let us spread word of these magnificent cookies so others will join our cookie eating luxury(?)
I have never had the problem of failing cause i just remember the stuff i don't have to do anything and i just remember them... and if you don't remember GUESS!!! i mean you can't fail if you guess something on every place i mean if you get 3 points like that you won't fail...:)
yeah ive got the same problem its so annoying sometimes when a song gets stuck like that.. Or then the hamster song do you know whats it called???
you know i dont really think that he was banished for eating the royal dinner but and the thing is that the game looks much more serious than the others so i think he won't have a big role...
i don't think that nobody will bother to put it on PSP its not that easy...
The thing is that.. you just have too many states!! i wouldn't remember unless id stude them for like an hour and i just couldn't.... the thing is that i wouldn't stay focused for only like 5 minutes and thats why i hate geography... alltough i know where most of the stuff is but still
wait what youve got a sister??? everybody has got one lol
yeah but i think you can't play GBA games on the DSi
well we can't know yet if hes an unbirth... only time will show:)
Cool il check that out:)
joo niin oon...
thank you but nobody is online anymore... this shucks.. ahh well id better go to sleep soon i have to get up at five...
en mäkään susta (jos tiedän mistä puhut...) mut sit näin kun sanoit sen tuolla radio kuuntelu juttu palstalla...
i cracked:):) omg that is so funny i almost fell of my chair
we need more membahs...
what cellphones is it going to come for cause it doesn't look half bad and i just might get it...
cool man thats a really cool kirby:):):)
aww man don't say that i have to buy a DSi too... i was thanking myself that i had bought the ds cause the kingdom hearts will come to it.. and now i have to get DSi too... i allready have to get a psp too and if they release something on the ps3 ill have to get it too... The games expanding on too many platforms soon i can't get enough money for all of this... even though id go to one sommerjob where i would get 100€ a week... this sucks i don't like this at all... alll of my money will go to this soon.. oh well i think i can magicly get the cash out from somewhere.. edit: oh wait a bundle!! yay i thought wrong!!! yay i don't need to get teh DSi
Jesus did really live but i think that he didn't really do half of the stuff they say i mean maybe they did a deal with some guy that he could make money cause religion was the biggest money maker those days or then they just wrote what they wanted because they would come famous.. Or maeby jesus faked them somehow for some reason we cannot know... unless they built a time machine but that is impossible so i guess well never know..:)
no what i meant is that if somebody is kinda slow and doesn't get the stuff half of the time will you just detention him all the time??