I would also fight to protect my heart from total darkness, and hopefully get cought up in something bigger like being a keyblade bearer or something of importance.
I agree with Sephiroth 163 alot on this one you guys. The reason he did was not only to save the world and the princesses but for his love for Kairi. I also agree on the fact it must of been hard being only 14 at the time and he had to make a life or death situation or the lives of the others, but take into consideration all the stuff that he has been through up to that point in the game. Sora must of changed somehow, i mean come on he was in fights unimaginable, so he would have to risk his life no matter what, but he wasnt "Killing himself" either just sacrificing his heart to free the others trapped in him. Anyway, Sora is still alive and kickin so far that we know of, and thats fine with me...XD.
1. Final Form- Gliding is one of the most useful things and the funnest..XD 2. Master Form- This form was very powerful and nice to use with it techniques also and is very fast. 3. Valor Form- Its the first and i grows onto you throughout the game, and the fact it as good attacks and various things. 4. Wisdom Form- It has the long-range attacks that are good in cases that you need to stay far away, but it was a pain in the butt to level up. 5. Anti Form- This was my least favorite in the case that you cant revert back to normal when you want, it never levels up, and its annoying when it randomly pops out when you transform, but if I had to use it I would.
I would have to say Kingdom Hearts II, in the sense that it continues the mysteries and drop off story from Kingdom Hearts I and CoM. The best part is the story behind it in my opinion, and the characters like Roxas, Namine, and even King Micky that you get to play in some spots of the game. The new place are not bad either like Land of the Dragons, and the Pride Lands which you can change into a lion cub. So, that mostly explains my reason for KH II, and dont get me wrong KH I and CoM are awesome games that made us want more, its just KH II was abit better in some aspects, but i would play them all infanite amount of times.
Well as Darksmile said, Kairi will end up kissing Sora first by the way they both are, yet in my opinion it will happen somehow where they both kiss in a dramatic scene not by one kissing the other but......you know what I mean hopefully, but that just my idea. There is one more thing that should be involved into this, what about Riku? Dont you think he may be abit jealous, i know he doesnt show much emotion for it but you never know.
This is very nice site you all have here. I joined because im a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts, and most of you all are i would think..XD. Anyway, i hope to have a great time on this site talking about Kh and other stuff. I hope to get to know some of you and become friends.