OG kh-vids poem OG kh-vids POETS hahannuh Mish cloudfinalfantasy mari darky Hissora started 01-12-2007, 10:03 PM there was a gangsta named deathspank who was in a clan he made a cool website and that's how kh-vids began He is the god of the website, he is cool indeed But there's only one problem... he is too cool to see! He was busy so he made a proposition And asked Sara and others to take the mod position. Sara kind of scares me so i say "yes maam..." each time she tells me to stop with the spam. The members are awesome, 'cept Mari, she is a bish. And the staff are sweet and cool, especially Mish. Mish had a pic, and posted it on a thread Now every single member wants her in bed Some member's posts get on other's nerves, Especially when the posters are total pervs. Some members here are complete n00bs And randomly say things like "kittens!" and "boobs!" Mari and Mish are scary yaoi lovers They think that boys can be mothers. No offense taken, I'm not offended by you, because I know for certain that you like yaoi too. ;D Roxas writes stories about the members here about how they KILL eachother and live in fear. Darky's rank was blue, then green, poor him Then he stayed purple, supermod, for the win! Mari's life was fun, then emo, then fun, then emo, Then she stayed emo, and said: "This is not fake!" She is emo, and she doesn't care She is so emo, you can't help but stare. mari made an rpg name organaztion she made it in this nation. Everyone on this forum is engaged Except poor somebody, she's very enraged. i will get engaged if shes says yes and if she does i will do my best. cloudfinalfantasy spelled "she" wrong and this poem is getting pretty long Mish is a girl, Darky's a bink Marluxia's hair is layered and pink. there are some talented kh-kids they make sigs, avys, and really dank vids. Mish has a secret that no one must know ~tReAh~ lives in a room full of snow. from all over the world, members click from the us to england to the dominican republic In our RP, Xigbar gets kissed Demyx is 5, and Xaldin is missed cause she didn't read, hahannuh has no way in getting in organization 13: it's a beautiful day Someone got mad and stomped on the floor And that announced the start of N00b War hahannuh thinks that mari is so very nice and that she is cooler than ice Mish's name color makes it hard just to see It's red, color of blood, and it does make your eyes bleed. Unfortunately, people do not post as much anymore, because of the boring threads and noobs galore. Resulting in mass inactivity of the forum. Which is causing my soul to suffer from bordum(sp?). darky can't spell boredom, poor him for spelling wrong he should lose a limb Yummy yummy yummy Stick a straw in hahannuh's tummy hahannuh's tummy doesn't taste good but at least it tastes better than wood In Mari's life, Zexion stalks Nobodies and hearts is all he talks Members like to post their piccys hoping to get comments on how their sexy but some get dissed so the mods get pissed sometimes it gets really boring you can almost here people snoring. But it's always quiet in the night And you can never forget the sight. We talk about movies and music a lot and how borat is funny when he says "NOT!" i like when people post stupid threads it seems as though they have no heads. finished 02-14-2007, 10:08 PM if you want to keep adding more only two lines or you face will be smashed on the floor. -don't copy and paste the whole poem i'll just edit the first post and add the new lines -keep it pretty clean -have fun, be creative, and yes try to rhyme
warning: everything doesn't really make sense. what do you do when you can't even cry? that the emotions you feel are so overwhelming that death seems like the only way to escape? what do you do when you're surrounded by people who are constantly aggravated over the silliest things? what do you do when you should scream but you find yourself speechless? what do you do when the most unexpected thing could happen? what do you do when your mood changes like crazy every day? what do you do when it feels like nobody is listening? what do you do when it feels like they hear the wrong things? what do you do when sorry isn't good enough? what do you do when there seems to be an easy way out? what do you do when you can't think straight? what do you do when you feel hurt? what do you do when crying seems stupid? what do you do when you can't see your future? what do you do when you can't stand life? what do you do? so much stuff has been happening lately. and i feel like nothing is right. i can't seem to grasp onto any positive aspect in my life. and it feels like it's only going to get worse. i wish i could fix it all. but how can i when some of my problems are because of how other people feel towards me? i want to smoke or cut or something. i want to get my mind off all of this. and i don't even know if i'm going to post this forum or not because i'm just venting to people i hardly know. to people who can't see me or touch me. and yet i'm surrounded by people who i should feel loved by, and yet i feel like my own family are greater strangers to me than the people reading this. because if you are reading this, feel special, you know me better than my own parents. ha, jk. hmm some problems? family- mother has been unleashing some crazy anger stuff. she and my uncle haven't been getting along since my grandpa remarried. she's really stressed and i can never talk to her anymore without getting into an argument. she doesn't even say hi. she's like a zombie. friends- my best friend just cussed me out yesterday. over something i still don't understand. i let her yell at me just because i didn't want to make it an argument. did i do the right thing? i don't know, because now we're not even friends. and i don't want our friends to have a hard time between us, i hate drama. school- i just found out i was "misplaced" into one of my ap classes. what the freakin hell, what type of dumbass teacher would do that. gosh, so now i have to do really well on my next test and if i don't i'm prob kicked out of class. worst thing, i'm struggling a lot in that class. more friends- my friends keep turning to me for advice and just venting. i don't mind, but now it's just getting freakin annoying. their stories never change, and it seems like they're not making any effort to improve their own lives. i wish they would stop talking about it and become a little more proactive. art- i quit violin. weird choice after 12 years of violin. i don't miss it, but now it's like i don't have any unique talent. nothing sets me apart and i'm definitely not used to that. i kinda started art classes again but it's so hard to keep up now that school is getting a tad busier. more school- i'm in a reg english class. first non-honors class since like, never. and i'm surrounded by like ridiculously dense people. i can't stand it, i need depth! i need to talk about deeper ideas and more emotions. not just the crust/ thin layer of "facts" temptations- i'm surrounded by drugs, sex, alcohol. i'm straight-edge but with all this stress i always feel like turning to one of these. i don't know what's kept me away from all of this for so long. me- i'm lazy, procrastinator to the max. i will promise to try harder and finish my homework. but gosh, promises like that scare me. i'm not depressed. i'm just stressed. i'm confused and stressed. and although i'm surrounded by so many people and so much laughter everyday, i can't help to be empty inside. no purpose. no joy. and maybe i am just a teenager but i can still feel love. i can still feel worthy. i can feel useful and strong. what is my point here? i don't know. don't reply with an "i'm sorry, i know how you feel" i'm numb to that crap. i want something real, something that will snap me out of this. something legit. peace.
yeah, thanks so much darky!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=2josUqMTUmE this one is actually better of both of them. but yeah i'm in love with these kids!
http://www.dropshots.com/hahannuh#date/2007-09-19/17:00:08 decided to share with the whole kh-vids community, because i do believe it's a decent performance. not my best! please support me and "vote hahannuh to be kh-vids next kh-vids idol!!" haha jk, no voting but yeah. song was written by David Choi look him up www.myspace.com/davidchoimusic www.youtube.com/davidchoimusic he's amazinggg!!!
AGH i just realized it gets cut off on 2 minutes. you guys don't get to hear the bridge :( sorry!!!!!!!!!
http://www.dropshots.com/hahannuh#date/2007-09-19/17:00:08 um hopefully it works!!!! it's not my best performance but i tried! hope you guys enjoy :D OOH crap i gotta give props to David Choi, the writer of this song www.myspace.com/davidchoimusic www.youtube.com/davidchoimusic
hmm probably but i'd rather record with my digital cam because sound and quality is a looot better.
www.stickam.com/profile/hahannuh i'm live randomly, 8-10 california time mostly. haha it'd be cool if you guys watched.
thanks for that. now my dreams will be infested with these little demons.
i'm in. lol i have a live channel you guys should come watch me play guitar/sing.
that'd would be great hissora!!!! thanks for moving this too, haha. and you can make it at your own time so no rush! so yeah you can do whatever you want to it, i just want to make sure that the two guys are clearly seen. thanks (:
that white chunk near the top left corner keeps throwing me off. but holy freakin *^#^!^&%#@&%* Cin you cease to amaze me.
because muffins told him to poop. if you tried to fail but you succeeded what the hell did you not accomplish???
um, i know i probably shouldn't be doing this but whatevz. can anybody make me a sick sig?? with this image... phrase: DAFT PUNK so yeah please let me know. so i can close this thread. and if i'm not allowed to do this (which i wouldn't know cause i didn't update myself with rules but i will soon ;D) don't kill me.
oh Darky, no need to state the obvious. ;D yes i'll try to stick around even though sats are drilling me in the noggin.
i'm just kinda scared. darkwatch you little booger. how have you beeneth? my lord.
you just won........ my respect!! yay.
I actually did this once kinda. For a month I decided to not go on aim, xanga, myspace, all that internet joy joy stuff. And every day of that month I wrote a journal entry of how I was feeling and stuff going through my mind. I still have those pages in my journal and I must admit that month was amazing. It's crazy how deep in thought you can get just with paper and a pen and nothing to distract you. I did get my homework done on time, too; that's a plus :D Oh and afterwards when I went back on the internet I didn't feel attached at all. I stopped checking myspace 30000x a day and I even stopped using aim. I felt a lot less "bound" if you know what i mean. Good luck with everything! You can get through it. Meditate, it's fun.
Mish will i get banned for saying that i would almost go les for you?!?!?!