"Yeah swure. Whatevwer." Sora walked over and sat down on the soft coach. "Swo now what do we do?!" "Why, ello thwere sephy." Sora said smiling.
Sora points at Xemnas out of annoyence, "What that suppwose to mwean?!"
Sora blushed a little at the comment. "Well, i hope i twurn back swoon. I HATE being a wittle kid!!!"
"Well, that's nothwing new...." sora replied.
Sora pouted some more and looked over Roxas's side. "Swo, the same thing happwend to Hayner and Olwette?"
lolz that would be scary...
"Hey! It's not fwunny!!!" Sora pouted. "Yeah, same to ywou too."
OOC: Ok. I got permission and i'm starting! BIC: Sora walked down the streets of Twilight Town crying. "Why did I have two change into a wittle kid? Why couldn't Wiku?! This is swo not cool..." He then started to think. "Maybe I shwould go and see Woxas about this..." And with that, he stumbled his way over to the Usual Spot.
XD I bet that suck'd.
k thnx! Oh and just to let you know, it's hard for me to get on the internet so i might not be posting for a bit. Stupid School...^^;
-wipes pie off face- lol Soooooo true. XD -tries to catch up-
Ur welcomez!!!-chomps on cake till gone- Wow... at at it soooo fast... i didn't know what kind of cake it was. What kind was it? X3 lol
.........*Q*.....OMFG!!!! I know what we can do....-splits cake in half- Let's share it so i don't get that temptation.^^ -gives cake- Here you go...
Ummm... you know the RP Kingdom Hearts...Kindergarden?! Well, is it okay if i join as Sora? I asked and they told me to ask you. Sooooo...yeah.
OOC: Kk. I'll ask.^^
k. Mine is shads_shadow@yahoo.com you can call me Silver.^^
OOC: K....Did anybody take sora? If not, could i join as him?
COOKIE!!!!-takes treat- I don't think i can download anything since i have to use my mom's computer. (faster internet...) you want my yahoo?
Dude, AWSUM Mickey picture!!!! I luvs it!!!!1!! XD
Yay!! I'm actually cool!!!-squees- And i have a yahoo. Is that okay?