Welcome one and all!!!
Writer Notes: I'd like to thank everybody that added their suggestions and comments about the title, and those that have beta read this for your enthusiasm. I present to you now: *** The Ash Projekt *** Gray snow drifts and demolished vehicles line the ice covered highway as if in a line to take part in a grand feast. There is no banquet, only more snow and winding roads. Mile markers stack upon miles as states and border crossing signs vanish into the awaiting grips of Mother Nature. I subconsciously reach down to turn on the radio, but my hand hovers above the knob, realize that I’ve not turned it off in ten days. Ten days, ten days worth of static bleeding from the speakers…it seems like yesterday the world of Billings Montana was digging themselves out of another three feet of storm front, I was beginning my seminar on the Industrial Revolutions impact on the world economy...but that was two weeks ago. Yesterdays no longer exist. Live here in the now. You don’t even know if you will wake up able to survive tomorrow while ever second wasted marks the end of another dream. Through the blinding snow I can make out the faint outline of a once green road sign. The exit number is illegible, shrouded in snow while situated beneath two spray painted orange crosses is situated the most beautiful image I’ve seen all afternoon: Gasoline Next Exit. Just past the sign, a small pinprick of red fire begins to form which only intensives as I drive closer. The fire soon becomes not one enormous bonfire, but a dozen or more pair of brake lights. I release a sigh; it’s the first sign of working vehicles in days. My SUV begins to slow as the traffic grows before me. I steal a precious glance down inside my inner right jacket pocket, where a black revolver snoozes. I glance up, seeing no movement from the procession, examine the gun’s chamber: Seven bullets.Seven divine revelations….ironic. The wind picks up as the line of vehicles slowly crawl forward. How did it come to this? Some said it was karma, others said it was only a matter of time; either way we’ve been changed forever with no going back, no mulligan. Ten minutes pass by slowly as if even clocks have given up caring what happens to themselves or us. Down the off ramp my SUV travels, as a blinding flashes reflect off my side mirrors from behind me. I gauge their speed as my hands instinctively tighten on the wheel; my booted foot pushing the brake pedal further into the subflooring, any outcome is going to be grim. The first car speeds past the exit before slamming on its breaks and begins to try and slide toward the exit while the car behind it either wasn’t paying any attention or had a death wish, plowed into the side of the first car sending both cars careening down the embankment at well over a sane mans speed. I gulp as the cars spin down the embankment and pass my fortress, the van three cars ahead is not so lucky as it is side swiped, yet the extra collision doesn’t sent any cushion as the two cars plow through our lane. The first car crashes into the cement barrier first, choking out fumes and liquid as the second car pays no attention to the barrier, and slams through. Shattering the frozen pond below. No one moves. The van struggles to start as I see the driver side mirror laced with glass spider webs and a body hunched over the steering wheel. The passengers inside seem to be not crying, but arguing. A shiver runs down my spine as the driver’s door blasts open and the body of a woman tumbles out. No one rushes from their cars to see if she is all right, 911 isn’t dialed as the van flashes to life and returns to its original spot. Darwin was right, survival of the fittest. What has happened to our society? Have ten days truly removed every ounce of compassion from out souls? No…not all of us, I remind myself as I adjust the rearview mirror toward the bundle or blankets and towels huddled in the backseat. To anyone driving by, it would appear to be a heap of possessions, but it’s something more. To anyone that would ask, I’m not sure how to explain how our paths crossed three days ago, but a hidden ounce of compassion in my cold heart decided at that moment to protect her. Judge Jury Executioner Savior Mortal A small gas station grows in the distance, shining like El Dorado for the miniscule and the unworthy. Will the fates grant their precious gifts upon the poor and weak? I can’t answer that until I stand before the metallic alter to plead my soul. Mecca calls to its followers with glowing neon orbs of hope blinking toward the heavens in a failed attempt to contact reality. Three cars. Nine vans. One cargo truck. This is what stands between me and life. The fates will either allow me to continue onwards, or solidify our names in Satan’s getaway retreat for all eternity. A lone statue stands on the right side of the crowded road, as if my magic it awakens and throws off its cloak of snow as each car pulls up along side of it and produces a calculator. Damn. This is going to be all or nothing. I’m beginning to sweat as the fates above or below begin to roll their dice and place their bets. Minutes continue to slowly die away as my turn on the chopping block rolls around. The snow man ritually creaks to life, slower now as if the constant snow has wormed its way into his joints and gears. I lower the passenger side window, granting access for the biting winds to terrorize my sanctuary, the blankets quake silently, I want this over quickly. The man peers through the window hesitantly, I don’t blame him, a vehicle this size could be chalk full of problems. A great crater rips along his thick beard, revealing raggedy canyons of teeth. “You aiming for trouble?” “No sir, heading anywhere I can.” The wind begins to waltz with the edges of his coat. “Alone?” “Less baggage the better.” I lie. I don’t draw attention to the backseat. My answers seem to please the snow man. “We aren’t the charity kind, most folks around here have all ready seen to that, what have you got to trade?” Slowly, even slower than the setting moon, I pull open the left side of my jacket, revealing the handle of a brushed steel Beretta. The gun seems to freeze the man, who begins to slowly lower his own hand towards his back. “It’s empty; the clip is resting on the passenger seat. All I ask is a tank and I’ll be gone.” The suspicion is bleeding off the gatekeeper. “That thing been used?” I lower my eyes, he’s trying to judge my character, see if I’m the murderous kind. “My brother in law was a cop in Laramie…it’s seen its share.” Laramie. The simple word freezes the man, connecting with memories of pain and anger. Sad that it is a lie, I have no brother in law. Stiffly he stands up, causing a minor avalanche to cascade down his back. He nods his head, taking the pistol and clip from me and motions us through. My pulse settles as I creep toward a prophetic pump as I hear that man tell the car behind me that they are out of gas. Satan, I’m standing you up. My gaze shifts to the backseat as a pair of questioning eyes stare back silently. I shake my head and readjust the sleeping revolver in my right jacket pocket. “Just filling up. I’ll see if I can get us some food as well. We’ll be gone in no more than ten minutes, I promise.” The eyes say nothing as they vanish back within their dark cavern. How did it come to this?
I'm kind of taking a page out of Jelly's book with this one. For my fiction writing class we have to come up with a unique original fiction before the end of september, and i've created the first chapter for your viewing pleasure, and i'm looking for possible titles. the story is survival/terrorist attack based in the United States and centers around two citizens trying to survive in essence, to see the world as it was, to be human again. Possible titles: Tortured Night The Ash Projekt Survival leave untitled till a later date. or any other suggestions.
Will this do?
...I need dating advice. It's been close to a year and a half since yours truely has had time, let alone been interested in anyone to date and now in about...an hour and a half, i'm heading on a date. I suppose my questions are thus: Is dinner and a movie too much for a first date these days? Do I call her or does she call me after the date and a follow up, phone or text? And the most important....<<. .>> How do I seal the deal on the doorstep.... (if anyone decides to use this against me, i'll move hell to hunt you down.) ...help.
Brett Farve...it seems like it was just yesterday I created the thread that joyously announced your retirement from the NFL and I was happy. Aaron Rodgers would be able to step into some mighty big shoes after three years and finally be able to make a name for himself in his own rank. That was six months ago. In the last week, Brett Farve has fueded, trained, been reinstated, rumored, angered teammates, pleased teammates, and now will be a New York Jet. Yes. A New York Jet. J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS. Why have we not discussed this on the forum yet? I know a few cheeseheads on this forum and I'm curious to hear your reactions, along with the rest of the forum, or for those that have followed this. I will say this: Jeff Garcia is finally getting a break. For the last week it's been rumored that Farve would remain a Packer, head to the arch-nemesis Bears, the Vikings, Bucs, the Jets or accept $20 million to stay retired. With the focus turning to Tampa Bay, Garcia had to be rolling over in his grave. He probably saw fate play it's hand again. San Fransisco Cleveland Detroit Philadelphia Each one of those teams had given him promise, then when something better came along, flung Garcia to the curb. It looked like the same thing would happen in Tampa Bay, but the Tampa Bay big wigs decided to turn down an offer for one of the most celebrated and biggest record holder to keep things the way they are. For once, Jeff Garcia had a promised upheld. For that alone, I will be rooting for my Browns first and formost, but I will silently be rooting for Tampa Bay, because they turned upheld their promise and Green Bay has too by upholding Aaron Rodgers as starting QB for the Pack. Discuss.
Ok this seems like a really simple answer: In Photoshop CS2, to add text you click the "T" option along the side bar, then on the image and begin to type by editing font color, size, font, etc. I can edit my font up to 72 pt on the option, but the font on the sig when highlighted remains at well below 10 pt. This has happened for numerous fonts that came with the program just recently and worked wonderfully up until this afternoon. Any help?
The Pirate Marketplace Basically, i'm starting a sig shop to try and better my artistic skills while at the same time giving you guys the sigs you want. I'll try to do all the requests as soon as I get them, but I do have a full time job, so if I don't get it finished within a day, don't demand to know why. It's life. Also if your render/stock is not going to work i'll get in touch with you. Avatars are not my fortey, but I can try my hand at them if there are any requests. Thanks for stopping by and remember, little green points are always appreciated. Request form Render/Stock: {Preferably a high quality} Text: {If Desired} Sub-Text: {If Desired} Font: {if you have a specific font in mind, otherwise i'll choose} Size: {Sigs will be between 350-400 by 100-150. (or reversed) If avatars then 100 by 100} Any Extra Description: My works:
Mi dispiace ... Io non significa mancanza di rispetto verso di te, ho io stesso non sono stati di recente. Sono stato mettere in dubbio i miei amici quando non dovrebbe ... tutto ciò che posso dire è che la fiducia è più di ogni altra cosa. Mi dispiace.
I wonder, I know that there has been alot of spam in a series of fan fics, and it got me thinking: how is the best way to keep this in check without bringing in mods and staff. What if we were to create a sub section either in the Creativity Corner, or the Spam zone, where members would be able to spam about stories as much as they wanted while keeping the original stories generally free of spam and a place where writers can post their works and accept clear and precise critique given by readers who actually have suggestions on writing styles, grammar, etc. I know this sounds unnecessary and redundant, but something needs to be done, because a number of members are becoming tired of the spam that is filling up the CC. So i suppose, either a section to spam, or maybe a dedicated section staff?
Ok guys, you know me as a writer, not a graphic dude, but i figured i try my luck and loosely followed a tut I know it's simple. CnC
It's that time of year again and i feel it's fitting to start the forum rolling a few weeks early. What are your speculations as to what could, will, or won't be announced? I'm hoping for KH news, but i'm ecstatic to see or hear anything about Fable 2, Starcraft 2 and the rumors of a new DS, possibility of multi colored wii consoles...the list goes on. So welcome one and all gamers, and voice your thoughts.
Ok, it's the fourth of july or fifth for some of you, you know what that means? It means that we should get a SSBB or Mario Kart tournament going!? Who's with me?
Ok. I'm not holding back any more. WTF is up with members posting crappy *** comments in stories with a simple 'i love it, keep going', or 'blah blah blah zomg :)'....there are literally HUNDREDS of stories that have been created or begun on this forum that have been only hit by a handful of members or commented on once because people are just looking for posts. To those who know what i'm talking about: don't just go for the posts with the most comments, the most hits, your best friend, whatever. Help out your fellow members. Delve into something new, help breathe life into a story with minimal hits or a new member that you've not read from before. We've got amazing authors on this forum, and that sad thing is, is that people bump stories because they think that anything that falls below the grasps of page 1 are not worth your time. I disagree. Some of the best stories i've read on this forum were halted because the writers think that they didn't have a well concieved story because of the minimal posts or hits. Seize the day KHV. Post critically, give these creative minds critique, suggestions, support. But for the love of Pete, stay on topic and actually contribute something meaningful. I'm out, i need more mountain dew.
appears to have stood outside too long trying to catch some rain. She's so cold, she turned blue.
http://wii.ign.com/articles/881/881312p1.html I couldn't believe it at first either, but a full fledged hockey game coming to the wii. It's going to be interesting to see what kind of peripheral is sold to 'simulate hockey' and if it's a full length hockey stick, i will buy it and laugh. Still hockey on the Wii. I'm pumped. Now to get Nascar on the Wii....
That spit of land out west known as Utah besides myself?
For through the looking glass of time we travel, Never sure what fruits or despair will lie before us, But you trudged on. Each day, it seems, we look toward others to put the pieces back together, From heartbreak to jubilation, You smiled wide. For with a simple word of greeting, You could ease the room from tension to laughter. You shrugged if off. Now, now we are left to sort through the pieces, Remembering memories of old, of the best, of a friend. Many may not have known your kind heartedness, But for those of us who did, we can look toward the heavens and see you there, A shooting star, Painting a reminder to be unique, be ourselves, To smile as you gallivant across the cosmos, Entrusting your light to those in need. Rest in Peace man.
http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-memories2-2008jun02,0,1821458.story The New York backlot set was destroyed, along with Courtyard Square (the set used for Back to the Future and To Kill a Mockingbird) a video vault, and the King Kong building. I can't believe the park still opened for the rides....WHILE A FIRE IS GOING ON AROUND THE CORNER?!?!
I was shopping at Rite-Aid this morning to get myself another weeks worth of Mountain Dew...and low and behold there were three brand spanking new flavors. Wild Berry w/ ginseng = Revolution Strawberry Mango w/ginseng = Supernova Raspberry Citrus w/ Ginseng = Voltage So i wondered, has anyone tried any of the new flavors, which is better, and do you prefer any other promo, or classic Dew?