I think we might see how he got banidshed but he isn't going to be a bad guy cause the game seems much more serious then the others:) and the idea of him eating the whole royal feast is awesome id laugh myself to death if hed do that:)
either one of those is good and then just look a tutorial somwhere its really easy... and i recommend Sony Vegas:)
yay at last im a bunny! and im high ranked too wohoo! :):):):)
Yeah youre right he looks really scary...
isnt that a little rough?? and here in finland they teach us and if you fail they either teach us again or flank us... no detention for being slooowww
Ansem doesn't seem like the revenging type and how would he havr destroyed the mansion?
noooeeesss R-C hasn't made me a bunny yet ;( oh and (\__/) (+','+) (?)_(?) *starts singing banana phone*
oh my god i have to leave like in 3 minutes the computer but don't worry ill come here with my very secret web browser!!! Muhahahahahahahahahahahaaaa *NOTE: posting rate might decrease* AWW... yay R-C is here she will make me a bunny!!! (\___/) (+','+) (")_(")
hi my friends!!! *waves* *eats cookies* yay cookies *ponders why says yay all the time* *ponders why cookies YUMMY* *decides that cookies are yummy cause they are darkside cookies* *thinks of bunnies* *realizes that is not bunny yet* *:nono::nono:*
yay fiendly_heartless is here!!!:)
kk:) atleast then characters more... WARNING: may not be appropriate to small children! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krXP_TUZqsk
yeah i was waiting for her too that she could add me to the bunny list... oh and maeby you should hide before she sees the post...
oh ok thanks for clearing that out and im not sure maeby if i take the double degree perhaps... oh and (\___/) (+','+) (")_(")
is she watching what youre speaking??? tiiän mut lilu???
Lilu what is that??? barber???
finnish i hate swedish i mean the language:) so hard yeah thats nice..
yeah i would have shot myself to the head if you where the guys i thought you where:)
ok:) then i have no idea who you guys are..
cool bunnies!!! did it look anyway near this??? (\___/) (+','+) (")_(")
ninth grade..:)