somebodys invisible... hmm... who could it be?? *jumps behind a tree* hahaa you cannot shoot me trough this tree!
hiya people...
wait didn't they fight against him???
Im waiting for it so much that ill buy a psp with it so yeah ill give this a 10:)
im not sure about this but i believe it so watch it if you wan't... heres the link:
id live to help donald duck out in stuff... it would be so great if you could go to the city (which name i dunno on enghlis) but id just love it:)
i think that Ven and Terra will die but not Aqua actually the one thing im mostly waiting is that i get to play with Aqua... and that theory well not a theory but a thought comes from the secret ending video when Aqua stays alive and Ven and Terra (kind of) gets hurt real bad..
ive got the same problem as you but im going to buy the PSP so thats gonna fix my problem!:) but i only hope that i could buy the game and the PSP at the same time so i could get it cheaper and at the same time... And when i do get it i won't stop playing it until one of these terms is fullfilled 1) one ive completed every aspect of the game in every difficulty 2)ive played over 72 hours straight 3)i fall asleep
Yeah youre right but you can't know of the fighting capabilities yet...
¨ I agree with Sho in this 100% his absolutely right:)
I think that they knew about kingdom hearts in the end and fought that Xehanort wouldn't get it or thats the feeling i got from the videos also i think that king mickey (yay!) will be fighting in the end because of the video where they fight and then king mickey comes there and sees kingdom hearts...
I don't think you can change youre weapon even though there is no proof that you can't... but if you could then you would have too many keyblades cause there are three characters.... i wouldn't like it and i think that they should all have just one weapon...
i like the idea of installing but /\ that would be awful... i even now have to order CoM from the US i have to buy the 358/2 days and i have to order coded for my cellphone and i have to buy myself a PSP and the game and then they would make an extra story for me to buy??? i soon can't afford this...
aww nobodys here ever when i come...
i don't know she just seems so good for the role... i dunno
DS and DSi... i almost cried out too but then i realized it...:lol:
i must get it... i remember that it was on some kind of childrens Robin Hood movie that we have but i can't get it there... so ill try to find it somewhere...
thats a really great vid and now im sad that i can't use any codes for a guite a while...
i only agree to one theory in that and that is Agua i think that you should change Ven and terra then it would be right:) (in my opinion ofcourse you can never know...)
Yeah that could be possible.. but highly unlikely i don't think it was destroyd at all