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  1. Destined
    Ok kids of the KHv world outside of Utah. I'm planning on going on a get away cruise this summer right around the first week of May after finals. My problem: I've not been outside the US except for an hour in Vancouver and the tip of the Yukon for an Alaskan cruise a while back.

    Thanks to a joyous tax return, i'm looking in the range of a 7 day cruise, but I have options of either the Caribbean, Mexico, or Alaska.

    I'd like thoughts from those who've been to the caribbean on cruises, live somewhere down there, or have cruise stories that might help me decide.

    I'm not worried about airfare ps.

    Discuss please.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 8, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. Destined

    Within a new realm, my ink shall mark
    The tale of words and imagery.
    Betwixed the confines of a solitary prison,
    my works will crackle and spark.

    Images and emotionalities
    may cross your heart or ear,
    but I for one will attest to this:
    I verse for your enjoyment.
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 23, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Destined
    Due to the upcoming english papers / projects / work / rinse repeat, i'm going to be taking a break from the site to focus on school work since this is pretty intensive toward my major. Anyway, i'll be coming back so this isn't a going away forever thread.

    I should be back on around March 2nd or so cause lets be honest, i'm going to the Nascar race in Vegas at the end of the month too :D

    See you peeps in a while, I should still be on MSN every once in awhile.
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 14, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  4. Destined

    In n Out

    Why do you have to mock and spite me so?

    Why do their fries have to be so good!?!?
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 12, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Destined
    -An undisclosed location in the Southwest United States-

    The rising mid-day sun baked the dry brittle land as wave of heat glistened just above the desert floor creating the image of a distant oasis calling to the weary travelers. But Jonathon Billingsly merely readjusted his hair within the cramped sentry post trying to position himself within the feeble breeze whispering from the radial fan. No matter how he tried to justify it, this was not how he foresaw his life the last few years. One training mistake, two degrees further right, and he would be abroad right now, doing his part to answer his nation’s call.

    He blinked as the sunlight’s gaze shifted lower within the post, ricocheting off his metal crutches resting against the sidewall. He pushed the pain from his memory. No matter how much rehabilitation he participated in, he couldn’t change the past. Jonathon returned to staring out the same small window he had for the last eight hours for the last shift and every previews shift since he started. He could count the number of animals he had seen on barely one hand, and knew that their were more cactuses surrounding the distant hillside then times a vehicle had entered his base. In all intends and purposes, Jonathon Billingsly was gatekeeper for Hell.

    His wristwatch chimed twice, drawing his attention to the telephone resting between a picture of a foreign uninhabited island and three log books. The phone began to ring. He leaned forward, lifting up the receiver knowing that the person on the other line could act all she wanted, but Ensign Julia Jones but her warm compassionate voice hid a bitter anger at her job assignment. “1400 report.â€

    “I believe that the cactus five hundred yards down is plotting to pillage our base come nightfall. Is your will in order?†Jonathon asked.

    “Cut the chatter Billingsly. Report in.â€

    He sighed. Humor was wasted within the military. “Gate 3 secure.â€

    The other line clicked off without a words remorse. Jonathon could only smile to himself, knowing that for at least the next ten seconds, Jones’ would be so full of unstated anger that she might mess up and accidentally trigger a warhead to destroy the base. He could only wish—

    A streak of silver light materialized from the distant hillside, hovering above the ground. Jonathon sprawled against the wall behind him, trying to determine the location of his binoculars, his hands finally wrapping around the aluminum frame. Desperately, he brought the lens to his eyes trying to understand the unanswered question of what the foreign object was. As he adjusted, his jaw dropped slightly as his left hand knocked the receiver from its cradle and clumsily put it to his ear.

    “Billingsly, if this is another wise crack or an attempt to woo me, it’s not going to fly.â€

    “Get the reserve troops out at Gate 4 immediately, we have a breach. I repeat we have a breach.â€

    No sooner had the words fallen from his gapping mouth but the distant wail of the base alarm began to roar throughout the canyons as three troop transports leapt from the starting gate, speeding towards Gate 4. Reserve troops checked ammunition clips while some readjusted the hastily thrown together wardrobe of rifles, pistols and grenades.

    The phone rang sharply once before it was adhered to Jonathon’s ear once more, his eyes locked on the distant object.

    “Billingsly, I want to know exactly what is going on,†barked Commanding Officer George Xanis.


    With the click of a toggle, the chain link gate began to slide apart, yielding enough room for the three transports burst past. “The transports are heading out toward the hillside less than a quarter mile from my station. They are preparing to stop, and the unidentified object is still situated on the hill, and appears to be bobbing up and down slowly.â€

    “What is it son?â€

    “It’s a silver sphere.†Jonathon whispered through parched lips. “As of five minutes ago when I sent in my proximity report, it was not present. The troops are now getting out of the transports and circling the sphere. I’m not—“

    A blue shockwave erupted from the center of the sphere, racing outwards with a furious, unrelenting speed. The troopers were pushed backwards as the shockwave swept over them, a burst of orange light erupted from the sphere, forcing Jonathon to drop the phone to shield his eyes with both fists. The glow slowly subsided as Jonathon struggled to adjust to the sudden shifts in light mixed with the last five minutes worth of development. The phone rested near the floor as the faint electronical impulsive demands leaked out as Jones and Xanis requested answers.

    Jonathon picked up the phone as his senses began to return but stopped as he stared out toward the transports. They were gone, replaced with smoking twisted metal. The reserve troops—Jonathon couldn’t look away from the sheer unimaginable scene before him. The sphere was gone, replaced with a crater 15-20 feet across and the same down. The troops were on their backs, crystallized, their eyes shimmering with fear as they stared at where the sphere had reacted. “They..they are all dead sir. The sphere—it released some kind of an explosion, I don’t know what to make of it.â€

    “Stay put soldier. We are scrambling an Arrowheart from San Arka to be onsite in less that 2.â€

    “Sir, with all due respect, I think that that won’t be soon enough.†Jonathon gulped, reaching for his assault rifle.

    From within the crater, the outline of a human body appeared from within the burning smoke. Two crystal blue eyes evaluated the carnage before centering on the sentry post. A booted foot appeared from the lip of the crater as the being began to move forward.

    “My God…†Sweat rose on his forehead as he released the rifles safety, releasing a single click.

    The being spun towards the sound, it’s eyes staring directly into Jonathon’s soul. He froze as the being began to run toward the post as the receiver while distant engines of the incoming Arrowhearts grew closer. Jonathon blinked, clearing his mind as his focus returned, training taking over the place of fear. He brought up the rifle as the being stopped three feet from his door, the head gyrating slowly.

    The being resembled that of a young adult human being, wrapped up within a burnt orange combat fatigues. He carried no weapons, his hip holster empty. His hair was disheveled, gray with tinges of golden black strands coursing through. He raised his right hand slowly, his eyes locked calmly on Jonathon while he rose and limped against the doorframe, the rifle unwavering. “You are trespassing on government land. Put your hands behind your head and drop to the ground NOW.â€

    The man’s jaw twitched. The bullet was slicing through the air before Jonathon could realize his reaction. The bullet zipped forward, arching toward the man, connecting with his sternum, the force of the impact thrusting the man backwards…or should have. His feet shifted, digging in as the bullet dug deep. His eyes transitioned from a calm to a clouded anger. The faintest of fear crossed across his lips as the rifle dipped. The man closed his eyes as his forehead furrowed. A second later, the bullet rematerialized, falling to the ground.

    The anger dissolved as the man gasped. He turned motioning toward Jonathon. “What is, what is today’s date?â€

    The words were forced through a raspy throat. The words struck Jonathon both curiously and suspicious. “Why should I answer this, you are the one that is trespass—“
    “Please. It’s important, what is today’s date?!†he demanded shaking his head as he regained his composure, his eyes scanning the sky as the Arrowhearts appeared on the horizon.

    “December 5th.â€

    He shook his head, “I know that. What year.â€

    €œWhat do you mean what year is this, it’s 1941.â€

    The man stepped forward, a renewed determination returned to his eyes. “My name is LK-3. I’m here on a matter of national security. I’m here to save the world.â€
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 11, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Destined
    Cleverbot versus Destined.

    I am not patronizing.

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 9, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Destined
    I'm not sure if i'm putting this in the right section or not, but i've got a few questions and concerns about DCA.

    Primarily, I just talked with a friend that was at the park not too long ago and he was telling me that they have a large amount of the park blocked off primarily surrounding buildings near Paradise Pier and that the lake has been drained. I did a bit more research into this and learned of all the goings on that Disney is doing to try and boost attendance and overall morale for DCA. My question is this: Should Disney tear down and basically wipe sections of the park from the map, or should the park be left alone.

    Thread by: Destined, Feb 6, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. Destined



    at 8 am today, someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions to follow.


    Future KHV
    Thread by: Destined, Feb 2, 2009, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Destined
    Utah is not the happiest place on earth.

    Ryan Seacrest is a liar.
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 29, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Destined

    I gave in.

    I watched twilight...

    Thread by: Destined, Jan 22, 2009, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Destined
    I'm curious to hear what your thoughts might be. Most former presidents have gone on public tours and worked in the wings of politics since their last day in office, but what about Bush? Will he be return to the Texas Rangers? Political Tour? Retire to his ranch?

    Thread by: Destined, Jan 20, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Destined

    Hey USA

    It's the middle of January.

    And i'm wearing shorts.

    Take that midwest.
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 15, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Destined


    We are the only teals here....and the guests are forming at the gates....who you gonna call?
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 9, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Destined
    In a Spam Zone far far away....
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 6, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Destined

    Spam Wars

    A long time ago, in a spam zone far, far away...

    Spam Wars
    A Noob Hope

    It is a period of civil war. The KHV Rebel Alliance, striking from a hidden base have won their first victory against the KHI Empire.

    During the battle, Google spiders managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the BAN HAMMER, an armored button with enough power to ban any user forever.

    Pursued by the empire’s sinister super moderators, Administrator CTR races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the interwebs….

    The Creativity Corner reflected a magnificent beauty as the twin suns of Original Works and Literature blazed brightly, giving the world a feeling of unrelented life. All around, different remote sections awoke and went about their diverse cultural duties as another day greeted their banks. However on this morning, something floated in the just on the outer edges of the Interests Section. The small object grew larger as it streaked across cold space, fighting to avoid the scarlet ribbons of destruction spewing from the weapons level of an Insider-class Destroyer.

    The Destroyer peppered the space surrounding the shuttle, every targeting program competing to land the perfect blow that would cripple the starlight engines. As the small shuttle rocketed away, about to clear the Creativity Corner, a crimson beam passed through the collapsing shields and struck the hard durasteel, severing the controls to the engines. All at once, the escaping shuttle turned into a lifeless slab of metal, listing slowly to port.

    Warning beacons burst to life inside as crew men and infantry men and women raced to safe life support systems and prepare for the inescapable boarding. Another explosion rocked the ship, sending a momentary burst of darkness through the ship as those onboard held a collective breathe, unsure if it would be their last. As the interior hallway lights returned, the lighting danced off the golden frame of an early model German crafted protocol droid and a small squattier astromech droid.

    “They’ve locked us inside of the tractor beam! We’ll be banned for sure!” T-3CO chided to the smaller droid as two infantry men pushed their way by the droids, carrying an oversized repeating turboblaster.

    SORA-13 whistled softly as it took in the upcoming scene. Men and women barked orders, demanding every conceivable area surrounding the docking door covered with every gun from the onboard Armory. His head swiveled ninety degrees, seeing a brief movement down a corridor leading to the engine room and Escape Pod Bay. As nimble as it could, the droid wheeled backwards and began rolling down the corridor. T-3CO turned as the ship jolted and the smell of scorched Natrona filled the hallway as the ship docked within the massive Destroyer. “Where do you think you are going?!” He demanded as 13 raced away.

    T-3CO’s golden body ducked under the bulkhead as the docking door burst apart, raining burning debris and smoke into the ship as Spamtroopers spewed from the Destroyer. The air instantly erupted with the hissing of energy as emerald and ruby bolts crises crossed enemy lines to pierce friend and foe alike. As the hallway filled with the burning stench of death, T-3CO stared down the suddenly deserted corridor.

    “13?” He whispered, hearing the metallic worry in his own voice echo down the empty corridor.

    An electronic beep drew the Germanic droids attention as a silhouette pasted deeper in the shadows. T-3CO began to reel backwards as the outline of 13 coasted beneath a flickering light display. “13!!! Where do you think you are going? They are heading this way! We’ll be destroyed for certain. Sent to the Spice Mines for sure. Wait a minute, that’s the Escape Pod Bay, you aren’t permitted in there!”

    13 rolled onward as the sounds of war beckoned from the only other path. “You are going to get me permabanned.”

    3CO followed nervously behind as 13 maneuvered its way through the fallen debris and into a cone shaped escape pod. As the blast doors locked into place, the faint outline of a slender human raced by the tiny view screen, followed by the glowing blue pulse waves of a stun blast. The figure crumpled to the deck as three silver clad Spamtroopers surrounded the body while the escape pod jettisoned from the wounded ship, 3CO swore on his golden photoreceptors that he had glimpsed a lock of auburn hair flowing from beneath a white hood. He couldn’t be sure as the escape pod rocketed toward the Creativity Corner surface below…

    Spamtroopers and KHV infantry corpses lined the smoke filled hallway warzone, assessing injuries as those taken prisoner marched two by two under the watchful eye of blasters. A slow, mechanical breath descended upon the prisoners as they rounded an intersection coming face to face with a group of Spam Commandos and the infamous black body armor clad Dark Lord of the Spam, Darth Renegade sustaining the struggling Captain in mid-air.

    “My Lord, the Ban Hammer plans are not in the main computer hardlines.” The voice of one Spamtrooper announced, causing the captain to struggle even more.

    Darth Renegade turned slowly, his helmeted head freezing the blood of the Captain. “Where are those visitor message’s you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?” He demanded, motioning his hand higher as the Captain’s body struggled even more.

    “We—intercepted no transmissions—ugh—this is a---we are on a diplomatic mission. The only incoming---data was a Rick Roll.”

    “LIES! If this is a diplomatic mission, where are the Administrators?” Renegade roared, flinging the Captain against the forward compartment bulkhead, severing his spine as the prisoners watched horrorstruck.

    Renegade turned, fire flashing behind his covered eyes. “Tear this ship apart until you find those plans, I will…question the other’s onboard.”

    As Renegade turned to return to his Destroyer, a platoon of Spamtroopers hailed him from the rear hallway. With them, was the shackled form of Administrator CTR. She wore a rebellious smirk as she stood before the Dark Lord. “Darth Renegade. Only you could be so bold. The Moderator Senate will not sit still for this. When they hear that you have attacked a diplo—“

    “Do not act so surprised, Kay. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several visitor messages were beamed to your ship by KHV spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.”

    Kay smiled. “The cake is a lie. I’m a member of the KHV moderators on a diplomatic mission to KH Dimension.”

    “You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. TAKE HER AWAY.” He roared.

    As CTR walked through the doorframe, Lt. Jube cleared his throat. “Holding her is dangerous, it could put us in the wrong light and add sympathy for the KHV rebellion.”

    “We have traced the Google Spiders to her, now she is my only link to finding their secret base.”

    Jube hesitated. “She will die before she tells you anything.”

    “Leave that, to me.”

    “Lord Renegade!” General Daxma curtly walked forward a look of failure on his face. “The plans aren’t here. Plus they haven’t sent out any visitor messages of any kind. However an escape pod was jettisoned during the heat of the battle. It’s possible that the plans could have been stowed onboard.”

    “General, send a battalion of troopers to the Creativity Corner to recover that escape pod. See to it personally.” The General nodded and vanished deeper inside the crippled ship. “There will be no one to stop us this time.”
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 6, 2009, 74 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Destined

    Broken Sky

    Broken Sky

    Mortar’s erupted across the early stretches of morning sky, raining down death as troops and machinery clashed upon the battlefield. A squadron of F-18 fighter jets streaked amongst the clouds as Italian Arrowhearts peppered the air with bullets. From atop the overhanging cliff, two seasoned men stood gazing at the massacre below. One of the men crouched down staring at a tactical display as statistics and radio communications interweaved. He removed his tattered sand colored helmet, unleashing a tidal wave of hair down across his shoulders.

    “General Alexo, I thought all military men were to adhere to the dress code?†the other man barked halfheartedly.

    Alexo smirked and messaged his head. “I’m sorry Commander, t’would appear that my families history of rebellin’ has carried through t’me.â€

    The Commander’s lips split, revealing a row of glistening teeth. His eyes danced across the battlefield, as though he could feel it breathing and moving. His face was crises crossed with razor sharp wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, while a near invisible scar cut across his right cheek. The Commander watched as the lines advanced past a damaged enemy tank. “I will not be reporting you General. Anyone willing to stand up to the war to remain an individual and not a tool of the system has my full support.â€

    Alexo replaced his helmet. “Thank you Sir.â€

    The display flashed to life as a message came across the screen. Alexo leaned forward and opened the file. “Commander, we have an incoming message from Control.â€

    A frown seeped through the corners of the Commanders demeanor as his shoulders fell slowly. “Play it for me Alexo.â€

    Static bled from the speakers as the grainy female voice cleared her throat. “Commander Scotov, we have received intel that the Italian Underground is preparing a series of guerilla attacks against New Liberty. As soon as your battle is completed, we ask that you return to New Liberty Control post haste.â€

    “As you wish, Lieutenant Janson.â€

    “One more thing Commander, your father will be home in twenty minutes, make sure that you are ready for dinner by six.â€

    The Lieutenant nodded and the signal vanished. Scotov grimaced as all his attention returned to the battlefield. He hated when the Lieutenant interrupted his afternoon war reenactments, especially to tell him that his father would be home early. This would ultimately mean he would have to put the war against the Italian Underground on hold until tomorrow after school. The Commander sighed as the loyal soldier’s dissolved back into small green army men entrenched in the dark green carpet.

    Collin stared out his window as the golden tree leaves danced with the early October breeze. He walked carefully across the warzone, sitting down in front of his desk and opened his homework packet.

    Minutes later, the sound of pencil against paper slowed to nothing as Collin’s head slowly sank down onto his arm, his eyes growing heavy. He attempted to fight off sleep, but the smell of charred earth and the pinging of bullets pulled Collin back into the war.

    Hours past as Collin’s head rocketed upwards. The sky outside had turned from gray to black. Collin rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand as the victory of New Liberty faded into his memory. The smell of burnt bread punctured Collin’s mind as he slowly made his way downstairs. The living room clock chimed a quarter past eight.

    Collin rounded the staircase and pushed open the kitchen door as the smell of burnt bread grew stronger. “Mom did you drop something in the oven?â€

    He surveyed the kitchen to find a pot of linguine noodles slowly bubbling over the edge, the water hissing as it struck the hot coils. “Mom, you should have come and gotten me, we could have eaten awhile ago. You didn’t have to wait for me.â€

    The house remained silent.

    Collin stood alone in the kitchen, unsure of what was going on. He walked toward the counter and paused. Resting in the sink, was knife covered in spaghetti sauce. Collin’s eyes continued down, following a streak of sauce as it dripped down the wooden cabinet, and raced along the wooden flooring underneath the door leading into the dining room.

    As Collin neared the door, the faint rumblings of the television set could be heard describing the following days weather for the morning commute. Collin slowly pushed the door open a crack, staring at the corner of the dining room table. His mother’s chair was pulled out while his father sat with his back to the dining room door.

    Collin sighed. “Sorry dad, I fell asleep doing Mrs. Lloyd’s fraction homework. Have you seen mom?â€

    His father remained silent. Collin opened the door and froze.

    His father sat at his seat, slouched over the evening paper while his mom sat in front of the television, her head tilted to the side. The trail of sauce diverged as it coursed it’s way up the back of Collin’s father’s chair and into the seeping gunshot hole that had replaced the left side of his head. The other path sliced cleanly along the couch and arching against the glowing TV screen, as his mother’s throat lay empty of blood.

    Collin stood dead still as the sound of sirens tore toward his house as the sounds of war and death collapsed around him.

    Cars screeched to a halt as voices shouted through the door. Collin fell to his knees. He vaguely heard the wood splinter as police entered and began clearing the rooms while Commander Scotov sat at the tactical display and watched as his troops fell into retreat as Underground Battle shells bombarded the river valley. Two Underground assassins’ approached him from the rear, placing their hands gently on his shoulders….

    The police officers stood dead still just to the left of Collin. Collin sat on the hard wood floors, his hands twirling and smearing the blood of his parents upon his body. A dead void shone from beneath Cllin’s eyes as his lips whispered to themselves.

    “Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.â€
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 2, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Destined
    From here on in, i shoot without a script.
    See if anything comes of it, instead of my old ****.
    First shot -- Roger
    Tuning the Fender guitar
    He hasn't played in a year

    Thread by: Destined, Dec 24, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Destined
    We don't have cookies....we have chocolate cake.
    Thread by: Destined, Dec 11, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  19. Destined
    For the Jedi Knights.

    Thread by: Destined, Dec 11, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Destined
    I've not been following any of the news surrounding Call of Duty recently, but I just took a survey through GamerInstincts and they asked my opinion on a upcoming synopsis to a game.

    Call of Duty: Lone Wolf. I wasn't able to copy paste the information, but the story seems to revolve around a single player tactical stealth game in which you must infiltrate a terrorist overrun nuclear reactor/missle base? PS3, 360 and PC

    That's a brief info from what i can remember before it kicked me out for trying to copy it. It sounds to me like Call of Duty is trying to switch tactics and go the route of Metal Gear Solid.

    Again, this may or may not be real, or it could just be a synopsis to interest the survey, but it still merits possible rumor notes.
    Thread by: Destined, Dec 10, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming