Not really interested to be honest. I watched the trailer a few hours ago and i can't say i'm impressed. Sci fi Western? Well it will surely be something to be written down in cinema history books, even as a minor thing but i am not really into it, plus ign gave it a high ranking so it must be pretty..., i don't know stereotypical Hollywood film based on special effects to draw attention? I might watch it when it comes on DVD just for Harrison Ford.
The speech bubble says "it isn't?", i don't understand why though and i don't know the first kanji in the word before KH. I'm curious now.
So was Sora a jerk for not letting them become humans again? I'm really confused right now, why did he even fought against them in the first place...?
On the bottom left of the screen, next to the cup icon it says mini game ranking. That's the first sentence, i can't see very well the kanji in the next sentence. Lower on the same side there are prices for something, and some menus about KH mobile as it is written. I'll take a look at the Kanji later.
The first word under Kingdom Hearts says "item". It's too late to try and translate the rest of it...
The Black Keys - I'll Be Your Man
Right, but personally i won't be able to use the computer till later today afternoon. I mean tomorrow, actually today it is already the 31st here.
What do you expect? To see wrinkles on their faces? During BBS they were at their adolescence, KH takes place only ten years later, you can't expect them to have changed much. Plus, as far as i remember Cinderella at her third Disney sequel was designed slightly older but i could be wrong.
How come Jessie didn't snap? The woman was crazy during the D/P episodes...
Hey i am just waiting, and there's always the Leaky Cauldron that will eventually say something.
Smokey Bandits - A son's lament
It's 12:10 AM here... *sigh* this will take some time...
しんで! lol just kidding. So you were using Google translator the whole time? You fooled me here >.> but no, Google will not bring victory, half of its translations to 日本語 are wrong according to my 先生.
Thom Hanreich - Tied Down
これは何をいみしている。 lol dude, you play hard here, we only learned 109 kanji at my class this year and i can barely remember some of them.
for Pottermore? Ugh..., UK is two hours behind...
くそ! 私はわからない三漢字!
Yeah, the exams are this December and i have to study but i'm too lazy at the moment. The hell! I managed to read half of those sentences without help! But there are kanji i don't know in those lines >.>