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  1. Destined
    For those of you who are in the know, or curious, I've submitted an original fan fiction entitled: Destined, or The Destined Epic. I've strung together a teaser trailer for it.

    Check out The Destined in the Story of the Week forum or The Destined Epic in the Creative Corner to follow the journey!
    Thread by: Destined, Jul 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Destined
    One year ago
    The darkness welcomed him. It encompassed his mind, penetrating his soul, but something seemed out of place: I can feel. As this thought echoed in his mind, a blue glow spread out in front of his eyes and a disembodied voice called to him. Fight the darkness and become the embodiment of the light and dark…take my hand, together we can embrace your Destiny.

    Three Months Later​

    The sun was cresting over the tired landscape. This morning, something lurked, unchallenged, emotionless. The tranquil morning was shatter when news spread across the kingdom, the royal princess, has been taken.

    Soon, metallic stars began twinkling through the early afternoon sky. Militia ships were converging on the traumatized world, twelve ships in all; each with a different design indigenous to the representatives world. The twelve ships began transmitting the necessary docking cods and landing on the castle skydeck. As the representatives exited their ships, rumors began to creep across the world from a declaration of war was being formed, to the conspiracy of a military coup. Still, the 12 individuals walked unencumbered through the castle to the Room of Declarations.

    The room was circular, with holo statistic screens linked to each chair that were situated around the room’s focal point; the Triforce pedestal. Ornately carved with glass marble, the Triforce pedestal was carved to represent the very sacred triforce of old. As each individual entered the room, gossip could be heard quietly emulating around a central thought: fear. Two twin frosted glass doors rose up into the ceiling, causing all conversation to halt as the secondary leader entered the room.

    She moved with a set grace, an aire of importance, but her complexion spoke a different tone, the last 24 hours having drained most happiness from her solemn eyes, tiredness in her voice. All the representatives rose as she passed, showing different means of respect, whether it be a slight bow or a loyal gesture.

    As she rounded the Triforce pedestal, she paused. All eyes followed her gaze to the twin thrones of leadership, where the left throne stood empty.

    The room remained silent until the secondary leader took her place on the right throne. She had not asked to have the second throne removed, because she did not desire the royal princess to be….she looked around the room and signaled the representatives to take their seats.

    From behind the shadows of the secondary leader’s throne, a small, determined speaker rose to a podium situated near the head of the Triforce Pedestal. He approached a worn leather logbook and cleared his throat. “Your Highness, ladies and gentlemen’, he stated, motioning around the pedestal, ‘you have been called upon as members of divisions of our great kingdom, and liaisons for our allies.†Ten sets of eyes moved from the speaker to the two unfamiliar liaisons situated at the far end. The speaker continued without pause, “…today, are the representatives of the Honor Guardsmen to the Royal Families…†One man sat on either side of the two thrones each the honorary guardsmen for their leader. The guardsmen situated to the right throne was wearing silver and red battle armor and sporting a steely gaze at each individual as if trying to see into their thoughts. The guardsmen of the empty throne wore a sage green tunic armor and sapphire shield, an oddly shaped sword strapped to his back. His expression was blank, but his eyes betrayed the seriousness of the situation. “…the generals of our air and space fleets…two agents of the Security & Intel Bureau…Militia Research & Development…myself representing Communication, and finally our liaisons from the Far plane Kingdom; Aeirth, and from Kingdom Hearts, Ansem the Wise. Let us Begin.†The speaker opened the logbook and produced a slim pair of glasses and began transcribing the minutes.

    All eyes turned and focused on the leader, who sat high and proper with her gloved hands resting in her lap. She in turn began. “My friends, fellow citizens. Yesterday you each were summoned for your specific expertise and it is our duty here, to understand the abduction in its entirety, and…†Her gaze shifted to the green tuniced guardsmen, “I feel it is important to start at the abduction. Link, if you could.â€

    Link’s head was bowed, eyes shut while he cleared his mind. How would he be able to describe this…it wasn’t similar to the past attempts, to the point of emotionless, and those eyes….The room rang with deafening silence, all eyes fixed on Link, many daring not to rush the details. The silence persisted for a handful of moments before Link began.

    “This was not like the other times the Princess has been captured, it happened faster than any of her guards, or I, could react. Near dusk, storm clouds began to form over Hyrule Castle and with it; a brown-gray haze slowly blew into the castle. The gaze materialized into a figure of a hooded being carrying one of the sacred key blades inside the throne room. He struck down all the men, barely allowing them to draw their weapons to defend the princess. He approached me, moving without care and as though I didn’t exist, the entire time his eyes never leaving the princess. I attacked the figure, but he struck back and cast me aside with such force that I…failed her.†A small murmur rose around the pedestal. “All that I remember is seeing those eyes and hearing him tell Princess Zelda that her destiny was at hand. He reached out and held her arm and they both dissolved.†Link quietly said, returning to his thoughts.

    “Thank you Link†the leader quietly expressed, turning her attention to the generals. “Were any ships intercepted leaving Hyrule?†Near the far end of the pedestal, the maroon armor clad Space General Samus Aran motioned towards a holoview of the planet. “Met Squad and Fox Squad didn’t register any inbound or outbound ships leaving Hyrule and this smaller display shows a 24 hour delay of the ship deck, again, no activity.†Next to General Aran, General Fox McCloud rocked back on his seat, two feet propped up on the tablet. “If this mystery assailant appeared out of a haze, it is entirely plausible they left by the same means.â€

    The leader worked her gaze to the right of Link, to the Security and Intel representatives. “What were the reports on the guards?†Agent Leon Kennedy was glancing through an organized Raccoon City Medical dossier and lowered it to the table. “Not good, all of the guards were killed, autopsy reports indicate that the guards were killed with a large curved blade, but the doctors are still trying to isolate the weapons shape because in each case in appears to alternate.†Kennedy looked to his right at the Intel officer who sat polishing his assortment of poke balls. “Mew Intel reports that Koopa-Troopas are gathering along the outskirts of Bowser’s Castle, while the Shadow Realm remains quiet on Hyrule, so this appears that this is a localized incident that could escalate†Officer Ash Ketchum announced, checking the shine of one ball in the light. Across the table, Luigi piped in with R&D’s findings, “We’ve analyzed the haze from particles in the Hyrule Throne room, but it appears as though the haze was a mere cloud of dust.â€

    More reports began streaming in, as some questions were answered while others were heavily debated. As this was transpiring, Ansem the Wise was slowly generating his own thoughts. The way that Link described the abduction, it appeared as though Xehanort had gone behind his back with the experiments…he must contact the king. As Ansem began to rise, a gentle hand grasped his forearm, slowly pulling him back down. “It’s ok, he’ll come.†Ansem looked down into the soft, caring eyes of Aeirth peering up at him. All conversation slowly stalled on a report of gathering Metroids. The words brought a chilling calm to the room, as if this statement made everything all right. Aeirth’s smiled, sweeping her eyes around the room before resting on Princess Peach, “He’ll come.â€

    A shrill alarm erupted from the holo-displays, breaking the prophetic calm. The room became a flurry of activity as news feeds began streaming in.

    “Princess, a large force of metroids are appearing above all eastern worldsâ€
    “Security systems are crashing across the kingdomâ€
    “Mew Intel is compromised, Team Rocket is attacking Kantoâ€
    “We must get you below the bunker your Highnessâ€
    “Defensive grid power is down below 30%â€

    Princess Peach had risen from her throne; the room became silent, except for the occasional computer chirp of chime of new information. “Now then’ Peach calmly asked, looking around the room, ‘Do we know who has declared war?â€
    Everyone was staring intently at their displays, trying to sort through the details. Toadstool, meanwhile had received and crept from his podium to Princess Peaches throne. “You’re Highness; you have been requested on video one.†All eyes snapped toward the central display.

    A shadowed figure rose in the middle of the pedestal, the only visible characteristics were two golden eyes, an ornately designed curved blade, the rest hidden beneath a swirling gray cloak... The hooded figure cleared his throat and began speaking in an unnaturally icy-calm voice.

    “Be est thou of days of old,
    Cometh to Collect.
    This day brings not words to bore,
    But the Key blade War.

    I challenge you to a game of duel
    Key blades the chosen weapon.
    But knowest this, one thing shan’t miss
    I’ll know if thou smell of deception.

    Another morn, another crime
    Destiny demands.
    Tomorrow at the Sands of Time
    They journey’s meet their ends.

    But knowest this,
    If you laugh in jest,
    You’re loyalties shan’t swell
    For the Far plane has already fell.â€
    The holo faded to nothingness, all breathing seemed to have stopped when the hooded figure began speaking. A small gasp echoed from Aeirth. Tears began forming, filling her eyesight. “The lifestream can never die…he’ll come and make it right.†She said this to no one in particular, but everyone understood the message. A group broke off to dissect the message, other’s formed battle strategies, but Ansem the Wise knew that tomorrow would awaken to war.

    Chapter 1

    “You’re Homeâ€
    Looking into Kairi’s smiling face, Sora looks around. No more heartless sulking in the shadows. No more Organization members vying to control Kingdom Hearts, it’s over. He smiles as he and Kairi both clasp the oathkeeper together.
    From across the beach, King Mickey smiles, he’s reunited the key bearer with the ones who never gave up on him, his friends. Finally, everything has been put back the way it was, the King thought, wadding in the shallows over to Donald and Goofy. The jubilant reunion should have been one for the ages, but Riku refused to enjoy the moment, with his hands in this pockets he looked out over the sea. He looked out expecting to see endless waves and the occasional seagull, but instead he saw a hazy mirage walking on the surface of the water. Blinking he looked back, she was gone. “Princess†he whispered. Riku turned back to the group; unbeknownst to him Sora had seen him staring into the sea and was also looking at the area the mirage had been. But Kairi had her eyes fixed on Riku, with a questioning expression. They couldn’t know, Riku thought, they weren’t there.

    That evening Riku joined in the celebration, although a sense of longing hovered over his persona.

    “You got it Riku, didn’t you?†A small voice spoke startling Riku out of his daydream. “Huh?†He looked up; Kairi was standing over him holding a bowl of rice. “You were able to get away from the island; you went on an adventure like you always said you would.†“Yea I guess you’re right†he said, accepting the bowl, but only poked around with the chopsticks. “Come on Riku, what’s the deal? You’ve been sad ever since you guys got back. Did somethi---“Riku quickly rose, startling Kairi. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’m just tired.†No you’re not a voice stated in the back of his mind, If you hadn’t given up on Sora, none of this would have happened, You wouldn’t have joined Maleficent or the Organization, and she would still be…†Tell the King goodbye for me, I need some sleep.â€

    Kairi was left sitting there on the bend palm tree, staring at Riku as he walked to the docks. “Whatever it was Riku,†she said as she picked up the spilled rice bowl, “It wasn’t your fault.â€

    The nightmare came back. He had the same dream for weeks and each time it felt more and more real. A wide open plain surrounded by rocky cliffs, he was standing at a crossroads while two large armies were positioned around the plain on the cliffs...There were always the same two men, one in a green armored tunic, the other in a silvery red body armor…both men advanced towards him…yelling but no words came out…In the middle of the plains next to Riku, she was there…She was dressed in a flowing purple cloak, blonde hair twirling in the wind, eyes deviant and pleading until….

    Riku woke up, saturated in a cold sweat. It wasn’t true. It’ wasn’t him…they didn’t see…He messaged the sleep out of his eyes and slipped to sitting on the side of his bed, hands pressed to his head. “I’m sorry Princess…†he said to the walls trying to clear her emerald eyes from his mind. “I know the truth Riku.†A strong voice from the doorway quietly projected. Riku looked up, The King was standing in the doorway arms crossed, the golden keyblade perched under his arm. Behind him, another person was there, standing in the shadows. “You are coming with me. You have to fix this.†Riku backed away, searching for something, anything. He found his keyblade but before he could turn around, a blade was pressed against his throat. He looked down; the keyblade was unlike one he had ever seen in Kingdom Hearts, except in the dream. “You are coming with us. You are going to end this Keyblade War you started†the figure said moving the blade in the moonlight. Riku looked down the hilt of the blue and golden keyblade and up the green armored tunic, into the blue determined eyes of Link.

    Chapter 2

    Tell me, how can I prove myself to you?!
    The boy thinks we need him, he is weak.
    But still my lord, there was the incident with…the rogues…
    Hmmm, perhaps not all is lost.

    The sounds of dripping water brought Riku back to his surrounds. He looked around, noting that King Mickey and Link were walking silently in front of him, down a long winding gray hallway, that seemed similar to Riku, but he couldn’t place why. The King slowed to match Riku’s pace and turned with a look of sadness in his eyes and calmly started to speak. “Riku, Do you know where we are? “ Riku shook his head no. “We are deep below Ansem’s Laboratory, I uncovered something here after the battle against the Organization, it was a small holodisk the likes of which I’ve never seen before. I tried to show it to Leon but he refused saying that it was just another lie. It was in a language I couldn’t understand, until I entered your secret place on Destiny Islandâ€. Riku stopped walking and paused, the King realizing he had stopped, paused a few steps ahead. “King Mickey, I know that room better than Sora and Kairi, there’s just cave drawings in there.†“That’s what I was told too Riku, but I found another secret door.†Riku walked ahead in silence. In all my years on that island, I never once saw a door besides the door to other worlds. While Riku pondered this discovery the King was still talking. “Well, while I entered the room, I found a terminal and this particular holodisk fit inside. Gosh, before I knew it, it started to tell me about other Kingdom’s besides Kingdom Hearts, a war brewing and that Destiny Island was the gateway between the worlds.†Riku was speechless. Destiny Island, HIS Destiny Island was a gateway? “That’s impossible. Wouldn’t we have known of other Kingdoms?†Link paused turning around, anger in his voice and one hand on his keyblade. “What it means, is that your island, is the center of the universe, a gateway between the three kingdoms.â€

    “Three….three Kingdoms?†Riku stammered. I only know of Kingdom Hearts, I thought the world was part of…it was just a dream…Link had turned now and was advancing towards Riku, the King standing the middle ground, hands held high. “You know all about the other kingdom, MY kingdom. They planned the attacks, you baited our armies and you killed…†Link trailed off, his expression becoming clouded, he slowly drew his keyblade. “ENOUGH LINK!†The king declared, brandishing his own keyblade. “That wasn’t Riku; I’ve told you before that it--“Link interrupted, “You keep saying this as if it makes a difference. Other or not, my world still fell.†As the King and Link continued to argue, Riku slowly backed against the wall. I created…an other…

    Suddenly everything made sense to him; the dreams, the appearance of Link, this secret hallway. He had been here before, but not as himself. He was here, when he fell, became a trapped in the darkness, a glowing presence; emotions lost…which meant, his heart created a nobody.

    Riku turned to the argument, and placed a hand on the king’s shoulder, immediately silencing the two. “King Mickey is…am I…?†Link turned around and continued walking down the corridor. Mickey sighed and continued on, saying over his shoulder, “Hurry up Riku, I’ll explain it all when we get there.â€

    Riku watched as his ears bounced out of view and looked into the reflexive metal wall. Who am I? What have I…become? The far off drip of water echoed down the corridor as Riku followed Link and the King.

    Chapter 3

    It felt like hours, but finally, they arrived at the bottom of the swirling staircase to find a door with heavy chains blocking entry. The King walked towards the door and placed his gloved hand on a small glass panel. A laser beam was produced, and proceeded to scan the hand. After a few seconds, the doors internally unlocked. “This is where I discovered the holodisk, and…†the King cut himself off, looking sadder than pervious, produced his keyblade and with a beam of light, unlocked the door. The doors instantly parted, releasing a cloud of dust and musty air. The three entered the poorly lit room, to see relics and transcripts etched with dust and a single stringed light bulb flickering above. Riku scanned the room and realized that this was not right. “King, why did you do that?†Riku asked, pointing to the door. The king turned and followed the inquiry and sighed again. “I had to unlock the heart of this world otherwise we never would be able to enter. Take a seat Riku. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.â€

    Riku and Link walked further into the room, and seated themselves around a granite table. The King paced in front of them, determining what to say, while Link unsheathed his keyblade and began to polish. “After Sora locked the heart of Hollow Bastion, a new world began forming, which we know now as Radiant Gardens. While Sora, Donald and Goofy were fighting the heartless, I followed Xehanort back into Ansem’s study and chased him down here.†The King paused for a moment, a far off look in his eyes. “I hid while he met other Organization members down here and they began discussing how best to proceed. Xehanort led them to this small room, where they began discussing this holodisk and something about the piping below Hollow Bastion. When they left to confront Axel, I stayed behind and brought this holodisk with me. After you and Sora returned to Destiny Island, the holodisk opened up a door in the secret palace, inside the disk explained a war I had never before heard of, nor believed could exist. A keyblade war. Riku,†The king turned to him, “Do you remember how Twilight Town was created for lost nobodies, and Traverse Town was created for individuals who lost there world to the heartless? I realized after hearing this disk, that Hollow Bastion and Radiant Gardens was created for the souls who lost their Kingdom. This holodisk, is the heart of the Far plane Kingdom.â€

    Riku had a hard time soaking all this in. Another Kingdom, a war, and finding out he created a nobody. He turned his attention now to Link who was staring at a faded painting depicting a knight riding a strange bird. “So this Far plane Kingdom, is…was it your home?†Link’s eyes stayed fixed on the painting a long while before turning back to the group. “No. He’s from the other Kingdom.†Mickey answered for Link, standing near a stone pillar. “There was a pillar mentioned to me by Ansem before he past, that it would right a past wrong. This is the pillar pipe to the lost Mushroom Kingdom.â€

    Chapter 4

    It had been a long time since Sora awoke to the sounds of the pounding surf off of Destiny Island. He slowly opened his eyes, expecting to be dreaming aboard his gummi ship; instead, he was greeted by a warm breeze and the early rays of the morning. He was home. Sora slowly rolled up onto his knees and closed his eyes. Roxas. The warm feeling of closure and the countless victories over the last few years made this moment seem like he was flying again around Neverland, saving Kairi again, back at Twilight Town. Sora sighed, no more grant adventures, just him, Kairi and Riku. He smiled to himself, content to share this with-
    A scream ripped across Destiny Island, Sora jolted upright. He had heard it coming from the secret place. He knew that voice. Kairi.
    Leaping hand over foot, he staggered to the entrance, out of breath, wielding the keyblade, prepared for any attack. One thought flashed through hi head, Kairi. She wasn’t here. He slowly entered and walked around the cave, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness. “Kairi, where are you?†Sora whispered, eyeing the shadows and corners, expecting a heartless to attack. None did, but as soon as his eyes completely adjusted, Sora was able to make out a small trapdoor beneath the hidden door. That’s strange, he thought, Where did that come fro- Sora cut himself off when looking down he saw Kairi’s oathkeeper charm wedged under the trapdoor. Another muffled scream came again, this time directly below Sora. He leapt without knowing what to do, camboring through the door, Kairi, hang on. He inched his way down, careful to not cause his presence to be revealed. Gazing down the dusty ladder, only darkness greeted Sora, he leapt, down into the void, unafraid.
    Thread by: Destined, Jul 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Destined

    The Destined

    Kingdom Hearts: The Destined

    This is my Story of the Week from may back when, but it's been given a good boost up. I could go on to explain it, but that's not my style. I hope you enjoy more to come. By the way...this is not exactly short...think of it as an epic.

    The Destined

    One year ago​

    The darkness welcomed him. It encompassed his mind, penetrating his soul, but something seemed out of place: I can feel. As this thought echoed in his mind, a blue glow spread out in front of his eyes and a disembodied voice called to him. Fight the darkness and become the embodiment of the light and dark…take my hand, together we can embrace your Destiny.

    --Three Months Later--

    The sun was cresting over the tired landscape. This morning, something lurked, unchallenged, emotionless. The tranquil morning was shatter when news spread across the kingdom, the royal princess, has been taken.

    Soon, metallic stars began twinkling through the early afternoon sky. Militia ships were converging on the traumatized world, twelve ships in all; each with a different design indigenous to the representatives world. The twelve ships began transmitting the necessary docking cods and landing on the castle skydeck. As the representatives exited their ships, rumors began to creep across the world from a declaration of war was being formed, to the conspiracy of a military coup. Still, the 12 individuals walked unencumbered through the castle to the Room of Declarations.

    The room was circular, with holo statistic screens linked to each chair that were situated around the room’s focal point; the Triforce pedestal. Ornately carved with glass marble, the Triforce pedestal was carved to represent the very sacred triforce of old. As each individual entered the room, gossip could be heard quietly emulating around a central thought: fear. Two twin frosted glass doors rose up into the ceiling, causing all conversation to halt as the secondary leader entered the room.

    She moved with a set grace, an aire of importance, but her complexion spoke a different tone, the last 24 hours having drained most happiness from her solemn eyes, tiredness in her voice. All the representatives rose as she passed, showing different means of respect, whether it be a slight bow or a loyal gesture.

    As she rounded the Triforce pedestal, she paused. All eyes followed her gaze to the twin thrones of leadership, where the left throne stood empty.

    The room remained silent until the secondary leader took her place on the right throne. She had not asked to have the second throne removed, because she did not desire the royal princess to be….she looked around the room and signaled the representatives to take their seats.

    From behind the shadows of the secondary leader’s throne, a small, determined speaker rose to a podium situated near the head of the Triforce Pedestal. He approached a worn leather logbook and cleared his throat. “Your Highness, ladies and gentlemen’, he stated, motioning around the pedestal, ‘you have been called upon as members of divisions of our great kingdom, and liaisons for our allies.â€

    Ten sets of eyes moved from the speaker to the two unfamiliar liaisons situated at the far end. The speaker continued without pause, “…today, are the representatives of the Honor Guardsmen to the Royal Families…â€

    One man sat on either side of the two thrones each the honorary guardsmen for their leader. The guardsmen situated to the right throne was wearing silver and red battle armor and sporting a steely gaze at each individual as if trying to see into their thoughts. The guardsmen of the empty throne wore a sage green tunic armor and sapphire shield, an oddly shaped sword strapped to his back. His expression was blank, but his eyes betrayed the seriousness of the situation.

    “…the generals of our air and space fleets…two agents of the Security & Intel Bureau…Militia Research & Development…myself representing Communication, and finally our liaisons from the Far plane Kingdom; Aeirth, and from Kingdom Hearts, Ansem the Wise. Let us Begin.†The speaker opened the logbook and produced a slim pair of glasses and began transcribing the minutes.

    All eyes turned and focused on the leader, who sat high and proper with her gloved hands resting in her lap. She in turn began. “My friends, fellow citizens. Yesterday you each were summoned for your specific expertise and it is our duty here, to understand the abduction in its entirety, and…†Her gaze shifted to the green tuniced guardsmen, “I feel it is important to start at the abduction. Link, if you could.â€

    Link’s head was bowed, eyes shut while he cleared his mind. How would he be able to describe this…it wasn’t similar to the past attempts, to the point of emotionless, and those eyes….The room rang with deafening silence, all eyes fixed on Link, many daring not to rush the details. The silence persisted for a handful of moments before Link began.

    “This was not like the other times the Princess has been captured, it happened faster than any of her guards, or I, could react. Near dusk, storm clouds began to form over Hyrule Castle and with it; a brown-gray haze slowly blew into the castle. The gaze materialized into a figure of a hooded being carrying one of the sacred key blades inside the throne room. He struck down all the men, barely allowing them to draw their weapons to defend the princess. He approached me, moving without care and as though I didn’t exist, the entire time his eyes never leaving the princess. I attacked the figure, but he struck back and cast me aside with such force that I…failed her.â€

    A small murmur rose around the pedestal. “All that I remember is seeing those eyes and hearing him tell Princess Zelda that her destiny was at hand. He reached out and held her arm and they both dissolved.†Link quietly said, returning to his thoughts.

    “Thank you Link†the leader quietly expressed, turning her attention to the generals. “Were any ships intercepted leaving Hyrule?†Near the far end of the pedestal, the maroon armor clad Space General Samus Aran motioned towards a holoview of the planet.

    “Met Squad and Fox Squad didn’t register any inbound or outbound ships leaving Hyrule and this smaller display shows a 24 hour delay of the ship deck, again, no activity.â€

    Next to General Aran, General Fox McCloud rocked back on his seat, two feet propped up on the tablet. “If this mystery assailant appeared out of a haze, it is entirely plausible they left by the same means.â€

    The leader worked her gaze to the right of Link, to the Security and Intel representatives. “What were the reports on the guards?â€

    Agent Leon Kennedy was glancing through an organized Raccoon City Medical dossier and lowered it to the table. “Not good, all of the guards were killed, autopsy reports indicate that the guards were killed with a large curved blade, but the doctors are still trying to isolate the weapons shape because in each case in appears to alternate.â€

    Kennedy looked to his right at the Intel officer who sat polishing his assortment of poke balls. “Mew Intel reports that Koopa-Troopas are gathering along the outskirts of Bowser’s Castle, while the Shadow Realm remains quiet on Hyrule, so this appears that this is a localized incident that could escalate†Officer Ash Ketchum announced, checking the shine of one ball in the light.

    Across the table, Luigi piped in with R&D’s findings, “We’ve analyzed the haze from particles in the Hyrule Throne room, but it appears as though the haze was a mere cloud of dust.â€

    More reports began streaming in, as some questions were answered while others were heavily debated. As this was transpiring, Ansem the Wise was slowly generating his own thoughts. The way that Link described the abduction, it appeared as though Xehanort had gone behind his back with the experiments…he must contact the king. As Ansem began to rise, a gentle hand grasped his forearm, slowly pulling him back down. “It’s ok, he’ll come.â€

    Ansem looked down into the soft, caring eyes of Aeirth peering up at him. All conversation slowly stalled on a report of gathering Metroids. The words brought a chilling calm to the room, as if this statement made everything all right. Aeirth’s smiled, sweeping her eyes around the room before resting on Princess Peach, “He’ll come.â€

    A shrill alarm erupted from the holo-displays, breaking the prophetic calm. The room became a flurry of activity as news feeds began streaming in.

    “Princess, a large force of metroids are appearing above all eastern worldsâ€

    “Security systems are crashing across the kingdomâ€

    “Mew Intel is compromised, Team Rocket is attacking Kantoâ€

    “We must get you below the bunker your Highnessâ€

    “Defensive grid power is down below 30%â€


    Princess Peach had risen from her throne; the room became silent, except for the occasional computer chirp of chime of new information. “Now then’ Peach calmly asked, looking around the room, ‘Do we know who has declared war?â€

    Everyone was staring intently at their displays, trying to sort through the details. Toadstool, meanwhile had received and crept from his podium to Princess Peaches throne. “You’re Highness; you have been requested on video one.†All eyes snapped toward the central display.

    A shadowed figure rose in the middle of the pedestal, the only visible characteristics were two golden eyes, an ornately designed curved blade, the rest hidden beneath a swirling gray cloak... The hooded figure cleared his throat and began speaking in an unnaturally icy-calm voice.

    “Be est thou of days of old,
    Cometh to Collect.
    This day brings not words to bore,
    But the Key blade War.

    I challenge you to a game of duel
    Key blades the chosen weapon.
    But knowest this, one thing shan’t miss
    I’ll know if thou smell of deception.

    Another morn, another crime
    Destiny demands.
    Tomorrow at the Sands of Time
    They journey’s meet their ends.

    But knowest this,
    If you laugh in jest,
    You’re loyalties shan’t swell
    For the Far plane has already fell.â€​

    The holo faded to nothingness, all breathing seemed to have stopped when the hooded figure began speaking. A small gasp echoed from Aeirth. Tears began forming, filling her eyesight. “The lifestream can never die…he’ll come and make it right.†She said this to no one in particular, but everyone understood the message. A group broke off to dissect the message, other’s formed battle strategies, but Ansem the Wise knew that tomorrow would awaken to war...

    Chapter 1

    “You’re Homeâ€

    Looking into Kairi’s smiling face, Sora looks around. No more heartless sulking in the shadows. No more Organization members vying to control Kingdom Hearts, it’s over. He smiles as he and Kairi both clasp the oathkeeper together.

    From across the beach, King Mickey smiles, he’s reunited the key bearer with the ones who never gave up on him, his friends. Finally, everything has been put back the way it was, the King thought, wadding in the shallows over to Donald and Goofy. The jubilant reunion should have been one for the ages, but Riku refused to enjoy the moment, with his hands in this pockets he looked out over the sea. He looked out expecting to see endless waves and the occasional seagull, but instead he saw a hazy mirage walking on the surface of the water. Blinking he looked back, she was gone.

    “Princess†he whispered. Riku turned back to the group; unbeknownst to him Sora had seen him staring into the sea and was also looking at the area the mirage had been. But Kairi had her eyes fixed on Riku, with a questioning expression. They couldn’t know, Riku thought, they weren’t there.

    That evening Riku joined in the celebration, although a sense of longing hovered over his persona.

    “You got it Riku, didn’t you?†A small voice spoke startling Riku out of his daydream.

    “Huh?†He looked up; Kairi was standing over him holding a bowl of rice.

    “You were able to get away from the island; you went on an adventure like you always said you would.â€

    “Yea I guess you’re right†he said, accepting the bowl, but only poked around with the chopsticks.

    “Come on Riku, what’s the deal? You’ve been sad ever since you guys got back. Did somethi---“Riku quickly rose, startling Kairi.

    “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’m just tired.†No you’re not a voice stated in the back of his mind, If you hadn’t given up on Sora, none of this would have happened, You wouldn’t have joined Maleficent or the Organization, and she would still be…†Tell the King goodbye for me, I need some sleep.â€

    Kairi was left sitting there on the bend palm tree, staring at Riku as he walked to the docks. “Whatever it was Riku,†she said as she picked up the spilled rice bowl, “It wasn’t your fault.â€

    The nightmare came back. He had the same dream for weeks and each time it felt more and more real. A wide open plain surrounded by rocky cliffs, he was standing at a crossroads while two large armies were positioned around the plain on the cliffs...There were always the same two men, one in a green armored tunic, the other in a silvery red body armor…both men advanced towards him…yelling but no words came out…In the middle of the plains next to Riku, she was there…She was dressed in a flowing purple cloak, blonde hair twirling in the wind, eyes deviant and pleading until….

    Riku woke up, saturated in a cold sweat. It wasn’t true. It’ wasn’t him…they didn’t see…He messaged the sleep out of his eyes and slipped to sitting on the side of his bed, hands pressed to his head. “I’m sorry Princess…†he said to the walls trying to clear her emerald eyes from his mind.

    “I know the truth Riku.†A strong voice from the doorway quietly projected.

    Riku looked up, The King was standing in the doorway arms crossed, the golden keyblade perched under his arm. Behind him, another person was there, standing in the shadows.

    “You are coming with me. You have to fix this.†Riku backed away, searching for something, anything. He found his keyblade but before he could turn around, a blade was pressed against his throat. He looked down; the keyblade was unlike one he had ever seen in Kingdom Hearts, except in the dream.

    “You are coming with us. You are going to end this Keyblade War you started†the figure said moving the blade in the moonlight. Riku looked down the hilt of the blue and golden keyblade and up the green armored tunic, into the blue determined eyes of Link.

    Chapter 2

    Tell me, how can I prove myself to you?!
    The boy thinks we need him, he is weak.
    But still my lord, there was the incident with…the rogues…
    Hmmm, perhaps not all is lost.

    The sounds of dripping water brought Riku back to his surrounds. He looked around, noting that King Mickey and Link were walking silently in front of him, down a long winding gray hallway, that seemed similar to Riku, but he couldn’t place why. The King slowed to match Riku’s pace and turned with a look of sadness in his eyes and calmly started to speak.

    “Riku, Do you know where we are? “ Riku shook his head no.

    “We are deep below Ansem’s Laboratory, I uncovered something here after the battle against the Organization, it was a small holodisk the likes of which I’ve never seen before. I tried to show it to Leon but he refused saying that it was just another lie. It was in a language I couldn’t understand, until I entered your secret place on Destiny Islandâ€.

    Riku stopped walking and paused, the King realizing he had stopped, paused a few steps ahead. “King Mickey, I know that room better than Sora and Kairi, there’s just cave drawings in there.â€

    “That’s what I was told too Riku, but I found another secret door.â€

    Riku walked ahead in silence. In all my years on that island, I never once saw a door besides the door to other worlds. While Riku pondered this discovery the King was still talking.

    “Well, while I entered the room, I found a terminal and this particular holodisk fit inside. Gosh, before I knew it, it started to tell me about other Kingdom’s besides Kingdom Hearts, a war brewing and that Destiny Island was the gateway between the worlds.†Riku was speechless. Destiny Island, HIS Destiny Island was a gateway?

    “That’s impossible. Wouldn’t we have known of other Kingdoms?†Link paused turning around, anger in his voice and one hand on his keyblade.

    “What it means, is that your island, is the center of the universe, a gateway between the three kingdoms.â€

    “Three….three Kingdoms?†Riku stammered. I only know of Kingdom Hearts, I thought the world was part of…it was just a dream…Link had turned now and was advancing towards Riku, the King standing the middle ground, hands held high.

    “You know all about the other kingdom, MY kingdom. They planned the attacks, you baited our armies and you killed…†Link trailed off, his expression becoming clouded, he slowly drew his keyblade.

    “ENOUGH LINK!†The king declared, brandishing his own keyblade. “That wasn’t Riku; I’ve told you before that it--“Link interrupted, “You keep saying this as if it makes a difference. Other or not, my world still fell.†As the King and Link continued to argue, Riku slowly backed against the wall.

    I created…an other…

    Suddenly everything made sense to him; the dreams, the appearance of Link, this secret hallway. He had been here before, but not as himself. He was here, when he fell, became a trapped in the darkness, a glowing presence; emotions lost…which meant, his heart created a nobody.

    Riku turned to the argument, and placed a hand on the king’s shoulder, immediately silencing the two. “King Mickey is…am I…?†Link turned around and continued walking down the corridor. Mickey sighed and continued on, saying over his shoulder,

    “Hurry up Riku, I’ll explain it all when we get there.â€

    Riku watched as his ears bounced out of view and looked into the reflexive metal wall. Who am I? What have I…become? The far off drip of water echoed down the corridor as Riku followed Link and the King.

    Chapter 3

    It felt like hours, but finally, they arrived at the bottom of the swirling staircase to find a door with heavy chains blocking entry. The King walked towards the door and placed his gloved hand on a small glass panel. A laser beam was produced, and proceeded to scan the hand. After a few seconds, the doors internally unlocked.

    “This is where I discovered the holodisk, and…†the King cut himself off, looking sadder than pervious, produced his keyblade and with a beam of light, unlocked the door.

    The doors instantly parted, releasing a cloud of dust and musty air. The three entered the poorly lit room, to see relics and transcripts etched with dust and a single stringed light bulb flickering above. Riku scanned the room and realized that this was not right.

    “King, why did you do that?†Riku asked, pointing to the door.

    The king turned and followed the inquiry and sighed again. “I had to unlock the heart of this world otherwise we never would be able to enter. Take a seat Riku. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.â€

    Riku and Link walked further into the room, and seated themselves around a granite table. The King paced in front of them, determining what to say, while Link unsheathed his keyblade and began to polish.

    “After Sora locked the heart of Hollow Bastion, a new world began forming, which we know now as Radiant Gardens. While Sora, Donald and Goofy were fighting the heartless, I followed Xehanort back into Ansem’s study and chased him down here.†The King paused for a moment, a far off look in his eyes. “I hid while he met other Organization members down here and they began discussing how best to proceed. Xehanort led them to this small room, where they began discussing this holodisk and something about the piping below Hollow Bastion. When they left to confront Axel, I stayed behind and brought this holodisk with me. After you and Sora returned to Destiny Island, the holodisk opened up a door in the secret palace, inside the disk explained a war I had never before heard of, nor believed could exist. A keyblade war. Riku,†The king turned to him, “Do you remember how Twilight Town was created for lost nobodies, and Traverse Town was created for individuals who lost there world to the heartless? I read after hearing this disk, that Hollow Bastion and Radiant Gardens was created for the souls who lost their Kingdom. This holodisk, is the heart of the Far plane Kingdom.â€

    Riku had a hard time soaking all this in. Another Kingdom, a war, and finding out he created a nobody. He turned his attention now to Link who was staring at a faded painting depicting a knight riding a strange bird. “So this Far plane Kingdom, is…was it your home?â€

    Link’s eyes stayed fixed on the painting a long while before turning back to the group.

    “No. He’s from the other Kingdom.†Mickey answered for Link, standing near a stone pillar. “There was a pillar mentioned to me by Ansem before he past, that it would right a past wrong. This is the pillar pipe to the lost Mushroom Kingdom.â€
    Thread by: Destined, Jul 4, 2007, 144 replies, in forum: Archives