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  1. hahannuh
    I remember quite clearly the name of this thread is DARKWATCH FANCLUB.
    hahaha just messing!! ;D i'm flattered<3

 but really worship darkwatch now.

    the womb.

    shoot Cin i gotta quote you too and i know i'm double posting. YAY FOR BREAKING RULES. is it even a rule? anyways i bet somebody is going to post another post before i post this post. because um dur darkwatch is life.

    Post by: hahannuh, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. hahannuh
    those days are fun
    cause when people laugh at me cause i'm too slow, i don't realize it cause i'm too slow.

    Post by: hahannuh, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. hahannuh
    Darky lives. Forever.
    where is the fool of a took?

    who can name where "fool of a took" is from?!
    Post by: hahannuh, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. hahannuh
    Let me start out by stating I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. So in "technical terms" I'm a Christian. But how scary it is to say that because I'm always afraid somebody will assume that I'm a hypocrite who will try to force my religion upon them.

    1. Wrong
    2. I'm not perfect

    Well my real point of this post is to help clarify why religion is such a difficult subject to discuss. First of all, mindsets are completely different. To Christians, the Bible is the "Word of God" meaning everything in it is the truth. Now, this is where the biggest problem occurs. Christians and others who are religious, base their beliefs on faith and scriptures. So when religion is questioned and Christians answer with "because the Bible says so" it may seem like a ridiculous reason for nonreligious folk but is proof enough for those who are religious.

    Atheists and such also question Christians how they know the Bible is true. "Somebody could have just made it all up." My answer is, I don't know. But I believe because of faith. Faith. The most difficult thing to explain. In my opinion, those who are religious have faith in their beliefs because of their life experiences, how they grew up, or searching for their purpose in life. Also Christians believe that "existence" (another tricky subject) has to have been created by an omnipotent figure, God.

    Well I'm getting tired but I have a lot more to talk about. I hope this thread grows. And sorry if I didn't make sense, again it's a hard concept for both religious and nonreligious people.
    Post by: hahannuh, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. hahannuh
    I don't want to go cliche on you but I'm warning you I'm too optimistic and I'm religious.

    I do agree with your point that this good man's death is terrible and he did not deserve it. But then again, who deserves death? These murderers? Of course not, because if we see death in such a cruel matter (as we did with the 19-year-old) how hypocritical is it to wish for these criminals to lose their lives. Those numb to the idea of killing, they are the ones deserve the most love. Because I believe every human is capable of being good, put simply, living a balanced and moral life. And for the man who lost his life for his brother, do not only mourn for his death but moreover admire his strength. There will always be evil in the world but good will shine the brightest in the darkest of areas. And it takes people who understand this concept (like you and me) to live it and spread it. To represent their ideas and morals not by speech but by actions. For actions do speak louder than words, seen perfectly by this 19 year-old brother.
    Post by: hahannuh, Sep 17, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. hahannuh
    online dating is so sketchy. especially because people can become completely different people, i'm not saying everybody is like that. bu seriously a true relationship can last if you can stand eachother face to face. i mean spending hours together in a day is a loot more meaningful then saying "hi wsup. i love you." i guess i'm being hypocritical because i did have an online relationship and we had phonecalls but it was SO FAKE. i hated it so i just stopped talking to him, and i didn't even miss him. but hey, anything's possible you can meet your soul mate anywhere.
    Post by: hahannuh, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. hahannuh
    definitely, we can play clue and eat cheese squares. my favorites (:
    so how come it's so hard to make you laugh? i laugh at everything.
    Post by: hahannuh, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. hahannuh
    what the heck. your name is lucifer??
    Post by: hahannuh, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. hahannuh
    hmm.. or our sun might implode... causing our earth to steer off orbit. that'd be weird. oh and there's supposedly a galaxy called andromeda which will collide with our galaxy the milky way. yeah that will be pretty dang fun just cause i won't be alive then. i don't even think the human race could survive till then. global warming might worsen, inhancing the chances of skin cancer... cattle might not survive, crops won't grow, drought. yeah everybody will probably die. hahaha just kidding. i really don't know what will happen.
    Post by: hahannuh, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. hahannuh
    hahahahaha nvm i just figured it out.
    foo fighters - best of you

    thanks though (:
    Post by: hahannuh, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. hahannuh
    if you're an oldie at kh-vids you should know this....

    remember when Roxas posted that one thread about this one amv goddess video. okay yeah, if you remember that good. but one more thing who remembers the band and song in the vid?!

    okay if nobody remembers this sorry... pretty vague i know but i'm going insane right now. i like see the face of the lead singer but i can't name the band... AGHGH.
    Thread by: hahannuh, Aug 20, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. hahannuh
    cin is so smexy. hahahahahahhahaha bye cin homie dawg gizzle. have a fun week.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. hahannuh
    NO WAY. is it short?!
    WHAT PAGE?!?!?!
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. hahannuh
    more recent picture of me. yes my room is messy i like it that watch poopers.

    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. hahannuh
    no way! i might go tomorrow cause i have pass so maybe i'll see you (: hahaha but i don't even know what you look like so whatevs. but have fun anyways! i heard the subs are so chill.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. hahannuh
    anyways you should go admin with the jrock site but don't forget to visit us, unless you're banned. oh roxas, you little bundle of joy you.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. hahannuh
    yeah don't change just to get on staff. and roxas even though your not on staff you made kh-vids half of what it is. and i missed you (:
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. hahannuh

    but yeah high school musical pride for life. chyeah.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. hahannuh
    i have to admit. i'm in love with high school musical. i memorized all the songs and dance moves. woot! I'M PROUD!

    hehehheeheheh \ - - /
    Thread by: hahannuh, Jul 5, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. hahannuh


    ya'll know what spam's made out of right?
    cause once i found out.... i didn't eat it for like 3 months.
    but i couldn't get over the mouth-watering taste of... spam.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone