bummer that we have all these members yet no one talks. *Sad Face* come on guys say something already!! its boring with just two people talking!!!
lol. this is sad!!! these other people need to get on soon
so that would mean that you live in Brunei on Borneo Island right? i just google mapped that! did you know that there is a place called Roxas...
hey kairi~sora, can you make it so that we can add pics to this group?
i see that your online right now? do you have MSN messenger?
hey roxasrikusora, i tried your hero mode custom form to see what it looks like, but it ended up crashing the game, any idea what might be doing that?
have you found the part in the code that freezes the game? i was just wondering because i just tried that same form and it didn't T-stance me it just automaticlly crashed as soon as i tired to use it. let me know if and when you get it fixed!!
lololololol I am masterchief, lololololol. if you guys love random humor, then you should check out my groups videos on youtube.com! look up Halo 3 Random Moments for a very fun time!!! oogahboogahboogah!!!!
WOW, why is it just me and you talking? arent these other people ever on?
i like to play sports, hang out with my friends, and draw landscapes. i'm not too good at drawing, but i like to do it regardless. other than...
Not anymore!! lolololololol!!!!!!! hey ambrosia, i like your avatar!! kairi is an awesome character!! SORA AND KAIRI FOR THE WIN!!!
did you happen to take a look at the pics i uploaded?
thats pretty cool! i like asia, and japan. i would love to live in either country!! what are some of the things that you do for fun? besides...
thats cool i am in the US. what part of asia would you happen to be from?
for starters, aqua is one of the enigmatic knights that you see in the special ending of KH2. and when it comes to my fav pairings, i would have to say, Sora & Kairi Roxas & Namine Riku & Namine and just because, Kairi , Namine, & Aqua:D
i good as well. :) and yes i am thanks to your help!! it would have taken me a while to figure that out by myself. i have a question for you, do...
thank you angel-roxas. you are a big help. i'm still kinda getting used to this website. i've been on youtube and that, but i have never had any trouble figuring out there set up. this one is tricky though. so again, thank you very much for the help and thanks for the welcome.
hi! 8D *waves back* how are you?
hey rainbow, i like your avatar. who is that supposed to be?
i am glad to see that there are others out there who think that sora and kairi and perfect for each other. the way i see it, they are the perfect example of pure and innocent love.