r u just not tired during the night?
so wats going on? my life is pretty boring rite now because summer is going by SO SLOW.lol
U deserve a hug even though this happen a while ago.*hugs u*
im sorry. i bet tht sucked.
tht sux a whole. we just had a funeral in the school today. a 17 year olod junior died in a car accident. it was really sad. Everybody thought i...
actually im at the end off the school year. it's very late becuz on june 2 i have a half day with my last two exams. THEN I GET TO GO TO TENTH...
lol yea he is. OMGZ we are having exams in school nao!!!T^T
thnx.^^ i asked my history teacher if i could retake the quiz but he didn't answer me... i got mad.lol
better not etter.lol
actually it's getting etter. grades are going up. But i flunked my las history quiz. TT.TT didn't kno anything......
^^ So how's life treating u rite now?
hmm... i think i can manage rite now. I really dont want you to get mixed in with my homework stuff.
eh im just having trouble in school and my parents make it worse by yelling at me. Plus i get sick a lot and i cant go to school like that. Then i...
thts good to hear.^^
im doing fine. it could be better though. How are you?
your welcome sire.
trying to pass high school. i also have been going to the doctorz a lot because of meh back. apparently i pulled a muscle and it was pretty bad....
hey what's up!
idk now i didnt give it to her. she jst ask me to say sorry nd tht was it. it was pretty gay. now she thinks we are bffs again jst becuz i...
dang.... omg i gave the planner to my friend today. She ignored me for the rest of the day! i was so happy. She was so mad at me and when she...