Sounds like a threat.
Xanthos? You blonde? Anyway welcome to the forums.
lmao Dammit i can't rep you >.> BTW you have no idea how much this topic suits my username especially along with yours ;)
Aha [video=youtube;EegRh8Z4H-o][/video]
That makes sense actually, it's been a long time since i played COM, i didn't remember this. Still, that part of the story doesn't make much sense, i don't understand if it was Roxas, Xion or Riku or all of them having this dream or whatever.
Why can't we have more of Sunshine Superman?
Meh..., i know what i want but i can't have it. If you give it to me i'll worship you like a God not
Gotham I am pretty sure there is also a Gotham City somewhere in middle East. That city sued DC about a year ago or something, can't find it though.
Personally i can't say i care that much, i just made a Facebook account and i'm not even sure if i'm going to keep it. I understand the whole privacy thing and they do have a point to be honest, the fact that you can never completely delete your account (or as far as i've heard, you can do so but it is a huge process) is a huge drawback for Facebook and i know a lot of people complain about it, but even if there is exploitation of personal info then what...? Will this or that company will know that you don't like their products... I can't say i get it... I believe that this: has already covered what i wanted to say but just to expand on it a little, as Christhor says, Facebook is completely filled with useless information, i seriously doubt if the U.S government (or any other government or governmental organization like F.B.I which is known that it takes info from Facebook - yeah they are soooo lame....) would care enough if person A dates person B and now things "are complicated" because of person C and whether or not person D will go on vacation with his/her mother or that among your interests is reading books and playing GOW. Plus, those info are just a minority of details that form a human's life. I know that a lot is going on about governments that want to control everything but this will never happen, no matter how much control and violation of privacy is put upon us. Besides, false info is always a choice... I get you there, it is annoying, i have a friend who is constantly loged in on facebook, posting, pressing the 'like" button and all that Jazz and it is kind of irritating but it all comes down to ones way of using technology, we can't say "internet/facebook/this or that is bad", it is the way we are using it. If there are people who are being sucked into something like Facebook and spend money on pointless games that is their problem. As for the friends that you or any other person can't keep in touch with them, it is a lie and you know it. There is always Skype, msn, aim, mails, phones, txt messages etc. there are always ways of keeping in touch with others, we live in 2011, saying that Facebook is useful that way is just a lame excuse... ^This. Exactly this. +This^ First myspace, now Facebook, they might as well just want to be the next big thing out there.
^This Maleficent + Marluxia in HD = WIN! I am still in doubts though concerning the progress in the KH graphic engine. Humans + animals means a lot of trouble
To put it into Jun's words "I demand compensation!"
As interesting as this is i can't help but laugh at the nose thing. So when i run out of ideas i should start breathing from my left nostril...?
It keeps getting worse...
O.O No way he's Hulk! >.> I disapprove.
Oh, what do i see? It's that rat again. I haven't seen you in a while *brings pesticide* Bring it.
Meh..., what exactly...? Anyway, Dokkan Dokkan Paradise/Dragon Soul is awesome.
Well yeah, but not Edward Norton's version, didn't they made another new version? Or making it, i am not sure.
FFX-2 I have played this three times XDD The battle system is addictive.
And it still doesn't make sense that this movie was erased from Marvel's movie continuum. I really like this film, must be the best super hero film no kidding.
A Mudkip motorcycle? I WANT THIS.