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  1. Destined

    My goal is to reach 1,130 posts in a week. I bet I can do it. (And none of the them will be spam. They will be intelligent and meaningful posts.)
    Thread by: Destined, May 30, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Destined
    Fan's of the original can now rejoice for Ubisoft has announced that BGoE 2 is officially confirmed, no news on platform, but the site below has all the details along with pictures and a brief teaser trailer of Jade and Pyy'j.
    Thread by: Destined, May 28, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. Destined
    I wonder what John Williams is thinking right now...
    Thread by: Destined, May 27, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Destined
    No. It's not Voldemort.

    Creepy. Just thought i'd let you know this, I honestly can't place Marcus Belby in this book, but still it's going to be quite a shock for the cast, especially after he signed on to star in 7.

    Prayers are with you Robert Knox.
    Thread by: Destined, May 26, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Destined


    There come a time, when **** hits the fan and the fan can't stop the onslaught.
    I'm leaving the forum, not sure for how long or if i will come back.
    Everything just came crashing down around me in my life and I need to get it sorted together.

    Writer's Family: never stop creating.

    My RPers: let the story grow and give it room to roam.

    Sacrificed readers and Chorn readers: consider this a halt in production with a TBA/TBD ending.

    Destiny's Force, O R A N G E, kitty, Saint, Demitryx, Gatz: If i don't make it back, it's been an honor, if i do, then know that i value you guys above the regulars.

    Dmaster....Catch the Rain.... Thanks.

    To the other's i've shared a bit of myself with on this forum, thanks for the fun.

    There is no hidden punked comment at the bottom, nor any hidden text.

    Thread by: Destined, May 11, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Destined
    There comes a time in every story, where the hero will question whether or not the path he has traveled was the correct one, or what would have transpired if he or she had not been thrown into this instance. But a keyblade needs a strong leader than knows exactly what must be done or else it must meet the calling of another.

    So begins the tale of the Tybic Redemption.

    Following the events of KH2, Sora, Riku and Kairi have been recognized as the guardians of Kingdom Hearts, until a costly science experiment backfired, ripping a part the space time continuum. Upon it’s repair over the course of a year, Kingdom Hearts has never heard of Sora, Kairi and Riku they are just regular students attending school and trying to survive the challenges of High School.

    The story begins as Maleficent has begun to slowly expand her forces of heartless and corrupt others of Kingdom Hearts evil doers to her, for another stab at controlling Kingdom Hearts for herself. At this dark hour, the keyblade has been activated, and has been thrown into the hands of not one, but three students:

    A ten year old boy named Tybic from the world of Kanto. Who is imprisoned underneath Hollow Bastion and witness to the killing of his entire family at the hands of Maleficent and her Conquerors…

    A fourteen year old girl named Natali who has just arrived at Traverse Town following the destruction of her home of Yavin IV…

    And a Professor Dylan Os who has been expelled from his university for plagiarizing experiments of time travel as his own, and from psychosis, claiming to be responsible for destroying the fabric of time…

    It is now up to these three key bearers, thrown together by war and destruction, to bring down the tyranny.

    Akitafusa Bongenit, The Tybic Redemption cometh.

    Now: The Rules
    • No godmodding
    • Obey the main rules
    • Try and keep OoC chat to a minimum
    • Posts must be well constructed and more than a few words. Try and create a flowing story, not just a “ZOMG you suck” post. This is a story that I want to have at least the posts be within 3 and up sentences per. Use your creativity, I know you have it.
    • Keep it PG-13, if you need to swear, use asterisks
    • If any problems arise, inform me and I’ll try and rectify the situation.
    • Original characters are fine, but please try and have a maximum of 3 controlled characters in this story, that way other’s may participate.
    Now: Characters
    Main Characters:
    • Tybic- DestinyStar
      • Keyblade name: Redemption (blend oblivion and oathkeeper together and color is steel)
    • Natali- Demitryx
      • Keyblade name: Recollection (Blend Divine Rose and Guardian Soul)
    • Professor Dylan Os- Destined
      • Keyblade name: Repentance (Blend Way to the Dawn and Fatal Crest)
    • Maleficent-
    • Syndrome or Bomb Voyage-
    • Hades-
    • Megavolt (Darkwing Duck series)-
    • Team Rocket-
    • Xemnas-
    • Xigbar-
    • Xaldin-
    • Vexen-
    • Lexeaus-
    • Zexion-
    • Saix-
    • Demyx-
    • Axel- Bama
    • Luxord- Bama
    • Marluxia- Axel FTW
    • Larxene-
    • Tybic Nobody-
    Other Characters (Subject to change depending on story arc.)
    • Mickey- The_King
    • Donald- The_King
    • Goofy- The_King
    • Frozone- Maria
    • Mr. Incredible-
    • Hercules-
    • Darkwing Duck- Bama
    • Brock and Misty-
    • Sora- Tai Sora
    • Kairi-
    • Riku (IF Destiny’s Island is involved.)-Tai Sora
    • Ansem the Wise- Tai Sora
    • Yen Sid - Destined
    Original Characters:

    Name: Mexony
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Mahogany hair, bandage on cheek, skinny jeans, socks (doesn't wear shoes), tan skin, cape, red shirt and striped collar.
    History: Nothing really, but a bossy family:D
    Personality: Quiet, shy, sometimes rude when she is back-talked. Loves to fight, but when she it asked.
    Weapons and Abilities: Fist Hanger
    Biography: Hollow Bation
    Played by: Mexony

    Name: Seth Klayn (real name is Seth Corlasis, you'll know why he changed it below)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) He wears a long blue coat, and a bullet belt across him, wears four sheaths, two chakram holders, on either sides of his waist, one sword holder, on his back, and one claymore holder also on his back,wears cut gloves to the fingers, wears a few bags of coins, wears black boots, has a sash over his neck, and a belt that is loosely crossed over his waist. He has lots of scars all over himself, and mud smudges, his eyes are blue, and has dirty blonde hair, all the time covered by a police looking hat.
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) When he was a child, he was abandoned by his parents (their last names Corlasis) because they didn't want children, and so he lived alone for a few week, beging money off the street, and finally some one by the name of Jack Klayn took him in, treated him like a son, and taught him everything he knew. His foster parent was a bounty hunter, so one day Jack went on a mission and never came back. So keith, still trying to find him, took up bountyhunting himself.
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) blunt, strategic, good thinker, quiet, wall flower, to the point, sad, lifeless and tough
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise)
    weapons: A couple of knives, a claymore, a sword, two chakrams
    abilities: knows a bit of magic, not much, can heal some cuts, and can control a bit of fire and water.
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc) world he lives in: Hollow Bastion, more info provided on History
    Played by: Soranspartanti

    Name: Mya
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: (in picture)
    Abilities: White magic and has a lot of agility because she's part cat.
    History: Princess of Valina and grew up in a loving home and had friends.
    Bio: She's the princess from a world called Valina and it disappeared andshe landed at Hallow Bastion. She's trying to figure out what happened to her homeworld.
    Personality: Quiet, caring, and doesn't really like to fight.
    Played by: Maria.

    Name: Atropos
    Age: Looks like she's in her mid-30's
    Appearance: A woman with long, brown hair in a ponytail. Wears a white T-shirt, black leather vest, tattered, hooded cloak that's brown, black, silver studded jeans, heeled boots. Her right arm has armor like Vincent's(FFVII).
    History: Oldest of the Three Fates, she was the sister that cut the threads of Fate.
    Personality: Cold, calm, anti-social, etc. A loner basically, yet doesn't mind working with others and helping them out.
    Weapons: Soul Calibur(keyblade), Atropos(curved shortswords), clawed arm
    Biography: Originally from Olympus Colliseum. At some point, she cut the threads as soon as Clotho, the youngest and the spinner of Fate's threads, made them. This angered the middle sister, Lachesis, the measurer of the threads of Fate, and she told their father, Zeus. When Atropos found out, she took the holy sword, Soul Calibur. The sword changed into a keyblade from her strong will and pure heart. Atropos fought against her father with it and lost. Zeus banished her out of the world after her defeat. When she left, she kept Soul Calibur(still in its keyblade state) along with her curved blades(named after her) that she used to cut the threads with. Now just wanders the worlds alone.
    Played by: Graxe

    Name: Corvalis
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Corvalis has black "emo" hair with bleached streaks. He has Crystal Blue eyes and a distinct jawbone. He is 5'8 and most of his body mass is muscle thought he doesn't look tough at all. He wears tight, skin clinging black shirts with abstract gray designs on them and wheres dark tight fitting jeans held up by a "emo" belt.
    History: Lived in Traverse town but parents got mysteriously sick and he had no clue as how they got sick or even what they were sick with. When his parents got to incapacitated to take care of him he was sent to Radient Garden to live with some sword master that had tought him how to master the use of twin swords.
    Personality: He is mostly Sarcastic and is depressed most of the time, unless he is with people he cares about. Then he is usually a jokester person and semi happy.
    Weapons and Abilities: no abilities besides being mastered at swords, Has two twin blade swords that are both a jet black color and about 1.5 yards long.
    Biography: He was origninally from traverse town but got stuck in radient garden when his parents got sick and they coulden't take care of him.
    Played by: UnSaintly Saint

    Name: Ninth Caliber, or Cal for short. (He doesn't know his real name, just his designation.. just read the history bit. ._.)
    Age: Mid to Low Twenties
    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) Ninth wears the Chaser armor featured in the Secret Movie. However, it's MUCH MUCH older. It's lost it's shine, covered in dents and scratches, and completely destroyed in some places. Underneath the armor, he wears simple clothing, designed for practicality. His helmet was smashed, a long long time ago, so you can easily see his short auburn hair, and brown eyes. He's also short, around 5' 3", but strong from all his Chaser training.
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) Ninth Caliber (or Cal as I mentioned earlier.) was one of the few Chaser's in the universe. The Ninth. He was the newest recruit, and unlike everyone else, he couldn't use a Keyblade. He'd tried many times before to get one, but each attempt ended in failure. He began to feel alienated, when all the others were learning the art of swordplay, and how to use magic, with the Keyblade. Fueled by a determination to prove that he was just as good as the others, Keyblade or not, he trained rigorously, and mastered the use of Guns, and most ranged weaponry. When the Enigmatic Figure appeared (Unless... do we know his name yet? I'm talking about that old guy from the secret movie.), and brutally killed Calibers 5 and 6, the remaining Chasers went into a panic. First Caliber assumed that the threat was less than it had seemed. Both First and Sixth Caliber were magic specialists, if they were to come into melee contact, they wouldn't last very long. There were several signs of a surprise attack, so First assumed that the Enigmatic Figure had gotten the jump on the two Calibers. Unfortunately, he was very, very wrong. First sent the remaining Calibers, excluding himself, Second, and Third, after the figure. The fight was short, Ninth was the only survivor. His unique fighting style, was what kept him alive. Returning seriously injured, he soon fell into a coma. Shortly after, First, Second, and Third went after the Figure. If they died or not, Ninth will never know. Suffering from minor amnesia, he's forgotten everything about himself before the Chasers. He's struggling to remember, and trying to decide, to choose revenge, and try and track down the man who slaughtered his comrades, or to focus on the recovery of his memories. His story begins in Hollow Bastion, one of the highest populated worlds out there. Maybe he can find someone who knows the Figure, or someone who knows him.
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) Cal is goofy, and cynical. He shows very little respect for those who oppose him, and enjoys taunting, and demoralizing his enemies. He's a jerk to the bad guys, really.
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise) Magical Dual Handguns (They're magical in that they don't needed to be reloaded, and cast a small reflect field around themselves when hit. This allows Cal to use them to block melee attacks. It also allows me not to type something about having to reload every ten seconds.. XD)
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc) Cal was originally born/raised, in Traverse Town. He was recruited by the Chasers at the age of 19, 5 years before the events of KH1.
    Played by: Xegreny

    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed)
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?)
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?)
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise)
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc)

    Played by:

    Happy RPing.
    Thread by: Destined, May 6, 2008, 271 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Destined

    Haters of HSM

    To those who hate HSM:

    I hate it more than all of you combined. I live in Utah. They film at my HS rival (DAMN YOU EAST HIGH). They start filming part 3 saturday.


    I just received a notice from my boss saying they are going to be taking over my work and filming there next week.


    I hate HSM, if they make a HSM world for BBS, I hope they have me as the Heartless that kills all the kids in the middle of the song.

    I could take Sora on...
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 30, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Destined
    It tis your birthday, and I wish you a joyous one
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 29, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Destined

    Mario Kart

    K, i've had it for 2 days now, and i want to know who else has it because we should see about setting up a KHV MK group, any takers?
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 28, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Destined
    So you should join me in my English 3600 English Critical Theory class today.

    We are analyzing the office.

    BOO YA
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 17, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Destined
    The Disneyworld Chronicles

    The easy motion of the surf calmed Riku as he rested atop the bent palm tree, watching early morning sun rise against the blue sea. He sighed, he hadn’t been this…at home in along time. He smiled as he watched a flock of seagulls hover off shore, as a series of hurried footsteps ran across the wooden bridge.

    Sora appeared, swinging himself over the palm tree, his spiked hair dancing in the breeze as he placed his hands behind his head, gazing out at the open sea around them.

    “Nothing’s changed, huh?” Riku asked.

    “Nope, nothing will.” Sora confidently responded watching the sun peak above the horizon.

    “hmm, what a small world.”

    “But part of one that’s much bigger.”

    “Yeah.” Riku answered a moment later, recollecting on his adventure the past year had befallen to him.

    Sora’s posture shifted, as his eyes left the mellow ocean and looked at Riku. “Hey, what do you think it was, the door to the light?” he asked.

    Riku hopped from the palm tree, moving towards Sora chuckling to himself, the kid hasn’t learned yet. He pointed at Sora’s chest. “This, it’s always closer than you think.”

    Sora nodded, the profound statement causing him to remember what he had seen, and the friends he had made along the way, but turned as another voice rose against the surf. “Sora! Riku!” Kairi shouted, jogging to meet her best friends on the small island, a light blue glass bottle resting in her left hand.

    “Hey, what’s up?” Sora asked, as Kairi paused to catch her breath.

    “Look.” She stated, holding out the bottle for Riku and Sora to clearly see a note situated inside, the markings of the Seal of the King visible.

    Sora took the bottle, uncorking it, and unfolding the letter. The trio stared at the letter, wonder if another mission awaited them as they began to read.

    Sora, Kairi, Riku~
    I know that the three of you have not been able to relax or go on a full fledged vacation in well over a few years, and I’d like to make it up to you for all the help that you’ve given. Enclosed you will find three tickets for a sneak preview of my newest creation, with more attractions than a regular park can hold, but just enough for a world. I’d like the three of you to be my first guests to Disneyworld.

    King Mickey.

    Kairi smiled at Riku and Sora, their smiles as large as her own. “What do you say, up for another adventure?”

    Light years away, the sound of the clicking of keyboard keys and the score to Return of the Jedi were all that comforted a tired college student as he stared into the depths of the stack of unreadable notes, trying to make sense of Luigi Pirandello’s imitation of realism. He rubbed his strained eyes, glancing across the war zone of a bedroom to see his digital clock: 11:10 pm.

    He smiled, in about sixty seconds, the mystic 11:11 would strike, a time in which his young co-workers joked that wishes would come true. He had only ever laughed at the notion of there being such a magical minute.

    “Whatever,” He groaned, messaging his aching wrists, “I really need a vacation…” a moment later his computer chimed, bringing him from the realm of fantasizing about sitting on a beach and eating hot dogs.

    He minimized his Word document, causing the main page of Kingdom Heart to materialize, a small popup announcing he had a new private message, but the curious part being there was no user name or subject, both remained blank.

    He opened the message, nothing that he was not the only recipient, but two others having received the message as well. He continued to read on, staring in interested curiosity. He reread the message a few times to make sure that he had not been hallucinating.

    You may not know who I am, but I know of you. I’ve just got to say that it’s interesting that you would kill off an icon for the greater good, even if the response was expected, you wrote it was such respect and connection. You have a creative uniqueness not many of the other stories can match, and it makes you unique.
    I’d like to offer you a week long vacation as my guest at the opening of a new park I’ve been working on for a long time. I’ve asked others from this forum who I feel have the same uniqueness and spark that makes you all different. Enclosed you will find that all expenses have been paid, and I hope that you will accept my offer.

    King Mickey.

    Rick shook his head causing his thick rumpled brown hair to sway, Kitty must be up to something he thought and was preparing to delete the message, but paused as the Word document remained underneath, waiting in hiding to consume six more pages. Glancing over, he chuckled to himself, noting that the clock now read the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour.

    “All right, I’ll bite.” He smiled, and instead of deleting the message forever, a series of sheets began to slowly come to life from his printer, bringing this mysterious vacation one step closer.

    The Orlando International Airport, is situated a little over six miles from the central business district of Orland, and is made up of a single main terminal building, connected by people movers that ferry travelers to one of four airside terminals. Rick stepped from the glass sliding doors of the Terminal A baggage claim, into a seeming blanket of heat and humidity. He messaged his stiff neck, while glancing over the email for only the tenth time that morning. As he pocketed the paper, he groaned as he stared at his heavy hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. “Why did it have to be snowing in Utah…I could have worn shorts.” He grumbled as the moist air seeped to his core.

    “You think this is bad,” another voice asked behind him, a distinct British accent entwined with every word, “Try living in England.” She mused as she wheeled a large grey suitcase adorned with splotches of different designs and colors.

    “Do you really need all that Kay, I mean, this is just for a few days?” Rick asked, subconsciously moving his own suitcase around.

    Kay brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I like options, besides that, there is no way you packed enough, that things the size of a duffle bag!”

    Rick feinted hurt, glancing down at his trusty blue suitcase. “I’ve got more than I need. Besides if I really need another shirt I can always buy more.”

    At that moment, a midsized taxi pulled up to the curb, the letters WDW stenciled along the side in Royal Blue, a nice contrast to the light green colored taxi. A middle aged woman exited the driver side wearing a clean pressed uniform with a name tag that contained the same graphics as the taxi. She approached Rick and Kay and smiled. “Welcome to Orlando, I hope that your flights were not too terrible. My name is Trisha, and if you’ll hop inside, we are just waiting on one more.”

    After a few minutes of stowing their luggage, Rick and Kay sat quietly in the back seat, a mellow saxophone playing from the radio, Trisha remained outside, patiently waiting for the next guest to arrive.

    “So,” Rick began, breaking the silence, “a Super Mod and a lowly member in the same cab both heading to a theme park from a message provided by a fictional mouse….what are the odds of that?”

    Kay laughed, playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t make fun of me, you are here to remember? Besides if this is a scam, I can throw you to the wolves.”

    Rick held up his hands in mock defeat. “I bow to you. But that still doesn’t mean that Formula One is better than good ol’ Nascar.” He grinned.

    If the passenger door hadn’t opened at that very instant, it’s possible that the Crime Scene Analysts would have had a massacre inside of a simple taxi. Rick and Kay squinted as an unrecognizable form entered, jamming a backpack in front of him as he dropped in between the two.

    “Sorry I’m late, my flight got delayed in Phoenix.” He bend down and began to untangle a Personal Media Player from his pack.

    “Ah, a fellow Westerner eh? You a Suns or Coyotes fan?” Rick asked, his mood lightening.

    “Are they football teams or something? I’m from Australia, names Cian.” He answered, popping an headphone into his ear.

    “Hi, I’m Kay and he’s Rick. I take it you got one of those messages too?” She asked as she gazed out the window at the passing Palm trees as the taxi joined the traffic exiting the terminal.

    Cian paused, holding his other headphone suspended in air as his eyes slowly widened. “Yea I did. Wait…you guys too? No way!”

    “Believe it kid, you may know us better as Catch the Rain and Destined.” Rick smiled.

    Cian dropped the headphone, his head spinning back and forth as his eyes took on an odd sparkle. “I—I’m DMaster…this is insane! What did your message say?”

    Kay and Rick scrounged around inside their packs, Kay produced a neatly folded piece of paper, while Rick removed a smashed version and a pair of silver framed aviator sunglasses. Kay shook her head. “Just that I was invited because of my uniqueness and creativity from Mickey.”

    Cian nodded, “Me too.”

    Rick only shrugged as he placed the glasses on his face and leaning back. “Same with mine, but I know why I’m being called out.”

    “Why’s that?” Kay asked.

    “I killed him in my fanfic.” Rick chuckled as the taxi swerved, a flurry of car horns erupting as Trisha barely avoided an old sedan changing lanes with an even older driver.
    She glanced in the rear-view mirror and smiled. “Crazy Floridians….we should be there in about ten minutes or so, but I’d like to warn you, it’s going to get bumpy.”

    “How’s that?” Kay asked cautiously as the taxi began to hastily pass a number of cars.

    The taxi began to pick up speed as cars tried to skid out of the way of the speeding taxi. Trisha continued to smile as the trio tried to find their seatbelts. Rick glanced out the window and watched as what seemed to be another window began to rise, sealing the cab in darkness, except for the front window.

    With a large shake, the taxi left the ground, rocketing into the atmosphere as wings began to slide from beneath the car’s chassis. It continued straight up, ripping through the stratosphere and gravitational pull. “Now just a few more minutes.” Trisha smiled as she input a series of keystrokes on a previously unseen control board.

    “Wait…what does that—“Cian began to ask but was cut off as the ship leapt forward, warping into another universe.

    A second later, the taxi blinked back into existence, coming to a stop hovering above a lush green world and began to descend, passing a number of towering buildings and crazily enough, what looked to be roller coasters. Trisha pulled to a stop and set the taxi down next to a large blue-gold archway, and turned around in her seat to see the trio wide eyed with white knuckles wrapped around the door handle.

    She laughed out loud, exiting the cab and removed their luggage. The three blinked as one, and stampeded over each other to get outside, to feel solid land again, ending up in a dog pile on top of Rick.

    “Oof, will you two…get…off!” Rick grimaced but froze as four sets of feet stood in front of his face.

    “Ah! Our other guests are here at last!” A pleasant voice greeted the three as they each looked up into the smiling, talking face of Mickey Mouse.

    “Wow, looks like you guys could use a hand.” A teen stated as he moved forward to help.

    Kay brushed herself off and did a double take while she readjusted her hair. “Thanks….Sora.”

    Sora looked up surprised, “How do you know who I am?”

    Cian laughed as Kairi and Riku shared a confused glance. “KHV man. You should totally check it out.”

    “We—we’ll do that…” Riku slowly stated as the King motioned the group to join him at the top of a marble staircase.

    “Each of you has been chosen because of your desire to create and to imagine. Sora, Kairi and Riku were chosen as a thank you for saving our Kingdom. Now it’s my honor,” he began, as the individuals reached the top of the stairs and gazed in amazement at the world around them. “Welcome, to Disneyworld.”

    Thread by: Destined, Apr 13, 2008, 111 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Destined

    I found this link stating MSN's top 5 sexiest video game characters, and I knew that naturally, this could lead to an interesting discussion.
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 13, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Destined
    Here's the rules:

    The name game for actors and actresses goes as follows: I start with a first and last name EX: John Doe. then the next poster must come up with a name that starts with the first letter of the last name. EX. Dawn Blank.

    No repeating names, and if a name is repeated, you are out.

    Also, quote the person above you in case multiple people answer the same post.

    Sean Connery
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 12, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Destined
    I'm curious to know who has a strong connection with any and all video game characters, and your example as to why you connect with this character.

    Is it his/her name, the story, you've both suffered similar instances?

    Post your thoughts, but please no spamming
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 10, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Destined

    SSBB anyone?

    I'm going online to play, anyone up for a match?
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Destined
    Found this on IGN a few minutes ago

    Is anyone else looking forward to this game, and if so for which system? My system preference for this game will probably be the 360 over the wii, even if there is a lightsaber version for the Wii.
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 3, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Destined


    » What's Going On? [​IMG] Currently Active Users: 941 (47 members and 894 guests) [​IMG] Most users ever online was 1,159, Today at 10:05 PM.

    It's as though a tsunami just struck the shores of KHV.

    Check it before it never happens again.
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 2, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Destined
    The office returns to prime time in a little over a week thanks to the end of the writers strike, so i thought: hey. We need an office thread.

    Ain't no party like a Scranton party, 'cause the Scranton party don't stop!
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 1, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Destined
    The morning began as most Tuesday mornings do; the desire to not wake up and attend school, with summer break looming on the horizon. The twenty something rolled around, the lyrics of Barenaked Ladies blaring from his ipod speakers. As he drove to the light rail train, the sky began to creep slowly awake, the wispy cumulus clouds painting a dark contrast, he could not prepare himself for what that would transpire in mere hours.

    “And that is why the French Revolution had such a strong impact on Derrida’s writing.” The professor’s monotone voice covered the florescent classroom in a blanket of nodding heads.

    The student’s head lazily bobbed, his eyes staring distantly past the scribble of notes that he had taken in an attempt to fight off the sandman. His mind began to flutter to a world that his imagination had created, piecing together the possible story arc of upcoming chapter, when he felt a pen poke between his shoulder blades.

    His legs left his control as his entire body spasmed, sending his notebook rocketing to the floor. He quickly covered, acting as though a bug had crawled across his thigh as he annoyingly picked up his book, glancing back as Kalye tried to suppress a rage of laughter.

    “You are dead after class.” He whispered under his breathe, invoking a mirade of quiet giggles.

    “I’ve got something to show you after class.” She said, causing him to smile.

    He now had a reason to not push a letter opener into the professor’s jugular vein.

    “I suppose I should thank you for bringing me out of the war torn Destiny Island.” He joked, wrapping his arm around her waist.

    “You fall asleep again, and I won’t help you with your paper.” Kalye teased, leading him from the OSH building.

    “So what is this grand thing you want to show me?” He asked, watching a hoard of students pass discussing light wave fluctuations.

    She merely smiled, directing him down a stairwell situated besides the snow covered waterfall, towards the towering Social and Behavioral Sciences Building.

    Built in the late 60’s, the SBS building stood as a large eye soar above the campuses pride and joy: Rice-Eccles Stadium, home to the Running Utes, and resting beyond the southern field goal post, the 2002 Winter Olympic caldron sat extinguished, the mosaic glass panes glistening upon the remaining piles of snow.

    The two walked down the concrete stairwell, entering the double doors into the SBS building, as the clouds began to grow darker, hinting at another commute storm, and the possibility of more snow.

    “I hate this building,” he said eying the small impromptu convenience stand at the entrance, an older woman stood by the cash register, humming along to an unknown tune.

    “Come on, it’s on the 6th floor.” Kalye stated, walking over to the elevator bank.

    He glanced at the black encrusted doors surrounded by two feet of concrete, then oddly fake mahogany. “Come on, the elevators barely work, my English class last semester sucked trying to get across campus from the 4th floor.”

    “Kevin said he made a discovery, he thinks that he’s figure out—“

    “Why is he playing Frankenstein again?? The last time he tried that he destroyed my brothers X-box.”

    “I know, but come on. He’s your friend two, you should support him. Besides,” an odd twinkle lit up her aqua eyes, “There’s a great make out spot up there…”

    “Babe, you had me at hello.” He laughed as the elevator rose shakily, swaying as if in a matter of seconds it would crash to the basement.

    The doors parted, revealing a stretch of cramped offices with barely enough room to open their respective doors. They walked past a series of small conference rooms where students were studying some collection of graphs and pie charts. Kalye stopped as an odd odor began to grow in intensity, next to a wooden sign hastily constructed.

    “Warning, experiment in progress. Please do not disturb.” She read, pointing quizzically at a drawing of two rats lying on their back.

    He shook his head, stepping forward. “I don’t want to know.”

    As he reached to slowly open the door, they flew out towards him, followed by a man racing past wearing a bleach stained smock and carrying a cage that’s current resident appeared none to happy to be moving. The man rushed down the hallway, reaching a dark office, and threw the cage inside, then quickly locking the door and removing a set of dark goggles.

    “Kevin…what the HELL was that?!” Chris demanded, his breathe slowly returning to normal.

    Kevin turned around, an unusually somber expression painted across his face as he slowly removed the smock, revealing a Metroid Prime t-shirt, gray shorts and black flip-flops.
    “Hi guys, didn’t expect you to actually come...your timing is…hey.”

    Kalye and Chris glanced at each other before moving towards Kevin, who began to slowly move backwards towards the elevator banks.

    “Kevin…what did you do?” Chris quietly asked, imagining some sort of test tube liquid currently consuming a hole through each floor.

    “Umm, nothing just…let’s move this way, it shouldn’t be able to get out…”

    “What get out?” Kalye asked, turning to stare at the dark, locked office door.

    From within the office, a series of crashes and the breaking of glass could be heard, followed by a gargling roar.

    “Umm, you remember when I said that Young Frankenstein was a killer movie? Well…”

    Chris slowly shook his head, squeezing Kalye’s hand. “What did you do?” he asked again, his voice growing more menacing.

    “It’s..alive?” Kevin whispered as the prisoner roared again, ramming itself against the door, causing it to flex near the impact, the springs groaning in complaint.

    The three instinctively raced toward the elevator, jamming the button furiously as it began to slowly creak up from below. The splintering of wood caused each head to turn as the creation began to exit the room. Chris stood in complete uncertainty at what he was seeing.

    “Kevin…did you—“

    “Yes. I reanimated my dead hamster.” He explained nervously as the mummified remains of Fritz the Third clawed its way down the hall, coming towards the trio. From the laboratory, a series of squeals and roars echoed down the hall, causing him to push the button faster, “and ten others…”

    As the elevator doors slowly parted, Kalye and Kevin rushed in, Chris stared in fear as an army of undead hamsters charged toward him. Leaping inside, the doors began to close on the approaching death, but not before one crossed the invisible barrier, springing the doors open again.

    Kalye’s eyes raced across the operating panel and stood in shock. “There’s not a close door button, they have every other freaking button on here but the damn door close!!”

    As she said this, a calico hamster leapt, its vacant eyes locked on her throat. Chris unleashed his Italian textbook, solidly colliding with the zombie. The attacks continued unrelenting, as Kevin and Chris began to throw a collection of pens at the hamsters before one leapt high, it’s body becoming lost in the overhead florescent lights, and coming down on Kevin’s head, impaling it’s small teeth deep into his neck, unleashing a torrent of blood.

    Kalye screamed as Kevin fell to the elevator floor, being consumed by the experiments. Chris grabbed her hand, yanking her from the elevator, and running toward the stairwell. Floor by floor past as the two never glanced back, but heard the screams of other victims as the stairwell soon became a flood of students trying to escape. Suddenly, all power dissolved as the students rushed for the exit, and watching as the security gates lowered on the outside, locking them inside.

    Chris and Kalye stood amongst the throng of confused students, wondering if they would survive to tell the tale…
    Thread by: Destined, Apr 1, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Destined

    Advent Rising

    So at the SLC Video Games Live concert friday, they were discussing Advent Rising, which apparently was created here in SL. This intrigued me because I had never heard of the game before this moment, so I just wanted to ask,

    What is Advent Rising, what platform is it for, and is it worth searching for at Gamestop?
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 30, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming