I think it would be only cool if theyd do it without the Disney Characters like of the organization ur sumthing..
i know... How stupid can somebody be??? i mean they don't know how many sides are on a triangle???
i think its a cr*p blade with good looks:) lol
well i actually mostly use pinnacle pro studio 10 or something like that it was really expensive (good for me that i didn't have to pay for it) but its really simple to use and very good.. you can do almost ánything with it:)
i agree dont agree and for the rest that say that don't have a psp i can understand that... but i don't have a psp and im going to buy it because i wan't this game.. same thing with my ps2:)
well that sure is an interesting idea but i don't really think so...
well he wasn't exactly following his instinvt and he was planning and stuff...
I actually used to use that a lot before i got the oblivion...:) and i think its an awesome keyblade too
i think that if they decide to do it then they will also show pete... otherwise what is the point of it?
yes he does use that too but i think that he used oathkeeper when he was in training with master jen sid (can't be sure about that) and he will be using it in BBS:)
i would just luv that but i think the fights would be like that they talk a lot like in DBZ and others like that i mean first talking than they hit a couple of times and then talking again like that:)
say lol to it or something... his so stupid that its funny:)
well why thank you:) and once again you are welcome and they are great pics..
i have started to like the oathkeeper cause king mickey uses it...
i think that it would be stupid if you could change... allthough there could be some kind of reaction command or otherwise they could make use of all those keyblades but i wouldn't wan't to have all those keyblades for all those characters... i wouldn't like it at all
yeah close this up! and good vid man..
totally:) i agree with you..
first of all i don't think that they do but i would love it if they would... and i would watch it atleast 10 times in a row just like the game:) and if they would make it ofcourse it would follow the plot..
hi and welcome to the darkside
I think that they should do a movie but it shouldn't have so much fighting in it... it should have fighting in it but not so much... i would just love to see a movie of kh:)