I'm obviously not EvilMan but the code you want is: E002FDFF 0034D45C 1032F228 00000231 01C6C93E 000000FF 11CE0B6A 00000646 (note it has R2 Joker) During the reaction command face down press /\ (doesn't matter but i find the first two reaction commands better) then just keep jumping till you're on the clock tower. Enjoy. Thanks EvilMan for the code.
I usually bottle it up, but when im majorly ticked i either: A. punch my pillow till i feel atleast somewhat better. B. listen to angry music and play a violent(ish) video game.
I seriously hope Australia doesn't take a long time for DDD. But it's still nice to know it may be early August. I second this.
yep. I still have my head so I'm guessing so. Anyway I really enjoyed this event, it was fun and the contests were great, so the only con I can think of is the trouble with the whole evidence thing. But overall I found it a very enjoyable event and I'm really looking forward to the next event that happens. Keep up the good work. ps. thanks for the pin ^^ pss. congrats to the winners.
Yeah, and whats worse is that the 3ds is region locked -_- (CURSE YOU NITNEDO!!!) apparently which sucks. Why can't they be nice and unlock the 3DS or better yet release the final mix games in other countries!? edit. call me crazy but its like the 3ds is just asking to be hacked to make it region free.
Can't wait for it to be realeased in the pal region. hmmm.... I can't help but wonder if that means they'll add something to the EU and NA versions.
I like the idea of alt costumes to be added since I think it would add to the game being in a different costume. In my opinion having an alt costume would add to the game time and would be enjoyable since like in bbs i really enjoyed the little bit when i got to play as ven, aqua and terra in their armor so i'd like if they added an option to change your costume in kh games.
Yay zexion/Ienzo will be back and will talk (refering to Ienzo in bbs) so I wonder what the plot will be with him... but anyway im happy that he'll be voice acting Ienzo/Zexion again since he's one of my favorite org XIII members. As for the discussion with Sora, I dont majorly have anything against his voice as younger sora, since it's not his fault and it's better that they didn't/don't try and get another voice actor for yonger sora since it would probably a fair bit different so its better to just stick with the original expecially after all this time. eg: Namine after kh2 she got a different english voice actor (still dont know why) and to some people that made an impact, since it wasn't her kh2 voice actor. So it would be odd having someone other than Haley Joel Osment doing the voice for yonger sora since he's been doing the voice for sora (execpt kid sora) for this long it would be weird having another voice actor for him. It would probably be (after a little thought) the whole thing with mickey mouse again (rest in peace Wayne Allwine) since there has been discussions about mickeys voice actor in bbs since it seems like alot of people doesn't like his new voice actor. sorry for rambling and if i've worded anything bad
because of the internet im using i only looked at the last minute since people are talking about it, and all i got to say is: "holy-..... crap". must wait to see the rest of the trailer *mopes* after seeing the last minute all i gotta say is: "much better than the previous trailer" who is mysterious red eyed figure?! grrrrrr
here's cloud. dont expect any romance from me but hey i'll be in the spirit, more or less. thats good to know, since i was worrying about the time zones
the 10th anniversary bunndle is dissapointing in my opion since i already have days and re coded so i wont get it but i may get the extra stuff online with any luck and the kh 3ds depends how much money/munny (yay kh reference) i have and if it gets released where i live.
sign me up as a single please. note i may not arrive because the whole time zone thing, so i may miss it. but i'll try to come. also how do we "arrive" at the event? guess i'll (and everyone else) will find out sooner or later. just a quick note friendship will be as far is it will be going, well for me anyway.
I think it wont happen. why? because lets have kh2 for example he had kairi's good luck charm with him but it wasn't till pretty much half way through the story/adventure when he actually got oathkeeper.
If only the cutscenes and the gameplay actually looked like that...... anyway they look great. Thanks for the update
My fav kh2 character would be Roxas, I would pick Cloud but i'll just go with a kh character. besides Roxas is a fun boss and he's a playable character why is roxas my fav? uhhh..... just as i said before fun boss and a good playable character also i like Roxas's english voice and I like his personality
i'd rather be a side character since im a nobody (i could ramble but i ain't) so yeah im a side character, good or evil side character i dunno, i'll stick up for what i believe in.
To be honest I dont know which im more excited about, the trailer or the download for the new dearly beloved. also on a somewhat random note; I wonder if they'll add the older trailers on the site, probably not but who knows. anyway more on topic i definitly cant wait for the trailer, it will definitly be 8 minutes well spent
would i be able to do stuff with psn with it? since i made a psn account yesterday and i need to activate my psp but its wanting me to upgrade my firmware to activate my psp. also im guessing i dont need a magic memory stick or pandora battery to install the cfw?
I have a psp 3004 with 6.39 ofw with just a normal battery and memory stick and i'd like some help with cfw for it, I've found a bit of infomation here and there most of which i don't know how old it is, so i don't know if i can get cfw on a psp with is version 3004 and my firmware. Also i'd like to know if I should get cfw considering my psp version and firmware, and what is a rough estimate of bricking it if I try to install it? also sorry for asking all of this and if im a pain for asking and extremely sorry if my wording is terrible. thanks in advace if im not allowed to ask about or talk about cfw then please lock it, with my apologies and if im allowed to talk about it and this is in the wrong section could someone please move it
Ok. Sorry let me re word my question. How did you record it? like you said you recorded it from KH2 FM but how? eg: recorded it with dazzle, pcsx2, other sorry for asking but im just curious how it was recorded on a side note. I hope you enjoy and have been enjoying your vacation