well there are commercials and sometimes comes c***py music but there comes good music too and some channels are just hilarious:) with their stupid game shows and stuff..
*nods in total agreement..* well not exactly i think it is better that they finish the game for good that its perfect not that it would be crappy and too early released.. altough i wan't to play it now i think it would be better for them to take their time on it...
You are right about Kyle:) But i dont think that Spidermans voice actor would be good... Who was he anyway?? i can only remember his voice.. But i can't think of Zexion sounding like him..
actually i could better list them then put on a map... remembering what they are isn't hard but where they are thats the difficult part..
We can't know for sure until the game comes out cause you can never guess what nomura has done in the game his a tricky little fella..
i mean the first kirby... the second one looks like it was drawn by ME i mean im so bad at drawing... edit: actually i couldn't draw that... so someone little better than me..
I think that roxas looks good in his clothes but i wouldn't say they are twilight theme... i mean if you mean the town.. And for some reason i think Rikus clothes where better in kh2..
what where?? i always miss the good ones... ive only seen useless stuff i don't tend to find the good ones...
*lies on the ground like someone would whos mind was blown up* Hey you can't do that im the royal bodyguard! the greatest story ever told greater than the bible *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFrufPxjwX0* aww nobodys here anymore... ok bye..
Aww nobodys talking to me... oh well *sits down and watches*
yes exactly that check it out from Google..:)
wait what who can't hide??? R-C isn't here i guess.. RS isn't here either.. i think.. Wait RS is here... *Does the Chicken Dance*
i guess its just fayth and me then..
Yeah let her live she is the queen..
cause i was panicin... he isn't? YAY!
aww they left...
wait what if it is Roxas??
i know i just like panicin...(?)
hey i know!!! if i turn invisible he can't see me!!! *tries to turn invisible* *fails* *panics* *hits the tree* AUH! *starts panicin again*
wait is it Fayt-Harkwind??? oh noes if i can't see him how can i hide??? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH*runs around the tree panicin or sumthing...*