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  1. FF Cloud 7
    Ok. thanks for clearing that up.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. FF Cloud 7
    I guess I'll just hope that they'll re add it to the site or something. I'd rather get it myself i think it's safe to say that its the direct source (so never been through some video editing program) that kh-vids has but as i said i'd rather do it myself. thanks anyway I appreciate it.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. FF Cloud 7
    On the website does anyone know how to view the of the "Special Trailer"? I just can't find it.

    Thanks for the update Krowley.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Aug 28, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. FF Cloud 7
    well it looks like i won't be able to participate sorry (thus the reason i said " but I'm not promising anything") i'd love to but a few things came up so... yeah. once again sorry. still you can bet i'll watch it when the MEP is finished. hopefully next year i'll be able to participate.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. FF Cloud 7
    I might be able to do something but I'm not promising anything.

    A few questions though.
    1. Is there anyway idea what date the MEP parts need to be done by?
    2. Would whoever be able to upload their part to youtube or would it have to be mediafire or something?
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 28, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. FF Cloud 7
    i'll take a guess and say PS3 but depending on the release date it might be on the PS4 but if it got released next year or the year after i'd say PS3.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 28, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. FF Cloud 7
    Since i don't know if you still want me to answer i'll answer anyway and put it in spoiler.
    since im guessing you're using pcsx2 and i'll guess that you're also using pcsx2ce, if you're not using pcsx2ce it should be the same thing more or less anyway, but for this guide i'll say pcsx2ce.
    Note. Im having the names of the cutscenes if you're using Xeeynamo's English patch.

    step 1. input the code (00348D68 0000006d) into pcsx2ce and press "save".
    step 2. open the pcsx2 program.
    step 3. uncheck "enable cheats" (which you'll see if you press the "system" button.
    step 4. run kh2fm.
    step 5. go to theater mode.
    step 6. go to roxas's 6th day: summer's end.
    step 7. watch the cutscene (not fully) "at the dark margin".
    step 8. pause the cutscene.
    step 9. minimize kh2fm and go back to the pcsx2 window.
    step 10. check "enable cheats" (which is under "system").
    step 11. reopen the kh2fm window.
    step 12. press F9, wait a few seconds and press F9 again.
    step 13. resume the cutscene and press R2.
    (optional) step 14. skip the cutscene.
    step 15.go to a different cutscene example: "the reason sora was chosen.
    step 16. if above was done correctly then enjoy the relocated cutscene.

    and that should be it. enjoy. hope the guide helps
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  8. FF Cloud 7
    I'm pretty sure you need the Neo-Map String Modifier code which is:
    00348D68 0000006d
    20348D6F XXXXI2I1

    depends if it's in theater mode or not you can use only the top line of that code (00348D68 0000006d) and activate it in whatever cutscene is in a location you want, so if i activate it in a cutscene thats at the dark margin example: "at the dark margin" the next cutscene you choose will be relocated to the dark margin. instead of repeating what i said, you should probably look at my post on page 47 in this thread.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  9. FF Cloud 7
    (may not have understood correctly if so sorry) If you mean eg. roxas vs sora at the dark depths. you should use the Neo-Map String Modifier code:
    00348D68 0000006d
    20348D6F XXXXI2I1

    guessing you're using pcsx2 turn cheats off (in the main pcsx2 windows), start kh2fm, go theater mode, watch a cutscene (not fully), (tip is the pause it) go back to the main pcsx2 window, check "enable cheats", go back to the kh2fm window, press F9 to go to software mode (at a guess) press it again (to go to the mode you were on before), go back to watching the cutscene, press R2, pause again and skip the cutscene to go to the theater mode then choose a cutscene you want to be relocated.

    tip is to use the only first line of the Neo-Map String Modifier (00348D68 0000006d) since the 2nd line is to access locations than the ones in the cutscenes in theater mode. so to try clear all this up a bit if you activate the first line of the Neo-Map String Modifier at a cutscene that takes place at "the dark depths" (eg. showdown of fate 2), when you choose a different cutscene (eg. sora vs roxas) sora and roxas will battle at the dark depths instead.

    sorry if this makes little sense, my wording isn't that good. also depends on where you want to relocate to but you could ask me for the code and i'll see what i can do (i haven't fully got my head wrapped around the 2nd line of it yet). thanks to whoever made this code.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 20, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  10. FF Cloud 7
    with the save file you should probably check gamefaqs:

    as for the metal umd case i think your options are:
    A. send it to sony and have them fix it (take your memory stick out if you chose this option just in case.)
    B. try DIY to fix or replace it and look on the internet for a guide.

    sorry im not much help. but do you know if your psp is still under warranty?
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 12, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. FF Cloud 7
    34.99 euros? i'll wait till NA gets it (if NA gets it, which will probably happen) seriously thats more expensive than the game itself.

    still don't you think it's unfair (please don't tell me lifes unfair, ect. i know it all too well) that for the 10th anniversary of kh the pal region doesn't seem to be getting any special package or anything? since japan got a lot, you got the MoM edition and we get just the game. besides with the soundtrack chances are NA is going to get it (if they didn't i'd be surprised, if not then i guess wait for the price to go down and then buy it).
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 12, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. FF Cloud 7
    Cloud! :D when the time comes i'm so gotta try and get it from ebay *crazed look* heh heh heh heh heh

    because when it comes to KH the PAL region are nobodies? :/

    thanks for the update
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Jun 10, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. FF Cloud 7
    i doubt it is true. but if it is i wonder if in kh2 hd yeah they would upgrade the detail and that in the character models but will the add some of the changes that were in kh2 final mix from the top of my head im thinking leon how the red Griever emblem is on the other shoulder. and another thing i am wonder is will kh com and days hd cutscenes be real time or pre rendered. anyway it will be good to see those games in hd (mostly days) especially the fmvs. and they better add theater mode to kh1. hope this is true (as i said doubt it but one can only hope).

    thanks for the uhh.... rumor ^^
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 30, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. FF Cloud 7
    Spiders and webs. they scare me half to death. nuff said.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. FF Cloud 7
    Well i enjoyed the trailer (yay english) personally Riku was the best voice there. I think roxas's voice needs to be a bit deeper I think.... as for lea his voice also seems different but when axel says: "yeah" he sounds like he use to so maybe they wanted quinton flynn to sound a bit different as lea? anyway i enjoyed young xehanorts voice.

    Ps. in some of the scenes are the colours different from the japanese version of this trailer? (i think so but i'd like other peoples opionions.)
    eg. 8:33.
    (thanks in advance)
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. FF Cloud 7
    I'd like a re: Days game, with graphics update, fix glitches, more cutscenes :D (cutscenes they showed in theater mode not the cutscenes with in game models), and more features or something. But to be honest If such a thing does happen as re: Days it would probably be on some kind of (portable) console with two screen.
    I gotta agree with Mixt here. Also I think with the xehanort saga KH3 will be the one to go "back to console" others will be handheld (putting into consideration if we get more games in the xehanort saga other than KH3).
  17. FF Cloud 7
    romance... what does this mean?

    for me i guess a romantic date would be: nothing bad happens (eg. a serious injury to someone), a few hugs ^^, holding hands, everyone was happy at the end of the date, laughing, a decent conversation, and a little bit of light flirting?

    location can matter but just depends on whats going on and that.
    I may have forgotten something but meh, besides I don't think romantic stuff is a strong point of mine.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 14, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  18. FF Cloud 7
    I have a feeling it's gonna be a spinoff. i very much doubt it's KH III, too soon.

    anyway thanks for the update Mike
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 9, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. FF Cloud 7
    pitty this isn't a poll

    I'm voting for Geneisis.

    reason being: (Crisis Core spoilers)
    During his fight with Sephiroth when Genesis was doing one of his attacks he didn't get to complete it because of Angeal, so that MAY have been a powerful enough attack to do major damage (which we obviously don't know but one would think so because of what Angeal said).

    Then later on one would think he was weakened thanks to his degrading,

    and near the end of crisis core after being Genesis Avatar I think it's safe to say that it took alot out of Genesis so one would bet he wasn't full strength during that battle.

    But thats my opinion anyway, but really it's unclear how strong genesis really is.
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, May 9, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  20. FF Cloud 7
    1. What/Who inspired you to become a voice actor?
    2. What is your favorite food?
    Post by: FF Cloud 7, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects