come out for the VC?

    I really want to see Goldeneye, Shadows of the Empire and Super Star Wars.

    What about you guys?
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 24, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Destined
    In response to a thread from yesterday, I have found a tribute for Catch the Rain. I hear that she loves this kind of stuff, so enjoy ALL!

    Speak your thoughts for CTR's joy

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 22, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Destined
    Friends, I thought that it would be a week or two before I would start this, but I sat down at the keyboard tonight, and my fingers wouldn't stop. So for those of you reading thus far I have this little bit of information to supply.

    First of all, the following worlds, characters and affiliations with Square, Nintendo, LucasArts are their own, I am only using their likenesses for pleasure and not for money. Other original characters from Destined of Sacrificed are my own with information supplied to me by members of this site and I have their permission of use.

    Secondly, I strongly advice those who have not yet, to click on and read

    The Destined:


    It is the first part of the Trilogy and will make the following make so much for sense.

    Enjoy, and remember, that CnC is always appreciated.

    And without further to do, I present:



    ~25 Years Ago~
    The laboratory exploded as a shrill scream escaped as a nurse ran from the room, a large hole turning crimson on her stomach. The power began to fluctuate then completely extinguished, shrouding the wing in darkness, but unable to cover up the smell of scorched flesh.

    From inside the laboratory, a being began to moan, its eyes struggling to open and adjust to the darkness. Something wasn’t right. His eyes were open, yet he couldn’t what was in front of him, he could see…everything. The layer of dust beginning to settle on the microscopes, the hum of the machinery…even the air that was blowing lazily from the air duct. The room was alive.

    The being struggle to rise, its hands running crazily across a row of oddly shaped instruments, he knew each; but now they seemed foreign. He felt…something above, breathing. He froze. From upon the operating table, the experiment…was breathing.

    It had worked.

    Slowly, he stood, seeing the experiment breathing slowly, as one would in a deep sleep. He had done it. He gazed down and watched all of the organs and muscles move in sync, nothing out of place. He reached down and stared in shock as the stesascope gently levitated in the air and landed softly in his hands.

    A tingle passed down his spine, the experiment had done more than he could believe. Excited, he began to pass the stesascope across the experiments chest, trying to find the heart. Very slowly he pulled the instrument from his ear and smiled.

    No heartbeat. Yet the being was alive.

    “Doctor, you called for me?” A young intern asked hesitantly.

    The doctor didn’t move his head, but his eyes seemed to rotate, feeling his apprentice enter the lab. “Yes my young apprentice, please come in. I’ve made a break through.”

    “What is it Doctor?”

    “I’ve created a new being, not one of life, but of hatred.”

    “What?!” the apprentice gasped, taking a step backwards.

    “This…being. Is all the evil in my soul, one that shall life, without a heart.”

    The apprentice stared in fear, seeing the doctor in a new light. “What have you done?”
    The doctor spun around, his eyes surprisingly pleading. An odd feeling was presenting itself from his subconscious. “He is coming…Ansem, Run.”

    Ansem stared confused, but slowly began to turn to run as he realized the fear in his mentor’s eyes was genuine as another shadow began to form behind him.

    The Doctor turned, seeing the new shadow grow and smiled. “You have failed…Darth Palageus.” With the click of his wrist, a lightsaber jutted from the doctor’s smock, solidifying itself inside of Palageus’ neck.

    He fell to his knees, blood burning away as the intense heat charred the flesh. The doctor stepped forward slowly, seeing the Dark Lord of the Sith pass from this world, he bent low, his mouth inches form his ear. “The reign of Darth Palageus is at an end. Now, Darth Sidious, shall rule.”

    Sidious laughed, as the heartless rose from the metal slab, stepping forward. Sidious turned, eyeing his new creation. “I shall name you….Xehanort. Together we shall rule the universe.”

    ~15 Years Ago~
    The warheads hammered the weak façade as the group of villagers huddled shakily together, some weeping, others whispers a prayer to the faythes. A young girl sat at a rotting desk, papers of escape strategies littering the drawers and top. Before her, she held a book sized piece of metal, and painstakingly through tears, was etching a message she hoped would last forever.

    So much had gone wrong, and now she was being hunted by the creation’s apprentice. She brushed a stream of salty tears away from her eyes, she had to finish.

    Through the dust and noise, a man burst into the shelter, his eyes rapidly passing across the group finally coming to rest on the girl.

    “Fa lyh'd cdyo rana yho muhkan, fa ryja du naylr dra yen creb pavuna ed ec yddylg!” he demanded, motioning for the others to join him.

    She turned and nodded, engraving her name under the warning. Please Yu Yevon, let this survive so that others may undue my mistakes. She picked up the tablet and ran to join the others.

    Outside the shelter, was chaos. Warriors fought bravely with their weapons and guns against the flood of heartless that continued to materialize with no end in sight. A hovel behind them on the opposite side exploded, sending bricks and splintered wood raining down.

    The child in front of her let out a cry as a broken beam slammed into the ground next to him, just nicking his left leg with enough force to send him to the ground with a broken ankle.

    The leader turned hearing the screams of agony, and raced back. He picked up the boy and stared the women in the eyes. “Vuindaah, e'mm lynno dra puo, oui sicd mayt ic du dra yen creb, oui ghuf dra fyo, KU!”

    She nodded, running to the front and began to weave through wreckage and bodies. The dock was nearly within sight as a colossal heartless rose from the ground. The group stopped in fear as the heartless pushed over a building in their path. They dived aside, but part of the collapsed wall landed on top of the girl, pinning her down.

    She gasped as the pain racked across her entire body and watched as the others struggled to flee as her vision began to blur, darkness creeping along the sides. Two men were swept up and tossed aside, but she didn’t feel any remorse, the last thing she saw was the tablet she had so desperately tried to protect, vanish beneath an avalanche of debris.

    ~Present Day~
    ~5 years after the Keyblade War~

    The blistering heat scorched the windswept desert as bails of tumbleweed coasted lazily along. Melana slowly rose and brushed the sand away from her denim shorts. The sun was slowly creeping upwards of noon, meaning that she had been face down in the sand for nearly three hours now and still hadn’t uncovered anything.

    She picked up her water bottle and downed a third of her supply. The cold water danced down her throat as her body seemed to cool at its touch. She replaced the bottle and stared out across the ruins at the other archeologists that had come from across the kingdoms to help unearth this newly discovered site.

    “You enjoying the expansive scenery M?” another voice asked behind her.

    Melana turned and smirked at her partner, Kit. She was feverishly sweeping away dust from a pile of rocks near the base of a crumbled wall, getting progressively angrier as the dust would blow back.

    “You know the faster you do that, the worse you’re making it.”

    “Well, after those noobs found a buried gun turret yesterday and I’ve not uncovered anything in nearly a week; I’ll take my chances with the wind.”

    Melana smiled as she returned to a large pile of bricks that had been the higher portion of the wall Kit was working on. She hadn’t unearthed anything either since they had arrived in Macalania, but that didn’t matter to her, she like the suspense as she hunkered down and returned to sift through the rubble.

    An hour later, a cheer went up across the ruined city where the new archeologists had apparently found another artifact. Kit threw down her spade and stormed away.
    “Take it easy Kit, it’s not about whoever finds the most, it’s all about the history.”

    Kit rolled her eyes and stormed away, muttering to herself.

    Melana shook her head, brushing her auburn hair from her eyes. She reached over to grab her bottle when her knee landed on a hard, sharp object.

    “OW!” she shrieked, more surprised than in pain.

    Kit turned around curiously and came back as Melana leaned back on the balls of her feet, examining her knee. “What happened?”

    “I cut my knee on something.” Melana explained as her eyes moved from her slightly bleeding knee to the corner of a metal object protruding from the sand.

    Melana reached behind her and grabbed her brush and began to work patiently and earnestly as she pushed away the pebbles and sand, soon seeing a medium sized rust covered plaque.

    “Wow look at this!” Melana screeched with excitement as she removed it from the ground to show Kit.

    Kit’s eyes grew angry as she stormed back over to her section, clawing at the ground trying to find anything. “First the noobs and now you….”

    Melana laughed as she stood and made her way past other dig sites, slowly a crowd followed her as word spread of her discovery. In no time at all, she had reached the impromptu tent where all the discoveries were being cataloged and carefully cleaned.

    “Professor Osgood, I think you might want to look at this, I found it over in Section A-23.”

    Professor Osgood turned away from a table that was littered with bowls and pots, his bespectacled hazel eyes glittering with excitement. “What have you found Melana?”

    “I’m not sure it’s some kind of rusted plaque. It seemed out of place.”

    Osgood nodded, pulling up a two chairs to a backlit examination table. “Hmm, this is interesting. The only metallic objects that we have uncovered so far have all been weaponry, yet this seems to be a tablet of some sort.”

    Melana leaned forward in her seat, her right leg bouncing up and down with excitement. Professor Osgood lifted up a plastic container and began to lightly spray a solvent across the tablet, soon the rust was breaking up and falling away.

    “Look at that!” Osgood cheered, as a section of rust fell away to reveal a series of letters. Quickly, he applied more of the solution until the entire metal finish was visible, and a series of words reflected up into the eyes of those gathered around the table.

    Professor Osgood smiled proudly at his top student. “Congratulations Melana. I just wish I could translate this, it could give us a clue into what happened here all those years ago.”

    Melana silently nodded, the smile vanished from her face as she stared at the tablet. A slow, cold trickled down her back as the letters off the plaque seemed to leap out at her. “Professor…I know what it says…it’s a warning in Al Behd.”

    Osgood turned back to the plaque, squinting through his glasses. “I can’t decipher that language…but a warning—“

    The professor was cut off as Kit ran into the tent, panting for breath. The small gathering turned confused as she began to wave her hands toward the far tent flap. “Something—Something exploded—to the east. I can’t—others were screaming.”

    Osgood rose rapidly, pushing aside the students as he raced outside. Melana began to follow, but turned and picked up her find and followed the others outside. Before she got there, Professor Osgood ran back in, racing over to the megaphone. “Everybody, drop what you are doing and get back to your shuttles. This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill. We are under attack.”

    Students flew around the tent, securing the finds as others raced to meet up with others at their shuttles, Melana tried to find Kit but could spot her in the massive hysteria. Suddenly Professor Osgood was beside her, grabbing her arm and dragging her toward the shuttles.

    “Professor! What’s going on?!”

    “Heartless.” He resonded.

    Melana followed his lead, her mind trying to process the revelation. “But I thought—“

    “So did all of us. You have to get to Disney Castle. That is the rendezvous point that the other students are heading for. I’ve already alerted them of the emergency and they will be sending support ships to meet you all enroute,” the two had reached Melana’s shuttle, “Go. You have the tablet correct?”

    Melana lifted it to his eyes with her other hand.

    “Good, no matter what happens, get that to the Queen.”

    A scream echoed off of the ruins, causing the Professor and Melana to turn and gasp in fear. Moving slowly through the destroyed city, were a swarm of heartless attacking anyone within range, but it seemed a different being was leading them, one that was wrapped in a cloak. The Professor turned and not too lightly shoved Melana into the shuttle and slammed his fist on the autopilot button and leapt from the shuttle, trying to help others still in the city.

    Melana screamed as her shuttle took off as she watched Professor Osgood free Kit from a NeoShadow, only to be surrounded and consumed by a number of heartless soldiers as her ship leapt from Malaconia, and sped off, toward Disney Castle...

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 22, 2008, 108 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Destined
    Well, after 49 years, Castro has stepped down from leader of Cuba. Reactions to this news and what you think will come about now.

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 19, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Current Events
  11. Destined

    Spring Break

    It's a little over a month away, and I can't wait for my break away from classes. Anybody traveling to any exotic places, or just going to catch up on sleep?

    I'll be living it up in the land of Walt Disneyworld for the full week, freak yes!!
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 17, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Destined
    I doubt thee, Manga

    To get the show rolling in the Manga Section, here is the official Kingdom Hearts Manga discussion thread.

    Know of any secrets, release dates of upcoming books or just wish to cheer for KHM from the rafters?

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 12, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Destined
    This is the thread to discuss the television show Jericho, which if you aren't in the know, airs season 2 starting on the 12th.

    Come here to talk, rant, discuss who blew up the USA, are there more bombs, who's good, who's bad, and all that jazz.

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Destined
    The Lonesome Road

    I’m following a path it seems,
    To a world I thought was right.
    Around the twisting curves I drove,
    Excitement luring me on.

    A ring rests in my chest pocket,
    Wishing to adorn your hand.
    But as I pull into your drive,
    That wish shatters to tears.

    And as I sped away from there,
    Your lies bled like the falling rain.
    I see your love flash through my mind
    From the land of make believe.

    Then I held the star to my heart,
    As my world came crashing down.
    Speeding, soaring, over the edge,
    Till His judgment came to pass.

    I fly along this lonesome road,
    Every time that you come back.
    Each time I alone see your tears,
    Falling down upon my plaque.

    Around the twisting words you spoke,
    Your heart telling you to lie.
    But we both followed a set path that day,
    To a world we thought was right.
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 3, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Destined

    Rock Band Wii

    Confirmed for wii, but no pricing, or release date...but will it stack up to the 360 version?
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 1, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Destined

    What a twist

    If only...
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 29, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Destined
    I won't lie, i'm kinda shocked no one has made a thread about this years Sundance Festival. So from hence forth, here be that thread. Has anyone seen a show that can't live without, or one they wish they could stab their eyes out? Met anyone famous on the street? Discuss!!
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Destined



    I am the man who everyone likes,
    the good guy, the friend, the rock.

    I am the man who stands within reach,
    for breakups, for heartbreak, for friends.

    I am the man who remains quiet,
    without opinion, without warrant, unheard.

    I am cursed.

    I am told i'm the guy that everyone likes,
    everyones Prince Charming.

    I am still here,
    still single, still apart of the shadows.

    I am the one who suffers more than you,
    when your plague of a boyfriend dumps you.

    I am cursed.

    It doesn't seem to matter that I am that guy,
    but what will happen when I am not there?

    I am but a mirage on the wind,
    a wandering missionary, a new age Robin hood.

    I am unique, yet here I sit.
    Watching you fall hard from another bitter disappointment.

    Maybe one day you'll realize that i've been here all along,
    Your good guy, your friend, your rock.

    I am cursed.

    ~ I know the structure may not be to everyones liking, but i free wrote this in 5 minutes because I had to.~
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 25, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Destined
    gotcha Kira
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 22, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Destined
    I don't think we have one of these in this thread but here you can post the movie quote that has had the most impact on you, whether it be funny, personal, or memorable.

    Mine would have to be from Back to the Future 3 : "You never know what the future might bring"


    Spaceballs: "Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 15, 2008, 156 replies, in forum: Movies & Media