i remember reading this in middle school and thinking this person was on crack.
lol white vodka makes me sick.. but bacardi GOLD is to die for.
alcohol is bad for your liver. unless it's jd. that stuff is good for your soul.
zomg i've been on stickam.com this loser webcam community. lol seriously though... and i've dled gunbound again, waiting for spore to come out.
taht's why i liked you, you had that dgaf attitude.
i'm blue daboodeedabodie.
lol, well i remember you very well now. i looked up to you when i first started to come to khv. hahaha shadowjak! long time no see.. hows it going?
you are a khv god/captain/dictator <3 and i.. a mere cabin boy.
woah woah woah. beat is vivi?
and i've never heard of you. now aren't you special.
ah fack. LOL... khv never ceases to amaze me *
lol the hell? i miss darky :(
LOL khv ceases to amaze me.
LOL i love you guys. sept 2006 members !!!<3
this is prob really bad spammage but w/e. i'm good, really bored so decided to see how everyones doing on khv. glad to see you're still around (:
not true :P correct me if i'm wrong but where you the one writing very insightful posts in the intelligent discussions?
yay for rockband having flyleaf. you get to scream for like 5 seconds. it's sick.
AHAHAH i just saw that somewhere!!!! but i was thinking the same exact thing. oh and hey cin, how ya doing?
pretty sad actually. dattebayo permanently stopped subbing naruto. *cries forever* ahh i see.. and hottest asian girl? you know what makes me sad?? that roxas never wrote khbr2!!! i was supposed to be in it!! LOL of course i remember you neekah!! you were here before any of us<3
hahaha yes i'm still asian. definitely never was or ever will be lovely. too much of a klutz (: i'm impressed this place is still running on so many fans. still in contact w/ tallian and roxas?