eh this girl who is my friend is annoying me and im like trying to ignore her but she still talks to me like i am her friend. So i have benn...
so how is school going for you?
oh. i bet that's fun. And i'm sory for not answering for a while. a lot of things came up. most of them were at school....
XD lolz. That would be hilarious!!!! Well, since it's been awhile since i've talked to you......wats up?^^
lol! Don't worry. It'll happen one day because someone very stoopid launched a car through the school window.........
lol. Okay, just a week ago, our school closed down for a week because of the swine flu. it was sooooooo gay!!!!
-pokes back- i finally beat Kingdom hearts 358/2 days!!! i was so happy!!!!
So, wat have you been up to? I just learned that my school is cancelled for one day due to the stupid swine flu...
Hey it's me. Sorry for not being on that much. High school is really kicking my butt... ^^; I've also been sick l8tly and very tired so don't...
thnx! And don't worry. You'll get a good grade on some test!!!
OOC: Really...... okay.
OOC: Sorry about being gone for so long...^^; So wat has happened?
In biology, i got 80% and in World history i got 93/100. i did better than i thought and i didn't even study!!!^^
"Vewy excited!" Sora agreed with Olette.
well, i've been doing homework a lot l8tly and we just had a whole bunch of tests today!!! I thought i was going to die!!!!lol
Sora follows Roxas. "Swo are we getting candies?"
"......" Sora didn't say a word.
Sora looks at Vexen, "Uhhhhh..... hi...?" "kindergwarten? Sounds fun..."
Sora looks at the collapsed Sephiroth. "Man, i bxet he's tiwred..." "Like what?"