im getting bored too!! i thought for sure that you get a kick out of that, but i guess not. i need to find something to make everyone laugh in this group. well at least the poeple that still check it!!!
YAY!!! *runs to the corner* MUNCH, MUNCH, MUNCH. *gulp* Thanks!!! i feel better now. now then, why is there still no one talking? i am beginning to become irritated now.
wow!! sayuri gets either a cookie or a lolipop!!! why didn't i get one when i joined? *sad face* seriously though, why does this group never say anything? does no one ever check this group? (I WANT EITHER A LOLIPOP OR A COOKIE!!!!)
have you drawn anything new lately? i would love to see something new in your pics! if i can figure out how to upload my pics without a problem, i...
wow thats cool! at least you have an interest in something that can make your life better. english is the most popular language in the world right...
how do you get your name to be rainbow color like that?
for being from Brazil, you can sure type in English pretty well. how popular is English there?
it just needs to be re-sized. if you can find a bigger version of the pic, you just need to save that pic to your computer, and upload the bigger...
is that a custom avatar pic? the one with your screen name i mean! if that is, thats pretty cool looking! XD
yay!! we have people talking!!! XD how is everyone doing? doing good i hope. lets get a conversation going shall we?
hi there! i see that your new here! first off may i extend a warm welcome to you. XD!!!
nothing much. i've just been bored lately.
hi there! what have you been up to?
hey there, sorry i didn't tell you Happy B-Day!! i wasn't able to get on till now. but, better late than never, right? soo, whats up with you?
i really don't think there is a point to staying in this group if no one is going to talk. what is up with you people? say something!!!! i'm getting bored here!!!
i know. they rep you bad for something so stupid, like mispronouncing a common name! i don't do that. like i said, i give good rep unless someone...
no problem! i good rep everyone, even if they don't know what their talking about. i'm not messed up like alot of people.
doing good. what about yourself?
see what i mean angel-roxas? that's what happens when either no one gets on, or they don't care to check the groups their in. we get a major lack in people who want to talk. we need to get something going to kick this group up a notch. BAM!!! there, that ought to do it. lol!!
good how about you? i read your about me tab, are you really bi? just curious, don't answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable. i don't make...