Still no luck sadly. Previously I had tried removing the jokers and the other bit of the code (so I've ended up with the same codes as you said) but yeah no luck. I knew about the joker thing, but I do appreciate you saying that. I'm guessing you've managed to get that code to work on pcsx2? Sorry for all this.
With the movie mode code: Spoiler Code: 2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000 E002FDFF 0034D45C 003496BC 00000001 003497CC 00000001 E002FEFF 0034D45C 003496BC 00000000 003497CC 00000000 I can't seem to get it to work properly in pcsx2, the 1st two codes (no subs and no hud) work fine but the rest just won't work,I've tried chopping up the code but I just can't seem to get rid of the black bars in cutscenes (which I think is the purpose of the code). Note. i've tried emuhaste and pnach neither worked. Thanks in advance If I understood correctly, for 2nd request the code is: Code: 201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D Hope it's what the code you're wanting.
2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000 E002FDFF 0034D45C 003496BC 00000001 003497CC 00000001 E002FEFF 0034D45C 003496BC 00000000 003497CC 00000000
201C9A80 0000102D 201C99A0 0000102D
Yeah I know. Well from a quick look (my internet is terrible thus the reason it took 20 times longer) I can't find it on kh-vids or kh13, I'm guessing the info is fake. but at a guess I read it from: Don't know about the persons source or anything, not going to check but at a guess that's where I read it. Voice acting would be nice obviously but I'm good with the text bubbles.
I thought I could remember reading that the text bubbles in that cutscene were going to get voice acted instead. But I could be remembering incorrectly or something. But I'll try to find it, worse case sanario I won't find it because it never existed.
That looks amazing (and Riku and Xion are smiling, thats a rare sight). The keyblade Chair looks amazing, the art style is different, nice but different than what we usually see, the colours are nice.
It's sad they have no choice but to re record Mickey and Diz with their new voice actors in Days. So I wonder about KH1. Isn't the cloud vs sephiroth cutscene suppose to get recorded (can't remember) If so then we'll know that sephiroth's new voice actor will have to re record the battle lines (when you well sora, fight him). It'll be good when we get an english trailer so THEN we have a better idea whats happening with the dubbing.
Well this has made my day (no pun intended) much better. I couldn't help but laugh a little (happiness) when I saw the picture. It will be intresting how Roxas will sound in this, and I know Days had/has my most liked voice for Roxas so it will be intresting to know what happens. Since after hearing the battle sounds I dont really know, so hopefully this time (compared to DDD) Roxas' voice will be a little bit deeper not too much but it did seem that in DDD his voice was a bit higher pitched (If I remember correctly, something was different anyway). It will be good to play KHFM in english (since playing the the normal KHFM yeah... without knowledge of Japanese it does make it much tougher (updates are fun but yeah tougher without Japanese knowledge) Thanks for the update :D
*Breaks down door* Here's Johnny! (nah not really) now gimme pin. Happy New Year everyone.
Well Sora and Kairi look much better and Riku looks better also, It could be my imagination or do their faces appear a bit thinner? :^/ Its strange that the black with the flames seem to appear on pcsx2 and not the normal ps2. Cool, but strange... but they do appear different in the HD (that or just distance making an illusion). One thing that will be interesting though is if they add more effects in this.
Intresting that it's going to be also playable instead of just a trailer, and hopefully THIS time Zexion will get some screen time. As for the whole remix being released overseas I honestly don't know. On one hand. as said by Nomura its suppose to be part of 10th anniversary. and they'll probably get more of a profit selling it overseas since the PS3 isn't dead. But on the other hand it may be a Japan exclusive for whatever reason, But fortunately the PS3 is region free so worse case sanario you can import it (putting into consideration they don't put region lock in).
I much rather the command menu since in the other games yes you do use attack but its not as worthwhile using the attack command partly since you can't do any amazing combos or anything. I'd rather have spells and some summons over the command deck but hey that just me. Personally the abilities in the other games just... are kinda dull really while in kh1 and 2 they feel more worthwhile gettings, like it'll make a difference.
Currently I've ended up uninstalling C++. But I've heard a few things which i'll try and with any luck they'll work. So worse case sanario I may give codeblocks a go. Thanks.
I find CCleaner as a very useful. I can't really add more to what Misty and Fate Testarossa are saying but i've found on windows 7 atleast (don't know about vista or 8) that cleaning with the internet options feature doesn't properly delete temporary internet files while CCleaner does, (so eg. youtube videoes and whatever else doesn't get deleted but CCleaner deletes them). So since it seems you want peoples opinions on CCleaner I'd say it does a great job for what it's purpose is, much better than the built in stuff.
Do i hate people? Yes a fair few people. As much as im sick and tired of this hatred and what to forgive them it just doesn't go away. Grudges? yeah... no suprise really since I hate those people. All it takes is one thing to be said or one thing to be done and then you can dislike that person, its sad really. Hatred and Grudges isn't worth it. I know what its like to dwell on the past so depending on what it is I might not blame them (for dwelling on whatever). the past can't always be forgotten but the current day is much harder to forget. (re written since for whatever reason i was logged out and this re write isn't as good but whatever. So I apologize if for some reason the previous one shows up here unlikely but. happened again so sorry if this particular version shows up again)
I'm not good at intros so I'll cut to the chase. Pretty much yesterday I downloaded and installed microsoft visual c++ 2010 express for one purpose only (compile the xvid codec), I've followed the guide from their install.txt and when I try to build libxvidcore the build window thing says: 1>------ Skipped Build: Project: libxvidcore ------ 1> ========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 1 skipped ========== I've tried searching the internet for awhile with no luck at all. So if anyone could help me, if its someone who knows how to compile xvid or someone who knows microsoft visual c++ a fair bit, to tell me anything that might be helpful. Any help would be greatly appriciated. Also could the help not lead to a link, thanks. Additional info Spoiler I have nasm install. Using windows 7 32 bit. When i try loading the project and the "welcome to visual studio coversion wizard" I press next, next, finish. The first time I do it it says the projects are unavailable but when I close visual c++ and open it again and do it again when they ask me to overwrite it I say no (three times) and once thats over libxvidcore and the others are available. I'm currently trying to build yesterdays daily snapshot however i tried with the 1.3.2 stable release also and the same issue occured. xvid's install.txt (windows bit): Spoiler INSTALL ======= 2.a/ Requirements. ------------------ - MS Visual C++ 2005 or later - nasm installed as 'nasm' in the msvc binary search paths. 2.b/ How to build the VFW frontend from a release tarball. ---------------------------------------------------------- Download the latest source distribution from and uncompress it on your disk. Let's call this directory ${xvidcore}. - Open the workspace libxvidcore.sln located in ${xvidcore}/build/win32. - Then choose the libxvidcore project as the Active project of the workspace. - Make sure the Active configuration is 'libxvidcore Win32 Release' - Build the project (F7) - Open the project vfw.vcproj file located in ${xvidcore}/vfw. - Make sure the Active configuration is 'vfw Win32 Release' - Build the project (F7) - Install the resulting VFW frontend using the xvid.inf file provided in ${xvidcore}/vfw/bin. Right click on the file, and then click 'Install' 2.c/ How to build from CVS. --------------------------- You have first to retrieve the sources from the Xvid CVS repository using a tool like WinCVS. Then follow the normal steps explained in the previous section. NB: your CVS program may not convert text files to the cr/lf windows text. In that case opening project files in MSVC will result in some weird error messages from MSVC. To fix that, you have to convert all .dsp files to the cr/lf format. You can do that opening the .dsp file in WordPad and saving it. It should now be in cr/lf format. Last edited: $Date: 2010-11-16 14:42:07 $ Thanks in advance. Also sorry if i have typo's or if I've worded this badly. edit: Spoiler Ok after a lot of random messing with the setting i've managed to be able to build it (kinda) and i get this error (so still dont have my desired xvidcore.dll file. The error is: 1>------ Build started: Project: libxvidcore, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: xvid_decraw, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>------ Build started: Project: xvid_encraw, Configuration: Template Win32 ------ 3>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\Users\name\Desktop\folder\library\xvid_latest.tar\xvid_latest\xvid_20121117\trunk\xvidcore\build\win32\bin\xvidcore.dll.a' 2>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'xvidcore.dll.a' ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== something tells me i should stop messing with the settings but sadly I wont.
Maybe I'm missing something since I don't have a ps3, but trophies doesn't seem worth it really (especially if you can't get your ps3 online). All you have is a sense of achievement and bragging rights and even though the sense of achievement is good at times there are times where it doesn't seem worth it (but thats just my personal opinion). I'd rather take a secret ending, item or location, something to enjoy thus giving more motivation to play the game (or save file) or a bit longer.
2-3 hours of days cutscenes... awesome and yay to new camera ^_^ My thoughts exactly. Since deep dive was amazing (and personally my favorite secret ending), so I think it would be sad if its gone. So one can hope its going to be HDified and there just being no NEW scret movie. Besides whats's the point if doing all the tasks for the secret ending if there isn't one (apart from the obvious reasons: eg. Dalmations you get an upgrade for aero.) Also one a side note: I hope they add the option for no subs (one can hope)
I like the looks of it, im getting it, import it or not. (Also, YAY for Vexen in HD) Still i can't say im happy about Ansems new face but glad to see Sora's updates though. One thing i dont understand is: why isn't Zexion shown in the trailer? they showed every other organization member that went to C.O. exept him *frowny face*. I really can't wait to see what everyone else looks like in this game/these games.
YAY HD remix! Pitty i don't currently have a PS3. If the release this has an english release then I have a reason to get a PS3 sooner. One thing im concern about is: will the cutscenes for days and re com be in realtime or not? Since in re com they were pre rendered and didn't look as good, so hopefully they don't do that this time. Thanks for the update DPWolf.
Great job, congrats. Your hard work is appreciated. Just know this, when you say how you recorded them i'll be somewhere waiting in the shadows. On a rather offtopic note. Thanks for when you told me how you recorded the kh2(fm) cutscenes. (Late I know but better late than never as they say.)