hmm. interesting. very interesting. kind of funny got a little scary at the end.
So I've been thinking. Isn't it crazy how big this world is? Moreover, how the universe is ridiculously vast.. Isn't it funny that little kids are less self-concious than "mature" adults? Or how we won't have summer vacation when we're grown up? Am I going to grow up and be boring? Am I going to blend in with the rest of the world? Will I wake up every morning... bored with life? I know this sounds crazy but I really wish I could just stay a teenager forever. I mean sure college sounds fun but what's so fun about it? Drinking? Sex? Excuse me but I am not really excited for that stuff. Maybe it's that feeling being away from home, which I totally understand. But this feeling right now, facing decisions we never thought to face. Friendships that come and go. Changes. Infatuations. Trends. All of this is so exciting. I know I'll grow up, be mature, and have kids. Won't it suck though to watch your kids grow up and miss scraping your knees, opening christmas presents, drama at school, sick days, first kisses, school dances, and pure fun. Just fun. I'm so afraid that when I grow up, I won't be able to laugh at all the things I find funny. I won't be excited to see a new cool video game come out. I won't want to go watch movies just to hang out with friends. I won't have to ride my bike to Chipotle for lunch. This age is so amazing, we have absolute freedom. This may sound strange but it's the truth. Sure, adults have freedom, drive anywhere... but that's about it. But TEENAGERS, we can act like fools, we can be rude, we can be crazy, we can laugh out loud, we can roll in the grass, we can swing on the swings, we can talk about anybody. Adults... can't. Basically what I'm saying is being grown-up isn't half as fun as growing up. These are the best days of our lives.
um. thanks? anyways, i hope my nail grows back. i heard some people's nail never grows back. that's freakin SCARY.
my pinky toe nail fell off. it's quite gross.
definitely a great amv. gave me goosebumps.
i use picasa. photoshop, etc. are too complicated for me :D thanks darky <3
"she turned me into a newt! ....... I got better."
I agree darky. when i first watched it i thought it was completely violent and disturbing. but it's really a good movie. there were certain parts that made no sense to me though.
hmm.. probably your insightful... insights in the intelligent section. i like reading your opinions.
getting ready for formal :D i'll post up pics of me and my date soon. i miss you guys!!
guy: "do you have a map?" girl: "no why?" guy: "cause i'm lost in your eyes." omg seriously eye pick-up lines are the cutest everrrrrrr. EDIT: um. i just realized that my quote is the same as the person before me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD. i'm stupid.
it's true. so is half of the world.