Happy 21st Birthday. :glomp:
Prisoners of Clutter The quiet evening descended upon the quiet neighborhood of Nutree as the lamp posts and car headlights slowly awoke to spread their path to those travelling home after a long days work. One house however, remained void of any outside lighting, or cars resting in front of the house. By all accounts, the house seemed dead. The only evidence to the contrary was a blinking computer screen situated in the North West corner of the Robin’s Egg blue house. I sat rocking slowly in front of the widescreen monitor as a Word document stared back at me, blinking each time the input bar demanded to be fed memories and imagery. The page remains empty save for a name decorating the top right margin and a title announcing: “Prisoners of Clutterâ€. Why this title, why not something generic like Symbols of Me? Do I even have any symbols in my life that are out of the ordinary that if one were to look at this be able to instantly come to the conclusion that they describe who I am without words? The answer, is writer’s block. The medium is open, yet I was drawn to make a creative work that encompassed the ideology of what I am with my possessions and all I have before me is a blank document and a collection of Star Wars collectibles giving me the third degree as their emotionless eyes gaze down as if judging my productivity would be better off with a lightsaber hole smoldering between my third and forth vertebra. Do I have a muse, no. Just a cluttered desk stacked high with sunglass remnants and manuals to the latest video game and no matter what they say, I’m still stuck. Maybe this is symbolic of how I use video games as a way of escaping reality, thrusting myself against hoards of undead zombies or chasing after the Princess yet again kidnapped by the nefarious Bowser. Maybe I wish that my life was more adventurous than the cut and paste daily lifestyle of school and work. I stand up slowly, letting the creaks and pains from my knee and back breathe. An idea begins to form as the objects decorating my desk begin to swirl and come to life, each describing the joys and pitfalls of how they came to my sted. My mind refocuses on the screen as a spattering of words are painted across the page. It’s not perfect, but nothing ever is as I put on my ear phones and Ray Bans, and blink. The lights dim as I watch the internal movie slowly unfold through the opening credits. Tattered Index Card My eyes spy one small strip of paper resting beneath my speakers: a torn index card. It seems misplaced, a prisoner of clutter from years past waiting to meet its maker. I delicately uncurl a crumpled edge, letters bleed into sentences. I stare down at the list of New Years resolutions from New Years Eve 1999. • Make enough money to buy a car. My 2007 Seattle Blue Hyundai Elantra sleeps outside beneath the tall oak tree. • Complete college. Seventy eight credits down, twelve more in the pipe, thirty-two to go. • See every state. Missing: Hawaii Five-o, Oregon, Montana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Sweet Home Alabama, Mississippi Queen, Georgia, The Carolinas, Virginias and Maryland. • Complete every video game. …Pending completion. • Get a girl. …On hold since 1998. • Write how you want to write. Don’t write how other’s want you to write. Be me. I pause, re-reading the final resolution. Something inside spring’s to life, demanding to rebel against the restraints of form and normality. Be me. Show the world what life is like behind the shades. A splintered Sher-wood Blade Lights warmup. The ice is cold, unscathered. Sweat mixes with nerves. Fabric blends against padding. Laces tighten. Gloves flex. Two thin lines tear through silence, approaching center ice. Adrenaline. Concentration. Focus. Puck. Sticks mashing together, breaking loose, circle around center, pass up the middle, deflection. Clears the zone, must double back, give chase. Sweat streaks, cross check, board, glass, pain, whistle. Two minutes. Five on Four power-play. Scouts sit up above the benches taking notes and motioning towards different players while having silent arguments. Face-off, pass to outside. Holding. Holding. Holding, 79 releases. Puck flies low, bouncing across the ice. Goalie falls on the puck. Whistle. 1:30 left on power-play. Coach roars, we crowd the crease, he points 21 out, mouths: Dangerous. Puck drops, bounces between skates. 21 skates in. I follow. Collision behind our net. He swears, I kick the puck away to 13. 13 flies up the far side, breakaway, deke, goal. 1-0. Elation. +1. Assist to 29. The power-play ends. 21 watches. Waiting. Center ice again. Adrenaline returns. 21 stares me down, I smirk. Puck drops, skates clash, sticks mash, fist strikes chest. Refs see nothing. 21 skates into zone, breaks one defender, slap-shot: Goal. 1-1. War. Clock ticks through two periods, both sides duel as the score reaches 3-2. A good game, with two assists in my bag. Scouts smile and point to 21 and me, they must like the pairing. Coach notices and warns to watch the left side. I nod. Adrenaline replaces blood. Puck drops. Poke check, two line pass deflection, clears the zone. Stick buffets the ice, 21 sits on point, hungry. I circle behind the goal, bringing the pressure. He smile, I hesitate. His stick swings back, whipping forward as a long pass meets his stick blade. Slap-shot bounces. Impact. Crack. Pain. The puck deflects wide, bouncing calmly against the boards. I teeter, pain. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! Yelling. Gloves drop, fists fly, whistle. Team doctor slides across the blue line. My head swims, I crash against the boards falling to the ice. Pain. 21 enters the penalty box, fighting continues within the ranks. The doctor touches my knee. Pain. Adrenaline fades to blood, I hobble between 13 and 8 back to the dressing room. MRI results: The doctor gets the coach. Fractured Patella with a torn Quadriceps tendon. “Your done.†1/6th scale Academy Award <Cue> Dim house lights. PHAROAH stands at the top of the catwalk with his back upstage. NARRATOR sits at the base of stage right, holding a SMALL CANDLE, while the KIDS sit in a half circle on stage around NARRATOR. Narrator: Pharoah he was a powerful man with the ancient world in the palm of his hand. To all intents and purposes he was Egypt, with a capital “Eâ€â€¦ PHAROAH keeps his head low, hidden behind a spread cape sequined in the pattern of a soaring eagle. The red and black jumper sits better than the blue suede nightmare that PHAROAH has pushed from his memory. Narrator: …Whatever he did he was showered with praise, if he cracked a joke, then you chortled for days… PHAROAH smiles to himself, arms growing heavy beneath the spread cape. Row 1 seat 14. It’s reserved for her. She walked in during the cue for places before Act 1. The golden microphone glistens off the backlighting. Narrator: …No one had rights or a vote but the king, in fact you might say he was very right winged. <Cue> DANCERS from Stage Right and Downstage Left. PHAROAH remains statuesque, watching friends surge from backstage taking their positions around the central staircase, 100% in character except for Katie, who winks as she passes beneath the light board. Narrator: …when Pharoah’s around, you get down on the ground. If you ever find yourself near Ramses….get down on your knees. NARRATOR rises, and leads KIDS to midstage while DANCERS sing, “A Pharoah’s Story†with NARRATOR. PHAROAH’s smile widens as he begins to feel a warm calming come over him. He tunes out the next three verses. Microphone: check. Mic pack: locked and loaded. Wig: sexy. Elvis lip action: in progress. Key change. NARRATOR enters back into his head. There’s been a run of crazy dreams, and a man that can interpret could go far…could be come a star. Music fades out, the audience roars with cheers and applause. It’s standing room only. BUTLER enters from Stage Left. Smoke fills the stage, the hieroglyphs ignite, raining their neon glow through the auditorium. Showtime. Torre di Pisa L'aria calda oceanica roteato il mare come persone giovani e vecchi attraversato la città . Turisti, negozio proprietari, mariti e mogli in ogni respiro l'odore della bella Italia. Sedermi su una panchina come traffico regate intorno a me. Il mio gelato mi tiene lontano dal mio giorno per giorno le preoccupazioni tornare a casa. Per un attimo, ho perso un rifugiato in un mare di storia. Sono un gladiatore lotta contro la Casaer accontentare. Sono in piedi non più di cinque piedi dal obelisco del Circo di Nerone all'interno di Piazza San Pietro. I passi indietro al mio albergo, scattare foto e scrivere le memorie. Mi fermo in un mercato e l'acquisto di una piccola torre di Pisa. Sto prendendo Italia a casa. 10, 10 MG Propanolol The morning of March 25th 2007 awoke normal, within a week as routine as any I could imagine. The weather was warming as snow drifts began to diminish, showing trampled earth below. 10:30 am inside the Ken Garff Building, Third floor, room six, seat 1 row 1. Discussions of proper uses of conversing between past present and past perfect. The Italians gave us art, music, and romance…and a language as complex as any I’ve ever seen. A finger prodded it’s way beneath my shoulder blade, I reached back to sway away a curious hand, only to feel nothing at the same moment my left hand cramped up. I shake it loose, but the finger persists and after a minute turns into a rotary drill, burrowing through the soft muscle, unstoppable. I cough, air escapes but doesn’t return. My airway and chest begin to constrict. I walk out of class with my books and do the only logical thing as I hobble down the flights of stairs. “Mom?†“ya?†“I think that I’m having a heart attack.†Pause. I know what’s going through her head. The last month’s worth of heart problems. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING ME?! CALL 9-1-1!!†That would have been a bit more logical. I step out into the Business Loop as my vision begins to blur at the corners. I see a good sign: People. Pain racks across my body now, I’ve lost feeling in my entire left arm. Panic is beginning to set in. “Derek?†I look up to see the curious face of Sarah Fowler. I can’t help but laugh. I’ve not seen her since seventh grade and here she is standing next over me. “Why are you on the ground?†My mind searches for an answer that doesn’t sound too crazy or off putting, but nothing comes. “I’m having a heart attack. So what have you been up to with yourself?†She blinks at me as I hand her my phone. “9-1-1 please.†Pain. I black out. I wake up an hour later in a hospital bed, machines beeping, parents pacing outside as a medical technician withdraws a vial of blood. Discovery Channel eminates from the television. The doctor enters as my parents rush in my mom is in tears and shaking. “Well Mr. Prior, we have some results from the blood tests. You suffered a heart ack without the release of the cardiac enzymes. So in a sense you didn’t suffer a heart attack, but felt all the symptoms of one.†“What does that mean?†He smiles. “Your heart gave you an early April Fools.â€
Ok, i saw the midnight premiere and I'm unsure as to if i liked it, or if i hated it. Without giving any spoilers, Quantom takes place immediately following the events of Casino Royale, making this the first direct sequel of any Bond movie. This had me on the fence to start with because most sequels suffer. I will say that there is more of a story line similar to past Bonds and the references to previous movies made me uneasy. (Goldfinger reference). This movie however, has more locations than I can remember a Bond movie having. You can either say that that ruins or adds to the story however you see fit. That is all I shall say without needing to throw down some spoiler brackets in here. Discuss if you like.
DN GAME GUIDELINE. ROUND 22 Prologue: The cold liveless buildings of KHV's Spamzone slept with unease. A handful of stars fought amongst the smog filled clouds to shine on the nervous city. The Spamzone was ill prepared for the figure stepping off of the red eye. The figure stared out the grime invested windows of the KHV airport and smiled secretly. A new world shall be mine. Kira exited the airport, unsure where to begin. Kira shifted feeling the small black notebook tucked inside their jacket pocket. Kira hailed a taxi, and vanished into the world of KHV, bent on ruling this world one person at a time. Two weeks later, after a rash of murders, L arrives in the Spamzone; positive that the latest criminal deaths are the work of Kira. L hails a cab and begins the delicate proceedure of research from his headquarters. However, the deaths are escalating at an alarming rate, and no matter how close he believes he gets to Kira, the infamous Death Note seems to change hands and even as they stop one maniacal despotic human with a god complex, the Death Note itself seems to always slip out of the grasp of the good detectives' hands and end up with yet another person who evolves to become the new Kira. L sat behind his board of computers and sighed. He only had one option: to bring together the most brilliant minds in law enforcement to stop this epidemic of spamzone murder. L sat at his computer and watched as his hands flew across the keyboard. Hello Detectives, you shall call me L. L has gathered the most competent people to fight Kira but sadly, Kira is no fool either and somehow always manages to get into the ranks of the detectives. Kira's mission is to take out the detectives who try to thwart his/her moves so he/she can go on a killing spree unhindered. The detectives' mission is clear: Catch Kira before you are taken out by one of your very own members on the team, and bring Kira to justice! :lol2: Below are the rules for The Death Note Game. Please make sure to read them so that we can all be on the same page before you begin playing. Players in the game consist of anyone who posts in the thread during roll call before a new game, or those who wish to join ANYTIME during a running round. This game was a creation by ICSP, so he gets the credit for its design and being the founder. Repliku and Pyrɸ take credit for mutating it further. These rules will be updated as will the round numbers and the identity of the current Shinigami in a NEW thread every time a new game starts, so no one has to go through the trouble of scrolling through old pages and search. The role of the Shinigami usually alternates between three people [unless stated otherwise]: ICSP, Repliku, and Pyrɸ, SHADES. *whine*:crybaby:*whine* Please don't make us have to add more rules. *whine*:crybaby:*whine* The Shinigami The Shinigami is the one person in the game that will know what the detectives and the kira and his accomplices are doing at any moment. Accusations as well as deaths are both cleared and reported by the Shinigami in the thread. Shades is the Shinigami this round. The Shinigami chooses a Kira and cannot be the Kira him/herself, so do not waste time accusing the Shinigami unless you want a humorous ending... *The Shinigami is a neutral party monitoring over the game and will not aid the Kira in covering his/her tracks, but neither will he/she aid the detectives with their investigations. The Shinigami will most likely be a pain in the buttocks to both parties instead. * The Shinigami likes Rum. :sly:. Particularly apples PEACHES! APPLES!!! PEACHES!!!!!!! APPLES!!!! PEACHES!!!!!! APPLES!!!!PEACHESAPPLETINIS MOUNTAIN DEW Shinigami Eyes To make clear what Shinigami Eyes are, an explanation is provided here: * If one full day goes by with no accusations being made by the detectives, Kira will be granted Shinigami Eyes to kill one person of Kira's choice without any restrains. This does not mean that Kira must know the detectives identity for a Shinigami Eyes usage. If 2 days pass, Kira gets 2 kills the following day and if a third day pass without any accusations at all, Kira gets 3 kills with the Shinigami Eyes without any restrains, and so on. * It is -EXTREMELY- important that member who have the Death Note or pages from the notebook inform the Shinigami as they receive the items, and also that Kira communicates with the Shinigami when passing them out via PM, or in rare occasions, MSN. This way the Shinigami knows who has a real DN and fake etc. and keep a certain order in the game. Also, if you are given a -page- of the DN, you must declare getting rid of it BEFORE or AFTER use to not be caught with it if accused. You cannot get rid of it after you've been accused. * The Shinigami owns a list of all the players' name, but may have to inquire the -real- first names of players since part of the rules of the game is that Kira may 'kill' using them. Please, if you would, respond to PM's when inquired as soon as you see them. If you do not and are going to make an accusation, it will not be counted! Also, the Shinigami will post deaths in Pacific Standard Time unless declared otherwise. * In some games, there may be more than one Shinigami. This also means there may be more than one Kira. Every Shinigami comes equipped with a Death Note of his/her own and as well as one given to the Kira. The Shinigamii may each know who their own Kira is (or not if they want sport against each other), but they will not inform the Kiras who the other is. The Kira always report kills and conversations only to his/her Shinigami; not the other if he/she may be present. The Dead You can "die" in this game through the three following methods: 1. Kira figures out your REAL first name. This will be contained in the Death Note Kira writes to the book aka PM's [or IM's] to the Shinigami. 2. The detective accuses a suspect which turns out to not be Kira. 3. Shinigami Eyes.* Dead people in the game CANNOT give out clues whether in the topic thread here or through PM or IM. Those who are dead should not post frequently but are allowed to post to a certain degree...because well, they get bored. Just NO GIVING CLUES OUT!! Doing so will -eliminate- you from playing in the next Round. Detectives/Accusers Anyone who is in the game and who is not the Kira is a detective. However, the Kira has infiltrated the detective group and you cops know it. Figuring out who Kira is happens to be your mission as you try to keep yourselves alive and beat Kira in his/her own game. * Those who accuse someone of being Kira may do so the FIRST time as a freebie. This means that you do not need evidence to accuse, unless the game features less than 13 members playing. However, this puts you in danger of becoming a victim to the Kira, if you are mistaken. All people who join the game are considered detectives or accusers and there will be one or sometimes two Kiras lurking in their midst which you must ferret out. * Only ONE accusation at a time, unless there are two Shinigamis present. You may make an accusation by posting "I accuse ___________". *accusations will only be accepted in this thread. This means that private/instant messages will not count. * You have ONE freebie where you do not have to provide evidence for your accusation. You are welcome to make MORE accusations after the wrong accusation if Kira has not killed you yet. However, you -must- provide clear and concise evidence to support why you are accusing the new person. Any accusations made after you've used your freebie, you must provide proper evidence. IF Kira writes your name in the death note following your false accusation but times the death prior to the detectives next accusation, the accusation is voided. * An amendment to the rule above: If there are less than 13 members on the list of players, to make things more difficult [x3] players will be required to present evidence even when accusing someone for the first time. This means, there are NO freebies. If the member list is small for a round, it grants that detectives must to study a bit more and find an actual reason to accuse someone of being the Kira. This is so that the list isn't knocked out too soon. * Remember that just because someone says he/she is not the Kira does not mean the person is innocent. There is no penalty in lying therefore, Kira is of course capable of lying and messing with your heads. Kira may also make accusations, and take part in the investigation, basically trying to play the role of detective since he/she is hiding amongst you. *If a detective announces to the group that he/she is leaving the game, then Kira can not Shinigami eye kill said detective, and only name killings of the detective before the detective announces his/her departure will count. * Detectives are responsible for organizing and maintaining their own lists of the players [people that are alive, dead, accused, suspicious etc.]. The list provided in this post will only inform you of the dead and detectives. Also, it may not be updated as frequently as the detective lists, thus making a detective list a necessity for up and coming detectives. * If you wish to create a list of your own, then you are welcome to create a list and organize it to your liking, -OR- use the skeleton of the list provided below at the bottom of this thread. Good Luck. The Kira One (or two if the Shinagami is bored) Kira will be chosen to begin the game by the Shinigami PM'ing that person, or the Shinigami requesting those interested to PM him/her, and the person has the right to except or deny the role. If you happen to not know what the Kira is, it's the killer. * The Kira can only use the Death Note on people in the list here that are playing. This means you cannot have a kill that is someone else outside the game here. If a detective announces to the group that he/she is leaving the game, then Kira can not Shinigami eye kill said detective, and only name killings of the detective before the detective announces his/her departure will count. * The Kira can kill using the 3 methods described above but may of course not use Shinigami Eyes until the Shinigami gives the go ahead. Keep in mind that this game is PG-13. Also know that the Kira should write the time of death, a description on what he/she 'wants' the death to be, such as suicide, attacked by a bag lady, hit by a car, etc. Do not describe the actual entire death scene as though it is taking place but rather what you'd want to happen instead. The Shinigami will take care of the rest to ensure it stays PG-13. If Kira goes Jigsaw on the death, the Shinigami has every right to edit the death to keep it appropriate *The Kira may choose at any time to pass on the Death Note to another player in the game. However, the Shinigami MUST be informed of the intent to do so and if the Misa/Mikami accepts or not. * The Kira may hand out a page of the Death Note to be used by someone else. However, again, the Shinigami must know of the action. No more than 1 person at any time may have the Notebook. No more than one person may be given a page out of the Death Note. Giving out a page though means the Kira still possesses the Notebook. If you have a page or more of the DN and do not declare you get rid of it after or before using it, you will be discovered with it if you are accused of being the Kira. * The Kira must kill at least one person per day. Just as the Shinigami Eyes may be granted to the Kira in order to kill someone as a freebie if detectives fail to come up with a suspect, the Shinigami will also stab the Kira in the back if the Kira fails to do his/her job. The Shinigami may react by giving out a clue as to who the Kira may be if no deaths occur within a day's time. If more than one day passes, the Shinigami may write the Kira's name in his/her own Death Note and pass on the Kira's Death Note to someone new. *On Names - The Kira may kill those on the list by knowing the person's true first name. A nickname does not count and the Shinigami of the time may need to verify the true name with the member before the kill is approved. There are various ways to find out people's first names such as browsing around the forums or asking the person, though either way may give clues to who the Kira really is. The Kira may only kill 2 people by true first name on the first day. If the Kira uses only 1 death this way or no deaths by name, the Kira gains 3 kills by name on the second day. If the Kira kills on the next day and does not use up all kills by name, again, 1 bonus name kill follows to the following day and so on. This rule is implemented since a few potential kiras know quite a few names and it makes it so they cannot take out a majority of the detectives in one fell swoop. * On Fake Death Notes. Only a Kira or former Kira of the same round may hand out fake Death Notes. These are duplicate notebooks that basically do nothing but resemble the Death Note. There are no magical properties to them. It is possible to get the Shinigami to pass out fake DNs but a clue may be given about the Kira for the favor. Only two fake Death Notes per Kira may be released in a game. * The Kira may NOT bring in people from outside of the game to use as Misa/Mikamis or accomplices. Only the people who post in the thread are considered to be playing and are therefore eligible for negotiations of this sort. This means that the Kira must choose within the group that is already there and not coerce someone to join to become the assistant or new Kira. Failure to comply with this rule will result in some nasty thing happening from the Shinigami. * A Kira or Misa cannot say that someone should be removed from the list due to inactivity if in fact the player is doing things actively in the background such as kills, whether seen by others or not. Anyone who is playing is active. * If a Kira/Misa is caught with a portion of the Death Note (a page or more), the person may be held in jail for 1 to 3 days for investigation. During the time held, the Kira/Misa cannot have contact with any associates to order kills etc. The Death Note can only be used by the other person(s) of their own wills. *The Kira or Misa/Mikami, to avoid being killed by the other on their 'team', or to avoid discovery by detectives etc may, if in possession of the Death Note or a page, write his/her own death scheduled for when he/she wants it. Doing this means that the player cannot be killed in any other way but by the time and way described in the Death Note, which could prolong their lives or end them sooner. *Just to clarify a misinterpreted rule. Kira can only select Mikami's out of either the detectives who have been playing from the begining, or someone who joined the game not knowing who Kira is. Kira can not encourage outside players to join if they wish to have a Mikami. Misa/Mikami The Misa/Mikami is a person entrusted by the Kira to be in his/her game. The Misa may be entrusted with the Death Note at times or given papers from the Notebook. Also he/she may be given orders to do some things for the Kira to impede detective investigations. Keep in mind the Misa/Mikami MUST be chosen by the Kira from members of the game round. * The Misa/Mikami (person given the DN by the former Kira) has 3 choices to decide, which can be conversed over with the Shinigami. 1. Accept and be loyal to the cause of Kira. 2. Turn Kira in through an accusation made in the thread. 3. Accept the Death Note and kill the former Kira immediately or sometime during the game. You must the Death Note and not just a page to do this. * If the Misa/Mikami has the Death Note, he/she may kill off the Kira, despite the former agreement of being loyal to the Kira if the Kira has a chance of ratting the Misa/Mikami out. A page of the Death Note will not work, if the Kira happens to have the Death Note, but if not, that page will work. It has to be the Death Note book. * The Misa/Mikami and the Kira should be posting in the thread now and then to show activity. The Kira and Misa also should not try to remove one another from the list by declaring inactivity of a player. This does not mean they cannot say that someone is less suspicious because of it. It means do not try to remove players from the actual list of players in the game for the round to include yourselves. GENERAL RULE: There are 'Titles' granted to players as they solve cases or are just exquisite Kiras. These Titles are really just given to players as token things and this is not a role-playing game where people actually play out the roles of the characters in Death Note. Please do not ask for titles as they are given on merit only and attitudes that are similar to characters in Death Note. Also: Only players involved in the game can interact within the game. No sideline detectives or Kira's... This is a big one... people who disobey this rule are subject to death via shinigami. Lastly: There may be mods or Admins playing in the game. Do NOT ask them to help you find out information that could only be obtained using mod/smod/admin powahs. They cannot and will not do this and it is considered cheating. _________________________ RANKS & SCOREBOARD: Here will be a tally of most cases solved, best solo Kira, best Kira/Misa team up, most inventive Kira/Misa team up, Fastest case solved, etc. Stay tuned as I tabulate this up. Top Ranks: Most cases solved: Repliku & Pyrɸ Fastest double case solved (2 Shinigamis + 2 Kiras): Pyrɸ Fastest case solved: Repliku (Round 7) Most kills by Kira: Pyrɸ (21 solo) Most kills by duo Kira/Mikami: Pyrɸ & Repliku (30) Best collaboration by duo Kira/Mikami: ICSP & Heartless_Vice Best Mikami: Heartless_Vice Best Misa: Catch the Rain Best Shinigami: ICSP Kira Wins: Repliku: 4 Kills + Suicide Cin & Catch the Rain: Most kills done by CtR. 25 Total. Shades: 12 kills + his own suicide. Pyrɸ & Repliku: 30 Kills, 15 each. Close Kira Wins: Pyrɸ: 21 Kills solo. ICSP & Heartless_Vice: 16 Kills total. Cases/Rounds: Round 1: Shinigami: ICSP Kira: Trogdor (2) Case Solved by: Repliku Round 2: Shinigami: ICSP 1st Kira: Pyrɸ (0) 2nd Kira: Repliku (4 + suicide xD) Case solved to discovering 1st Kira: Graxe Case solved to discovering 2nd Kira: None Round 3: Shinigami: ICSP & Graxe ICSPKira: Saki (1) GraxeKira: Mirai (2) Case solved by: Pyrɸ (both) Round 4: Shinigami: ICSP Kira: Heartless_Vice (3) Misa to Kira: Pyrɸ (21) Total Kills: 24 Case solved by: TheChosenOne & Repliku providing evidence. Round 5: Shinigami: Pyrɸ Kira: Ghetto (8) Case solved by: TrueKeybladeMaster (Inspector Gadget) Round 6: Shinigami: Pyrɸ Kira: ~Amber~ (1) Case solved by: What? Round 7: Shinigami: Heartless_Vice Kira: CarbuncleGem (0) Case solved by: Repliku Round 8: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: Heartless_Vice (5) Case solved by: Haseo Round 9: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: Final_Form (2) Case solved by: Heartless_Vice Round 10: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: TrueKeybladeMaster (0) Case solved by: Pyrɸ (kind of a gimme here to get the game over) Round 11: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: Darkrequiem0 (0) Case solved by: Pyrɸ Round 12: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: ICSP Mikami: Heartless_Vice Total Kills: 16 + HV's own demise Case solved by: cocohints. (Both were accused by her) Round 13: Shinigami: Repliku Kira: Cin (3 + shared) Misa: Catch the Rain (7 + shared) Total Kills: 25 Case solved by: No one. Round 14: Shinigami: ICSP & Repliku ICSPKira: Shades (13 + suicide) Mikami: DMaster (2) (Killed by ICSP) Total Kills: 15 RepliKira: DemoN:||D@ys (2) ICSPKira: None RepliKira case solved by: Antiweapon Shinigami win: ICSP Round 15: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Gwen (2) Mikami: Clouddart100 (7) Total Kills: 9 Case solved by: 7th Key of the Kingdom Round 16: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Gawd-Kira: Light Yagami (Pyrɸ) (15) Deval-Mikami: L (Repliku) (15) Total Kills: 30 ♥ Case solved by: None Round 17: Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk Kira: Fearless (4) Case solved by: Graxe Round 18: Shinigami: Frisky Kitty Kira: VideoGameNerd256 (7) Case solved by: Repliku Round 19: Shinigami: Pyrɸ Kira: Pika_Power (4) Case solved by: Graxe Round 20: Shinigami: Pyrɸ Kira: cocohints (2) Mikami: TrueKeybladeMaster (1) Total Kills: 3 Case solved by: cocohints [lol] Round 21: Shinigami: Shades Kira: Graxe Mikami: Total kilks: 1 Case solved by: Fayt Round 22: Shinigami:Shades Kira: Mikami/misa: Kills: Case solved by: ______________________________ Detectives may use this blueprint to organize their list: Round 22: Shinigami: Shades The Dead: The Investigated: The Accusers: Detectives/Suspects: Pika_power Fayt-Harkwind cocohints Graxe Saki Fearless TKM HV _________ Game to start by Midnight Friday PST.
Film 2300 Survey of Videogame Theory and Design Students of the course take a critical look at the artistic, but also the cultural, economic and social aspects of this expressive medium. We will examine several aspects of video games and gaming through a variety of theoretical lenses. We will delve into the artistic and design aspects of gaming, while exploring the historical, cultural, and societal issues concerning video games. We will cover the growing interest in game theory by academics as well as industry. Finally, we will uncover the technology itself and explore the legal issues of intellectual property and content regulation in our networked world. There is a god.
http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809424382/video/10509645 I can't tell you how excited I am to see this movie. Coming out Feb 6th 2009.
Ok, i'm not sure if this is possible, but i'm going to lay this out there. When i got my elite last christmas, I created the tag of avsfan3721 and that is my main account. However I did not, and still don't have xbox live. I set up the free membership a few months ago and in doing so, set up the same account name of avsfan3721, however instead of using the one I all ready had, it created another. My question: is there anyway to merge both accounts into one?
Because the sTock market took it all.
Vin laughed as he drops another handful of popcorn into his mouth. Nothing said relaxation like popcorn, a Dr. Pepper and The Office for a Thursday Night. He stretched as a nasal decongestant commercial danced across the screen as he rose and set off on a hunt for another soda to polish off. As Vin reached the refrigerator door, a flurry of vibrations and sound effects erupted from inside his pants pocket. Vin groaned, extracting his cell phone to see the name Roxanne <3 flashing back at him. Roxanne. If ever their was a study that could prove telepathic sensitivity, Roxanne would be their number one test subject. It didn’t matter the time of day or the day itself, but once Vin began to relax, Roxanne would make her entrance. He hit talk, knowing that ignoring a phone call would only lead to an avalanche of inquiry and more phone calls. “Hey Roxanne.†“Hey there sexy. How was work for you?†The overly innocent voice of Roxanne asked. “Same as before you left from the meeting. All centered around the Stock Market and the companies investements. Sounded like they were hinting at possible down sizing.†Vin answered as his small living room became the theatre stage as Steve Carrel began humiliating his all ready ruined persona with a George Forman Grill. “Well don’t let me bore you. I know you can’t take me out of your head.†Vin shook his head in annoyance. “Look Rox, is there anyway I can call you back, the—“ A shrill scream of glee erupted through hthe receiver. “Oh my GAWD! Phineus just made the cutest puppy face! You have to see this!! You should come over and see!†Vin’s head drooped against the freezer door. “Rox. I’m busy, maybe tomorrow.†His rejection fell on deaf ears as baby noises reverberated from Roxanne’s apartment seven blocks away. Vin hung up as he proceeded to dive back into his only zone of comfort: the failings of a dysfunctional mid-range paper company out of Scranton Pennsylvania. He dove deeper than he had anticipated. The hallway clock roared to life as the ceremonious bells tolled two. The T was replaced with a static vail as Vin slowly returned to the realm of the living. He gazed around to see a half consumed bowl of popcorn covering the couch. Slowly he pushed away the urge to sleep as he walked into the kitchen for a trash can. The dark kitchen remained silent as plates and cutlery eyed him stumbling into their domain. As Vin picked up the compact trash can, he froze, unsure if his ears were playing tricks on him. It came again. A slow scratching sound could be heard coming from somewhere in the recesses of the dark house. Vin shook his head assuming a storm was blowing in. However as he looked out the kitchen window, the tree branches hung silent, yet the scratching continued; fainter than before. Vin walked back into the dimly lit living room. He picked up the remote control, extinguishing the television and bathing the room in complete darkness. The scratching began to grow near the staircase. Vin lifted up his fire red Gibson X-Plorer guitar as he opened his front door slightly. Only silent night greeted him. Nothing sat or stood on his small welcome mat. A pair of headlights from down the street flashed off of the distant glass windows of the Walmart. The early morning was as silent as the grave, and this did not ease Vin’s mind. His heart began to beat louder in his ears. He stood still just inside his door, turning ever so slightly to find himself alone in his living room, clutching a three thousand dollar guitar and popcorn decorating the carpet. He shook his head, replacing the guitar sheepishly as his heart rate slowed. I need sleep, he thought as he moved to the staircase. The floorboards above his head creaked. Vin raced upstairs, grabbing ahold of the banister as he spun around too fast, ramming his knee into the railing. He swore before he could stop himself as the creaking instantly stopped. Vin’s eyes grew wide as he looked at the base of the guest room as a light bled from the other side, except for two objects blocking the door. “Hello!†Vin yelled over his rising blood pressure. His only response was a frantic tortured clawing from the other side of the door. He took another step closer, his hand hovering over the knob as the light shifted. Vin inhaled and ripped the door open. The movement started the intruder as it leapt backwards, instantly switching to angry barking. Standing on all fours against the closet door, was Phineus. Vin blinked, unsure if his mind was playing a trick on him. Phineus appeared to be contemplating the same thought as he leapt forward and pawed at Vin’s feet happily. “How…how did you get in here Phin?†Vin asked as he turned and exited the room. The dog didn’t answer as he followed Vin downstairs. Vin picked up his phone from the coffee table and dialed Roxanne. A flurry of questions raced through his mind, not the least of how is former ex had gotten a key to his house. As the phone rang, Vin moved toward his garage, believing he still had his old dogs water bowl. He didn’t notice as he began to search through his closet, that Phineus remained at the end of the hallway softly growling. The phone clicked over to her voicemail. Hi this is Roxanne, I missed you. Leave me your thoughts. BEEEP. “Roxanne, it’s Vin. I’m trying to figure out how your dog hot into my house at two a.m. I’ll try—“ Vin was cut off as the other end picked up. “Roxanne?†“Is this Vincent Ellis?†a deep controlled voice asked. Vin looked at the phone hesitantly. This wasn’t Roxanne, or anyone that Vin knew. “Who is this?’ he demanded. The voice paused. “I will ask again. Are you Vincent Ellis?†“Look, you know who I am, now I want to know who you are and why you are using Roxanne’s phone.†The line went dead as Phineus tore down the hall toward Vin. Vin turned as the garage door swung open. A bolt of pain surged through Vin as something metallic rammed down on the base of his neck. Vin crumpled to the ground as the edges of reality slowly succumbed to darkness. He felt a pinprick on his arm and a surge of liquid flooding through his veins as a cloaked figure removed a syringe from his arm, while another shadow was fighting off Phineus. The last image Vin remembered as the drugs took over his mind, was the yellow pages in his own trunk before everything went dark. Darkness. From an unknown corner of the abyss, low static pulsates from an ancient Victrola record player. The needle scratched the vinyl like a plummeting meteor. Dark orbs shimmered behind Vin’s eyelids as the throbbing pain in his neck began to over take his drug induced stupor. Rolling to his side, Vin’s head swam as his hands soared to his head, a shackle clung to his ankle. “Hello Vincent.†A voice crackled from the Victrola. Vin opened his eyes hesitantly as he recognized the voice as that of the one from the phone conversation. “I’m glad to see you are awake.†Vin scanned where he assumed the ceiling hung behind the shadows, trying to locate the faint outline of any video cameras. “There are no cameras in this room except for one strapped to your leg.†The shackle called to Vin as he bend around and pulled a leather leash towards him. Carefully he pulled, receiving the sounds of metal scraping against the cold hard concrete. “Cameras can’t lie, they can only paint an illusion of the surreal. Day in and Day out you fix cameras abused by owners, breathe in the pudgent smell of developing solution and for what? The satisfaction of knowing you’ll be able to fuel your addiction.†Vin remained silent as he picked up a blocky object. It felt foreign in the darkness, but upon grasping an opening he flipped open a handle. No, not a handle, the flash bar. He knew without a doubt that he was holding a Polaroid One-Step 600 instant camera. Nothing made sense. The record played on. “Everyday you work amongst other peoples lives in your lab, in darkness unable to live your own life. Today you have the ability to change that. Inside this camera, is an object to help you on the path of freedom. One wrong move, and your life will be illuminated by the small package of C4 connected with the camera. Time is ticking Vincent.†The record stopped as a bleeding eruption of light shattered the room as a digital clock began to slowly dissolve from five minutes. A cold silence blanketed the paranoia that slept inside Vin’s stomach. 4:55. Nothing is making any sense. 4:54. What am I doing here? 4:53. I am going to die. Vin held the camera as the secretion of sweat formed in his hands and on his face. He held the camera in his hands. The difference between this camera and a regular film camera was that this would take pictures instantly and print them from a slot beneath the lens. Gingerly, he ran his hand beneath the device as the clock continued counting down. He felt a series of three holes. Gently he pushed his pinky into each. The outside two holes held screws, while the middle was empty. He continued feeling the camera until he stumbled across two things: The Capture button. A paper clip. 3:00….2:59 Vin held the paper clip as the sudden realization hit him. The empty hole. The voice was making him choose his fate. Vin layed the options out as the sweat dripped into his eyes. On one hand, if he pushes the capture button, he could electronically trigger the C4, killing him. On the other, he could poke the paper clip through the hole, possible bridging a circuit and blowing up the camera. 2:30. “THIS IS INSANE!†Vin roared. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!!†Silence responded coldly. Vin tried to recall everything that happened, and everything circled back to blacking out inside his trunk. Suddenly, a thought popped into his head. Is there C4? Another variable. There would be no way of knowing unless he acted. He had no tools aside from the paperclip, and no idea in the dark room if their were any other booby traps laying in wait to snare him. 1:00 0:59 0:58 Vin closed his eyes unsure of what to do as his breathing increased and his blood pressure began to soar. He began to resign himself to an unknown fate as one single idea stormed across his mind. Take a picture. Flash. Use the flashbulb to show the room. Throw the camera. Maybe survive. 0:05 Vin rammed the paper clip into the hole at the same moment he pressed the capture button as he threw the camera with every muscle backing his power. There was no flash. The camera struck a wall less that two feet in front of Vin as his sudden discover terrified him. He rolled onto his back as the clock struck zero. Click. Vin’s eyes opened as the clock flashed zero. To his knowledge, he was still alive. He sat up as his foot brushed the camera and stopped. Something felt different. Vin hobbled to his knees and picked up the camera to find it had not split in half, but a compartment had slid open on the top. Vin’s brows furrowed as he tilted the camera. If he had had any light, he would have caught the reflection. A new pain struck Vin as something metal latched onto his forearm. Vin screamed as he clawed at the attacker then froze, as he felt a shaft sticking out from his arm. The scalpel grinned at him in the shadows. “WHAT THE F—“ “Well done Vincent.†An electronic voice emerged from inside the camera. “You have survived your first step into the new world, and now you have only one more step to take.†A single spotlight blinked to life from above the center of the room. To Vin’s amazement, it is lighting a pair of gurneys. Vin stood slowly, pulling the scalpel from his arm as he did. Blood painted a gravitational trail behind him as he slowly approached the first gurney. “Ever since you were a boy, your parents refused to let you enjoy your childhood. Instead they set you on a path of unfulfilled reality. I’m here to offer you another start. Before you are two individuals who had the game you always wanted but your family refused to let you play--†How does this guy know so much about me? “—the object to your freedom will help you uncover the key that will lead you from your prison. Choose wisely, we don’t want you fail this operation.†“No…†Vin whispered as he pulled aside the blankets covering both individuals. The longtime face of his childhood friend Alex Houchins and Roxanne stared dull eyed at the ceiling. The electronic voice ended as the cloaked man sa in an observation window a floor up, staring at the digital feed that was snaked just outside the spotlights housing. He smiled as he watched Vincent Ellis tumble down the nightmare of his past as he stood between his two lifelong friends, preparing to choose his own game of operation. “Let the games begin.â€
Suspects: Teach Girl taking 25 credits this semester the silent man. The playwrite Curly The plot demander the sleeper Hats Alma Slick Shades Macbook pro The Asian The Bostonian Fawhawk Barbie the poet Anime girl gum The 65 year old. One of these students has gummi bears. Figure out who so i can attack them.
Blast. And i was so looking forward to spending a sleepless night playing this on tuesday. Source: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/921/921009p1.html
Demitryx, happy 16th!!
From across the stars, computer monitors kicked on as fifteen Kingdom Heart Video members each opened a private message and were sucked into their monitor as the hard drive towers beneath the Haunted Mansion burst to life as each member traversed the information superhighway, in a blink of an eye seemingly vanished from existence…all members being sucked from their everyday life
There comes a time in every story, where the hero will question whether or not the path he has traveled was the correct one, or what would have transpired if he or she had not been thrown into this instance. But a keyblade needs a strong leader than knows exactly what must be done or else it must meet the calling of another. So begins the tale of the Tybic Redemption. Following the events of KH2, Sora, Riku and Kairi have been recognized as the guardians of Kingdom Hearts, until a costly science experiment backfired, ripping a part the space time continuum. Upon it’s self repair over the course of a year, the past was not as it was remember. Kingdom Hearts has never heard of Sora, Kairi and Riku they are just regular students trying to survive the challenges of High School. The story begins as Maleficent has begun to slowly expand her forces of heartless and corrupt others of Kingdom Hearts evil doers to her, for another stab at controlling Kingdom Hearts for herself. At this dark hour, the keyblade has been activated, and has been thrown into the hands of not one, but three students: A ten year old boy named Tybic from the world of Kanto. Who is imprisoned underneath Hollow Bastion and witness to the killing of his entire family at the hands of Maleficent and her Conquerors… A fourteen year old girl named Natali who has just arrived at Traverse Town following the destruction of her home of Yavin IV… And a Professor Dylan Os who has been expelled from his university for plagiarizing experiments of time travel as his own, and from psychosis, claiming to be responsible for destroying the fabric of time… It is now up to these three key bearers, thrown together by war and destruction, to bring down the tyranny. Allies will form, rivals will grow, but only when the the three keys are combined together, can victory lay at hand. Akitafusa Bongenit, The Tybic Redemption cometh. Now: The Rules 1. No godmodding 2. Obey the main rules 3. Try and keep OoC chat to a minimum 4. Posts MUST BE GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT, no TEXT SPEAK 5. Posts must be well constructed and more than a few words. Try and create a flowing story, not just a “ZOMG you suck” post. This is a story that I want to have at least the posts be within 3 and up sentences per. Use your creativity, I know you have it. 6. Keep it PG-13, if you need to swear, use asterisks 7. If any problems arise, inform me and I’ll try and rectify the situation. 8. Original characters are fine, but please try and have a maximum of 3 controlled characters in this story, that way other’s may participate. Now: Characters Main Characters: • Tybic- Sticky o Keyblade name: Redemption (blend oblivion and oathkeeper together and the color is steel) • Natali- The Fifth Element o Keyblade name: Recollection ( Divine Rose and Guardian Soul) • Professor Dylan Os- Ventez o Keyblade name: Repentance (Way to the Dawn and Fatal Crest) Villains: • Maleficent- Roxaspartani • Syndrome or Bomb Voyage- • Hades- Roxaspartani • Megavolt (Darkwing Duck series)- • Team Rocket- • Xemnas- • Xigbar- • Xaldin- • Vexen- • Lexeaus- • Zexion- • Saix- • Demyx- Sticky • Axel- • Luxord- • Marluxia- • Larxene- • Tybic Nobody- Jafar - Roxaspartani Other Characters (Subject to change depending on story arc.) • Mickey- • Donald- • Goofy- • Mr Incredible or Frozone- • Hercules- • Darkwing Duck- • Brock and Misty- • Sora- (IF Destiny’s Island is involved)- • Kairi (IF Destiny’s Island is involved)- • Riku (IF Destiny’s Island is involved.)- • Ansem the Wise- OC: Name: Acelius Age: 17 Appearance: A late teenage girl, Acelius is tall and slender. Her snow white hair parts out in the back not unlike a wolf's mane, tips of loose streams of hair dashed in rainbow colors. She is pale skinned with the sharp emerald eyes of a cunning wolf. In fact, she can turn into a wolf, not unlike the others in her family. Wolf fits her normal description as well. History: Acelius is the youngest princess of Acneira, a kindom above a forest in the holy lands of Umbenca. She, like her family, were peaceful rulers of Acneira, personally going off on magestic steeds, which sometimes included dragons, to fight the evil that darkened the ancient land. A darkness loomed over Umbenca, not far from her kingdom. She was riding her horse, Dandil and her dragon steed, Reekfir, followed close by from the skys. They were headed towards the Cave of Laren to find the source of the recent signs of malice, and were caught in the peril. Her world destroyed, she was left alone with the steeds and her ancient bow and arrow Stingark. Personality: Acelius is quiet, determined and listens. She is reckless at times, and enjoys being sarcastic. Weapons and Abilities: Stingark (her family's bow), magic, and her ability mentioned above to turn into a wolf. Biography: Acelius is determined to patch back the broken time void, repairing her kingdom and avenging her royal family. She is determined to help the key bearers at all costs. Played by: Xaale Original Characters: Name: Age: Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise) Biography: (A little about the character's motivations) Played by: Happy RPing.
Proof Savvy? Also in the article it is announced that Bruckheimer is doing National Treasure 3. Here is what Pirates 4 will be.
~Cowpoke Paradise~ God I don’t want to be here. I’ll never know why I thought that, perhaps it was a premonition through the force or the fact that Mick had no idea what a REAL Boston Crème Pie tastes like, but I was loathing sitting there in Mick’s Diner. It’s hot, but barely cooler than the furnace outside. Damn this Phoenix heat. I undo another button on my shirt as I gaze around the small, sweltering diner. The booth to my right holds a couple eating each other with their eyes. Two people in love. Bah. They are probably cheating on their outdated spouses. Get it over with already, there’s a Holiday Inn down that way with free HBO…but I doubt you’ll watch that. I see a young punk huddled on the end of the counter wearing a huge oversized snow coat. I inadvertently shiver, I don’t know how, it’s bloody hot. Is he heading north to one of the resorts in Utah? It doesn’t matter; as soon as his rebellion ends it’ll be more of my tax dollars wasted to ‘further his education’. God I could be relaxing on a boat on the Cod, but no I’m eating a dry sandwich instead of the pie and I’m slowly evaporating. The door jingles. Jingle. Jingle. Bloody hell why does this dull unknowing Mick have an overly attentive string of balls clanking together? Is he trying some covert way to communicate with Roswell or is he compensating for something? Perfect, in walks a feeble computer geek who could pass as Spock’s nephew. Irony, no pocket protector, must be trying to break the mold…check that, it’s in his left ass pocket. I wonder what would happen if an anvil fell on top of him? Would he start accordianing down the isle or become a human paperweight with an area for pencil storage at the city morgue? God I don’t want to be here. Why did I listen to that attractive brunette travel agent? “Phoenix is a cowpokes paradise.†I guess it’s my own fault I listened to her, believing a guy from Boston could wrasle up some good ol’ fashion yeehaws. Chalk one up for the history lesson. I should have stuck with “Las Vegas, The land of make be-.†Jingle. There those damn balls go bouncing together again. I turn away from my flat coke and see… I must be dreaming, but the nice pinch mark on my arm is giving me the told-you-so glare. In walks this highly attractive brown eyed bombshell, and believe me, she’s packing. Why is she wearing a short skirt and shrunken top? Is she trying to get married guys in trouble? She is walking past the couple making out in their booth (Do it in the bathroom at least, that way you know you’re not paying cable) The punk is to busy to look, the geek is googling over Magic the Gathering cards (no wonder he’s alone.) She looks my way, and walks over smiling. I look around and see no back door and for some reason, I stand, trying to be gallant apparently. She stops and waits for me to say something devilishly charming. A pick up line forms but before it gets past, “So…†She smacks me across the face. “That’s for flipping me offin Tucson.†God I don’t want to be here.
On Tuesday, and tuesday only at my campus I can purchase a brand new Apple Macbook 120 gb hd 2g ram for 800 bucks. Currently i have a HP Pavilion laptop that is two years old and slowly reaching the peek of HP's lifecycle. My question is this: Are Macbooks worth it for a college student, who has them and can honestly give me a critique on this, should I do it. Thanks guys.
A simple notebook rests dormant, Hungry for the written word. It craves for imagery, To sink its razor sharp teeth into narration. It longs to inhale the seductive fragrance of rhetoric, To feel the bitter ink flow through its veins. The carnivorous notebook lays in wait, To catch the writer off guard, Wishing to bite the hand that feeds. Its one hundred page appetite yearns, Crying to be satisfied.
Like snowflakes glistening upon lit windowsills, Your heart burns. Your magnificent compassion for others has led To it’s greatness and patchwork beauty. Apart of you cascades into everyone you know, Though sometimes a tear leaks through your soul Can never be mended. Your friendship is directed by your guiding smile, And that beacon and personality Brought my heart to your banks, And now two friendships fused together Through kindness and a love for music. Many difficulties have arisen, But music heals our worst aches, Though sometimes adding upon the suffering. Your dedication to helping lifts you up, Higher then you previously envisioned. Tomorrow’s gates hold back many mysteries, Yet two have unlocked the edges of this barrier The memories of this past year. The strength of our friendship. Possibilities are always possible until tried. For one thing is true: No matter where our path’s lead, We won’t forget each other. To a dear friend.
This is not how I wanted to start the day... I'm intending to take at least a week long break from this forum because a friend from high school was struck and killed by a drunk driver over the weekend which i just found out about. We weren't the closest of friends, but we were friends and his death is really hitting me hard right now. I need to take sometime for myself and come to terms and basically put myself back together. CTR, Coco, thanks for listening and helping. Everyone else, thanks for understanding. Rest in Peace Preston.