YAY shadowjak for audiosurf!!!! best game ever.
haha i get really nostalgic when i listen to oldd trance songs or when i read my diaries. yeahh being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up. but i'm still growin up so i'm good.
haha i like stupid people. they make me feel better about myself. and i missed youu (:
hey babycakes <333333333333!@#$
what's a user title? and waddap jerome. i dunno you.
lmfao i'm bored. and i feel like eating marshmallowsss!!! it was so hot today 97 degrees or something. i miss everybody and i'm HUNGRY. reply and keep me alive don't reply and suck a go choo
423. page 17. my heart stopped. it can't happen and if it does. i think i might just be the most depressed person ever.
my mom is a liar. i didn't get a puppy.
i am a senior in high school and my head hurts and i dont want to look at college apps i miss being on kh-vids a long time ago. when i was not worried about **** like school. **** it. i'm over school. i just want to get a job to pay for my home and to support my kids but what the eff. this stupid economy just happens to **** us all over so i'm done. i'm just gonna get boob surgery and be a gold digger. done son.
what is this.
ooh nice! i'd have to say the arm on the left (our perspective) is short, making his posture a little awkward. but overall it's a good drawing (:
never. it's more fun coming back randomly. besides never, prob when kh3 comes out.
wrong and wronger. ee for coffEE and string chEEse
7/10 cause you post so facking much.
aaw spark is cute. but i dont think i could name him jacky. my brothers name is jack. LOL where the heezy did you get that name?
definitely a boy lol that'd be so sad.
a jack russell terrier i'm really excited (: i have a few name ideas: roy bruce (yes inspired by the sexy dark knight) but i still need some more ideas... and if you guys think of a name i absolutely love. i will give you my money from my gb account. woo thanks<3
if you could be famous for anything, what would it be? and.. lets say you're dying in your lovers arms, what would be your last words. (besides i love you)
you fail for posting that.
next person to post wins.